
Finding love

Jongdae wasn't in the mood to wake up and go work after he slept for bareilly three hours. 

He rolled off his bed walking to his bathroom watching his reflection in the mirror. 

More tears rolled down his cheeks, his eyes were bloody read, it was normal after crying for the past two days. He's surprised that he still has tears to cry.

With slow steps he took a shower and put his clothes on leaving for work.

It was raining, he loves rain, the grey clouds calm him down, he needs to calm down and stop ing crying.



,,You look like ." Jongdae rolled his eyes walking pass Kyungsoo to change his shirt. He's not in the mood to hear them.

He was feeling like to face the real world now.

,,I didn't want to sound mean, I'm sorry Dae but, what are you doing here? You should be home."

,,And cry?" He snapped facing Kyungsoo who looked worried at him.

,,You are crying already." 

,,He just left me Soo, he left me for my best friend, I saved myself for Xiumin for years, he never let any Alpha around me, he looked jealous when an Alpha would come around me, I really thought he wants me and guess my surprise when he mated with Luhan! WITH LUHAN!  How stupid was I Kyungsoo? He told me that he protected me because he was scared that an Alpha would hurt me. An Alpha hurt me! He hurt me." Kyungsoo could only hug the poor Omega.

It was true, Jongdae was and still is madly in love with Xiumin, he saw himself as his mate. But Xiumin was in love with Luhan. So here is Jongdae crying his eyes out, again.

,,Please go home, me and Chanyeol can look over the Café, take a break and come back when you feel better." 

,,No." Jongdae pulled from Kyungsoo wiping his tears.

,,I need to be here Soo, I will do something stupid if I'm all alone and I don't want that." 

,,Okay, make yourself a strong coffee and eat something, did you eat something for the pass two days?"


,,Then eat, that's an order or I'll make Chanyeol fire you." Jongdae smiled, Kyungsoo was always a good friend.

,,Sehun will come over later." 

,,With Junmyeon?" 

,,I think so, he was feeling sick when I talked with him, but they said they want to have a walk." 

,,I still can't belive that Sehun found a mate, and expecting twins." Kyungsoo nodded patting Jongdae's back.

,,You will find your mate Dae, don't lose hope, look at me, I found Chanyeol and you know what I thought about love." 

,,Thank you Kyungsoo, I will get over it, one day." Kyungsoo nodded leaving him alone. 


,,I can do this." Jongdae slapped his cheeks deciding to pull his together and move foreward. 

Jongdae made himself a strong coffee to wake him up, hoping that his eyes won't be that red anymore. He even eat something because his stomach was growling in hunger. 


The Café was hectic that day, something that he needed actually, to keep his mind busy, to forget a little about Xiumin and Luhan. It hurts.

He only wanted to be loved. 

People tell him that Alpha's run because his big mouth. He's a happy person, loud, maybe too loud somethimes. But that is his personality. How can he change that?

Maybe he should calm down and never talk, maybe like that everyone is more happy. 



,,I want two large coffees." Jongdae nodded looking up at the man before him.

,,S-sure..." His voice got stuck inside his throat seeing the beautiful man before him.

He wanted to look away and do the damn coffee but he can't. He never, like never seen someone so beautiful and perfect. Who was the man? His scent was so powerful like he never smelled before. It filled his brain making him feel strange inside. Like his stomach filled with hundred of butterflies. 

,,I'm in a hurry." Jongdae dumbly nodded but he was still staring.

The man started to look angry because the young barista was not making his coffee.

,,Jongdae, take a break." Chanyeol pushed Jongdae away.

,,I'm sorry for that, he's not himself today." Jongdae heard the man clicked his tongue.

,,You should hire better people." His voice was angry and cold. It made Jongdae run to the bathroom throwing up.

,,Hey, are you okay?" Kyungsoo followed him fast.

,,Yes, I'm okay." Jongdae flushed the toilet sitting with his eyes close for some minutes.

,,What happened?" 

,,I don't know, that man made me feel strange."  

,,Kai?" Jongdae opened his eyes looking at Kyungsoo confused.

,,You know him?" 

,,Just a little, he usually comes early in the morning. Always asking for two coffees." 

,,He's beautiful." Jongdae mumbled remembering his piercings eyes.

,,Pabo, he's not good for you, you want to suffer more?!" Kyungsoo was right. Now is not the time to think about any Alpha. Even if that Alpha was so damn beautiful. He never felt to draw to an Alpha like now.


After he was done in the bathroom he walked back seeing that Kai was leaving.

His legs walked to the window watching the Alpha get inside his expesive car. The man noticed him sitting in the rain for a second looking back at him before getting inside his car. 


Sehun and Junmyeon did came later that day, they knew about Xiumin and Luhan it seems. They looked sad at him because it seems that everyone knew how much he loved the Alpha but not the Alpha himself.

The day was finally over and Jongdae went home thinking that he will cry again but he didn't. His mind keept running to the man that made his heart beat that fast. Xiumin never made him feel the way Kai made him feel.

Who was that man? He never seen him before, he needs to know more about him.



,,I hope you will be able to make my coffee today." Jondae's head snapped up hearing that voice the next day.

Kai was there before him looking like he woke up on the wrong side of his bed. He looked tired.

,,G-good morning." Jongdae tried to make a bow and make his coffee but his hands block.

His brain freezes when he feelt that scent around the Alpha. It was too strong.

,,Y-your's ...I'm sorry." Tears filled his eyes running to the bathroom again.

Kai's Alpha's scent is nothing like he smelled, it's so powerful and owervelming that it makes him sick to his stomach. 

No Alpha made him feel like that before. Chanyeol and Sehun are strong Alpha's as well but nothing like Kai.

He washed his face taking deep breaths walking back.

Kai was still there looking at him like he was his dinner. Then he felt it, his whole body heat up.

,,You need to leave, now." Chanyeol took him by his hand pulling Jongdae out of the Caffee and in his car.

He gazed back seeing that Kai was still looking at him unimpressed and bored. He was sure that he even saw him roll his eyes at him. 

,,What happened Dae? You smell so intense." 

,,I don't know, I think it has something to do with Kai's scent and the way he looks at me. I shouldn't have my heat now." Jongdae let out a cry feeling how his body was starting to burn from inside out. 

,,Take care of you Jongdae." The poor Omega thanked Chanyeol for driving him home.



His heat laster for two days, but those two days were intense, his brain was running to Kai, even when his fingers were deep inside him. 

Kai did this to him, him and his strong scent. His owerwhelming scent. 

He took another day to collect his and get ready for work. He was ready to eat dinner when someone knocked at his door.

,,Xiumin." He was surprised to see the Alpha there.

,,Hey, Kyungsoo told me that you're not feeling good. So I came to make sure you're okay." 

,,I'm good, just tired that is all." Jongdae wanted to ask Xiumin to come inside but he wasn't ready. He wants to be alone.

,,Good to know, well, see you later Dae. Take care." Jongdae close his eyes for a second taking in Xiumin's Alpha scent. It wasn't even close to Kai's scent. 


The next day he was all ready for work. It was raining again, something he really loves. It calms him and his Omega down. It's what he needs more than ever. 

The truth to be told, he hopes he won't see Kai again. The Alpha makes his Omega go crazy and maybe not in the good way.

He's starting to get addicted to someone that won't ever like him, not even close. 

For his luck Kai didn't come around, Jongdae was both sad and happy. His week was starting to look good, really good actually. 

Well, until one day when Kai came again looking angry, usually Kai would take the coffee and leave, that day he sat down.

,,Take a deep breath and do your job." Kyungsoo pushed him a little going to take his order.

,,W-what can I bring you today?" Kai looked up at him with the same gaze, the same angry gaze. Why was he always so angry?

,,How are you feeling?" Jongdae was surprised by the question.

,,G-good, nothing to worry about." He gently smiled trying to act normal around Kai, to ignore his scent.

,,Good, I want an Ice Americano and two slices of cheescake, to go please." 

,,Sure." Jongdae smiled one more time before running fast. He asked Chanyeol to prepare Kai's order as he went to take another order. 

He was trying to keep his mind busy and ignore his scent that filled his lungs.

Jongdae was holding the tray walking to the table when something happend. He never slipped in his three years he's working there. He never made a mistake until that day. The two coffees slipped landing on Kai's lap.

,,You idiot!" Kai jumped when the hot coffee landed on his lap.

Jongdae was too shocked to speack, what did he just do? 

,,How can you be this stupid?!" Kai glared at him in a way that made him feel like the last man on earth. He felt horrible.



,,Hey." Kyungsoo sat next to Jongdae that was in the back room trying to calm down and stop crying.

,,It's okay to fire me Soo, I understand and I did something stupid. I made a fool of myself." Jongdae covered his face crying again.

,,I won't fire you silly. I'm just worried for you."

,,I'm worried as well for me, since Kai came around I can't be myself, I'm always dizzy around him and his scent. I'm going crazy inside when he's around me and I don't know how to stop that."

,,Interesting." That is all that Kyungsoo said. It didn't help Jongdae at all, but he needs to apologize to Kai. For being a clumsy idiot.



The next day he took a break from work going to apologize to Kai.

,,If you don't have an appointment you can't go up." Jongdae pouted looking at the woman.

,,Please, I'm here to deliver this coffee, nothing else." 

,,I'm sorry, Mr.Kim is really serious when it comes to his appointments, bye." Jongdae pouted walking out the tall building.

He's not ready to leave, he needs to aplogize to Kai. He decided to wait, Kai needs to leave home sooner or later.


It was 10 pm when Kai finally left his company, he hurried to his car until his nose catched a scent. 

He stopped looking back seeing a small figure, head on his knees. He knows that scent pretty good actually.

,,Are you dead?" Jongdae stirred in his sleep opening his eyes feeling that someone was watching him.

,,Huh?" He rubbed his eyes looking better at the man before him.

,,Hyung!" He sat up fast losing his balance a little.

,,Are you stalking me? You should be in bed, it's dangerous to be outside for someone like you." Jongdae looked confused at the Alpha.

,,Someone like me?" He felt offended the way Kai said it.

,,An unmated Omega." For a reasong tears filled his eyes. He should be mated already.

,,I j-just wanted to apologize, nothing more." Jongdae pushed the bag with the cupcakes walking pass the Alpha wiping his tears fast.

,,Idiot." Kai growled under his breath seeing the rain that just started.



,,Get in!" He yelled at the Omega who was already soaking wet.

,,N-no!" Jongdae walked faster hoping that Kai will leave him alone.

,,I said, get in Omega!" Kai used his power to force the boy to get inside his car. 

,,That's not nice, you always make me feel more horrible than I already feel." Jongdae sulked in the car seat. 

He's starting to think that he'll be an Omega that won't mate. It's possiblen, he saw it and it looks lonely.

,,Where are you taking me?" Kai just smirked at Jongdae.



,,Can I get off here? I want to go home." Jongdae was getting worried now, Kai's scent was still drving him crazy, he can't stay around him or something will happen.

,,Why are you in a hurry? You just waited five hours for me. You need to pay for my shirt." 

,,W-what?" Jongdae gulped feeling how a panick attack was close but Kai's scent changed calming him down.



,,Wow, this is your house?" Jongdae was surprised by the big penthouse.

,,It is." Kai took off his suit jacket stopping before the poor Omega.

,,Go and take a shower, you may get a cold and change your wet clothes." Jongdae dumbly nodded, he's a smart guy but he always turn into an idiot when Kai is around.

Jongdae walked to that room looking around, the house doesn't smell like Kai, there is a nice scent around, probably not to annoy any Omega he doesn't want. 

He's happy because Kai's scent is too powerful to stay around too much if you're not mated.

He got under the shower thinking again why is he there? Jongdae put the bathrobe on him going to look for his clothes.

He found Kai, he was still dressed with the same clothes. He was making something to eat it seems.

,,Your clothes are drying, take a seat. Are you hungry?"

,,Can I help?" Jongdae looked curios at what Kai was cooking.

,,No, sit." Jongdae did that in a second. Kai can easily get under his skin.

,,Don't use your Alpha power on me." 

,,Why not? It's fun." Jongdae pouted ready to punch Kai.

,,Aren't you mated?" He asked Kai who looked angry for a second hearing the question.


,,Was? What happened? I hope your mate didn't pass or anything."

,,Nope, she's alive, somethimes mates fall apart."  

,,Or they ignore you." Jongdae mumbled remembering Xiumin and the way he ignored his feelings.

,,Someone dumped you, pup?" Jongdae blushed a little at the Pet name.

,,I wish, I was in love with this Alpha but he only saw me as his bestfriend and mated with someone else. I loved him and dreamed to be his mate for 6 years. I guess I'm not enough for someone to see me as a mate." 

,,Maybe you're too annoying." Jongdae should feel offended but he wasn't, maybe Kai is right. Alphas find him annoying.

,,Look at me." Jongdae looked up seeing Kai standing before him. Jongdae saw a lot of Alpha's in his life, but none of them were as intimidating as Kai. 

Jongdae sat up madly blushing when Kai wrapped a hand around his waist.

,,You don't want me pup, I'm older and a bad Alpha, why do you think I'm all alone?" Jongdae gulped, he opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out, he was looking like a fish gasping for air.

,,You're pure?" Kai's other hand opened his bathrobe slowly pushing a hand down his .

,,Y-you should be for your Alpha." Jongdae's nose filled with Jongin's scent that was starting to affect him.

,,For someone clumsy like you, your scent is beautiful. But you don't want me." 

,,Can I leave then?" After a minute Kai pulled back letting Jongdae walk pass him. 

The Omega was out of his place faster than he imagine, that made him laugh especially that the tiny Omega left dressed with one of his hoodies. He will strip him later.

Kai folded his arms before his chest laughing. 




Kai walked inside the Café two days later. He looked around but his target wasn't in sight.

,,Good morning Kai, the usual?" Chanyeol asked him with the same smile over his face like always.

,,Yes, please." Kai looked around trying to find his scent but nothing.

,,You finally fired that annoying Omega?" 

,,Jongdae? No, he's home. He keeps getting sick, if you understand what I mean. It must be an Alpha to trigger his heat so often. He's not feeling good at all. Kyungsoo just dropped by with food. Anyway, I'm sorry again for the way he acts." Kai hummed thanking Chanyeol for the coffees.




,,Thank you Boss." Jessica took her coffee thanking Kai again.

,,You're welcome, can I ask you something Jessica?" The woman nodded sitting down before her Boss.

,,This may sound crazy coming from me, but what does an unmated Omega feel when he's in heat?" Jessica looked confused for a second.

,,Oh, well, it's horrible, is that Omega on pills?" Kai looked more confused than her.

,,Pills help us to calm down our urge to jump on anything and anyone, they help mated Omegas to get pass their heat when their Alpha or Betta aren't around. If he's not in pills then it's horrible, maybe I'm overreacting but it's not nice as well. It hurts down there and you just want to release no matter what, is like for you Alphas when you get a ruth, it's similar." 

,,Thank you Jessica." She made a bow walking out Kai's office. 

He's the one that is triggering Jongda inner Omega, he must be in need after so many years of being a . Kai took his phone calling someone.

,,Johnny I need your help. I need an adress." He smirked under his breath.


Kai doesn't need to search for his door because Jongda's scent was so strong that he easily found his door. Kai was surprised that his scent made him weak for a second. He never let anyone use his scent on him until now. Was it because he hates the Omega?

Taking a deep breath, Kai placed a bag before his door before knocking.

,,Y-yes." Five minutes later, a small and tired voice was heard behind the locked door.

,,I left you something, use it." And Kai left felling how his Alpha was trying to break free and knock the door down and the poor Omega.

Jongdae was surprised that Kai knows where he lives but he could have asked Chanyeol for his adress, he finally opened the door after he as sure he's safe taking the bag Kai left him.

He found fruits, sofa, food and pills. 

,,I don't know if you take pills but I hope they will help you." 

A message came on his phone five minutes later. Kai knows his phone number as well, great.


Jongdae took an apple walking back to his bedroom cuddling with Kai's hoddie, his scent was helping him a lot actually. It calms him down enough to make his heat pass fater.

He always needs to clean his bedroom after his heat, everything smells disgusting. He needs a shower and change his clothes. And food, he's sure he lost 2 kg.

Tomorrow he's back to work and now he looks like a mess with dark circles around his eyes.

He keeps thinking about Kai, it's the second time the Alpha trigger's him, Xiumin never did that actually, why not? 

He knows he's still in love with Xiumin, he still wants him but his Alpha never made his knees weak like Kai does only by looking at him. 

He's excited to see him again, he misses Kai, more than he should.



Kai did came by the Café, at the same hour he always come. Ordering two coffees like always. But that day he managed to actually do them.

,,T-thank you for the pills, they really helped me." Kai just noddded looking distant.

,,I was wondering if I can repay you? I know how to cook."

,,I'm not good for you, don't think about me, I don't want to be your mate." Kai took his order leaving a shocked Jongdae behind. 

What did he do wrong now? 


,,Hey." Jongdae rolled his eyes because the day can't get any worst than that, Xiumin came.

,,Hey, what brings you here?" He tried to look busy. He's not in the mood to talk with Xiumin.

,,Can you take a break? I miss my bestfriend." That hurt more than he expected, why is everyone seeing him just as a friend or a bother? Is he that annoying? 

,,Please?" He finally gave in making him and Xiumin a coffee.

,,How are you and Luhan?" He doesn't care but he doesn't want to look rude.

,,All good, you should come over, you and your mate." 

,,Mate, what mate? I don't have one."

,,Then who imprinted on you? His smell is all over you." 

,,He what?! He imprinted on me?!" Jongdae was getting angry, he left Xiumin alone going to find Chanyeol.

,,Did someone imprint on me?" Chanyeol looked confused coming closer to Jongdae.

,,Why do you smell like Kai?" 

,,I will kill him!" Jongdae growled under his breath leaving work in a hurry. Who gave Kai the right to do that?!

Kai's secretary told him that he left home, that he was busy with something.

Something? He was imprinting on someone else as well? Jongdae was really angry and he will fight Kai for what he did. He told him that he doesn't want to have anything to do with him, is he playing games now?


Lucky him, Kai has his own elevator that he took.

,,You bastard........." Jongdae covered his mouth when two big eyes stared at him confused.

,,Who are you?" The boy asked puting his tablet aside, in his other hand was a lollipop.

,,I'm Jongdae, and you?" Jongdae was feeling a little awkward around the boy.

,,I'm Kim Baekhyun, you came to see my appa?" Jongdae's mouth dropped on the floor. 

Kai is an appa?

,,Jongdae." He looked up from the boy seeing Kai that just ended a phone call. Baekhyun run to his appa asking him to be picked up.

,,What are you doing here?" The Alpha walked his way with the boy who hugged his neck tight.

,,Can we talk? Just the two of us?" 

,,Can you excuse appa for another 5 minutes Baek?" Jongdae was more shocked how sweet he was with his son.

,,Sure appa." The boy jumped off Kai's hands going back to his tablet.

 ,,This way." Jongdae walked to Kai's office still shocked to realize what he just saw.

,,You have a son?!" He almoust yelled once the door close behind him.


,,Well, yes and no, I know you had a mate before but I never thought about kids, he's the only one?" 

,,He is, and why would you know something like that? Is important?" Kai was him again, the cold bastard.

,,Why are you playing with me?! I know you imprinted on me!! Why did you do that when you don't want me?! Why don't you want me?" The last question came as an whisper. He was close to tears, for the first time in his life he feels unloved and unwanted. He dropped on the chair looking disapponited at his hands.

,,Ten years ago I mated with a woman that my father chose for me, I did try to love her, to make a family, but I never felt that she is my true mate, that I need to live with her for the rest of my life, then Baekhyun came six years ago and I tried again, I did try but I never fell in love with her so we decided to break appart, she deserve to be loved, but not by me. We take turns with Baekhyun, that's why he wasn't here last time. It's my week." Kai walked his way kneeling down before the sad Omega.

,,She's a beautiful and smart woman, and yet I have this thing for this guy I just meet, he's kinds loud and annoying." Jongae looked at Kai confused.

,,A-are you talking about me?" 

,,Yes Jongdae, I am talking about you and your loud mouth but I don't think you're ready for a kid in your life, I think you need an Alpha to be only yours. I love my son very much and I'm not ready to give up on him." 

,,I would never ask you to do that, I'm not like that, I'm not cruel like you. Why did you imprint on me then?" 

,,I want Alpha's to stay away from you." 

,,Isn't that cruel of you?" Jongdae was close to tears, why was Kai playing with him.

,,It is, I'm sorry Jongdae, it was wrong from me to do that. I should let you free." Kai came closer to his face wiping his tears away.

,,I don't want that." Jongdae whispered crying more tears.

,,Why did you made him cry appa?" Jongdae looked aside fast hearing Baekhyun's small voice.

,,Noting happened Baek, something got inside his eye and I was helping him."

,,Lier." The boy pouted walking to Jongdae gently touching his cheek.

,,Somethimes appa makes me cry as well, he's a meanie." Jongdae laugh seeing the boy glare at his appa.

,,When did I made you cry ?!" Kai asked folding his arms before his chest.

,,When you don't want to buy me new toys." Jongdae laugh. The two were really adorable.

,,You should help appa cook, I'm hungry." Jongdae looked at Kai hoping that the Alpha will let him stay.

,,I hope you're a good cook." Jongdae nodded fast, he was a good cook.



,,You like my appa?" Baekhyun asked looking amused watching the two cook together.

,,I d-do." Jongdae's face was on fire, a kid was making fun of him, he was Kai's son for sure.

,,Do you like him as well appa? You know omma went on a date?" 

,,Good for her Baek, and you would like me to like Jongdae?" 

,,I would, he's nice." Jongdae was ready to go and kiss the boy. He hopes that his appa would give him a chance as well.

,,So, I should go out on a date with him?" 

,,Yes! But only one date, I want to come as well." 

,,Deal. So, are you free this weekend?" Jongdae nodded fast, he's always free for Kai.


Baekhyun was really vocal eating his food, he told Jongdae what he likes and what he hates, and that is cucumber. He made him promise to never cook him cucumber. 

Baekhyun was an amused pup, full of life and amusing. He really enjoys the boy's company. Kai on the other hand, not so much. Both were loud, his Baekhyun and Jongdae were like two puppies talking with each other, more like yelling.

,,I should leave, Chanyeol hyung will kill me, I run away from work." 

,,Idiot." The pouted at the insult.

,,I should drive you back home." 

,,No, enjoy your time with your son." Jongin nodded looking at his son that went to hug Jongdae.

,,Come to visit again, I like you." 

,,I promise Baek." 

,,I called you a cab, it's paying already, get home safely." 

,,Good night and thank you." Jongdae wanted to stay over the night but it was Kai's time to enjoy with his son, something tells him that they don't see each other that often.


Jongdae was more excited to go out with Kai, he did promise him a date after all. He hopes so.

And Kai did hold his promise, on Saturday morning he found a message telling him that he will come to take him around 4 pm.

,,Yes!" Jongdae yelled feeling so happy, Kai hold his promise. Does that mean that Kai is actually thinking about him? 

It felt like days until Kai finally came, he changed his clothes like 10 times until he finally deciding. The weather was okay but Autum was close. 

His heart went a mile away when he left his apartament. His cheeks turned red like the roses Kai was holding.

,,For you." He took the beautiful flowers feeling shy for a reason.

,,T-thank you, nobody gave me flowers before. They are beautiful." 

,,Baekhyun picked the flowers, he told me to look over you, he likes you." Jongdae was surprised to hear that.

,,He's a kid, he must like everyone." 

,,Nope." Kai opened the cars door for Jongdae to get in.

,,He's like me, I don't like people that much." 

,,I should feel special?" Kai just smirked as a reply closing the cars door for Jongdae. 



Kai took him to see a movie, only then he noticed that the Alpha was wearing baggy jeans, white T-shirt and a beige cardigan on top. It was the first time seeing him dressed casual and he looked amazing. 

,,What should we do next? I don't know what you should do on a date? Should we eat?" Kai was funny looking a little worried that he's not doing a good job on their date.

,,Would you like to walk around?" 

,,We should hold hands? Couples usually hold hands?" Now Kai was adorable. It made Jongdae fall deeper for the Alpha. 

,,You hold hands with your ex-mate?"

,,I did, I didn't feel anything." 

,,Oh." Jongdae looked worried getting inside the car.



In the end Kai decided to walk around the Han river, it was quiet and perfect for a nignt walk.


,,Can I ask you something Kai?" 

,,Tell me Jongin, Kai is just a nick name. Now ask me."

,,Were you ever happy with ex-mate? Did you do fun things together?"

,,Like what?" Jongin asked confused.

,,Like holding hands, that is fun and sweet and it makes me happy even if nobody did that with me." Jongdae got sad thinking about Xiumin again. 

Karma, Oh Karma was a . 

Jongdae stopped seeing two people before him. They were holding hands, laughing with each other, he hates them. He hates Luhan that he's so pretty, he hates that they look so good together. Luhan lean over for a kiss that Xiumin gave him. That broke him.

His stomach made a strange flip.

,,I need to go." Tears filled his eyes as he run from Jongin finding a brush to throw up. He really loved Xiumin, he made plans and then he was left alone. It hurts.

,,Who is he?" Jongin was still there looking annoyed.

,,Someone that I loved." Jongdae sat down not carying how pitiful he looked. 

,,Not anymore?" 

,,I think love doesn't want me. I really loved him, I waited for him and he mated with someone else, and then you happened, I don't even know why I'm expecting something from you. Look at you! You're on legs, beautiful and the Alpha anyone would die to mate with. And I'm just a silly Omega wanting to find love."

,,I just think that you're hungry, let's eat something." Jongdae looked confused but he hold the hand Jongin offered him.

Jongin kept on holding his hand something that made him smile.




,,So, you and Jongin?" Kyungsoo asked him on Monday looking like he knows something.

,,Well, we hold hands." 

,,That is all? His scent is all over you." Jongdae blushed trying to look busy.

,,Did you know that he has a son?" 

,,Oh, you met Baekhyun?" 

,,You knew?!"

,,Kai keeps his son away from media, it wasn't my secret so say." Kyungsoo was right, it's Jongin's secret to keep and tell people when he feels like it. 

,,He's cute and he likes me." 

,,That's good Dae, that kid is super sassy for his age. I like that kid and his strong personality. And look who it is." Jongdae looked at the door where Jongin walked inside with Baekhyun.

,,Jongdae!" He was surprised when the boy hugged him.

,,Hey Baek." 

,,He wanted to see you again, he cried fake tears until I said yes." Jongdae laugh looking at the greening boy.

,,Can we leave and go have fun in the park?" 

,,I still need to work for one hours, can you wait for me? I can make you some hot chocolate and cake if that is okay with appa?" Baekhyun looked up at his appa with his big eyes.

,,It's okay, I would like a coffee as well." 

,,Thank you appa." Jongdae melted, Baekhyun is so adorable. 

The two sat at a table as Jongdae went to make the coffee.

He kept on looking at their table smiling at how adorable Jongin was with his son. 

,,I see someone fell in love." Jongdae jumped when he heard Kyungsoo's voice so close to his ear.

,,I understand you, Jongin is an beautiful man. But, is not easy taking care of a kid that isn't yours. Think good what you want Dae. I hate seeying you sad." Jongdae gazed at the two that were talking with each other, Baekhyun was telling something to his appa and Jongin was really into what his son was saying. He likes that.



,,Jongdae." He was ready to leave when someone called his name, it was Xiumin and Luhan. His stomach made a strange flip seeing them holding hands. How blind was he before?! How stupid was he?

,,Hey Dae, we miss you around, we should see a movie together, like old times." Luhan was always the good one, the beautiful one. An Omega that make the Alpha's to turn their heads. He never was that Omega. Was he too ugly for that? He was close to tears, for the first time he feels horrible to be him. 

,,Jongdae is busy, when I'm done with him he won't even be able to walk." Jongin's voice was so cocky and he could feel him smirk behind him. What made Jongdae blush was the hand that was on his head. Jongin's big hand that made him feel much better. 

The Alpha always makes him feel better. 

,,You are the Alpha that imprinted on Jongdae." Xiumin looked offended, who was he to feel offended?! He chose Luhan over him, he should be offended.

,,I have the right to imprint on anyone that isn't mated, got a problem with that, can we leave babe?" 

,,Yes, I'll go change my shirt and we can leave after, bye." Jongdae rushed trying to get away from Jongin's strong scent. It seems that Xiumin was feeling Jongin's strong scent, he looked like a kicked pup. That made him feel good.


When he came back he noticed Xiumin and Luhan sitting at a table drinking something.

,,All done, can we leave now?" Jongin nodded leaving with the Omega and his son.

,,Baekhyun wants to eat something, are you hungry?" 

,,I'm always hungry." 

,,Yay! I want BBQ!" Jongdae loves BBQ so they all went to eat. 

The boy loves to eat, he eat everything on his plate and he even asked some more from Jongin. 

Kyungsoo was right, it's hard to take care of a kid that isn't yours, but Baekhyun makes that easy. The boy is so easy to love. 

He's really clingy and adorable, Jongin told him that his son really loves him. So, someone can love him as well even if he's just a little boy.

Jongin drived him home after their small date.

,,Thank you for today, it was nice." Jongdae was ready to leave the car when Jongin grabbed his hand.

Both looked at each other wanting to say something but none did.

,,Just kiss him appa!" Baekhyun said it for them.

Jongdae's face turned a deep shade of red in a second looking aside. 

Jongin left the car walking on the other side holding his hand for the Omega that took it. 

,,Close your eyes." Shyly Jongdae did, he wasn't a shy person but the Alpha makes him feel different things. 

His heart went a mile away inside his chest when Jongin wrapped a hand around his waist pulling him closer as finally Jongin's lips pressed against his. 

It felt amazing, it was a simple kiss but everything he needed to give him the confidance that Jongin may like him a little. 

,,Good night Jongdae, go in now." Jongdae nodded but he didn't move.

,,Go silly." Jongin laugh pushing the Omega.

,,Bye Dae hyung!" Baekhyun waved at Jongdae with a grin over his face.

,,Bye Baekhyun." Jongdae waved back running inside the building.

,,I really like him appa, you better make him yours." 

,,You shouldn't know things like that." Baekhyun giggled looking back at his tablet.




Jongin expected to hear Jongdae's loud voice as he walked inside the Café, but he could hear only the music.

,,He's home." Kyungsoo told him before he could ask.


,,His heat again, I think because of you." 

,,Oh." Jongin left the Café driving to Jongdae's house. 



He knocked at the black door feeling his scent again, Jongdae's scent is so strong and beautiful. He knocked again hearing some comotion behind the door.

,,Jongdae." He said hoping that the Omega was okay behind the door.

,,J-Jongin?" Came a small voice behind the door.

,,You are in pain again, I want to help you."

,,W-why? I w-want you to help me, I would like anyone to help me, and then?" 

,,You're my Omega, I want you to be mine." One minute later the door opened and Jongin walked inside Jongdae's life.

Both had no idea what will happen next but something was sure, they both want each other and both found what they looked for.

Jongin found his Omega and Jongdae found love. He finally found love.




Hey ho babes! 

Yes! I finally did it! This is a story for Jongdae's return from the Army. 

I hope u like it^.^ love u all! 😘😘😘😘

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Você fez um KaiChen tão lindo!!! Por favor faz mais!!!!
I wanna read what happens after this, ohh my dirty mind😂😂😭
Pshintani #4
Chapter 1: Aww this was so sweet! I loved how sassy baby baekhyun is, I loved this story!!!