Colliding Hearts


Two girls met for the first time,or is it... As they chase their dreams together,but little did they know, they've been crossing each other's path... Temporary or not,their hearts already collided, undecided, unexpected,their love must be protected.


Caijin,Yashiro,Xiaorina Shippers, I'll give a happy ending for you guys here!<3

Hi and it's my first time writing a fanfiction,there may be grammatical errors,so I apologize in advance! This may hurt you so please have with you some tissues,thank you and enjoy<3




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1849 streak #1
Chapter 9: great update again! I missed the live even though I set up an alarm clock too!! But I watched the replay and I'm excited for their debut!!!
1849 streak #2
Chapter 8: ahhh!!! enozi!! love it!!!
wizsonemnia #3
Chapter 8: Thank you for the update authornim and goodluck on your school work :)
Chapter 7: Thanks for updating ! ^^ cant wait for the next update
Chapter 7: Cant wait for the next chapters!!!
1849 streak #6
Chapter 7: love it! and yea! kep1er!!!
Glass_one #7
Chapter 7: Hi! And I'm glad all of you are enjoying this story! Happy reading and stay safe<3
1849 streak #8
Chapter 4: wow this is so good! i'll have to read the rest tomorrow but can't wait!
Serafina92 #9
Give xiaorina a happy ending, i'm still heartbroken until now.
wizsonemnia #10
Chapter 3: I don't know who the girl is but I got a hunch of who it is. I'm just not sure if it really is her hehe. I'm loving this story, thank you for making this authornim and stay safe authornim~ 🤗