What Destiny Can’t Fix

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A Fated Pair was akin to a Legend where two people were tied by destiny.

Unfortunately, for Kim Jongin, he didn't believe that union.
If he did, then he wouldn't have lost something so precious to him.



posting this from my drafts again. lol. It was originally from a different universe but I just felt like it fit into EXO better.

It's seeing the light of day so I hope you like it.


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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 1: Uhoh ... jongin being a prick and **** till the last moments of his life still blaming Kyungsoo. What happened to him serves him right. Karma...
The guys are loyal to Kyungsoo as omega.

Dark story but great and nice .
ahzeeee #2
Its darrrrk BUT I LOVE IT AUTHORNIM. The twist tho. You kinda wont expect chanyeol to do that but hey, serves jongin right for being a entitled prick. Thankyou for you stories authornim ❤️