Chapter 11

From A Different Perspective

Dear Seoho,

Is signing your life away something you would do?

I feel like you would do the same thing to get away from the dreams, the thoughts, the everything.

What lengths would you go through to prove your worth though?

I wouldn't become a werewolf hunter, but I'd be a bodyguard for one, maybe. Or I'd be a pet or something. I don't know. I don't know what Daeyeol has in store for me, but I hope he'll let me continue these journals. I want someone to find this eventually, when my death comes. If it does.

I wouldn't be opposed to it if it came right after this post to be honest with you. I'm ready for it, but I don't know if anyone else is




"You're more calm about this than I expected," said Daeyeol as he walked over, sitting in front of Keonhee as he finished writing in his journal. "I'm done dealing with my mistakes," said Keonhee as he hooked the strap onto the journal and hooked his trusty pen to the strap.

"So what are you looking to gain from this?" Asked Daeyeol. "I just need to control my insanity," said Keonhee. "Nothing more," he said. "We'll have to go the chip route then," hummed Daeyeol. "The what?" Asked Keonhee. "I'm going to put a computer chip in your brain, and force it to integrate with your brain function to essentially render you as an emotionless soldier," said Daeyeol. "It's going to hurt, but it'll only be during the procedure," he said.

"Will you let me continue this journal writing?" Asked Keonhee. "That, would be up to your new owner at that point," said Daeyeol as he stood, walking over to the door and opening it, revealing a new face. "Now why did I agree to getting the dog again?" Asked Jangjun as he looked at Keonhee before looking at Daeyeol.

"Well hello to you too," said Daeyeol as he let Jangjun in, closing the door behind him. "I asked you because Bomin is already with me, and Seongyoon has Youngtaek," he said. "We really missed out on getting Joochan and the rest of his pack but Kevin really needed them," he said.

"Fine," said Jangjun. "I'll take the dog," he said. "That's settled then," said Daeyeol. "We'll get everything set up and you two can bond before the procedure," he said. "Sure, why not," said Jangjun. "Okay," said Keonhee.



Keonhee walked around the city with Jangjun, taking the few days they had before the procedure to really get a feel for each other since they would be stuck together for the time being. Jangjun was not who Keonhee thought he was at first, Jangjun had put that into his head immediately. Jangjun was putting up a front like he was, but more for a different reason than Keonhee's.

"I'm not who you think I am," said Jangjun. "I figured," said Keonhee. "Because I'm not who you think I am either," he added. "We have a lot of things to share about ourselves it seems," hummed Jangjun.



As they got to know each other Jangjun was allowed to read through Keonhee's journal to get a better understanding of how he was leading up to the procedure. Keonhee in turn was allowed to see a different, more soft side to Jangjun. The cold and calculated front Jangjun had up was just that, a front, and Keonhee's emotionless front stemmed from being around someone like Gunhak for most of his life after a brief few years with his home pack.

"What caused you to leave that pack anyway?" Asked Jangjun. "My home pack?" Asked Keonhee. Jangjun nodded. "I honestly don't remember," said Keonhee. "But I do think it had to do with a difference in opinions," he said. "My parents were killed off a bit after I was born and I was raised by someone else," he said. "I left a bit after I started changing," he said.

"Did you ever find our who killed them?" Asked Jangjun. "Probably werewolf hunters if I had to take a wild guess," said Keonhee. "Someone that wouldn't kill a baby," he added. "Because I wouldn't be here today if that wasn't the case," he said. Jangjun hummed in response.



After dyeing his hair back to black and t it Keonhee was ready for the procedure. Jangjun was less ready for the procedure but for other reasons, but he was going through with it since he was going to be out of the country for a while, needing to check on things in one of the neighboring countries, namely checking on Kevin and his pack.

Bomin and Youngtaek attached shackles to Keonhee's wrists and ankles before attaching the chains to the table he would be lying on and Keonhee sat down on the table, huffing out a sigh as he knew this would be his last chance to back out. He was adamant about staying though, and watched as Daeyeol walked over with a small nail gun like device in his hands.

"This will only take a second," said Daeyeol. "Right," hummed Keonhee as he braced himself. Daeyeol pointed the gun at the side of Keonhee's head and fired it, Keonhee feeling a pinch and then nothing. Daeyeol moved away, letting Bomin and Youngtaek start attaching wires to various pads placed over Keonhee's head and neck, moving back after they were done. "Lay back, and brace yourself," said Daeyeol and Keonhee did what he was told, Daeyeol going over to a computer and bringing up the system. Jangjun and Seongyoon were watching from an observation room as Daeyeol prepared to launch the program.

"Vitals look fine, everything looks fine," mumbled Daeyeol as he clicked around on the screen, moving windows and making sure he had the window with the start button pulled up.

"Alright, this is your last chance," said Daeyeol as he turned to Keonhee. Keonhee shook his head. "I'm ready for it," he said. "Once this starts, I can't stop it until you do it yourself," said Daeyeol. "So are you sure?" He asked. "Yes," said Keonhee. "Alright," said Daeyeol as he turned back to the screen and hit the start button.



The first thing that registered in Keonhee's mind was pain. He grit his teeth as the pain started, gripping onto the chains so hard his knuckles turned white. His back arched off the table as his mind struggled with integrating the chip. He shut his eyes tight as he heard Seoho's voice somewhere above him, refusing to see him for this last time.

"You're an idiot! You think you can just shut me away like this huh?!" Shouted Seoho as he hovered above Keonhee. "You know this will be temporary, you won't stop seeing me!" He said.

Keonhee had to focus, taking a deep breath as the pain continued. He thrashed around on the table for a minute, refusing to back down from this. He needed to hold out just a little longer. He had to hold out just a bit longer.



"This isn't working," hummed Jangjun as he watched from the observation room. "It is," said Seongyoon. "Have some faith in him will you?" He asked. "It's hard to sit here and watch it happen, I mean look at what it did to Bomin and Youngtaek, and they're 'shifters," said Jangjun.


"You're not doing any more to get rid of me, you'll see me again," said Seoho. "I am-," he started before fading away, Keonhee finally stopping his thrashing and settling on the table. He opened his eyes, looking up at the ceiling as he felt his emotions shut down. He sat up, looking at Jangjun through the window to the observation room. Jangjun stared back, his head tilting to the side as he studied Keonhee.

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Chapter 4: Alright, I read this in one go and it sounds interesting, since I don't know much about what happened before. This is a different POV, so I have not read another or the prequel yet...
I love the hallucination-scenes a lot! You've done a great job depicting those! (^v^)/
Other than that, there are soooooo many names that I am a little confused about all the relations, but I think I will get used to it at some point.
Keep writing author-nim (^w^)
Congraz on the ad bid win! Imma sub and hopefully read it in the upcoming two weeks (;
I'm Sorry but did you really spend 100 k karma on the ad bid??? How? Lol
congrats on winning the bid!!
692 streak #5
Congrats on the bid! ^^