Chapter 12

Monsters &

A.N: Welcome to the final chapter of Monsters & it's been an interesting ride seeing where all these characters were heading and I'd like to thank you guys for sticking through with the story your support is what makes writing these stories fun. Grab a snack clear some free time cause it's a long chapter and without further ado enjoy.

Hauling the sword out of the sand worms gut Lip heaved a sigh as Yeojin skipped ahead to talk to the family they had saved from getting eaten. It had been a while since she had fought a sand worm, not since her days of patrol as a guard in training; they were still as deadly as ever a single touch able to kill a person. A group favourite for Captains when it came to testing the recruits. Thinking back to the times when she trained with Yves their competitive streak landing them to be some of the best recruits in their garrison, often times they'd tally how many creatures they'd kill in a day and the loser would have to treat the winner to the best food in the kitchen which would just mean having to steal food meant for the royal family from the kitchen. It was a fun pass time Lip thought back with a wistful sigh recalling how Chuu would even ask them to sneak back sweets for her, they'd come a long way since then but at the same time she felt like she was still a recruit as she sheathed the sword. It had been two weeks since they had come back to Eden and in these two weeks Chuu had practically locked herself in the library trying to figure out something with Yves hovering over her trying to get her girlfriend to take a break. Needing a respite from her current hunt Lip decided to go back to what she was used to, though there were no villages nearby to protect the duo decided to patrol the roads and deserts nearby.

“Not that I’m not happy with helping the Kingdoms but I missed being on the road helping people like this.” Yeojin said handing Lip a red apple the family had given in gratitude when Yeojin had refused any type of payment, Jinsouls payment still enough to keep them going. “Do you think the apple Yves had was as good as this?”

“She said it was bitter.”

“Bitter? She made it look so nice though.”

“You know what they say bitter is the taste of knowledge.” Lip said eyes straying over to her gloves thoughts running rampant as memories she had buried as far as she could had to all be brought forth in such a manner.

“It feels like we’re bathing in the bitterness who knew Eden’s past was so….messy.”

“There’s a lot we don’t know about ancient history.”

“If we knew ancient history maybe we would have known why these people are targeting Avent.” Yeojin said munching on her apple causing Lip to stop. “Do you think Yves’s going to make me practice sword fighting with her again I swear she….Lip.”

“Imagine this for a second, the people who caused all this they’re from Eden killing the King and Queen of Avent was a message so the issue wouldn’t be individual motive but collective, considering there were so many amulets it wouldn’t be surprising if Eden hid any wars against them and Avent.” Lip theorised as they walked up the stairs of castle.

“So the people rebelling against Avent are rebelling because Avent did something to Eden but Eden hid what the reason was... maybe to save face.”

“Have you two been spying on us?” Yves voice broke through the theorising session with a proud smile as Chuu came bounding beside her.

“What you’re saying is a plausible theory doing research..”

“Interrogating books, scholars and the King.” Yves coughed interrupting the Princess.

“….Doing research we found that Avent had attempted to take over Eden long ago during the First King’s reign they nearly succeeded however the King sacrificed himself to save his people by exiling himself to the desert thus leaving Eden in his daughter’s hands, she was a diplomat and began to restore relations with Avent however we were able to find out from a trusted scholar that there were people who swore to avenge the King’s demise.”

“Shouldn’t they have struck before now?” Lip asked.

“They had voiced their desire for war however the army was spread far too thin remember at this time Avent also had powerful mages so the Queen had decided to forego war, deciding diplomacy was the best route it took a few generations before Avent and Eden began trading again the voices of those rooting for war were silenced as an act of political sacrifice and Avent showcased the same to Eden.”

“They sacrificed the people rooting for war to show loyalty?” Yeojin asked in surprise.

“It became ancient history before being decreed as hidden history by the royals in fear of people thinking of beginning another war so just like the story of the First King it became a myth, a fable, leading to little but a whisper.” Chuu summarised pleased with how far she had gained from her research.

“So war’s coming to Avent?”

“It’s gonna be a hell of a war they’re trying to control the beasts.” Yves said

“And they’ve been trying to kidnap children from villages to control.” Yeojin said fearfully.

“But what about the tree?” Lip asked.

“We don’t have time to worry about the tree a lunar eclipse will take place next week, magic becomes heightened in those two hours if they were going to attack, it's going to be then.” Yves replied looking to Lip who scrunched her face in thought hand clasping the wolf amulet she let hang on her pants.

“We can learn more about the tree later Lip, but for now we need to make sure Avent is prepared you have to tell Jinsoul.”

“She’s not ready for war if we find out more about the tree maybe we can stop them before it gets that far.”

“Jungeun ah that’s a risk too big for us to take, maybe the tree’s job was to simply point us in the right direction, and that direction led us to this conclusion, trust Jinsoul to take care of her kingdom let her show everyone what she’s capable of, she’s not alone she has us all... she has you.” Chuu spoke looking at her friend tenderly as the conflict on the hunters face settled into one of resolve.

“We should leave now we can’t waste time.” Lip stated clenching the amulet tighter for a moment.

“We’ll stay in Eden and organise forces to help Avent you should tell Jinsoul.” Yves said watching Chuu grab Yeojin tightly a bitter smile overcoming the guards face as Yeojins arms tightened around the Princess, war was coming who knew if any of them would survive. “Take care of each other.” Wrapping her arms around the younger girl Yves looked over to the girl she had once thought to be dead. “Don’t die before my big entrance.” Causing Lip to scoff light-heartedly at her friend as Lip ruffled Chuu’s hair the Princess too choked up to say anything. She had been a ghost come back to life for the pair and now as they entered a war it could very well end in any of them truly being dead and Chuu didn't know what to do but send her once dead friend back in to the clutches of death, but if she knew anything about her old friend she'd fight tooth and nail to make sure everybody would make it out.

“Be safe.” Lip said leaving any promises she would have made to her friends unsaid, war was on its way and she’d seen enough bloodshed in her life, been part of enough bloodshed in her life to know, promises on the battlefield couldn’t be kept. So with Yves words and Chuu's teary smile Lip rode out of Eden and pushed harder than she had ever pushed.


Push, push, push, Kim Lip repeated like a mantra as they cut through the wind, time was their biggest enemy but time be damned Lip swore as the faint outlines of Avent could be seen. Panic, fear, horror, emotions she thought she had foregone so long ago had creeped up and wormed their away around her stomach, around her heart. These people would slaughter the innocent lives of Avent a plan set into motion so long ago nobody had suspected a thing. It was sickening but Lip had to save the people, she had made a vow and she would not break it come hell or high water she would live to fight to see Jinsoul rule a land without the threat of these people.

“Your majesty” Yeojin yelled as the hunters burst through the throne room guards on their heels however the hunters cared not for what was behind them as they only looked toward the Queen who called off the guards behind them a crease of concern lining the Queens face as she looked over to the haggard pair. “We require a moment of your time we have important information.”

“These are the people you’ve hired no wonder you’ve done nothing of impact they look like….” The nobles words cut short as Olivia Hye‘s hardened gaze beside them quelled any distasteful words.

“If they have such important news then they should share it here we should also know why our Queen suddenly changed.” Another noble said causing a chorus of agreements to ring out Choerry looking over to the Queen in worry the meeting hadn’t been going well before but it seemed the nobles were ready to finish the Queen. However Jinsoul ignored their remarks instead looking for confirmation from her hunters who nodded at her, the clenching and unclenching of Lips hands worrying the Queen as she seemed ready to take out a few of the nobles.

“They must have duped the Queen they don’t look like hunters they’re con artists.”

“They’ve tainted our innocent Queen.”

“They must have brainwashed her to get rid of her old advisors.”

“They threaten the late King’s legacy.”

“Enough!” Jinsoul’s voice rang out loud and clear stopping any conversations from commencing. “I have already stated my stance on Avent’s future and I will not budge from it we have entered my reign which has been fraught with war unfortunately, however my hunters have been working tirelessly to help us usher in a time of peace for not only Avent but the continent now if you could please quieten down so we could hear what they have to say.” A look of pride took over Kim Lip as she looked up at Jinsoul, the girl was still slightly hunched but her voice hadn't wavered as she looked over the nobles she commanded their attention, she held it and made them listen, she was growing in to her role, she was becoming the Queen everybody had told her she could be, let’s see if she could carry this visage through a war.

“Through our findings we have learnt that the people who have attacked Avent previously are rallying to attack once again but this time they’ll be attacking with the beasts by their sides, war is coming to Avent your majesty and this time they’ll make sure to ravage the lands come lunar eclipse.” Kim Lip stated causing a stunned silence to take over the room.

“A lie this must be a lie to cover up for the fact these con artists have learnt nothing.”

“We assure you this is no lie in fact Eden has pledged its support, an army for aid will be marching it’s way to you right now I’m sure your scouts will be on their way to hand the message over.” Yeojin countered glaring at the noble. “Armies aren’t sent out at a whim your grace.”

“Thank you for your time hunters make your way to my office I….”

“You’re simply going to agree with their words don’t you want to even question them your father would be ashamed of how you’re handling his kingdom.” As much as Kim Lip expected the words to affect the Queen it did little, not even a flinch on her well-made mask as she looked over at the noble with a straight face.

“He may be ashamed but I am trusting in the people who have saved not only us but people from all over the continent.” And with that Kim Lip and Yeojin were dismissed whilst Jinsoul stayed behind to finish off the rest of that disastorous meeting.


Yeojin lay on the seat of Jinsoul’s office eye’s closed a slight snore coming from her as they waited for the Queen, Lip couldn’t help a chuckle escape her as she finished putting the fire on. It was a long journey with hardly any rest the fact they made it so early surprised them both but the job wasn’t done yet adrenaline pumped them so far but it could only take one so far before they fall. Thoughts of the Queen’s display causing the hunter to smile she’s really doing it Lip thought her heart feeling lighter as she stood before the fire, the heat relaxing her as she allowed her thoughts to wonder to the Queen's confident display.

“You two really know how to make an entrance.” Olivia Hye’s voice breaking the silence as the door opened.

“Quite voice Yeojins asleep.” Gowon whispered taking a blanket from the corner tucking the smaller girl in, the older girl had clearly missed Yeojin and from the state the younger girl was in Gowon couldn't help the flush of pride she felt as she saw how far Yeojin had come from the exiled princess.

“Have some food Lip you look like you’ve been through the wringer.” Choerry said placing a tray of food on the table near the fireplace.

“The wringer? Aren’t you supposed to be the nice one?” Lip asked gratefully taking a seat and digging in to the food.

“Hey! I specially went to the kitchen to get the food for you.” Choerry faked offence.

“Should I get it checked for poison then?” Kim Lip teased earning a laugh from the cheery girl as she just pushed her to sit down and eat something.

“Ahh you’re all here good I’ve just sent a message to Tsume requesting aid.” Jinsoul stated entering the room a small smile lighting her face as she looked at the slumbering hunter.

“Sorry she tried to stay awake but we hardly slept on the way here it was only a matter of time before she fell asleep.”

“It’s fine I want you all rested if what you say is true we only have a few days.”

“Speaking of war what did you find?” Gowon asked causing Lip to put her food down for a moment before she swirled in to what the group had found in Eden. “…So they should have control of the beasts by the time the lunar eclipse hits with their magic amplifying their control on the beasts, it should only last around two hours so we need to stop them before they do any heavy damage.”

“So everything’s simply a war for revenge over something centuries old.” Jinsoul sighed feeling the reputation of Avent’s ruthlessness weighing her down once again.

“Revenge, war, money, fame, same old same old.” Olivia Hye said taking a bite from Lip’s tray. “Don’t let it get you people just need a reason.”

“Could I not negotiate?”

“There’s no negotiation with people holding a feud from centuries ago.” Gowon answered also stealing some food from Kim Lip’s tray.

“If there’s an option for peace presented I’ll consider it, these people will have the beasts on their side and magic we need to take all the precautions we can.”

“Speaking of precautions.” Lip said taking the silver chain off her pants. “Me and Yeojin did a couple of jobs in Wolvershire and got a token of respect I can go and ask for their aid the Captain is a good man I can see if he'll help. They were left to fend for themselves after Avent saw there were one too many beasts for them to handle. They’ve been left alone with little to help.”

“You need to rest I’ll send a guard.”

“I'm the one asking him to put his and his mens lives on the line it only seems right I be the one to ask for aid.” 

“But…” Jinsoul tried to rebuttal the hunters noble actions however it seemed the hunter had made up her mind as she shook her head she had made up her mind and on this she wouldn't budge.

“I’ll ride as quick as I can and return with an army.” Lip said standing up taking a swig of the tankard.

“I don’t want you to tire yourself out.” Jinsoul whispered standing in front of the hunter the crease of worry in her eyebrows causing the hunter to smile at the woman tenderly. “I just don’t like sending you off like this wondering if we’ll see each other.”

“Don’t worry about me I made you a vow and I have every intention of fulfilling it." Lip reassured earning a chuckle from the Queen however the unmistakeable hopefulness in the Queens eyes made the hunter feel bittersweet, nothing could be promised on a battlefield meaning her life was in the toss but this war would end, it had to end, Jinsoul was many things including an optimist so she would keep her belief in Kim Lip and that thought alone would spurn the hunter in to action, ripping her eyes away from the magnetising woman Lip turned to look at Choerry. “Take care of her she'll kill me before any of these beasts when she wakes up.”


Kim Lip’s legs seemed ready to give out under her as she rushed up Wolvershire’s guards tower the place had seen some improvement since her time away but she didn’t really have time to sight see as she burst through the Captain's office with only hope tied to her that the Captain would help. It was a tall order and as she looked over at the baffled man she could only pray she was able to bring aid.

“Ah Kim Lip a pleasure to see you again where’s Yeojin is everything alright?” The Captain asked looking at the haggard girl worriedly putting a drink in a glass for her as the girl all but collapsed on a chair.

“She’s in Avent we gained a contract with the Queen.” Lip replied downing the drink savouring the way the liquid soothed the roughness in . "What's with the wolf?" Lip pointed to the white wolf lazing by the fire ignoring the girls presence as it happily munched away on some type of meat.

"It seems that when you and Yeojin defeated that pack of wolves we were able to rescue many more wolves and since then they have become our partners in battles returning us to the times of old when our ancestors would ride out with their wolven brethrens." The Capatin replied pride shining through his voice as he looked over at his comrade. "Though I doubt that's why you burst through here would it have anything to do with this impressive contract you have with Avent, it is unusual they've hired you royals don’t really ask for help from anyone unless they’re royal guards.”

“You could say this was a special contract one that’s required me to cash in the favour you gave me.” Lip said taking the necklace off placing the ring delicately on the table. “I won’t blame you if you refuse but I’ve come to ask aid for a war coming.”

“I’m sorry what?”

“There are rebels from Eden who are planning on destroying Avent whilst the army could take care of rebels the war here involves beasts that are controlled by magic they’re planning on destroying the kingdom, Eden are on their way to aid Avent, Tsume should receive the notice soon and then come with aid but it'll be touch and go so we need more fighters.”

“Beasts under magical control?”

“It sounds crazy I know but it’s real.”

“For me to believe that I have to believe the line of magic isn’t dead.”

“Do you truly believe that every single person who had magic was scripted, there would have been outliers even if it was just one person, that one person could have children and passed on their magic.”

“Especially in a place like Eden magic’s highly regarded I wouldn’t doubt the royal family had protected a magical user.” The Captain sighed looking down at the signet ring, the wolf staring at him as if daring him. “I don’t have a big army like the royals never mind the fact that I can’t leave my own city unguarded not when we’ve made so much progress.”

“Half your army that’s all I request everybody else can stay here and safeguard the town in case of an attack though my guess is all the beasts would be looking to Avent on the day. Half your army Captain and in return the Queen of Avent  will aid in the recovery of Wolvershire.”

“You had the Queen swear that?” To the question Kim Lip hesitantly pulled out the paper Jinsoul had given her so long ago a letter Lip had thought was truly naïve of the Queen to give anybody however just this once was the hunter glad the Queen was so innocent. Though she never wanted to use it now would be the ideal time.

“She isn’t half bad she wants to help people and honestly this place could use all the help it can get.” Lip smirked earning a chuckle from the Captain who picked up the ring, silver chain dangling from his hand.

“Would she follow through with such a vow?” He asked putting the letter down.

“You have my word.”

“You’re an honourable woman Kim Lip and for that I pledge my sword to you.” The Captain smiled allowing a flutter of relief to blow through Kim Lip. “Myself and my most experienced guards will come to your aid I shall organise the city and leave for the Castle by night we should reach by the eve of the battle.”

“Thank you Captain, truly.” Lip said standing up.

“You’re a friend of Wolvershire this wasn’t a cash in token this was a reminder.” The Captain said handing the ring over. “Next time you come over maybe bring a wine we could drink instead of news of a war.”

“No promises but I’ll see what I can do.” Lip said clutching the necklace with a newfound respect.


Kim Lip rides by the side of the Captain of the Wolveshire a skeleton army left behind to guard the town leaving an army bigger than Kim Lip could have hoped for. Considering that the army now had wolves by their side fulling restoring them to their previous glory the Captain felt good entering the fray. The hunter could hear the battle before she could see it the sounds beastial growls reverbrating through her heart, They would need Tsume's Army to truly fend off the full attack but no matter how hard Haseul would ride it would be touch and go if the kingdom would even be able to make it. Magic exists at this point she was willing to pray for a miracle and hope for Haseul to show up with her army. Though for now as she slowed to a stop before the carnal battlefield of blood and guts spluttered around the battlefield she could only look back at the army with some remorse, everybody here would not survive that was the way with war, she had dragged them here with the vow of rebuilding their home. And with that vow they looked at the battlefield with a sense of responsibility, a responsibility to help those they swore to protect and so with a nod to the Captain who rallied his men Kim Lip charged in.

A moment of respite had come to the soldiers on the field however the pressure had been put back on the soldiers as the beasts continued to press forward it seemed like none of the humans were attacking with magic, though from the glowing marks on the people Kim Lip couldn't help but shiver as she dodged a young boys attack. He was completly senseless after all his will had been take from and so with a quick pivot Lip hit the hilt of her sword knocking him out. Though in her pity for the boy Lip had failed to see the werewolf until it was ontop of her blindly scarring the hunters stomach blood pooling down, avoiding the beasts mouth Lip tried to grab hold of her sword as the werewolf simply smiled down at her teeth a hairs width away from her head. Desperatly she tried to grab hold of the hilt of her sword which seemed a world away, she had a vow she needed to keep Lip screamed in her mind glaring up at the beast though as she thought of her next move the werewolf howled blood leaving its mouth spluttering out over her a silver dagger protruding through its chest. The beast was shoved to the side showing Yeojin looking at the hunter with a relieved smile. Taking the younger hunters outstretched hand Kim Lip couldn't help the proud smile she wore as she looked at Yeojin, she was caked in blood head to toe just like herself but she was alive and well and she had taken care of that werewolf.

"That took me back." Yeojin reminisced glad to see her friend standing.

"Kim Lip!" Gowon yelled rushing up to the girl Olivia Hye on her tail. "Are you okay?" She asked looking over the fresh wound though Kim Lip could do little but nod her head as she assessed the battlefield. Even with the combined forces of Avent, Eden and Wolvershire they were still being pushed to their limits.

"Basilisk incoming don't look it in the eyes." Kim Lip stated running to her sword running in the opposite direction Yeojin following behind as Olivia Hye and Gowon went in the opposite direction. Though it seemed the snake like creature was aware of something as it turned the soldiers around it to stone, it seemed like some type of magics was involved that didn't petrify the beasts Lip thought with annoyance as she was drawn into battle with a ghoul Yeojin behind her fighting off an Imp. Olivia Hye had jumped on to the Basilisk Gowon covering the girl by fighting off the Centaur who seemed sworn to protect the Basilisk. The snake like creature could feel something worming its way up much to the dismay of the girl who had to clutch on for dear life as it bagan to violently shake side to side. Not knowing how long she could hold on for the younger girl was pleasantly surprised by the arrow shooting through the air hitting the creature in the eye within the same breath a second arrow pierced the creatures other eye. Not wasting the oppurtunity Olivia Hye grabbed her sword and delivered the killing blows. With a thud the beast crashed to the ground Olivia using it as a cushion for her fall she looked up at the person who had come to her rescue.

"Took you long enough." Olivia Hye said to Yves who just grinned at the younger girl.

"I like a dramatic entrance." Yves said happy to see the rest of the group alive and as well as can be as they met together in the middle of the battlefield. "Looking good." Yves said pointing to the wounds on the Lip's stomach however before the hunter could retort Gowon caught the groups attention.

"Are those griffins heading towards the castle?" Gowon asked looking up the girls assumptions was indeed correct many of them had been shot down but a couple made it past.

"That's not good." Kim Lip muttered whistling for her horse and so with laboured breaths the girl charged through the battlefield friends on her heel as they prayed everything would be alright within the castle if they were after anybody from the castle that could only be one person and Kim Lip wasn't ready to give her up. Pushing herself Kim Lip pushed through the castle and followed the sounds of screams emitting from the gardens where she was greeted to the sight of Choerry fighting off a robed figure the few Griffins that had made it past the wall lined up behind him.

"Don't you dare touch them!" Kim Lip shouted as she saw the robed figure punch Choerry rushing forwards Kim Lip readied her bow and shot an arrow however much to her surprise the arrow stopped in mid air and was thrown back at her burying itself in her shoulder. A shout sounded from Jinsoul who was bent next to a passed out Choerry with bitter regret Kim Lip spat out the blood from it seemed he had already hurt Choerry.

"Magic he must be controlling everything." Yves said rushing beside Kim Lip, the hunter made no reaction instead with a grunt she tore out the arrow from her shoulder her eyes never leaving the robed figure as looked over the group with a smile as if in greeting.

"Oi!" Yeojin shouted charging at the man however he didn't even flinch as he carelessly threw a hand towards the young hunter a silver hue emitting from his neck as Yeojin went crashing in to a tree.

"The amulets got magic." Kim Lip pointed to the very familiar amulet the constant silver hue emitting from the amulet to that of Chuu's whenever she uses magic.

"So you've figured it out so you must also know it's futile to fight." The robed figure said a smug grin on the persons face his eyes covered by the hood. "You have nothing but ordinary weapons that can be turned against you so I shall take the Queen without further bloodshed." He said walking towards the helpless Queen who looked up at him in fear.

"You're not taking Jinsoul." Gowon said rushing forward Olivia Hye beside her whilst Yves took the rear end ready with her bow as they readied their simultaneous strikes the griffins were let loose on the group causing them to defend themselves, taking advantage of the confusion Kim Lip rushed through the griffins and surprised the robed figure with her apperance her sword close enough for the man to taste however he had magic and so with a wave of the hand Lip was sent crashing to the ground.

"It seems you're mine finally." He said with a laugh ignoring Jinsouls attempts of freeing herself, Kim Lip could feel her eyes closing but she staggered forward as she saw Jinsoul fighting off the robed figure on the Griffin however it was of little effect as he prepared for flight. Disregarding any notion of sensibility Kim Lip ran towards the robed figure and grabbed on to the griffin as it set off for flight. "You won't make it!" He laughed looking down at the hanging hunter.

"Jungeun!" Jinsoul screamed as she looked down and saw the hunter hanging on resisting the robed figures attempts of trying to throw the girl off with his magic. Realising what was happening Jinsoul grabbed the man distracting him from the girl below. Never had the Queen been in a fight before she had never even killed a fly but here she was fighting a robed figure on top of a Griffin. She wasn't going to win this she knew that but she had the conviction to buy Kim Lip some time. And so she took all the blows the man gave her, the wind was knock out of countless times in the air but she'd deal with it she'd what she could to buy the girl some time and so when the Griffin lands Jinsoul jumps off trying to run towards the hunter who looked at the Queen in worry as the robed figure dragged her back. Back towards a tree that was emitting a silver hue of light grabbing the hunters attention.

“You’re such a pest!” The scholar shouts as Kim Lip struggles to breathe his eyes on the runes carved on to her stomach visible through the torn part of her shirt. “You should have been dead when we were putting the runes on you but we didn’t know our knowledge was so limited but now we’ll go back to when Eden was the greatest.”

“What were you doing with the tree from Eden and why's that one silver?”

"Power, if we have enough magical energy we would be able to awaken the true tree magic is coursing through its roots, all that remains of the blood of the enemy. You have gotten far hunter but you were a failure and for that death awaits you." The man looks over at the griffin pointing over the hunter unsheathing her sword Kim Lip prepares herself for another fight.

Griffins were many things but they weren't the evil beings that this group had made them to be, they were protectors from evil before they went off to live their own lives in the mountains without the interference of humans. That's how it was supposed to be but as Kim Lip dodged it's attack she could only feel pity for the creature as she went to work on slicing it's talons teetering it off balance before stabbing it through the heart. She had to be quick every second she was distracted the closer he was to killing Jinsoul.

"Harm her and I swear you'll beg me to kill you." Kim Lip stated grabbing the back of the mans robe pulling him away from the Queen.

"Don't you get it if we kill the last one of the bloodline of our enemy we can resurrect the first King do you not want to see him?" He pleaded pointing over to the tree where a silver cocoon lived with a person with beside the two heads lay of Avents royalty, causing Jinsoul to cry out as she rushed over pleas coming out of her as she looked over at the remains of her family. "I can help you see your parents again don't you want that."

"Don't take another step forward." The hunter ordered ready for the final battle of the night, "you'll never take Jinsoul I'll end your terror over the lands."

"So be it." The robe figured sighed taking out his sword, and with that he charged at the hunter. Kim Lip would pride herself in her swordsmanship after all she had been a hunter for so long and she was still alive to tell her tales therefore she had the right to brag about her skills, but right now as she played the defence she couldn't help feel inadequete in comparison to the man before her. Maybe it was the fatigue catching up with her or maybe it was because she wasn't good enough but she couldn't block all the attacks it seemed as if his arms were growing or shortning whenever he would slash throwing her off balance. The attacks left her off balance as he slashed her arms ending his barrage with a final stab through the head however the hunter was quick enough to jump back leaving her with a scar down her eye blood beginning to block her vision.

"Jungeun!" Jinsoul shouted coming up behind the hunter however the hunter only kept an arm out front to stop the Queen from coming forward. "Don't you dare lose now remember you told me you'd take me to all the places I've never visited well I can't go without my tour guide." Kim Lip couldn't help but laugh as she recalled the words they had exchanged so long ago, changing her battle stance Kim Lip took a deep breath and awaited the mans charge, her sword was now before her allowing her to measure the distance and help her dodge the attacks much to the hunter's amusement it seemed the growing and shortening of limbs was simply an illusion caused by the mans magic and so with quick movements Kim Lip took charge of the fight pushing the man back. And as he raised his sword for a killing blow Kim Lip dodged allowing her own sword to finally finish the deed.

“I…I was so close.” He gurgles blood chocking him as Kim Lip takes her sword out of his chest. “The first King sor..." Kim Lip placed the body of the scholar who had been missing for so long on to the floor his even in his final moments he looked over to his King.

Clutching her stomach with a wince Kim Lip looked over to see Jinsoul standing there beside the tree tears freely flowing surrounded by the heads of her parents staring at her Kim Lip could do little to comfort the Queen but place a hand on her shoulder allowing Jinsould to cry in to the crook of her shoulder. And when Jinsoul collapses in to the girls body crying in to her as her legs give out Kim Lip simply held the girl closer allowing her to let out everything.

“I’m sorry.” Jinsoul hiccups leaving the safety of the hunters neck her eyes straying to the blood pooling down the hunters eye, ripping off some cloth from her outfit Jinsoul wipes the blood away from her eye, considering how much was coming out it seemed like it was going to scar.

“Don’t apologise you’re allowed to mourn.” Lip said leaning in to the girls touch a feeling of comfort she hadn’t felt in a long time from someone’s touch.

“You’re hurt because of me.” Her other hand coming down to the arrow that had pierced her in the garden tears once pooling her eyes as she took in the state of the hunter, she was paler than usual barely sitting upright as she tried her best to stay awake to be by Jinsouls side.

“It wasn’t your fault never think any of this was your fault.” Lip stated bringing the girls head up to look her in the eyes. “No matter what happened today I’d do it all again in a heartbeat if it means you’d be here with me like this.” Bringing her head forward Jinsoul followed suit both of them closing their eyes as they leaned against each other allowing each of them to be comforted by one another’s presence the blood moon losing colour signalling the end of the battle.


Kim Lip wasn't sure what happened one moment she was with Jinsoul feeling calmer than she had in a long time and in the next her whole body felt like she had been trampled on her head buzzing with pain as if it was weighed down by a brick. Trying to gain her senses she tuned in to the conversation surrounding her.

“She’s awake.” Yeojin noted.

“Still breathing.” Choerry said.

“Looks ready to kill someone.” Gowon stated.

“So she’s still normal that’s good.” Olivia Hye approved.

“What are you guys doing?” Lip asked voice raspy from the lack of water as she looked up at the four pairs of eyes looking down at her with wide smiles.

“I told them to keep an eye on you though I didn’t mean it so literally.” Haseul said from her seat beside Jinsoul who was also sat in a bed like her, the Queen had a bandage around her forehead otherwise she looked well causing Lip to let out a sigh of relief as she glanced over the other girls each of them with their own bandages and cuts though grathfully none of them had been severly injured.

“We needed to make sure nothing happened.” Choerry defended earning nods from the group who backed away from the hunter when sat up groan coming from her lips as her the cut on her stomach began to make its apperance known Hyunjin and Gowon rushed forward to help the hunter sit up.

“Have some water.” Vivi said sitting beside the girl on the bed handing her a glass taking it gratefully Kim Lip began to drink. “Slowly you’re dehydrated.”

“Thank you.” Lip said handing the glass back once she finished it.

“How are you feeling?” Vivi asked looking over at the hunter in concern, her whole body covered in bandages leaving the girls to wonder how the hunter had powered through the battle however Yeojin had a simple answer, it's Kim Lip what do you expect. Even if the younger tried to act as if nothing was going to happen she couldn't hide the tremor in her hands when she saw the hunter laying on the bed eyes closed seemingly as if she was never going to open them. Even now as Yeojin awaited Lip's response a tremor in her hand caught Choerrys attention elicting the older girl to softly grasp the young hunters hand.

“Like Yves rode a horse over me then Olivia Hye decided to join in then Hyunjin decided to let the dogs loose on top of me.” Lip replied ignoring the yells of protest from the guard as the other girls in question high fived one another laughing at the mental image the hunter had created, instead Kim Lip closed her eyes hand subconciously coming up to run a hand over the fresh wound.

“It’s a pretty cool scar.” Heejin said catching Kim Lips attention. “I’m being serious you’re like a badass hunter.”

“Badass until they talk to you then you’re just an .” Olivia Hye teased causing the group to laugh as Lip touched the scar once again, she knew she was going to get scarred in this job after all she has countless scars all across her body but she’s always hid them but now there was one front and centre as if asking for people to look at her.

“Heejin’s right though even if it’s not ideal the scar is part of your story and I'm sure anybody would love to hear what you have to say.” Vivi compliments causing a small blush to coat Lip’s cheeks as the rest of the group nodded along.

"But what happened after the fight I don't remeber passing out." Kim Lip asked looking over at Jinsoul who looked over at the hunter in sadness.

"We tried to wrap your wounds and make it out of the desert however you lost too much blood and passed out I tried to carry you out however we were in the middle of the deathlands and at one point I thought you nearly stopped breathing. At that point some guards from Eden had found us and brought us to the castle it seems like the King of Eden had seen the silver light and wanted to investigate." Jinsoul explained earning a nod from the hunter, it truly was a miracle they had been saved but the fact it came from the man who tried to initially control her left her with a sense of irony.

"The beasts are all gone? The people under control were they freed?"  Kim Lip asked earning a nod from Haseul.

"We arrived at the battlefield when you had made your way to the castle we took charge and eliminated all the beasts saving as many of those under control as we could. Once the blood moon had subsided the beasts scattered any that remained were killed on the spot whilst the people passed out." Haseul replied  grateful she made it to the battle in time though she had pushed her army to its limit at the end it was worth it, they had saved many lives and turned the tide of the battle.

"I have to take care of a lot in Avent I should prepare for my return." Jinsoul said preparing to stand up however Chuu stopped her from moving.

"You already sent someone ahead for now you need food!" Chuu said earning cheers from the rest of the group. "You two stay here we're preparing a feast now that we're all back together." And with that Chuu dragged the others out of the room as everybody listed off food that could be on the menu.

"Are you okay?" Jinsoul asked looking over at Kim Lip carefully.

"The lands are safe and you're well if I'm honest I feel...accomplished." Kim Lip replied watching as Jinsoul left her bed to sit beside the hunter a finger tracing the runes caved on the hunters skin.

"You truly did fulfil your vow you're amazing Jungeun." Jinsoul said allowing her hand to tenderly rest atop the hunters delighting in the fact she wasn't being shoved aside. "You stuck by me through it all even when your own life was on the line you kept going, was it just because of your vow?" Kim Lip simply stared at the woman before her, it was an innocent enough question, but as the hunters heart hammered against her chest and her breath quickened she wasn't sure if she'd be able to get anything out without sounding like an idiot. 

"N..I...I..I just wanted to be your tour guide." Kim Lip managed to stutter earning a laugh from Jinsoul as she allowed her other hand to lightly rest a hand against the bandage on her stomach, she had lost the most blood here Jinsoul thought sadly remembering how much of the hunters blood had seeped through her own clothes.

"All this to be a tour guide." Jinsoul teased enjoying the way Lip woud turn a shade of red.

"It's difficult to be guides for royalty you have to become one of their people." Kim Lip defended turning to look away however Jinsoul tenderly placed a hand on the hunters face caressing the hunters cheek with a look that Kim Lip couldn't truly describe apart from the fact it was warm.

"You're a lot more than one of my people." Jinsoul whispered and for once Kim Lip wasn't sure what to do but stare at the woman before her in amazement.

Kim Lip couldn't recall the last time she had so much fun with so many people but as the group laughed and joked around the castle they felt like kids once again the burdens of their kingdoms on hold just for the moment as they simply enjoyed each others presence. No ranks needed between them as they allowed an unbreakable bond to form between them, they had all been through a lot together, growing and helping each other in a way no other person could ever do. As the group left Eden behind Chuu making them promise to see each other soon as Yves made sure to make Kim Lip promise she wouldn't go disappearing Kim Lip couldn't help but wonder what her next steps would be. She wasn't fully healed so she'd stay away from her usual contracts, maybe she'd go to Wolvershire, Yeojin had sai the Captain was alive she could get that wine for them to share.

"Kim Lip are you okay?" Gowon asked snapping the girl out of her thoughts.

"Sorry lost in my thoughts is everything okay?"

"You should be careful if you fall off your horse nobodys picking you up." Gowon said earning a chuckle from the hunter as they both knew full well Gowon woud be the first one to help her up. "It's not funny you're always so reckless I...I..."

"Hey it's okay I'm here ."

"Please just put yourself first sometimes we care for you Kim Lip and though nobodys said it we all thought you were dead when we saw you and I don't know what we would have done without you." Gowon said tears in her eyes as she recalled laying eyes on the hunter when she had rushed to see the hunter.

"You would have brought me to life just so you could have killed me for scaring you." Kim Lip joked earning a kick from the younger girl giving her a moment to settle down as she thought back to the many glances the others would throw her way when they thought she wasn't looking. "So what are you planning to do now that you can't kill me?"

"Me and Olivia Hye are staying in Avent Jinsoul offered us a permenant position considering all the new enemies she's made with her vision she'll need as much help as she can get, why don't you guys join us ?" 

"Haseul said she'd exonerate Yeojin I don't think she'd want to remain as a hunter after that." 

“You’d be surprised, she looks up to you Kim Lip you’ve been together for so long but she still has to figure out what she wants to do, what about you though where are you going now?” Gowon asked noticing the way Kim Lip’s eyes linger on the carriage where Jinsoul’s seated with Haseul and Vivi.

“I’m a hunter I’ll be back on the road where I belong.”

“You don’t have to stay on the road at least talk to Jinsoul about it.” Gowon said leaving Lip to her thoughts as they reached the courtyard of Avent's castle.

“I’m gonna miss you.” Yeojin sniffled as the duo stood a little further away from the group giving them some privacy.

“I’d be offended if you didn’t” Lip teased causing the younger to look up at her in that same earnest expression she had when they first met, it was the reason Lip couldn’t leave her behind then, she needed to protect the kid but now she taught that same kid all she could, trained her as best as she could and now it was time to let her go.

“You could come with me I need a personal guard and I don’t trust anybody as much as you.”

“You’re going to bypass a lot of rules Tsume has I don’t think you’re guards would be very happy," Lip said reminding Yeojin of the rules she had to obey bringing a huff from the young hunter, laying a hand of Yeojins shoulder the older girl drew her attention it had been the first form of physical comfort Kim Lip had ever given Yeojin as she gave the younger girl a small squeeze of comfort. It wouldn't a be a lot for most most people but it brought a tear to Yeojins eye as she looked up to her mentor, her closest friend. "You’re going to do a lot of good as a Princess you know the lands in a way the Queen’s don’t, you’ve got a good head on your shoulders know that you’re not alone and no matter what you’re worth more than you think, you’re not something to be thrown away.” With that Kim Lip allowed the shorter girl to pull her in to a hug. They’d been together for so long it was going to be bittersweet to let her go but as she released the hug and watched Yoejin grasp on to Vivi’s arm for comfort she knew it was the right thing to do. She’ll cherish their memories on the road but there comes a time when you have to take a different fork in the path. Looking over to Haseul the Queen gave a nod to the hunter, one that promised she would look after her sister and make sure the mistakes of the pasts were not repeated. And so as she watched the carriage pull away a part of Kim Lip drifted away.

"You and Yeojin have been on the road together for a very long time." Choerry commented standing beside Kim Lip watching the carriage drive off with a sad smile on her face. 

"I haven't been alone for awhile I'll just have to get used to it." Kim Lip stated however tuts coming from Choerry caught her attention.

"It's too late for the solo wolf act my friend speak to Jinsoul you might just find a reason to stay." Choerry said giggling at the pink hue that coated Kim Lips cheek before running off to join Olivia Hye and Gowon as Jinsoul came and took her spot.

"You've done a lot for Avent Jungeun you're free to stay here for as long as you like, you'll stay right?" Jinsoul asked, hopefullness lacing her words as she looked at the hunter with a glimmer of hope. 

“I don’t know for how long but for tonight if it’s alright with you can I be by your side?” Lip asked  ignoring the butterflies in her stomach that felt like they'd crush her heart she delicately took the Princesses hand within hers, Jinsoul’s voice caught in as she looked at the hunter, clasping her hand within the hunters Jinsoul kissed the gloves that acted as the hunters walls guarding her memories and shielding her from any affection.



Touch allows vulnerability to be vulnerable you become defenceless and in your defencelessness the other takes advantage the thought in of itself would be enough to scare the hunter from even considering any escapade. Though as she lays on a bed big enough for her to camp on she can’t help but change her previous notion, touch does allow vulnerability as she feels Jinsoul kissing each and everyone one of her scars littered around her body, she is defenceless as she tells the girl stories about any she wishes and as she feels hot tears landing on the scar from the scholar she knows for once that with this woman she won’t be caught unaware, she won’t be taken of advantage of dare she think it…. she’d be loved. The thought alone causes her heart to stutter, she wants to be scared from such a feeling but little she could feel but her stomach fluttering, delicately holding Jinsoul’s smooth tear ridden face in her own branded calloused hand Kim Lip felt at peace as their lips connected, soft, sweet, delicate.

“There’s no need to cry over blood already spilt.”

“You suffered far too much Jungeun.” Jinsoul whispered cupping her face finger ghosting over the hunters fresh eye scar. “But you kept going no matter how exhausted you were.”

“I had to keep you safe.”

“Was it worth it?”

“With you here in my arms how can I say no?” Lip replied eyes closing as Jinsoul inched closer to her feeling her smile as she kissed the fresh scar.


“It's easy when it's true.” Lip said enjoying the way Jinsoul hid in to the hunter’s shoulders to hide her blush lightly hitting her on the shoulder.

“I like being here with you it feels peaceful." Jinsoul commented enjoying the feeling of threading her fingers with the hunters. "I know you’re a hunter so you’re always on the road so it may be selfish of me to ask but would you work for Avent?”

“You said it yourself I’m a hunter the road’s where I belong.”

“You belong somewhere you can call home you’ve given so much of yourself to the road you deserve some rest.”

“There are still people out there that require aid Wovlershire wasn’t the only place a kingdom left to rot.”

“We’ll work on that together we can have all the kingdoms come together to aid those in need we can change the way the kingdom’s have been running, we can make this land safer but for a while would you stay?”

“I would have doubted such a thing could have ever happened but you’ve surprised me in a lot of ways Jinsoul." Kim Lip replied enjoying the sound of Jinsouls laugh as she looked at the woman now leaning on her elbows staring at the hunter with a love she had never thought possible she couldn't help but admire her growth, she had come far from the Queen she once was. "I once would have believed such a thing impossible but when I look at you the possibilities seem endless, if you'll have me I want to stand by your side."

“I’d love nothing more.” Jinsoul said in glee falling in to Kim Lip’s arms the nobles would be displeased with her choice of partner even if the hunter did save her and Avent but as she lay wrapped in the hunter’s arms hearing the steady beat of her heart she felt safe. Safety in a way she had never felt before, this was something worth fighting for, she had already changed so much within Avent she’d be damned if she couldn’t have her lover by her side.

A.N: If you made it this far you're a real trooper for anyone interested in knowing my next project will either be a Twice or Loona zombie fic with an OC if anyones interested in them and has a preference for which group then let me know. Once again thank you supporting this story until next time. 

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Chapter 5: this is AMAZING
Itssilver #2
Chapter 12: this story was an absolute diamond in the rough
windowless #3
Chapter 12: epic story thank you for writing :)
windowless #4
Chapter 10: thank you for the updates i really look forward to them :) one of my favorites
taelcr #5
Chapter 7: I absolutely love this story, hands down going in the favorites
windowless #6
Chapter 7: thanks you for the update :)
Moonlighter13 #7
Chapter 7: Thank for your hard work :)
Chapter 6: Okay, I'm really liking this story. It's so interesting! (i see hints of yeorry 👀)
CarolCarmo #9
Chapter 6: This story is really enjoyable and I hope it gets more attention!! I’m wait for the next chap 😊😊
windowless #10
Chapter 4: Like the story so far :) looking forward to updates