
Complicated Love

Eunhyuk was sitting in his car. He did not feel like hosting Weekly Idol. All he wanted to do was go home and lay in bed all day.

Previous Day

The kiss was deep but there was no passion and no desire like it use to be. Eunhyuk let pulled away from Yesung. He believed that by telling Yesung the truth, everything would be alright again. However it did not seem to be the case.

“Please, leave” Yesung could not look at Eunhyuk.

“Please Eunhyuk, please leave” Yesung walked yo his bedroom and closed the door. Eunhyuk knew that he could not do anything else but respect Yesung’s request.


“What do I do” Eunhyuk asked himself. ‘Ring, ring' Eunhyuk took his phone out of his pocket to look who was calling him. “Hi sis” it was Eunhyuk’s sister on the other end. “Hi, mum was wondering if you’re still coming over for dinner tonight?” she asked. “Yeh, I’m still coming” Eunhyuk replied not sounding like his usual enthusiastic self. “Are you ok? You don’t sound very cheery" his sister asked him. “I’m fine, just didn’t get much sleep last night” Eunhyuk used the whole ‘no sleep’ excuse. He wasn’t going to tell her the real reason he wasn’t sounding himself.

“Alright, well we all cant wait to see you”. They both said their goodbyes and hung up. Eunhyuk looked at the time and with what ever strength he had left. He got out of the car and went into the building to film another day of ‘Weekly Idol’.


Along the Han River a figure in black walked along the footpath. Yesung always looked good wearing black. Eunhyuk would always say how it suited him and how handsome and good-looking he was. Yesung stopped along the bridge to look out at the water. His sudden thoughts led him to the day prior.

Previous Day

Yesung leaned up against his bedroom door. He heard some footsteps then the click of the front door as it shut. Tears started to form but Yesung held them in. It was hard for Yesung to tell Eunhyuk to leave. However, he had to because it felt like he had a hundred different emotions and feelings running through his head.

“Why Eunhyuk, why do you have this effect on me". “I’m so angry at you but yet I want you”. Yesung punched the door with his fist. He felt like he was betraying himself by giving in and forgetting all that has happened.


Yesung placed his head in his hands. He felt frustrated and he knew there was always one other person besides Eunhyuk he could rely on.

“Hello" someone answered. “Hi Jong Jin, just wondering are you free". Yesung decided to call his younger brother. He knew that his brother would understand what he is going through.

Yesung met up with his brother at Mouse Rabbit. It was the cafe that both Yesung and his younger brother owned together. “Sorry I’m late” Yesung smiled when his brother sat down. “That’s alright sorry to have called you, I know today is your day off" Yesung said. “Its fine, I some times come here on my day off anyway” Jin laughed at himself. “So what’s going on?” Jin could see that something was troubling his older brother.

Yesung looked at the ice-coffee that he ordered earlier. “Mum told me about Eunhyuk” Jin had a feeling that was why Yesung didn’t seem himself. “You know, you cant truly believe that Eunhyuk would really go around seeing someone else”. Jin had known Eunhyuk for many years and did not believe that Eunhyuk would be the type of person to cheat on his partner.

“I don’t know what to believe anymore” Yesung replied. “He told me its all a big misunderstanding but even if it is" a tear suddenly fell. “What if he actually liked being with her, how much easier it is to be with a woman instead of me". More tears started to flow. It was lucky that there wasn’t many customers on the rooftop.

“Throughout the years Eunhyuk had always talked about having kids and how all of our kids will be the Super Junior Jrs” Yesung slightly chuckled under his breath. Yesung looked at his brother “I cannot give him that”. “We cannot have children; we cannot get married”. “I am unable to give him any of those" Yesung finished.

“You can give him your love" Jin said suddenly. Yesung looked at him, “You say you both cant have children or get married but you can both give each other ‘love’” Jin explained. “Yesung I honestly don’t think your angry at this whole thing about Eunhyuk meeting up with some girl" Jin mentioned. “I believe you are angry at yourself, for not believing him and believing in the love he has for you”.

“Eunhyuk risked his career and his friendship with you when he decided to confess his love for you” Jin remembered all to well. Eunhyuk had approached him and told him how he felt about Yesung. With Jin's blessing Eunhyuk took the risk to finally tell Yesung how he felt about him.

“You need to talk to Eunhyuk and sort this whole thing out" that was the only advice Jin could give to his older brother. Yesung listened to everything his brother said. “Thankyou” Yesung gave Jin a hug and knew what he needed to do.

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