Chapter 3

The Blood Moon

“Stop fidgeting, would you?” Jimin hisses at Jungkook as they sit in the office, watching Yoongi pacing back and forth as he looks between the white boards, one filled with pictures of various crime scenes and scribbles of facts about the cases they are related to, and the other about the most recent attack. “Hyung, slow down, you’re making me dizzy.” He says to Yoongi as the older turns to make another loop between the two white boards.

“Sorry, this case is just making me crazy.” Yoongi soothes the vampire, giving him a small smile as they hear the others coming towards the room.

“Ok, they are on their way to the office now.” Kim Namjoon, aka RM, comes into the office, phone in hand, a frown on his face.

“Is hyung coming with food?” Jungkook asks, glancing up at one of the white boards, frowning as he chews on his lip, then glances over at the other white board, and then glances back at the first one. “Hey, doesn’t the first vampire on the board look like they are related to the last one that got killed before Hwanwoong was attacked?”

Yoongi stops, turns and looks at where Jungkook is pointing, getting up close to the picture before going to the other board and then back to the first one. “You may be onto something, Kook.” He murmurs. “Hey Mon, do we still have the DNA samples from the bodies?”

“I’ll have to send Hobi down to the lab to ask, but I can’t imagine why we wouldn’t still have them.” Namjoon says. “Why?”

“What if the murders were related to each other?” Jungkook asks.

“What do you mean?” Jimin asks.

Jungkook jumps down from the desk next to Jimin where he was sitting. “So we know that the first murders for sure were not related to each other, some humans were killed and some vamps, but if the first human and the last vampire killed were related to each other, wouldn’t that mean that the killer is starting to target parent groups as well as mixed groups?”

“We’ll check to see about those two to see if your theory holds.” Namjoon tells him. “It’s a good one.”

Yoongi moves over to their theory board, writing it down off to the side for targets underneath the theory of mixed groups being targeted. “Wait, doesn’t Hwanwoong group have a member who’s a twin?” Yoongi turns towards Jimin.

Jimin shakes his head. “I don’t know him that well, so I don’t know. We can ask.”

“Foods here!” Jin calls out as he comes into the office, sacks of food in his arms. Taehyung trails behind him, his arms also full of food. “We weren’t sure what they would like, so we picked up a variety of stuff.” Jin says as Namjoon raises an eyebrow at all the food.

“We’re the group with wolves in it.” Jimin points out. “I’m not sure other than the humans, there are any other species in their group besides vamps.”

Hoseok comes into the office, a frown on his face. “What do you mean the lab got broken into?” He growls into his phone, eyes flashing golden for a moment before going back to their natural caramel brown.

“Where there goes my theory.” Jungkook sighs.

“It was a nice theory.” Jimin pats him on the back as he jumps down to help Jin and Taehyung with the food.

“Thank god we didn’t send down any of the samples yet from the scene today.” Yoongi mutters to Namjoon as Hoseok goes to his desk, pulling out the bag full of samples they’d collected from the grocery store crime scene.

“Where are we supposed to send crime scene samples then? Not to the human’s lab, they can’t process any supernatural DNA.” Hoseok snaps into the phone, his tone getting more and more wolfish as he grows angrier. “Fix it and fix it fast! We have samples that need to be analyzed this WEEK. I don’t care that’s it the Blood moon in 2 days. We just had a new member of the forces assaulted and almost die because of this perp and we need to find him.” Hoseok hangs up the phone, tossing it on the desk along with the bag and growls, running his hands through his hair in frustration.

Jimin’s up in an instant, rushing over to the older wolf, pulling his head down to whisper into his ear as the rest hear footsteps outside the office, signaling that the other group has arrived.

Jin’s finished laying out the food on the back table, and he peers over at Namjoon, who looks pensive as he walks over to the door to open it at the knock. “Thanks for coming in on such short notice.” Namjoon says to Hwanwoong, as the rest of ONEUS files into the room.

“No, thank you for letting us know about developments in the case right away sunbaenim.” Hwanwoong bows as he steps gracefully aside from the rest of his group for them to shuffle quietly into the room. “Should we introduce ourselves?” He asks, only recognizing Jimin and Suga from earlier.

Namjoon smiles and nods. “That would be a good idea as we only know you, and considering the information we have and what we’ll decide going forward.”

Hwanwoong looks over at Youngjo and nods. Youngjo pokes Seoho, who pokes Dongju and Geonhak while Keonhee has been subtly watching the exchange between Hwanwoong and Namjoon, still feeling overly protective of Hwanwoong even though he knows they are in a safe space. They all form a line and bow. “Hello sunbaenims, we are ONEUS.”  They all say in unison as they bow before standing up.

“I’m Youngjo, this is Seoho, Geonhak, Keonhee, Hwanwoong, and Dongju.” Youngjo goes down the line to introduce his mates, each person bowing slightly as their name is called. They’d decided earlier that one person speaking would be more time efficient, so they weren’t out of their home longer than needed. Hwanwoong had said it was a good idea in case they were followed from their home to the office.

Namjoon smiles, looking at Hwanwoong and nodding, pleased the young intern is using his training to help his mates out. “Nice to meet you all. You may know me as RM, but in the office, you can call me Namjoon. We go by code names out in the field to keep things simple and prevent criminals from targeting our families in case of retaliation. I suggest if any of you have nicknames you want to go by you start using them outside of your home or here.” He says. “We are BTS. Over there is Seokjin by the food, beside him is Taehyung, he goes by V in the field.”

“You can call me Jin though, Seokjin is a mouthful.” Jin interjects before Namjoon can go on.

Namjoon gives Jin an undecipherable look before he points over to the whiteboard. “Yoongi over by the whiteboard, he goes by Suga. Jimin is over by Hoseok, who goes by J-Hope, and lastly we have Jungkook, whom you may remember Keonhee, you saved him last year before the Blood moon.”

Keonhee smiles and nods. “I do, and I’m glad to see you’ve done well.” He says.

Jungkook nods, smiling softly. “Thank you for saving me last year.” He bows down low to Keonhee, who jumps and bows back, embarrassed.

Jin claps softly. “Now that we’ve gotten introductions out of the way, there’s food here if you are hungry.” He says. “We weren’t sure what you all would like, so I got a wide variety. It is infused with the supplement for vampires so everyone can eat.”

Namjoon nods. “And from what I understand, 2 of you are pledged to become fledglings, so starting the food with the supplements now will be beneficial so your body gets the extra nutrients, and you don’t have to fast adapt after you’ve been turned and go from just ingesting blood to mixing in solid foods for the first time.”

Dongju and Geonhak both nod. “We both had a feeling we’d need to start adapting to the supplement today or tomorrow.” Dongju admits, glancing over at Geonhak as the older human glances over at the food curiously.

Yoongi clears his throat. “We should really start talking about things. There is a lot to discuss, and we probably don’t have much time. I don’t think you all should be out of your nest longer than necessary, all things considered.”

“Why, do you think they might break into our home?” Youngjo asks, eyes narrowing.

“Depending on our theory of your group being specifically targeted, maybe.” Hoseok says, coming to stand next to Yoongi, grabbing one of the rulers laying against the wall. Whenever they present facts of the case to their boss or other members of the special forces, Hoseok is the one to point at items while Yoongi lists off the facts. They make a dynamite reporting team, and the others always sit back in awe at their level of teamwork and awareness of each other when they present.

“After we analyzed the scene this morning, we found some disturbing similarities to another case where the group has a mix of vampires and humans that are pledged to turn this Moon.” Yoongi starts once everyone else has gotten some snacks and settled down in seats. “First off, this perp is totally different than the one that has been terrorizing the werewolf neighborhood. The original perp would just rob his victims, rough them up to the point they couldn’t remember what the guy looked like, and the cases would end there. The perp didn’t discriminate against who they attacked. This new perp who kills choses victims based on grouping and age. Previous victims were a wide age range. Now it’s ages between 21-35. Most of the ones killed are part of groups who are mixed. Some are werewolves, some are vamps. Many are humans who were pledging to become fledglings this Blood Moon.”

“One thing that was noted, was none of them who were killed were Fae.” Hoseok adds. “The previous perp did hit Fae when it was just robbery crimes, but since it’s now moved on to homicide, no Fae have been killed.”

“Could it be a member of the Fae doing the killings then?” Seoho asks, a frown on his face.

“It’s not out of the realm of possibilities.” Hoseok admits. “We have tried to get in contact with the Fae Council for permission to investigate, but so far our attempts have gone unanswered.”

“They are notoriously hard to get a hold of.” Namjoon adds. “The Fae Council takes any threat to their members seriously, and we did have to submit a reason why we are asking permission to investigate, so there is a high chance they are investigating the matter themselves.”

“In the meantime, the killings continue, so it’s more probable that it could be a Fae gone rogue, or someone else entirely.” Youngjo points out. “Unless someone on one of the councils’ has decided to go rogue themselves and wants to create chaos amongst the communities.”

Jungkook nods. “I’ve thought of that too, but that theory is incredibly harder to prove, considering that means going to each species council and asking to investigate each member.”

“And they don’t take those requests lightly either.” Jin points out. “Any threats against any of the councils, perceived or real, are dealt with immediately by the council and swept underneath the rug.”

Yoongi clears his throat. “Meanwhile, with the perp still killing, we noticed one tiny detail they left behind this time, something that Jimin noticed at one other site and took a shot of that we thought was odd. A single earring imprint was left at the previous site, as the fight between the perp and the victim was in an alley that was still muddy after a recent rain, and the victim was not wearing any earrings, nor did they have pierced ears.”

“This time, there was a single silver earring piece was left behind at the scene.” Hoseok holds up the ruler and shows them a picture of the earring next to where there were blood splatters on the ground.

Seoho feels Hwanwoong shiver next to him, and he wraps his arms around the younger vampire, pulling him close. “And I wasn’t wearing any earrings today.” Hwanwoong says, reaching up to touch his ears.

Yoongi shakes his head. “Correct, unless it was there before your assault, we can only assume it came from the perp.”

“It matches the imprint of the earring picture we took at the other scene.” Hoseok adds. “My job on the team is forensic analyzing. I’ve spent the last 3 hours staring at that picture of the earring imprint and the earring we have in custody.” He holds up the bag of evidence he’d grabbed off his desk. “They are identical. And based on the age of this earring, only a few were made, so we’re dealing with someone who either has fallen on hard times, or was paid off by someone higher up with said earrings.”

“Hence, why we think you are being targeted.” Namjoon says. “Not in a very specific, like one of you is being targeted directly, but the working theory right now is that groups that are mixed, human and vamp, or human and werewolf are being targeted.”

“We’ve asked the head boss of the special forces to put out an all-emergency alert to the supernatural community to the groups who are mixed to go on high alert until we find this guy.” Taehyung says. “As you are aware, mixed groups are required to report to their respective councils when they become mixed, regardless of if they become mixed vamps and humans or werewolf and human or even a group like us who are werewolf and vamp.”

“What would this guy’s motive be then? Does he not like humans mixing in with supernaturals then?” Geonhak asks.

“That’s a good guess as any of us can come up with right now.” Jin shrugs as Hoseok points to the board where they have motive theories listed out. “Maybe the guy was in a mixed group that went bad, or maybe he got kicked out of a group that was pure once and decided to become mixed. Either way, we have to catch this guy, and since Hwanwoong is the most recent victim that allowed us to tie this all together, and a member of the special forces, we had to share.”

“Now that you’ve been attacked, but weren’t killed, we aren’t sure if he won’t go after you again to finish the job.” Namjoon says, a frown on his face. “Since all his other victims end up dead. Unfortunately, Hwanwoong, you’re the first to survive the attacks, so a bit more security on your side is needed.”

Hwanwoong nods, sighing. Seoho hugs him tighter, and the younger is grateful for his hyung hugging him. It’s rare that Seoho initiate’s skin ship in public, preferring to do it in private, and usually only when he’s hit a certain limit, like after he thinks he’s failed a test in a class, or had a rough day at practice. “So, we already talked about not going out unless we all go out together, and that maybe Geonhak and Dongju should stay at home, but maybe that’s not the best idea?” He asks, looking at Namjoon.

Namjoon shakes his head. “No, best practice would dictate you don’t go out at all and have someone bring you things. Someone you trust, but I’m guessing you don’t have that?”

“No, my twin is pledging his group this Blood moon, and I wouldn’t want him or his group to be the next target either.” Dongju speaks up, worry in his voice. “They took Hwanwoong’s attack this morning very seriously and got their preparations done and are not planning on going out at all for several weeks.”

“They’re cancelling their Blood moon festival appearance next week?” Seoho gasps, eyes wide as he leans back to stare at Dongju.

“Yeah, and their next 3 gigs too.” Dongju confirms. “Part of it is because of Dongmyeong’s fledgling status, the other part is they don’t want to be attacked since they are a mixed group right now, and if this guy is still running around after the Blood moon, they don’t want to take any chances if the motive for the killings turns out to be completely different than what you all are speculating right now.”

The room falls silent as both groups process that fact. Yoongi clears his throat, looking at Namjoon meaningfully. He shakes his head a second before Yoongi nods, and then Namjoon nods back, understanding his mate. “We are willing to be runners for you, if you don’t have anyone else to do it.” Namjoon offers, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

Youngjo looks around at his mates. No one else had thought of anyone between the apartment and the office to find someone to help them so he knew BTS’s offer was something special that they should take. “We would be very honored and thankful for your help.” He gets up from his seat and bows deeply, the rest of his mates following suit. “We don’t have anyone else who can help us with things.” Youngjo adds as they all sit back down. “Dongju’s twin was our only other choice, the rest of us have cut off contact from our parent groups, some permanently, some for other reasons.”

“You all know what happened with mine, it’s talked about in government history about the most recent uprisings of the past 30 years.” Keonhee adds, a frown on his face.

“You came from the Lee-Do group?” Jimin asks, a frown on his face.

Keonhee nods. “Last surviving member that I’m aware of, unless one of the other vampire kids lived past puberty.” He shrugs. “I was told at the last Vampire Council meeting on the matter that most of the other tracked former members of my parent group died from suicide or guilty by trial or asked to be killed by the Council. They wouldn’t tell me what happened to the few kids that were left alive after they came to disband the group.”

“Do Kyungsoo lives.” Taehyung says. “He’s led a quiet life in the mountains, staying out of the way. He’s the last of the Do line and was probably not there when you were removed from your parent group.”

Keonhee shakes his head. “I’m not too familiar with that name, but I wasn’t allowed to know any of the other children’s names growing up.”

“That’s because he’s 5 years older than you and fled the group when he had the chance to.” Yoongi tells him. “I grew up with Kyungsoo in Daegu, that’s how Taehyung knows about him.” He sighs. “Kyungsoo was being raised how you were being raised, to be the perfect little prince of your parent group. Only he had more freedom than you did, allowed to roam the grounds, socially interact with the rest of your parent group.”

Keonhee’s eyes grew wide. “That explains why I was confined to the house and house grounds and had a bodyguard on me at all times.” He says quietly. “There were whispers of another who refused to fill the role properly, and that’s why I had to maintain proper form at all times.”

Yoongi nods. “Kyungsoo doesn’t wish to be disturbed, he’s planning on living his life mateless as per his agreement with the Council, but should you ever need to know more details about your parent group, he does allow contact through me.”

“Do you think this perp may be one of the other children who survived your group?” Jungkook asks suddenly.

“Better question, do you know why your parent group was against the council, Keonhee?” Namjoon asks.

Keonhee shakes his head. “I wasn’t allowed a lot of knowledge about the inner workings with my parent group. I was told I’d learn more once I became mature and took my first victim as an adult and be allowed to rule as true Prince of the Realm, or whatever title they had for me, and I don’t even remember what age they said I had to be to do that.”

Jin steps up, a frown on his face. “Keonhee, your parent group were purists.”

A/N: Quick chapter up before the weekend, as I've got an anime convention this weekend I'm traveling to called Colorado Anime Fest (COAF) so may not have much time to write this weekend. If you attend and see this Unnie/Noona running around in Anime Nebraskon gear, that'd be me! Feel free to come say hi!

Feels a little like a filler chapter, and yes some of it is, but there is some important details in there, so keep this chapter in mind later on when we get into the action! *`^_^`*  I hope people are enjoying the story so far, please leave me a comment or subscribe if you do!

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