Chapter 21

All These Years
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Chapter 21: Little sis




(Seungwan 10 years old)


“Wake up….Seungwan, wake up”

The young girl blinked her eyes only to see her father smiling down at her

“Hi baby, are you awake now?”

Seungwan yawned a little “Mmm, appa you’re home!” she shouted happily and hugged her father, he was gone for a month to Japan

“I am. I have something to tell you?”


“You always want a sibling right? So meet your brother”


Her father chuckled and made her sit on the bed

“Yes, he is your brother, Seunggi”

He pointed at a boy who was wearing a blue snapback and motioned him to come closer but the latter only shook his head and stayed still

“Seunggi, come here!”

Seungwan winced slightly upon hearing her father’s tone, he was usually calm and composed

The young boy had no choice but to walk slowly and introduced himself grumpily “Lee Seunggi”

“Son...your name is Son Seunggi” Her father corrected him

“I’m not a Son” Seunggi frowned and mumbled loudly

“You’re a Son, from now on you are using my family name not your mother”

“I’m not a Son. Never!” Seunggi shouted before running out of the room

Seungwan looked at her father confusedly “Appa, why is he mad? Is he really my brother?”

“Yes, your step brother. He is just not used to living in Seoul. Give him sometime, you can do that right?”

Seungwan obediently nodded, feeling quite happy because finally she got a sibling

At that time, she didn’t know what ‘step sibling’ meant but as the time went by she found out that her father never married Seunggi's mom. They got involved in a short relationship when he was stationed in Japan until Seungwan’s father met Seungwan’s mother.

Seungwan’s mother married him without knowing that he had a child in Japan. When she found out years later, she was really mad and almost divorced her husband but after she found out that the boy didn’t have anyone and had lived in a foster house since his mother had passed away, she felt so sorry for him. He asked her husband to adopt the boy because he deserved to have a better life and complete parents.

He was against the idea at first but after seeing how his wife was very adamant about bringing him into their family. He relented.


A young seungwan was a weak cry baby, she cried a lot during her elementary school days because her senior often bullied her

“Look, weak Seungwan”

The young girl lowered her head and proceeded to walk slowly to her class, she didn’t like being called weak

“Hey, come here you!”

Two girls dragged her and made her kneeling down on the ground

“Are you crying now? Weak!” her senior laughed “Put this powder on her, so she can be more beautiful”

Seungwan cried harder until her brother came

“What are you doing Kim?”

“Look who's coming?” Kim smirked “The fake Son”

Seunggi gritted his teeth and pushed the girl who insulted him.

He did it, not because he cared about seungwan but because they called him a Son.

He wasn’t a Son and would never be!

But naive seungwan believed that her brother was coming for her

Since then she was so fond of him, clinging around him

Her hero…


Son’s household

“Oppa, let’s play”

Seungwan brought her new set of mini cars


“Why? I thought you like mini cars? I asked appa to buy it” Seungwan innocently said, she never asked for toys but seeing that her brother liked cars so much so she asked her father

“I like mini cars but he refused to buy me one”

Seungwan showed the mini cars to him “Appa bought these for us”

“No, he bought them for you!” Seunggi shouted “Go away!”

Seungwan's eyes got teary, she didn’t like being shouted “Oppa”

“What do I tell you about shouting to your sister?” Son Chansung frowned when he saw seungwan teary eyes, seungwan was his favorite child as she was more obedient, not that he disliked Seunggi but the boy attitude was too hard to handle

“Why did you buy her cars? I asked for it first”

Chansung crossed his hands “You got ‘D’ in Math, while Seungwan got a perfect A. Study harder and I'll buy you one. Now play with your sister

Seunggi grumbled before sitting down to play with his sister

“He always favors you” Seunggi mumbled but Seungwan didn’t hear it, she was just happy that her brother played with her “I’ll make you get everything for me”

From that day, Seunggi used Seungwan to get every toy he wanted

“I want that gameboy, Wan” Seunggi told his sister “All my friends have that”

Seungwan looked at the shelf “That looks amazing oppa, I will study hard so I can get it by this semester”

Once Seungwan got the toy, Seunggi would take and play it by himself and by the end of the month, the toys will be Seunggi’s


A few years later

“I’m sorry, we couldn’t save your parents”

Seunggi looked at the doctor with his empty eyes “I understand”

He was a senior in college when the car accident happened

“But your sister, she’s safe”

Seunggi furrowed his eyebrows

They got involved in a car accident. Their parents and Seungwan were on the way to a party but unfortunately Chansung made a wrong turn and their car was hit by a truck. He and his wife didn’t survive.

Once again, Seunggi lost his parents, even though he didn’t get along with his father. At least his step mother was kind enough to tolerate him. It was upsetting that his sister was saved, he wished she was the one who passed away with his father.

So after the accident, Seunggi was completely changed, he showed his true self to Seungwan. Mean and cold.

There was no hero Seunggi, playmate Seunggi or brother Seunggi

Teenager Seungwan was so devastated by it, she had lost her parents and now her brother too, she felt lonely. Nobody was there for her.

She tried to harm herself several times but she always saved. One time, she was admitted to a hospital and there she met her angel, Im Yoona.

The older girl kept her company and brought back her broken relationship with her brother.

Even Though the sibling relationship wasn’t as good as before, at least Seunggi agreed to tag along whenever Yoona was with Seungwan. That was enough for her, she hoped that her brother would be back like he used to.

But like what happened in the past, Seunggi just used seungwan to get what he wanted, Yoona. When Seungwan finally realized that she was being used by him, it was too late.

He stole Yoona, not that the girl was hers but she had clearly said to her brother that she loved Yoona and she wanted to confess.

But Seunggi too wanted the girl, she wanted what Seungwan had. So he got himself close to Yoona.

One day the sibling got into a big fight because of it

“Oppa, how could you..”

“How could what? Is it my fault if you’re being a slow turtle?”

“But you told me, I should be patient and wait for the perfect timing!”

“I did, and that’s why she chose me, because you’re too slow, she realized that i’m better than you!”

“Lies, you took her to many dates weren’t you? You made a move behind my back!”

Laughter “Yeah so?”

That night, Seungwan felt an ominous hatred towards her brother.

After the fight, she went to Yoona house and confessed to her, but the girl rejected her, she was blinded by Seunggi’s sweet nothings and because Seungwan loved her so much, she let her go as long as she was happy.

But that was a wrong decision.

A wrong decision that shouldn’t be repeated again.


At an unknown cafe

“I need a break” Joohyun set her cup down

Seunggi didn’t say anything, he knew where the conversation was going so he focused on replying to his email instead

“We need a break” the young doctor tried again

“Where do you want to go? Karibia, Hawai ? I can...”

“You know that's not what I mean”

Seunggi put down his phone and looked straight at his fiance “I know and I think you’re confused, this conversation is pointless”

Joohyun sighed, of course her fiance wouldn’t listen “I want some time to think”

“I gave you time, I was away for a week”

“Well, I didn't feel like I had it. You kept bombarding me with messages even when I told you that I was working”

Seunggi wiped his mouth calmly and glanced at his watch

“Look, my flight is in 2 hours and it takes 30 minutes to incheon. I don’t have time for this kind of conversation AGAIN. When I’m back from Macau, I expect you to have chosen the wedding venue, my secretary already sent them to your email yesterday”

“I said I want to think first, oppa! I haven’t agreed yet with the date and suddenly I got an email about the venue??” Joohyun was getting even more frustrated with their situation “I want to work with our relationship first but it seems like i’m just one of your employees not fiance, you always want to control me, you decide everything for me it just *sighs* do you ever consider my feelings??”


“I’m feeling so confused with our relationship right now, I need to think”

Seunggi closed his eyes “Joohyun baby”

He called her softly “Firstly, you aren’t an employee to me, you’re far more than that” then he held her hand and caressed her cheek “I don't mean to control you, I only want you to get the b

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Hello everyone 🤗 today I'm going to upload the last chapter (ch. 29), thank you for staying with me through this journey. I'll be back on February 1st with a new wenrene fic. Until then, stay safe~ have a wonderful weekend!


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Chapter 29: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1492128/29'>Chapter 29: Darling</a></span>
been rereading this story for a while ytd. also, you write a good authornim wdym youre a newbie hahah...hoping for 'restart' also have a little bit of spicy action perhaps at the end ^^. now now im gonna read the ollivanders first before i get your restart update today! (yeah i kinda accidentally click promote story)
Chapter 29: Can’t thank you enough for this wonderful read. Sending 💙 to you Taelink Authornim
Chapter 29: Tidak adalah epilog untuk cerita ini
Chapter 28: Jadi kapan pernikahan mereka
Chapter 27: Dan kapan acara nikah mereka
Chapter 26: Lumayan adegan bercinta nya cukup terangsang 😯 ingin lihat seulgi memarahi seungwan setelah melihat joohyun dengan tanda merah di leher
Chapter 25: Seperti biasa seungwan selalu bersemangat
Chapter 24: Wenrene terlalu romantis 💏
Chapter 23: Segera aja deh seunggi dipenjara
Chapter 22: Ya sangat intens