i'm here for you, always

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"I'm here for you," Sehun told you. "Always."

“I know,” you replied. You would tell Sehun after that he brought out the brat in you. That he spoiled you. That the many years of friendship between both of you were simply made of moments where he would surrender to you.

"I'm also here for you, always."



Take my hand
Believe me when I say
I'm here for you always (here for you always)
Take my hand
And everything could change
But one thing stays the same
I'm here for you always

“I promise I won’t hit on you,” he said and it worked. It worked for you because you didn’t want to get involved with boys. It worked because Sehun kept his promise for years to come and not once would he try to sleep with you.

And when you pushed yourself to him, he knew how to keep his distance.


"Hey," Sehun called out and you raised an eyebrow. "Remember my promise?"

"About taking me to the movies this Saturday so we can mourn the end of your three-year marriage?" you asked, chuckling. He didn't say anything to that for a moment and you turned to see his lips in a tight line. 

"No, my other one." 

You had no idea what he was talking about. 

He smacked his lips before shaking his head. 

"Just letting you know that I'm thinking of breaking it." 


Songs for You (EXO VERSION) 



I miss writing so much.


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826 streak #1
Chapter 4: Oh my, I was wondering what surprise would be around the corner. Kyungsoo showing up is going to make Sehun jealous. Let the fight for her, and all the fun it entails, commence.😁 I really enjoyed this chapter and can’t wait to see how their not-quite-platonic feelings begin to change.
808aff #2
Chapter 3: Yes yes us.. It begins! What Sehun has up his sleeves to prove to her she's worthy of love omg.. Can't wait
808aff #3
Chapter 2: It's so refreshing to not have the ex be a bitter . Nice of Therese to admit her fault in things and even ask oc to look out for Sehun. None of that negativity of posessive lingering
808aff #4
Chapter 1: I've missed your writing. So excited for this story, first chap already me in. Lol you got the Rose lyrics in there! Can't wait to see how her relationship with Sehun evolves from friends to more
Chapter 1: Hi, having another read through because of the day it is here. I still enjoy Kyungsoo and his bike because he doesn't have a fancy car.
I kinda feel like crying as I was reading toward the end, it's the day here I tell you!!! It's not because they drifted so far apart, it's the day here!! 😭
826 streak #6
Chapter 1: Hi, it’s been a while, hope you’re doing well. I’ve only read the first chapter so far but I love this story already, and can’t wait to continue. As usual, your characters literally jump off the pages. I’m going to continue reading, hope you decide to come back soon.
AiiSoo #7
Chapter 3: They are really blind to their own feelings. Even Jongin and Therese had long realized that.
Thank you for this beautiful story. I’ll anticipate how Sehun will treat her after this.
Chapter 3: definitely enjoying this a loooot!!
Chapter 3: I’m enjoying this so much!!!!!!
Kissable-glows #10
It’s so good!!