Chapter 9

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Tzuyu got ready wearing her clothes. Today is the day she will be meeting her twins and hyunjin. She took the gifts that she bought for the twins. Two same toys , two pairs of socks as it is getting cold out their and two pair of shoes for the twins. While for hyunjin she took breads , oversized hoodie and pants that she also bought for hyewon and minju, after all hyunjin loves to wear comfortable clothes. Whenever tzuyu buys something for one of the triplets she also buys it for the other two too. Same goes for the twins.

The other day tzuyu went to shopping and bought these . Tzuyu realized that she has bought all of her kids something but jeongin didn't. So she bought jeongin a toy that is suitable for jeongin. Jeongin was over the moon to get his gift.

Sana and her always made sure that their kids are treated equally. They didn't have any favorites. They loved them equally.

"Minju , hyewon, take care of the house and jeongin." Said tzuyu. Minju and hyewon nodded. Tzuyu kneeled to reach jeongins height.
"Jeongin, be good to noonas while mamas out. " Jeongin smiled showing his teeth and nodded.

Tzuyu then stood up and leave. She went to her car and placed the gifts on backseat. Tzuyu started to drive to sanas parents house.

Meanwhile in sana's house hyunjin was continuously looking outside from the window to see when tzuyu is coming. The living room had a window where you can have a view of outside. She was standing with the twins.

"Sully, yiren mamas going to come today. Let's wait for her here. " Said hyunjin.
"Weally? Mwama ish cowming?" Said sullyoon.
"Yes she is. " Said hyunjin excitedly.
"Yiwen wuvs mwama......" Said yiren looking at hyunjin with her innocent eyes.
"Suwy wuvs mama too. " Said sullyoon. Hyunjin patted their heads and smiled.
"We all do. " Said hyunjin.

"Looks like they are excited to meet tzuyu......." Said Mrs. Minatozaki to sana. They were secretly looking at them.
"Y-yeah....oka-san I think i-i should go out for a while....." Said Sana .
"Sana , you should stay. Let's just say that today you succeed to not see tzuyu but next week she is going to come again. How long are you going to run away? So stay. " Said Mrs. Minatozaki.

She was right. She has to face tzuyu today and show her how fine she is without tzuyu. She has to act strong , she can't melt today.

"*Gasp* mamas here!!! " Hyunjin exclaimed in happiness. She alone with the twins ran to the entrance and  opened the door. Hyunjin ran to tzuyu and jumped on Tzuyu. Tzuyu hugged her with a big smile. In past few days this is the time when she felt true happiness.

The twins did a small run to meet tzuyu. Tzuyu reached their height by kneeling.
"Mwama~~~~" said sullyoon with her cute voice. Followed by yiren .
"Mwama~~~~" said yiren and gave a small giggle. Tzuyu smiled at them. She hugged the two of them at the same time. She pampered them with kisses.

"Mama missed you two...." Said tzuyu.
"We missed mwama too...." Said yiren.
"Yeah, we missed mwama too...." Said sullyoon.

Tzuyu stood up. "I have brought gifts for all of you." Said tzuyu looking at them one by one.
"Wait...." Tzuyu said. She then went back to car and brought the gifts out.
The twins didn't left tzuyu. They were following her to the car. Tzuyu started to walk but has to walk a bit slow as the twins were walking while holding her pants.

"Mama , give the gifts to me. You can hold both of their hands then. " Said hyunjin. Tzuyu then gave the gifts to hyunjin and hold both of her twins hands while walking to the house. Sana who saw this scene was breaking inside. Seeing how happy and excited her kids were to see tzuyu. She asked herself if she was doing a sin by not letting tzuyu meet the kids.

After entering the house the first person tzuyu saw was sana. It looked like both wanted to tell a lot of things to each other. They are standing so close but at the same time they are so far.

"S-show me your room....." Said tzuyu to hyunjin. Hyunjin nodded and lead the way. Tzuyu followed hyunjin to their room.

Tzuyu sat on hyunjins bed with hyunjin. The twins sat with tzuyu. Just like how they always sit. Hugging tzuyu's stomach while tzuyu caressed their hair.

"This is for you......" Said tzuyu. Hyunjin excitedly opened the bag and found clothes for herself. She smiled widely. She was really happy.
"Mama you are the best!! I really like these.....they look comfortable....but did hyewon and minju got them too? " Asked hyunjin worriedly.
Tzuyu smiled.
"Of course. Remember what I said to you three always? " Said tzuyu.
"Yes. What one gets the other two will get the same thing too." Said hyunjin. Tzuyu pat her head.

Tzuyu then continued.
"And this is for you two!!" Tzuyu said while opening the clothes that she bought for sullyoon and yiren. Both sullyoon and yiren jumped in happiness seeing gifts.
"*Gasp* look what mama has bought? Woah it's so pretty...." Said hyunjin to the two. The two child smiled and said, "sooo pwetty....."

"Now give mama a hug and say thank you...." Said hyunjin. Both yiren and sullyoon hugged tzuyu.

"Thwank youuuu......" They said.
"You are welcome. " Said tzuyu.

Tzuyu and hyunjin started to talk together. Tzuyu asked her about her school and all.
"Mama ....I heard that you sold the company." Said hyunjin.
"Yeah I did. I did what was the best for me. The new owner is a good person. He asked me to work with him. Sweetie you do know that I was really young when I got the company?" Said tzuyu.
"Yeah ......I know. You got it in a young age after grandpa died " said hyunjin.
"I had no experience. I just knew some normal stuffs of business. It didn't help after all.......I fell into a trap....sigh....but let's not talk about it today ok?" Said tzuyu. Hyunjin nodded.

"How about let's play some games? Then you can help me on my homework." Said hyunjin. Tzuyu nodded. Hyunjin and tzuyu decided to play soccer. They went to the garden of the house. That place wasn't that big or small.

The twins who were following tzuyu everywhere followed her in the garden.
"Yah sully!! yiren !!go back inside, me and mama are going to have a game." But the twins didn't listen to her a bit. They were on their own world clinching tzuyu's pants and looking somewhere else.

"Aish....two year olds....." Said hyunjin sighing. Hyunjin then looked around and found sana looking at them from the window. But sana wasn't looking at them but was looking at tzuyu.

"Mom!!!!!" Hyunjin called but sana was in daydream. She was staring at tzuyu as if she didn't heard a thing. Tzuyu looked at sana and found her looking at her. Tzuyu stared back.

"Mom!!!!" Hyunjin screamed again but still sana didn't answer. Hyunjin then looked at where sana was staring and found her looking at tzuyu. She also found tzuyu staring at sana. She could see the hurt expression in their eyes. She sighed.
'why did they get a divorce...?' thought hyunjin.

Hyunjin then called tzuyu.
"Mama...." Tzuyu flinched.
"Hmm? You said something?" Asked tzuyu. Hyunjin shook her head. She then looked at sana and found sana was also back in reality.

"Mom!!!!" Called hyunjin. Sana looked at hyunjin and waved smiling.
"Can you take care of yiren and sully while I and mama play??!!" Asked hyunjin. Sana nodded smiling. Sana came to the garden and took sullyoon and yiren with her. She glanced at tzuyu for once then went back inside with the twins.

Sana stood on the near the window with the twins. The twins watched their mama playing with their sister. Sana watched too. Both tzuyu and hyunjin looked like they were having a great time.

Tzuyu let hyunjin win. Sana could see it easily. These little things that tzuyu did for the kids has always made her fall for tzuyu even more. But she doesn't want to fall for her anymore. She wants to forget tzuyu. She wants to be free from the feelings and so she is going to do that. Now this is her vision.
"Mwama!!!!" Called sullyoon. Tzuyu looked at sullyoon and waved back.
"Mwom....wook mwama...." Said yiren pointing at tzuyu. This time yiren called tzuyu, tzuyu again looked back and smiled. This made the younger smile ear to ear.

"Yaayy I won!!" Said hyunjin. Tzuyu smiled secretly.
"Yeah yeah , but next time I will win. You will see. "  Said tzuyu.
"Hihi, you never know mama. " Said hyunjin. Tzuyu just ruffled her hair and put her hand on hyunjins shoulder.
"Let's go your mom is waiting. " Said tzuyu. Hyunjin nodded. They both walked the together to the house. Sana prepared lunch for them. Sana's father Mr. Minatozaki has come home  from outside.

He saw tzuyu and hyunjin entering. He just gave tzuyu a disgusted look. Tzuyu just sighed and decided to ignore him. Tzuyu was about to leave but hyunjin stopped her.
"Mama where are you going?" Asked hyunjin.
"I am gonna have my lunch outside. I will come here after lunch. " Said tzuyu.
"Mama stay here. We are gonna have lunch together. " Said hyunjin. Mr. Minatozaki just smirked secretly hearing tzuyu.
"Sweetie, I don't think I c-"
"No!! If you are not going to have lunch with us I won't eat too!!!" Said hyunjin. She was acting stubborn. She isn't usually like this. She just misses tzuyu so much.

"Why are you screaming?" Asked sana . The twins who were with sana ran to tzuyu and clutched on her pants .
"Mom look mama said she doesn't want to have lunch with us. I w

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0 points #1
Chapter 34: Oh, author, you're finally back. I miss you😭
SeungYeonLuvDinoJi 0 points #2
Chapter 34: Finally an update!!! So cuteee!!!!
JeongMiHeart #3
Chapter 33: Thank you author nim😁
But where's the update? Hehehe
Hope doing go there 😘
lola222 #4
Chapter 33: Well, I was really surprised by the guy who is involved in the case, Tzuyu is the best at taking care of Sana.
Chapter 33: Oh no, I think Suho also got involved and hated Sana because he couldn't get her
SeungYeonLuvDinoJi #6
Chapter 32: Omg im literally sweating while reading this chapter😨 its sooo interesting im 1001% sure suho is involved in this!
Wow, I want to see the next chapter quickly. I want to know how Ziyu protects Sana. This plot makes me so nervous
lola222 #8
Chapter 32: Well, I think Sana has already suffered enough, it's time for Tzu to confess the truth about her marriage, wow the ending, I hope Elkie is not involved since she would be ungrateful. If I can bet I distrust Suho, pain can make people bad.
bore_d1020 #9
Chapter 32: “Pls don’t call me again”?! Hmm… I thot he’s the one who turn up himself!!

Wooo…. Is he the one reporting Sana to the news?! Or Elkie?
lola222 #10
Chapter 31: Sana had her way very easy with Tzuyu, right? sorry wait for a little more jealousy I know you can still play with that xD
Elkie definitely needs a person who really loves her and values her, she deserves it.
I'm still waiting for Suho's apology to Tzu, I haven't forgotten him yet.