
Love beyond war

Date: 14/11/1937

Dear diary

You may have already guessed it from the last time I wrote but yes, I had been thrown into prison. A fate that I had to be in for the rest of my life. I leaned my back against the wall and let out a sigh. I looked around the small room that I was inside. Nothing there except for a small bed with a small sink and toilet. I was in the cell all by myself and couldn't even talk with the person in the cells beside me since they were too far away. I would be needing to yell for them to hear me but then again I would get into trouble with the guards if I ever dared to do it. The only people that I could communicate with were the guards that sometimes passed by to check on me from the small window in the door that was closed with a hatch on the outside. It has only been a day since I got inside here and I'm already bored to death but at least I could have my diary with me after Yoon sneaked it to me after she knew what had happened and had visited me. I was sitting on the bed and reading my diary from the start when I heard a ruckus outside of my door.

???: Don’t you know who I am?! How dare you disrespect someone higher than you like this?! Don’t you have any manners?!

???2: I’m sorry…

???: As you should be, now get going!

???2: Yes ma’am!

I then heard hurried footsteps getting further away from my cell. It was silent for a while.

Heejin: Are you in your own dream a what, you idiot?

I looked at the door to see a bit of Heejin face peak from the small window in the door. I got up and walked over to it.

Jahoon: What the hell are you doing here, you stupid? You know it is dangerous for you to be here! What if someone sees you or the guards report you to the higher-ups?!

Heejin: You don’t have to be so worried about me unnie. The team including me is worried about you.

Jahoon: I’m fine. As you can see I don’t have that much to do but I’m glad Yoon sneaked in my diary or else I would have died of boredom.

Heejin: As if you would die of boredom. You always find something to do even when there isn’t anything but I have some news for you. It is about Chaehyun.

Heejin gestured for me to come closer to the door. I walked closer and leaned in, so I could hear Heejin clearly.

Heejin: You don’t have to be worried about Chaehyun. We have made sure that she and her mother is safe, so none of the higher-ups can get to them.

Jahoon: I’m relieved but I already knew that she was going to be in safe hands when I saw you yesterday.

Heejin: You knew that it was me? But I tried to cover up so much~

Jahoon: We have been together for a long time and I know you to every crook, so it is not like you can’t hide your identity for me even after covering it up but where is she right now?

Heejin: She is currently hiding right now but it won’t be soon before we are transporting her out of the country, probably back to the US.

I sighed. I was so worried about her and I couldn’t even do anything about it. She is in this situation because of me. We suddenly heard some ruckus down the hallway and a group of people talking.

Heejin: I have to go now but I got something for you from Chaehyun. See you, my friend. We will get you out soon, I promise.

Heejin slipped a letter through the small window and hurriedly closed it before hurrying away from the scene. I hurriedly got back to my bed and slipped the letter on top of the last opened page before closing the diary and hiding under my bed. I lay on the bed with an arm behind my head and acted like I was resting. I heard some ruckus from the door, making me open my eyes.

GOTA: Well well well. Look at you. The big and great Jahoon Park laying there without being available to do anything. All helpless. You know, we are actually near to getting the girl you were with. Maybe we should have you sitting in front of us while we torture her. Won’t that be a good sight Park?

I sighed and closed my eyes again before turning around in bed so that my back was facing her.

GOTA: Don’t think that just by ignoring me that you will be available to stop or do anything about it! Just wait, Park. You will regret being a traitor and not stay on the right side.

I heard the window get shut loudly and the voices outside gradually fainted away. When I was sure that no one was there, I grabbed back my diary and pulled out the letter opening it.

Dear Jahoon. I heard what happen to you and I feel so guilty. It was my fault for you to end up like that. I wanted to see you and I wanted to hold you but I can’t do anything about it. I don’t want to cause more trouble to you but don’t worry about me. I’m doing fine right now and your friends have been helping my mom and me a lot but I miss you. I pray to God that we will get to see each other soon. Please take care of yourself and know that I always love you. - Chaehyun.

I could feel a tear roll down my cheeks, making me realize how much I’m actually missing her right now. At least I know from her and Heejin that she is in a safe place. I want to see you soon. I will.










Date: 14/12/1942

Dear diary

Today is the day that I have been in prison for exactly 5 years and 1 month. Yes, I have been keeping track of it and yes, I have maybe become a little crazy but it is hard not to when you have kept inside like this for so long. The only thing that I have been available to do all of this time is read my diary from the start to the end almost 1 million times. I had even torn out the last page and rolled it into a ball and started playing it. During all the 5 years I have been here I haven't heard anything from Chaehyun or the others from my team. They have probably escaped already? Probably since I have been taken out from my room a lot to a torture room where I had been beaten up without any reason. I lay on my bed as I sighed for who knows how many times. I suddenly heard a ruckus from the outside of my door. People were yelling as well as gunshots could be heard, making me wonder what was happening. I stood up from my bed and looked around the room to find anything to protect myself with but before I knew it the door to my cell was kicked up.

???: I'm sorry that we took a long time to come and rescue you, my fellow soldier.

A male soldier walked inside of the room with his hands behind his back. I looked at him from head to toe with suspicion but quickly found out that he was one of my own and a much higher ranking than me.

???: I know you are confused about who I am and you are also allowed that since you haven't seen me before. I'm the one who has been in charge of ALL the soldiers during the war against Japan. Including your GOTA (General of the army). During the 5 years that you have been here, we have already won against the Japanese and the country is on its way to normality. Please follow me.

The male soldier turned around and began to walk out of the room. I quickly grabbed my diary and hid it in my clothes before following him, walking right beside him.

???: During the time also, we have found out that your GOTA has been working against the rules and have been sending people to prison without any decent reason. Including you.

Jahoon: You know who I am?

???: Of course! Almost everyone in the military knows you and your achievements. You were a colonel before going to prison, right? But since you were under such a selfish a d jealous GOTA you were robbed of getting a higher position. You were actually going to become a general yourself!

We walked outside of the building that had been used for the prison and out into the sun that was blaring in the sky. I squinted my eyes as I tried to adjust them to the sudden light. It was the first in 5 years that I had been seen natural light. We walked for a bit while he explained to me how we had won against the Japanese while I was inside. I was led to a nice-looking building and into a room with cold air that felt refreshing after being exposed to only hot air.

???: Please sit down and can someone get miss Park some food and water?!

We sat down in a sofa chair that was placed around a table. Some people entered the room and placed down some food and water before walking out and closing the door to leave us in privacy.

???: Please eat and don't worry. I haven't put anything in it.

Jahoon: Can I ask a question? How did you guys know what happened at our base?

???: Well at first everything was well hidden. The reports that were coming in from your base each month about the situation here was all normal but then there were coming to some strange reports about that nothing had happened with the Japanese and that everything was fine but when we got some reports from other bases around yours, they have reported completely different. That's why we sent an undercover soldier in here and found out that your GOTA had acted selfish and sent people to prison for not living up to their expectations. We only found out that you were in prison because of the undercover soldier.

Jahoon: So you also know the reason that she sent me in?

???: I do and if I have to say the truth it is nothing to be sent to prison about. We allow it unless it would be interfering with work which from what I have heard didn't. So all in all it was an act of selfishness and jealousy. Is there something else for want to know about?

Jahoon: Do you know where my team is? The one that I had been from the start.

The guy stopped his movements for a second before putting down his utensils and grabbed his glass before drinking from it. I caught myself holding a tight grip around my utensils as I had a bad feeling about what I was going to hear.

???: Actually about that… we don't know where they are. When we got here, we tried to find you first and thought if we could find your team then we would find you but there is no sight of them on this camp. But you don't have to worry! We are trying to find them right now and reconnect you guys together.

Jahoon: What is going to happen to me now?

???: Unfortunately, we have to send you back to the US to follow the protocol of the army but you can come back again and find your love.

I sighed and used my fork to scrap around the food on my plate, just staring at it. I couldn't do anything at all as I was still under the rules of the army. The only thing I could do was to wish for me to meet them all again soon.

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