Joining the military

Love beyond war

Date: 25/07/1930

Dear diary

I was sitting with my parents in my house and having a warm lunch before I had to go to work again when someone knocked on the door. My father got up from his seat and walked over to open it.

???: Order from the government! Miss Jahoon Park has to serve in the military for the sake and great power of our country! She has to be seen standing in front of the military headquarters by noon tomorrow! If she fails to do so, she will be prisoned for life!

I looked at my mom, who had a scared look on her face. I could feel cold sweat beginning to roll down my back as I was beginning to get nervous. Why does it have to be me? I didn't want to do it! We heard the door close and my father walking back to the table with a piece of paper in his hand. He was looking pale as he held his head in his hand, elbow on the table.

Mom: What are we going to do now?! I can't effort to lose another of my child to the war!

My brother who was two years older than me had been taken out to enter the war two years ago. Luckily we still know that he is alive as he had occasionally sent us letters to know what is happening in his life and that we didn't need to worry about him.

Dad: I don't want it to happen myself. I don't want to lose my dear daughter but there is nothing that we can do about it.

Jahoon: But dad! I don't want to join the military! I want to study and become a doctor so that I can help people in need!

Dad: I know Jahoon but there is nothing we can do about it. If we don't follow the government's order then you will be prisoned and would never ever get to study!

I slammed my hands on the table as I got up from my chair. I looked between my mom and dad. I wanted to get angry. I wanted to yell at them. I wanted to throw everything but I couldn't. I couldn't get angry at them as it wasn't their fault for me to join the military. I walked out of the house and back to my job not caring that I hadn't finished my food yet.







Date: 26/07/1930

Dear diary

Today is the date that I had to join the military. I was in my room packing my bag when my dad knocked at the door.

Dad: Are you ready, my daughter?

Jahoon: Yes dad.

My father walked over to me and laid a hand on my shoulder.

Dad: I know you may be mad at me for telling you to join the military but I didn't have any choice.

Jahoon: I'm not mad at you dad. It's not your fault. You and mom have done so much for me. This is the only way that I can repay you. If not then you and mom will get in trouble because of me.

My father pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged him back. We stood there for a while until we had to go. We got into the car with my mother as my father drove us to the military headquarters with just 10 minutes to spare.

Mom: Jahoon, promise me that you will take care of yourself and eat well while you are there and that you will come and visit us whenever you are available.

Jahoon: Don't worry mom. I promise that I will take care of myself and that I will always visit you when I'm allowed to.

Dad: Hopefully you won't be in there for too long. I'm gonna miss you so much, my daughter.

I hugged my mom and dad for the last time before that I had to go inside. I stood in front of the gate one more time and turned around to wave at them before going in for real. As soon as I got inside a female soldier was already waiting for me.

Captain Kwon: I'm captain Kwon Eunbi but for you, it would be captain Kwon. You will be on my team from now on, so you have to do everything as I said. Am I clear?!

Jahoon: Yes ma'am!

Captain Kwon: I said, am I clear?!!!

Jahoon: Yes ma'am!!!

Captain Kwon: Good! Now follow me to your bunker!

This is going to be hard to survive here. As we walked over to my bunkers I tried to see if I could see my brother but I couldn't even see the back of a man. Maybe this way the girls' department? We reached the bunkers as she opened the door to reveal 7 other girls in there.

Captain Kwon: These girls are who you are gonna bunk with and also your primary team, so get to know each other well because your life is soon gonna depend on your teamwork. Put on your uniform and gear and meet me in the training field at 14:00 on the dot. Do you understand?!

Everyone: Yes ma'am!!!

I walked inside as captain Kwon closed the door behind me. I walked over to the bunker that didn't seem occupied, which was the bottom bunk bed closest to the door, and began unpacking my stuff. On the bed was a uniform with my name on it.

???: Hello! My name is Jayoon Shim but you can call me Yoon! It is nice to get to know you!

A girl with long brown hair stood next to me with her hand extended and a big smile on her face. I looked at her face then her hand and back at her face before grabbing it with a smile myself.

Jahoon: Jahoon Park. Nice to meet you too.

A girl popped her into my view from the top bunk of my bunker.

???: Nice to meet you Jahoon! My name is Seungyeon! Let's be friends!

??? 1: And I'm Yujin Ahn!

??? 2: Ryujin Shin here!

??? 3: Heejin Jeon and this is

??? 4: Hyunjin Kim!

??? 5: Yuqi Song from China!

We introduced ourselves and some traits about ourselves to get to know each other a bit better while we changed into our uniforms. We then put on our bags and walked out of the room with me in the lead, followed by Yujin, Hyunjin, Yuqi, Yoon, Heejin, Seungyeon, and lastly Ryujin. We got to the training field where captain Kwon was waiting for us.

Captain Kwon: Had expected you guys to come late but you came right on the dot. Well if you guys know how it is done then show me that you can run around this field with your bags 50 times starting from now!

I could hear the other girls groaning at the request. I just shook my head lightly at them as I began running first before the other girls followed me right behind. After a few hours, I was already done while the other girls still had about 15 rounds left. I stood in front of captain Kwon as we waited for the rest of the girls to finish. As soon as they had finished they almost came crawling back to their position.

Captain Kwon: You guys really need to work out except for private Park. That is why I am promoting corporal Park to be the team leader for team 8 from now on!

Captain Kwon walked over to me and gave me an armband for me to put on to indicate that I was the team leader. I looked over to the other girls to see them smiling at me and silently cheered. We then finished our workout and test for the day before we got dinner at the food hall and returned back to our bunkers.

Yuqi: OMG! I'm hurting in every place and muscle that I didn't even know that I could hurt!

Yoon: I'm agreeing with that. I feel so sleepy that I could just drop dead asleep now!

Jahoon: Let's prepare and get to bed then we can be prepared for tomorrow! Or in the best way possible and not look like the walking dead.

We all did a quick night routine with a shower and fell asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow.













Date: 01/08/1930

Dear diary

It has been a week since I entered the military. Today we have gotten a chance to write and send a letter to our loved ones and of course, I sent one to my parents. Every since I last wrote here, my team and I have been training really hard. I have been gaining a lot of muscles by doing this! The buffets I have ever been in my life. And because of my team's great teamwork and our speedy improvement, we have been ranked as team number 1 out of 40 teams. We were sitting in the food hall and eating our food when suddenly captain Kwon came to our table.

Captain Kwon: Corporal Park. I need you to follow me right now.

Luckily I had already finished my food when she came. I placed my dirty dishes at the racks assigned for them and followed captain Kwon to the colonel's office. I had to admit that I was feeling very scared about being called like that. I thought that I had done something against the rule or something, so I was sweating cold sweats all the way but I tried to keep my cold and had a poker face on. We got inside of the office where colonel Jones was sitting in his chair.

Colonel Jones: You may think why am I here, right corporal Park? I have noticed an increase in your performance,  and a great one by the way. That is why I'm now promoting you to be lieutenant. Congratulations lieutenant Park on your promotion!

Colonel Jones pinned on my badge that indicated I was now a lieutenant. I watched each of her movements as she pinned it onto my uniform, trying not to smile. I bowed to colonel Jones and captain Kwon before exiting the office. I remember walking it with a big smile on my face. I may not have wanted to be here at first but my hard work has come to pay off well.

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