I Think I...

Love Again
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Yujin woke up to be greeted by the warmth of someone's arms wrapped around her waists.
She felt so warm right then and there that she didn't want to leave the person's arms. As she turned around, she noticed that it was the one and only...Hyunjin.
But..there was something about him when he was sleeping, right in front of her.

To Yujin's eyes, he looked so calm and peacefully quiet, she enjoyed this side of him whenever he's quiet.
His facial features caught her attention, his perfect beautiful and soft lips, beautiful straight and thick eyebrows, his cute under eye mole and his cute button nose. Hyunjin looked cute and cozy to her eyes. Yujin put her hand on Hyunjin's cheeks, softly cupping them. She noticed the gentle smile that appeared on his face, it made him look even more cuter than before.

Yujin just laied there on her side, admiring Hyunjin's face.

"Enjoying the view?"
Yujin flinched and flushed, she then noticed that Hyunjin had already opened his eyes.
She blushed and ducked her head down as the top of her head touched his chest making him giggle in his tired morning voice.
"You didn't answer me~" Hyunjin teased making Yujin blush even more.

"I...I guess..." Yujin mumbled shyly.

Hyunjin smiled at the red headed female, "You're so cute like this," Hyunjin said out loud.
He actually did that on purpose, he didn't want to hide his feelings anymore.

Yujin was still flustered, her face all red as Hyunjin .

"Okay, okay!" Hyunjin giggled once Yujin put her fist on his stomach, "I'll stop."
Yujin pouted, "Finally..." She mumbled before sitting up. Hyunjin watched as he did, getting up on his side as his hand helped his head up.
"Not gonna thank me?" He questioned, Yujin looked back at him before looking away. "Thank you," Yujin thanked, he smiled, "You're welcome~" He sing-a-song as he laied back down and streched his bones.

Yujin looked at him, "I'm hungry."


"You're lucky that I could cook," Hyunjin said, placing two bowel of rice on the table for her and him.
Yujin just hummed in response, "Gomawo," Yujin chewed on her food, eating the things that she hasn't eaten before except for some.

Hyunjin smiled, seeing her eat made him happy for some reason, "Eat up because I won't be making you anymore food," Hyunjin joked, Yujin whined making him laugh. "I was just kidding!" Hyunjin patted her head across the table, Yujin pouted.

Just then, loud voices boomed into the hide out.
"I know right!? And then- oh, hey...gu...ys..." Jisung looked at Yujin up and down then looked at Hyunjin with wide eyes making the two confused.
Felix also looked at Yujin up and down, "Why are you wearing Hyunjin's clothes!?" Jeongin yelled out and ran towards Yujin, pushing Seungmin while he was at it since the older was literally bothering him on the way here.

"Euhm...because I had no clothes," Yujin explained.
Jeongin looked at Yujin in shock, "And you didn't tell me!?" He exclaimed, "You should tell me first! Or else I'll think that you and hyungie are doing mature things! YOU'RE TOO YOUNG FOR THAT!"Jeongin exclaimed as he hugged Yujin's head. "Jeongin, you're literally the same age as Yujin," Hyunjin interupped.


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Chanchaniee #1
Chapter 45: Beautiful story... I love it 😍😍
Im new to Stray Kids because a friend got me obsessed with Hyujin so here I am dying over the awesomeness of this story! I adore everything about it! How you set the story! Let me just tell you that I spend the whole day and nearly night reading this story getting excited and also melting at some point! It was just straight amazing Love how the character are fun and somewhat relatable which is just an amazing thing to do so mad props to that! I read this story on another account long ago but I am glad to see its still updating!
Chapter 1: oh my goshhhhhh her mother is awful!!
Chapter 7: PETER! XD
But shi- sorry for not commenting on your other chapters like I used to!
But like- wahhh~ this is a very interesting story EVER!~
Anyways, I hope the next chapter comes! <333