
complex. (hiatus)
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Seeun has been quiet today.

It is not that she doesn't have those days, but it always gives me a sign when I noticed. And turns out I tend to pay attention to that afterwards. As if I am trying to read her actions to see if she is okay, or if anything would give off a hint of what is going through her mind.

Although most of the time it is just her occupying herself with practice, or just sitting alone by herself.

Ever since we got our phone back after we got our first win, the sitting alone routine gets replaced by staring at the phone.

Oddly, no one really thinks Seeun is out of place when I try to ask around discretely. By discrete, I actually mean Yeeun only. Sometimes, I feel like telling the older members would be as equal as telling everyone that Seeun is being odd. And I would probably be more embarrassed when they shake it off, or Seeun denies it once she knows about it. I am not too sure whether I am embarrassed by having everyone knows it, or having Seeun know that I am talking behind her.

Though, it is really because that I am concerned.

Everyone is on their phones when there is a break during practice, which is the biggest change ever since we debuted. With their eyes fixed on their phones, no one is really talking -  even though it could also be the exhaustion of practice, since we barely talked before the devices were returned to us, but the number of conversations did cut down.

And from

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dsadsa #1
Chapter 5: It’s soooo good! Keep it up author-nim! Can’t wait for the next update.
Chapter 2: This story has a high quality writing for a fanfic of a new girl group in the kpop industry. I'm looking forward to having people do STAYC narratives and glad to know that you started lol I was about to do mine, but it's too soon for me yet. Fighting Author, you can do it! (Sorry for my bad english lol)