Do I know you?

Forever yours
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Jahoon: Jackpot! These rich people are so stupid! They can't even feel when they are getting pickpocketed or when their money's gone.

I stood in an alley while I counted the many bills that were in the wallet. Ever since the day that I killed my parents, I have been living my life on the streets stealing from rich people. It is not like they are going to miss a couple of bucks here and there. I got enough money to get myself a great house so that I didn't have to be sleeping outside on the ground and I also got a few people working for me. So you could say that I had gotten myself a gang. I was living my life now and I didn't have to worry about anything anymore. I didn't have to worry about where I was going to sleep, I didn't have to worry about food and I didn't have to worry about going back home to my so-called parents and hoping they would not beat me up. It has been about 14 years since I killed them and no one has been after me and accusing me of murder. Their bodies have been found but with every other dead homeless, they get thrown into the pile of deceased homeless downtown. I pocket the money and throw the wallet. I put my hands in my pockets as I walked down the streets on my way back home while whistling. I didn't have to pickpocket myself since I have gotten people to do it for me but I have to be in form or else what kind of leader was I. I walked past a convenience store and decided to buy some drinks and snacks for myself to enjoy back home. I got inside and got the stuff that I needed before making my way out but on the way out I bumped into someone making the both of us fall on our butts. I mumbled to myself swear words as I angrily got on my feet and looked down at the other person.

Jahoon: Why don't you look where you are going?! Do you know how much this suit cost?!

???: I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you! I will pay for any damage that I have caused!

The woman in front of me bowed before standing straight back up so that I could see her face clearly. There was something about her features that reminded me of someone but I couldn't pinpoint it. I just shrugged the thought off and scoffed at her.

Jahoon: Yeah, right. Like I'm going to believe you.

She twisted her body as she looked truthfully sorry. I looked at her up and down and examined her. She had quite a great body and she also had a beautiful face on top of that. Maybe I could get her number and use her?

Jahoon: Well you don't have to pay for me but you can give me your number and I can think a

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shinkenger2234 #1
Chapter 1: This seems very promising. Can't wait to see where it goes.