my mom can drop us off if your mom can pick us up


Hello! I'm looking for rp partners


I'm gonna do this short and sweet :) 

Im 20y/o soon to be 21. Been rping for 8 years give or take. I'm strictly lit and only do 3rd pov. My writing style is para/novella. I don't have the best punctuation but you'll love my run on sentences ;) 

Im looking for longterm with extra effort and detail. Mainly fantasy and sci-fi plots just because those seem to be the best for extra lore and what not. I also enjoy adding elements of horror/suspense because i dont trigger easily just dont be weird. 

My response time is pretty fast I don't judge or get upset if yours isn't. just communicate with me about it :) 

shhhmut is fine just dont let it be the main focus of the plot and don't rush into making it happen right away :) consent is key :D

PM me your preferred platform and user for said platform i'll message as soon as i can :) 


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