Chapter 4 or an intermission to check on our character’s relationship with each other.

The Hardship of Desire


« Fumos. »

Byulyi raises her wand to make a smoke screen appear between her and the students in front of her. It is so thick neither of them can see each other. It only lasts a little less than a minute, earning Byulyi a strong applause from the first-year students.

« Thank you very much, Miss Moon. A delicate yet precise movement of the wand. »

Byulyi smiles at Mr. Humso’s compliment. The professor continues his lesson of Defense Against the Dark Art. He demonstrates the movement slowly to his students for another time. It is a basic spell, learned during the first year by every Hogwarts students, and can be really useful in difficult situations.

Despite its simplicity, getting the hang of it, still requires a few tries and a lot of focus.

Mr. Humso has chosen Byulyi to help him with the first years, as she has always performed well during in his class. Byulyi immediately accepted when Mr. Humso offered her the opportunity as she earns one Galleon each week for helping him with first years.

Byulyi walks around the classroom to correct the students as they practice the new spell. She is a skillful witch comfortable in her knowledge and understatement of magic enough to teach others. To the point that she won the dual Tournament organized by the school during her third year.

« Be more firm in your hold of you wand. You need to connect with it entirely. Take a deep breath. Now do it. »

The first year Hufflepuff does just as Byulyi tells him. A smoke screen appears around them and quickly fades away. The other first years with him exclaims in surprise at his success. Their enthusiasm makes Byulyi smile warmly. Teaching other is one thing she never imagined doing but she realizes that she enjoys it a lot.

At the end of the class, all of the students are able to control the spell, and can cast a thick smoke screen around them. Byulyi congratulate them as they exit the classroom, bumping fist with the most excited one. Mr. Humso looks at her from his desk with a proud smirk.

Byulyi is one of his favorite students. He immediately saw her potential and trained her personally for the Dual Tournament he organized during his first year as a teacher. Unfortunately, an accident happened during the tournament and the Headmaster decided to ban the practice of duels at Hogwarts.

« Thank you, Byulyi. You can enjoy your day and I will see you in class tomorrow. »

« Thank you, Mr. Humso. Have a nice afternoon.»

« Oh! Byulyi, can I ask you one last thing? »

« Yes? »

« Could you give this parchment to Miss Carter? I couldn’t give it to her earlier and I have a meeting to attend. »

« Of course. »

Byulyi leaves the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom with the parchment in hand and takes the way to the Great Hall, knowing most students can be found there at this hour of the day. If she can’t find Lily Carter there, surely one of her friends will be here.

Lily Carter isn’t unknown to Byulyi. She actually is one of the peoples that Byulyi can’t stand. She doesn’t know what there is about this girl, but just the thought of her annoys her. So she is relieved when she spots her in the Great Hall with her friends, she won’t have to look for her in the entire school or worse. In the Gryffindor Tower.

« Mr. Humso gave me this for you. »

Byulyi eyes suspiciously the group of girls around Lily. They all got quiet the second she stepped in. Their curious eyes are looking at her with interest and it is almost creepy at this point. Still, Byulyi tries to act naturally as she hands Lily the parchment.

« Oh… Thank you very much. »

Lily smiles kindly at Byulyi who responds with a quick nod before walking away. It was weird. But not as weird as the hand suddenly grabbing her wrist and walking her away from everyone else.

« We have to talk. »

Byulyi opens her eyes in surprise as she recognizes Yongsun. The girl brings her in the Chamber of Reception, hidden from the traffic of the Entrance Hall. It is a small building in which the first year students wait their turn during the Sorting Hat ceremony at the beginning of the year. Except for this event, it is a rather empty building the remaining days of the year.

« I heard you weren’t doing well. »

Byulyi frowns.

« I saw you at the end of the Quidditch match. You didn’t look so good. Is everything okay? »

Byulyi doesn’t know what to say or what to think. Yongsun is talking to her. That thought takes most of her brain capacity as it is a rather rare occasion. Even when they share class, they never seat next to each other, and Byulyi wouldn’t dare to try and talk to Yongsun. It is just too much. Yongsun is just too pretty for her own good. Even just looking at her from so close is barley manageable for her right now.

But on top of it, Yongsun is worried about her. Which means Yongsun knows she exists. Yongsun looks at her. Yongsun notices things about her. Yongsun thinks of her. Too much information are trying to be processed in her brain at the same time, not leaving any possibility for Byulyi to form a sentence.

« You fought well during the match. You lead your team perfectly. So, form one Captain to another, you did well the other day. Don’t be too hard on yourself. »

Byulyi nods, well that what she thinks she is doing, but really all she can think about is that Yongsun gave her a compliment. Actually she gave her three compliments and that has never happened before. What is she supposed to do? What are you supposed to do when your crush compliment you?

« I hope you will be okay. I have to go right now, but we should hang out sometimes. Now that we are both Captains, I feel like I could learn a lot from you. »

Yongsun waves cheerfully at Byulyi before walking out of the Chamber of Reception. It leaves Byulyi alone to contemplate what just happened with Yongsun, her long time crush. Something which has never happened before.



« Sugared Butterfly Wings, the choice of a sweet tooth. »

Wheein sighs at the familiar voice behind her, as she puts back down the green tin of sugared Butterfly Wings. Yongsun walks up to her and opens one of the tin cans to put some candies in . Wheein shakes her head at the behavior of her friend. Yongsun her lips full of sugar thanks to the candies.

« You know that you have to pay for that, right? »

« I know. Relax, Wheeinie. »

Yongsun is in a really good mood, which explains her craving for candies right now.

« Are you stressed, Wheeinie? »

« No. I am not. I am trying to buy some candies. »

« Liar. »

Yongsun puts her hands on Wheein’s shoulders to massage them.

« You are full of knots. »

Wheein rolls her eyes before escaping from Yongsun’s hands. She continues to observe the candies around her favorite shop at Hogsmeade, Honeydukes. Yongsun follows her around quietly, not leaving Wheein from her sight.

« Since I will pay for the Sugared Butterfly Wings, do you want something? »

« Jelly Slugs! »

Wheein’s answer is immediate which make Yongsun chuckle happily. She lets Wheein run for the pack of Jelly Slugs and pays for it just like she promised. It is an excited Wheein who exits Honeydukes, a pack of Jelly Slugs in hand. She can’t to be back at the castle to open her pack and puts three Jelly Slugs in .

« Slow down, Wheeinie. »

Wheein sticks her tongue out to Yongsun.

Since it is a weekend where visiting Hogsmeade is allowed, most students are currently shopping in the all-wizarding village. So when the two friends step back into the castle, there is little to no students in the corridors. It gives Yongsun a little idea.

« Have you ever used the Prefect’s bathrooms, Wheeinie? »

It peaks Wheein’s interest as she raises an eyebrow at the suggestion.

« Want to give it a try? »

« Now? »

Yongsun smiles mischievously, she takes Wheein’s hand in her, and walks up the moving stairs. The continue until they reach the Fifth floor, leaving them a bit out of breath for having rushed the way up there. Yongsun continues down the corridors while checking for professors unexpectedly walking around.

Finally when they are in front of the statue of Boris the Bewildered, Yongsun pronounces the password making the secret entrance to the Prefect Bathroom revealing itself. Wheein follows Yongsun inside, her half-eaten bag of Jelly Slugs in hand.

Surprisingly, the bag of sweets is quickly forgotten as Wheein discovers the gigantic tube in the middle of the room. It is the size of a small swimming pool, with dozens of metal pipes coming from the ceiling and diving into the water on the part of the tube next to the wall. Individual changing rooms are available all around the room, with clean and warm towels and a bathrobe.

« Meet me in the tube. »

Yongsun enters one of the stall to change herself, leaving Wheein to admire the room for longer. Eventually, the girl gets into one of the changing rooms and starts to undress, she then puts on the bathrobe available and exits the stall. As she exits, she sees Yongsun already in the tube with bubble up to her chin and her hair in a high bun.

Wheein hadn’t noticed before, but there are two stained glass on each side of the dozen of pipes with a mermaid drawn on each of them. Yongsun is currently discussing with one of the mermaids, but she is too far for Wheein to hear what she is telling the mermaid. It seems to be related to the water coming from the pipes as the cascade just changed color.

« Wheein. I asked it to be extra relaxing. »

Yongsun swims back to the edge where Wheein is standing. Her ever so candid eyes looking at Wheein with anticipation. It makes Wheein a little nervous, as she takes off her bathrobe before entering the water. Yongsun smiles at her sweetly.

« It is nice, isn’t it? »

« Yes. It is. Thank you, unnie. »

Yongsun leans on the edge of the tube to reach for something and Wheein raises an eyebrow when she sees Yongsun holding her wand. Yongsun puts her index on her lips and whispers a spell while pointing at something on the floor of the bathroom.

Wheein gasps when she sees butterflies suddenly flying around the bathroom. They are the candies Yongsun bought at Honeydukes but they are now enchanted by Yongsun’s magic. It makes Wheein giggle happily when one lands on top of her head.

« You look nice like this. »

Wheein smiles happily in response.

Yongsun brings a flask with her and tells Wheein to hold it while she shampoos her hair. Wheein lets out a moan when she feels Yongsun gently massaging her scalp with the product. She gives Wheein’s hair an attentive cleaning, unknotting the long hair gently and massaging her scalp that it makes Wheein feel drowsy.

« You are cute like this. »

Yongsun brings Wheein between her legs and makes her back rest against her front while she continues to massage her scalp. Wheein feels like falling asleep, the warmth of the water, Yongsun’s delicate touch on her scalp, and the relaxing smell around them, are perfect condition for a quick nap.

« Wake up, baby. I need to rinse your hair now. »

Wheein begrudgingly does as told. She immerses herself entirely and Yongsun helps her clearing out the shampoo entirely from her hair. It feels refreshing to have someone taking care of her. Maybe she needed to relax after all.

« Hello, Grandpa! Look at your beard, Wheeinie. »

Wheein checks herself in the mirror on one of the walls. Yongsun has put foam all over her face, making it look like Wheein has grown a white beard as long as Santa, not that Yongsun would know about it since she hasn’t been raised in the Muggle culture like Wheein did thanks to her mother being a Muggle born.

« It fits you very well. »

Wheein doesn’t believe Yongsun one second, but she likes the cute voice her friend is using so she smiles bigger. Yongsun comes closer to Wheein and hugs her close to her. She tries to ignore how their body are touching as they are both but it isn’t so easy and she can feel her cheeks turning red.

Yongsun kisses her cheek before letting go.

« You are my savior, Wheeinie. »

Wheein is used to the eternal gratitude Yongsun has for her. It used to make her feel awkward, but she doesn’t mind it so much anymore. She takes Yongsun’s hand in hers and kisses it as a butterfly land on Yongsun’s shoulder.



« Uniform! Ahn Hyejin! No need to act like you didn’t see me! »

Hyejin continues down the stairs and takes a sharp turn into a corridor but the Hufflepuff Prefect is faster than she thought. He grabs her by the elbow to fore her to stop.

« Ahn Hyejin! It is the third time this week. You are a fifth year now, for Pete’s sake! Please, adjust your uniform. Or I will do it for you. »

Hyejin glares at the Prefect boy for a moment, but seeing she won’t win this one, she does as told. She puts her shirt in her skirt, ties her tie, puts her cloak on both her shoulders and rolls her eyes for good measure when she is done.

« Next time, I will have to notice the direction. »

Hyejin doesn’t have the time to give a piece of her mind to the boy as Wheein appears next to her.

« Hello, Hyejin. Hello, Thomas. I am stealing her from you. See you around, Thomas. »

« Yeah, see you, Wheein. »

Wheein waves at Thomas as she drags Hyejin away. It happens that the library in on their way so Wheein decides to drop by. Hyejin follows her without saying a word, but one they are sitting down at one of the reading tables. Hyejin almost immediately loosens up her tie out of habit, as she has never been a fan of following the rules.

« I thought you might need help with Thomas. You know, he is nice, but he takes his Prefect job a bit too seriously. »

« Thanks. »

Hyejin wonders how is it possible for someone to maintain good relationships with so many people at the same time. It doesn’t seem that Wheein just knows everyone, it seems that she personally knows a lot of people. It must be nice to know there is always a friend of hers around the school. Hyejin understands why Wheein never tried to be her friend before. She already has so many of them.

« You didn’t have to. But thank you. »

« Well, you are my friend. How could I not help you? »

Hyejin tries not show her surprise. Wheein and her are friends, something she never thought possible, but it is the case right now as Wheein just said it. Hyejin tries to play it off, taking one breath after the other.

« You seem to be doing good. »

« Oh? Really? Why are you saying that? »

« Oh. Nothing, you just look glowing in a way. As if… »

« No! No, no, no. »

Wheein looks around them to see if anyone is around. Hyejin raises an eyebrow at the sudden change in behavior of Wheein.

« I am sorry. I just feel like you look more relaxed than before. You have been rather jumpy lately. I thought, it is good that you feel better. I didn’t want to assume anything. »

« It is fine, Hyejin. It is fine. But… Yeah I didn’t do that. »

Hyejin nods quickly as embarrassed as Wheein to venture into this subject. Especially when they have only been this close for a few weeks, which is amazing when she thinks about it, but also unnerving when she thinks too much about it.


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chickenbbq #1
Chapter 22: I come back to this once in a while and imagine the characters looking different each time hehe great writing
kailco #2
Chapter 22: Omg this are the best news!! I've missed this fic so much!!
kailco #3
Chapter 21: I honestly would love to see more of Yongsun and Byul, even if their interactions are stiff and kinda akward. It's fun to read and see if they'll ever go past the weird tension. I liked how light this chapter was, but I really want to know what's going on with Pearley and the plot! Haha
Can't wait to read what you'll bring next c: thank you so much for sharing!
Daebak_Janggu #4
Chapter 21: Yes! Another update! I don't really have much to say this time, sorry haha, but, it was a good chapter and it's very interesting how each relationship has a different dinamic than what I what I was expecting, it's been a while since we last saw their interactions. Byul and Yongsun's relationship seems to be the one who's moving the slowest, I hope they'll become at least friends at one point and we also haven't had an update on Byul's feelings... Aaa, my mind is wandering too much. Can't wait for the next chapter!
kailco #5
Chapter 20: AAAAAAAAH, I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE BACK!! I missed this story so much! A friend and I are reading your fic and we always scream at each other when there's an update hehe.
I'm so interested now that you tell us there's going to be a plot 👀 I can't wait to see what's that about. Also, Pearley is too sus... I don't like her.
Thank you for sharing this fic with us, I'll be waiting for what will come next!
Chapter 20: You're back!!! I You don't know how much I had missed this story. Omg and now there is a plot!! I'm so exited!!
But why did Wheein lie to Yong? And what is the Pearley up to?
Daebak_Janggu #7
Chapter 20: God, I was thinking of your story the other day so you updating now took me by surprise. A pleasant one tbh, I missed reading your updates, glad to have you back. It makes me kind of sad that we won't get chapters on a regular basis, but I prefer that to have none at all. Great chapter by the way, I wonder if those two (Byulyi and Hyejin) will have some kind of "booster", like for example, Yong does Magic without a wand (if I remember correctly) and Wheein has her powerful magic eye(?). So, yeah. Thanks for the update ~
rereading cause i still miss this story lol
Chapter 19: Im rereading the story while I wait for an update and I just really noticed the big change of tone after that episode on the forbidden forest I can’t help but analyze wheein’s character the most because, well given that shes my bias I just notice that theres a feeling of hesitation and mystery around her whenever shes mentioned it feels like I know her alot already but at the same time I don’t Im glad wheesun can relax with each other but at the same time they should really talk I know they’re close but that closeness is preventing their dynamic to develop from then they are the most consistent yongsun never once got angry on wheein nor did they fight and wheein though not all the time is submissive to yongsun i think they should atleast have a fight to develop hwasun on the other hand had the biggest development they went from strangers to dating to friends thats awesome and hwasa seems to understand her emotions well now and have it herself to trust yongsun better than they were together moonsun seems to be in a good standing as well im really happy on how they’re developing I really hope that you’ll explore more of wheesun’s dynamic on the upcoming quidditch match I dont want to get ahead of my self of them being potential lovers cause like i said they need to work on their relationship as friends first
Chapter 19: I was about to give up looking for a wheesun moment and its so cute that wheein becomes a baby with her :,) her little protégé the very last part is so wholesome with 0t4 and wow yongsun’s leisure time is really something lmao and something happened to wheein’s magic i assume? Cause she used that for byul’s wand and its not working I can’t wait for the quidditch tournament i can’t wait for jung speed moonsnake and captain kim in action