part 1


I was so ready to get started at my new school Big Hit High, I just transferred from LA High. Moving to South Korea was the last thing I was ever expecting. We moved because of my fathers job and so here I was getting ready to start my day. I changed into my uniform, I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and then made my way down stairs. I greeted my parents and took my seat next to my brother. We had breakfast like we usually do and then the doorbell rang. I ran to the door because I knew exactly who it was. 


“Anna!” he said as he walked into the house. Mark has been my best friend since I could remember, he had moved here five years ago. He picked me up as he gave me a hug and then the two of us made our way back to the kitchen. 

“Mark, how nice to see you again”

“Likewise Mrs.and Mr.Park. JB bro how are you doing?”

“Doing good, how about you?”

“Just fine, happy that you guys are here too and I get to see my cutie again”

“Ohh please stop it” I said as I sat back down

“I wasn’t talking about you, I was talking about your brother” he said and we all laughed. JB and Mark have a very unique friendship and I’m so used to their weirdness when they are together. We all had breakfast and then the three of us went off. As we walk out the door I grab my glasses and then the three of us make our way to the bus stop.

“You still wear those dorky glasses?” asked Mark. 

“Yes , you know that the contacts irritate my eyes” I say as the bus pulls up. We hopped on and sat down. I sat down next to Mark and we catched up with everything. I was telling him about the time that me and JB had gone to the beach and I totally out rode him on one of the biggest waves. He didn’t believe me but I showed him the video that my dad had taken of us that day. We talked and talked until the bus stopped right outside the school and the three of us made our way into the school. I could hear everyone talking and looking our way, all the girls looking at me as if I had just stolen their favorite toy.  We made our way to the courtyard and we found ourselves with a group of five guys. I looked at them and then looked at me and then all of a sudden one of them got up and gave me a big hug. 

“You must be Anna, Mark has told us a lot about you”

“Anna, this is Jackson, there is Youngjae, Bambam, Jinyoung, Yugyeom. The guys I told you about in our calls. Guys this is Anna and her brother JB”

“Nice to meet you all,” I said as I waved at the guys, they all had big smiles on their faces. JB introduced himself and started talking to the guys as if they had known each other.  After a few minutes the bell rang, the guys went to class and JB and I went to the main office. We  met up with our teachers and they gave us our schedules. We went our ways and said goodbye as we both went out on the way. Jb was a year older than me so we had different classes. I knock on the door and the teacher comes outside and she tells me to wait out there for a minute. I do as she says and I just lean against the wall and pull out my phone as I wait for the teacher to come back. I noticed that I had a text from my best friend back in LA and she just wanted to know how I was doing. I smiled and texted her that I was doing ok and that I was just starting school. I stopped what I’m doing as I noticed that someone had stopped right in front of me. I looked up from my phone and I noticed that it was a guy. He looked down at me and smiled, he was about to  say something but then the teacher walked out. 

“Mr. Bang nice of you to join us, please take your seat” said the teacher and then the boy walked into the classroom.

“Miss. Park, please follow me” she said as she walked back into the room and I followed behind her. She told the class to settle down and as soon as they did, I introduced myself. When I finished the teacher told me to take a seat next to some guy named Joshua. He raised his hand so that I knew who he was and where I was going to sit. As I made my way over there I could feel someone staring at me and when I turned to look around, my eyes landed on this Bang guy. I sit down and take my notebook out and the teacher resumes the class. 

“Hello Anna, my name is Joshsua. You’re not from here are you?”

“Umm not exactly, I’m from LA but my parents are Korean”

“No way, so I’m I. By the way your Korean is really good”

“Thanks, so is yours. My parents only want us speaking Korean at home”


“Ohh I have an older brother, His name is JB” I told him. The class continued and Joshua and I continued to talk. It felt as if I had known him forever. The teacher started talking about an exam that we were having at the end of the week. I looked over at Joshua and asked him about it. He told me not to worry about it, he handed me his notes and told me everything that  I needed to know for the exam. The classes went by so fast that soon enough it was time for lunch and Joshua told me to hang out with him and his friends.

“Sorry I told my brother that I was going to meet up with him at lunch time”

“That’s fine, but if you change your mind, we’ll be in the cafeteria” he said and then we both went our own way.  

“Anna!” I heard Mark calling out my name. 

“Markie!” I yell back as I stop in my tracks and turn to look at him. He ran up to me and then hugged me. I told him to let go and he did, he then told me to follow him. As I followed him we ran into that one guy from earlier. He looks arrogant and as if he always gets what he wants. 

“I see you’ve already got a move on” he says as we walk by, Mark stops in his tracks and turns to look at him. 

“Shut up Chan, for your info, I’ve known her way before she got here” he said and then he took my hand and pulled me away. As we walk away I look  back and the guy blows me a kiss and wink. I looked disgusted at him and he just smiled. I look back at Mark and just don’t say a thing.


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