Chapter 4

Monsters &

“I didn’t literally mean we walk through the front door.” Kim Lip whisper shouted as they walked through the front door of Tsume true to Yeojins guess the people didn’t seem to recognise her yet courtesy of the hood draped over her. Tsume was still the same bustling kingdom with people all cloaked trying to get to their homes or businesses where they’d have some heat, it was freezing Kim Lip thought as she shivered under her cloak however Yeojin seemed fine instead the usually talkative girl was simply staring around in wonderment.

Five years and the kingdom still looked the same except there were more smiling faces, faces of the poor flocking to the queen. Wait the queen? Queen Vivi? Yeojin stopped mid step as she saw her sister in law in the rural areas of the kingdom handing out food, the woman spoke to every person she met greeting them as if she truly cared for them. It was shocking to say the least the royalty of Tsume were never to mingle with those so far beneath them but the queens had ushered in some change it seemed.

“Your majesty the extra blankets you requested have arrived.” A guards deep voice spoke beside Vivi causing Yeojins throat to tighten, Heejin her best friend and personal guard was there, she had guessed Heejin would be placed as Vivi’s new guard but to see it brought a smile to her face. She feared in her exile Heejin may also be demoted or even exiled for not protecting the princess disgrace the kingdom but she was glad Haseul was able to stop anything bad from happening to their friend. She couldn’t bare it if she ruined Heejin’s future because of her mistakes and knowing her sisters’ personal guard Hyunjin, she would have been torn to either protect the princess at the time or be with her friend and be labelled a traitor.

“If you stay here any longer she’ll recognise you.” Kim Lip interrupted jerking Yeojin away from her thoughts. “So what’s the actual plan?”

“We were attacked by bandits.” Yeojin replied earning a cocked brow from the girl beside her showcasing they had no injuries to even get away with that statement, dragging her friend behind a wall she punched her.

“Ow what was that for?” Kim Lip asked touching her now bleeding nose.

“You need to look like you got beat up we still have scars from our other fights but we need it to look serious so Vivi takes us to the castle’s hospital.”

“And I’m guessing you don’t get injured.”

“I need to hide behind the cloaks hood so no punches for me.” Lip rolled her eyes and took out a dagger from her sheath surprising the younger girl.

“It needs to be serious if we want them to take us seriously.” Lip said wanting to spare the younger girl from harming her she quickly slashed her stomach before Yeojin could grab the dagger. "Good enough?"

“GUARDS HELP! BANDITS ON THE ROAD!” Yeojin cried dragging the injured one towards the Queen whilst masking her voice by making it higher, too high in Kim Lips mind as she tried to cover her ear where Yeojin was crying, however the other girl was far too engrossed in her acting to pay the other girl any heed.

“Guards see to the bandits make sure nobody else is harmed Heejin bring the girls to the castle with us we need to see they’re well-tended.” Vivi ordered settling the chaos that the hunting duo had ensued, Heejin ordered a retinue to go to the roads jumping up her horse she held out a hand to the injured girl who refused.

“I got it.” If the situation was any less serious Yeojin would have laughed as she saw the older girl avoiding Heejin at all costs as she sat on the horse, the guard looking extremely confused as Kim Lip grabbed the back of the saddle, further aggravating the wound, however the hunter was going to put on a strong face even if it would pain her to death.

“Come let’s go.” Vivi said holding out a hand to Yeojin who looked at it in surprise, it had been so long since she held Vivi’s hand it was… no Yeojin thought shaking her head now was not the time to go down memory lane. Following Kim Lips awkward movements Yeojin took a seat behind Vivi ignoring the confused look on the Queen's face instead focusing on the streets they galloped through. Now entering the richer parts where only the servants strode through the streets their masters in the comfort of their homes warming themselves by the fire. They galloped in to the castles walls and stopped right outside what was once home Yeojin thought bitterly keeping her head downcast, don’t let them find out Yeojin thought jumping off the horse ignoring Vivi’s hand she couldn’t feel bad not yet she needed to get into the castle before she could confront her feelings.

“Ugh.” Kim Lip grunted as she tried to get up.

“Just let me help you.” Heejin said in exasperation as she reached down a hand to touch Kim Lip.

“Fine I’m fine.” Kim Lip said ignoring the sound of discontent from the queen.

“You’re bleeding out and you’re somehow fine.” Heejin said a tone of frustration making its way through her tone however Vivi stepped in before anything could expel further.

“To the hospital first then argue I need have a word with Haseul.” With a nod Heejin directed them to the castle hospital, it felt weird being in the castle after so long but Yeojin still knew way her round the feeling bringing a sense of satisfaction. She couldn’t look up in case someone recognised her but there was a feeling as if she was being watched though considering she had jest sneaked back in to the castle she was exiled from she believed it was totally okay to be paranoid especially considering the penalty for her law breaking would be death. She couldn’t die yet she shuddered at the thought, she needed to make it through to see this mystery till the end to know it wasn’t her former kingdom that had done such deeds, to know her sister was still her sister.

“Doctor we need your help.” Heejins voice echoed summoning the doctor from his little room in the corner, ah doctor Beaumont was still here much to Yeojin’s relief he had patched her up more times than she cared to admit considering how oft she was to breaking the rules she was glad the doctor never stitched on her often telling her parents that she was there to simply study with him. Kim Lip lay on the bed and Yeojin turned around in guilt washing its way to the surface when she had seen her friends’ wounds. It was important it was Kim Lip and not her if they had seen it was Yeojin in bed who knows what would have happened, but it did little to ease the guilt she felt hearing Kim Lip hiss, the girl detested touch but the only she would bear would be from a doctor and that too only in certain circumstances I guess I should count my lucky stars this was special enough Yeojin thought her eyes drifting to her friends scarred stomach her hand own hand coming to touch her arm where she had received her first ever scar, even though she knew she’d be scarred in this line of work it was still surprising Lip had always been there to stop anything like that from happening it just meant she needed to train harder, Kim Lip couldn’t always have an eye on her especially on the battlefield.

“Your friends fine Dr Beaumont’s pretty great you should also get yourself checked out.” Heejin suggested earning a furious shake of the head from the smaller girl.

“No! No…No I shouldn’t my friend saved me before they could do anything.” Yeojin said feeling herself getting red from the attention she had attracted.

“Are you sure I don’t mind looking you over sometimes we can’t tell if we sustained an injury due to the adrenaline pumping through us.”

“Yes I’m sure.” Yeojin refused the high tone of her voice cracking.

“If you’re sure but if you refuse I shall be here do not hesitate to call on me.” The doctor smiled making his way over to the queens who had now entered Hyunjin standing behind them warily looking over the two new arrivals. “Thank you your majesties.” And with that the door closed behind the doctor and Yeojin felt close up as she looked at the tired figure of Kim Lip who attempted to send an encouraging smile her way but it just looked like she was constipated.

“I apologise to the both of you for the pain you have gone through I vow this is not a usual occurrence in Tsume.” Haseul said looking over the pair, Kim Lip looked over the queen and could see the resemblance between the siblings it was uncanny. How people wouldn’t recognise Yeojin was beyond her they looked like siblings, cousins even.

“It’s okay not your fault.” Kim Lip said realising Yeojin wasn’t going to say anything her head seemingly plastered on the floor with the queens proximity.

“You are far too kind on us it is our responsibility to make sure the people of this kingdom remain safe and that includes monitoring the roads and in that we failed, we are immensely apologetic.” Haseul’s apologies seemed to cause Yeojin to sink further in to herself as she slinked further back at this rate she was going to retreat.

“Trust me you don’t need to apologise this was on us.” Kim Lip said causing the guards to stiffen their eyes watching the duos each move. “I’m on a bed injured not like I can do any harm.” Kim Lip said to Heejin causing said woman to narrow her eyes at the woman in the bed.

“And what harm will you cause us?” Haseul questioned the two her held high waiting for some type of movement except movement never came from the new duo it came from her wife placing a hand on the shorter girl causing her to flinch in surprise.

“It’s okay you can tell us what happened.” Vivi said softly now placing both hands on the girls shoulder ignoring the look Heejin gave her. “We missed you Yeojin if you’re in trouble you can tell us.” The words stopped all movement in the room a silence descending up on them all as Yeojin slightly trembled taking the hood off her head.

“Yeojin.” Haseul whispered taking a moment to look at the girl she had truly grown in the five years becoming her own woman but she was still her sister, the traces of herself could be seen plastered over the younger girl. “Yeojin.” She cried this time crashing in to the girl for a hug the girl could do little but grab on to her older sister and cry in to her shoulder. Five years it had been five years since she could even see her sister but here she was, holding on to her sister for dear life, knuckles bleeding white as she grasped her sisters clothes.

“I missed you.” Yeojin hiccupped relishing the hands rubbing her back caressing her head as if making sure she was here, the bravado with which she had come here with breaking as she felt a sense of home returning to her.

“Me too.” Haseul whispered breaking the two apart to firmly grasp her sisters tear stricken face. “I missed you everyday.”

“Then why didn’t you ever try to look for me? You couldn’t call me back I understand that but you could have just made sure I was alive.” A look of shame crossed Haseuls face causing her to turn away.

“Things were hectic after you were exiled I couldn't be sure where you’d gone so I had to give time to the kingdom.” Yeojin pulled away from her sister shaking her head at the excuse breath become shallow as her mind swam with anchors each pulling her further down.

“You gave me a map before I left you knew the path I was taking you knew where I’d be just tell me you didn’t want to waste resources on me.” Haseul looked at the younger girl in shock.

“It’s not a waste of resources if it’s you.”

“No but it’s a waste of time.” Yeojin countered standing up the happiness of seeing her sister suddenly pocketing itself away looking over at the guards she saw their heads looking down in shame seemingly some of Yeojins words had rung true for them.

“I thought you’d be fine you were always so brave so I focused on our parents’ wishes.”

“Just because I’m brave doesn’t mean I don’t need help.” Yeojin muttered walking away from her sister the distance seeming like an ocean to the Queen as her sister stood by the hunter. Grasping the bed sheets near injured girls hand Yeojin refused to look at Haseul her eyes turning to look at Vivi, somehow the older girl was able to calm her and as she looked at the deep sadness in the girls eyes she felt calmer but more pitiful than when she concocted this plan. But it was too late to second guess if it was worth coming, she needed to get what she came for.

“You had a map and resources to hel..”

“I didn’t come here for the past.” Yeojin cut her voice turning icy once again surprising the other girls except Kim Lip who nodded in encouragement to the girl as she avoids the unshed tears in Vivi's eyes. “Do you have anything to do with the attacks on Avent?”

“Avent?” Haseul questioned confusion ringing clear in her voice. “No we pledged our support to them but we haven’t had any leads come up so we’re waiting on orders from the queen.” Yeojin looked over to Kim Lip who nodded her head giving the signal to tell the queens what they had found last night the news coming as a clear shock to them.

“No this wasn’t our hand was there any banner or crest?” Haseul questioned causing both girls to shake their heads it was strange indeed they flocked to no banner so who were they under.

“We have to see the area then go to the queen in Avent, Yeojin you can take us there and then tell the queen of the bandits you fought your help would be greatly appreciated.” Haseul instructed reminding Kim Lip of Olivia Hye and Gowon they were probably annoyed the duo hadn’t come then, but this time she had seen the bodies, seen what had happened to them but it couldn’t be the same, no it never worked, it was something else, it had to be. This was something far beyond her capabilities Kim Lip thought clanching her jaw she shouldn’t take part in a war she had no stake in.

“Here.” Yeojin said handing Haseul a map indicating the exact spot where the bandits had been found baffling the older girl. “You have a map and resources you’ll be fine.” Yeojin said saddening the older girl as she looked at the map in shame, Hyunjins ears burning in embarrassment as she looked over at her fellow guard with remorsefulness the same feelings being reflected back to her.

“You should at least stay and let your friend heal.” Vivi said watching as Kim Lip stood up pretending as if she hadn’t just injured herself.

“Thank you for you hospitality however I should go before I use up anymore of your time.” Yeojin said leaving the room Kim Lip still stood beside Haseul, the queen looked over to the girl who her sister had latched on to in her absence a wave of jealousy flooding through her.

“She really did need someone she was just a kid.” Kim Lip said before following Yeojin out of the castle leaving Haseul in her wife’s arms regretting her decision to follow her parents orders, she could have done more she thought bitterly she should have done more her thoughts echoed the thoughts of never being able to reunite with her sister burrowing themselves in to her mind.

The silence stretched thin between the pair as they made camp in the hills not a single word being spoken between them since they left the castle two days ago. They had no destination in mind they simply followed the wind, Yeojins thoughts brewing as she attempted to sort through her feelings while Kim Lip recovered from her wounds thinking Yeojin would be the one to speak of her thoughts as she always did. However from the vessel about to pop from the younger girls forehead as she poked the fire Kim Lip knew she’d have to bring it up.

“Weather’s still cold.” Kim Lip remarked internally cringing at her words, really the weathers cold? She chastised herself haven’t spoken in two days and that’s what you say.

“Hmm.” Yeojin hummed wrapping the blanket tighter around herself thoughts of her sister’s warmth wrapping around her burrowing themselves in to her thoughts.

“Yeah winters..”

“Do you think I shouldn’t have done that?” Yeojin interrupted much to Kim Lips relief she really had no idea where she was going with that sentence.

“Done what? A lot happened.” Yeojin looked at the fire the stick now laying in her hand as she thought back to the castle the happiness of those she called family had alleviated all the pain she felt at being left but then it all came rushing back.

“I was so happy seeing them but then I let my anger take over me and I just got angry at her it’s not her fault I know how our parents are, I should have been more understanding.” Yeojin replied poking the fire again.

“Hey, hey.” Kim Lip called grabbing the stick from Yeojins hand forcing the smaller girl to look at her the unshed tears causing a swell of sympathy to overtake the older girl. “You were so young when it happened and you needed somebody there, sure your emotions are all over the place right now but that’s okay.”

“But I don’t understand what I’m feeling it doesn’t feel okay.”

“Part of what makes us human is all these random feelings’ fighting each other when we so desperately want one to win over the other, but not everything is so clear cut.” Kim Lip said rubbing her hand. “Sometimes all these feelings just have to live together and you need to work through them all sometimes you can’t work through it and you’re gonna feel messy and that’s okay. You’ll be conflicted and that’s okay. No matter what you’re feeling it’s okay just know that you’re not alone you don’t need to keep these things in your head work through them at your own pace not your own detriment.” Yeojin allowed her shoulders to sag loosening the hold on her blanket.

“Since when did you get so soft?” Yeojin teased earning a poke from the stick. The crackle of the fire allowing the storm of thoughts to calm down, she didn’t have to work through everything now she could let the silence of the night and the crackle of the fire befriend her once more loosing thoughts of the other day even if it was just for a moment.

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Chapter 5: this is AMAZING
Itssilver #2
Chapter 12: this story was an absolute diamond in the rough
windowless #3
Chapter 12: epic story thank you for writing :)
windowless #4
Chapter 10: thank you for the updates i really look forward to them :) one of my favorites
taelcr #5
Chapter 7: I absolutely love this story, hands down going in the favorites
windowless #6
Chapter 7: thanks you for the update :)
Moonlighter13 #7
Chapter 7: Thank for your hard work :)
Chapter 6: Okay, I'm really liking this story. It's so interesting! (i see hints of yeorry 👀)
CarolCarmo #9
Chapter 6: This story is really enjoyable and I hope it gets more attention!! I’m wait for the next chap 😊😊
windowless #10
Chapter 4: Like the story so far :) looking forward to updates