

She left, so far away, to avoid the unavoidable.


After her failed marriage, Park Hana found meaning in life in caring for others;
while Oh Sehun only found sorrow and sadness in breaking off what he thought would be
unbreakable, and after life beat him down to a pulp, Kim Jongin was more than ready
to start something new. 



P A R K  H A N A  /  S E U N G H E E,   2 6


K I M  J O N G I N,  2 8


O H   S E H U N,  2 8


Alcoholism, infidelity, religious trauma


Hello, welcome to dreamyfeather's (first) story!

This plotline has been stuck in my head for about three years before I've decided to write it down.
Please be kind and leave comments and upvotes! Thank you!


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MissMong24 #1
Chapter 2: Ah the classic healing story. One of my favorite tropes if i must say! Really excited to read more!