Yellow Carnation

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[CONTENTID1]Yellow Carnation[/CONTENTID1]



The hot summer sun’s golden rays felt pleasant on Yoonhee’s skin as she made her way through the crowded streets of Gangnam. A glimmer of happiness warmed her heart and the corners of quirked up. She had just left her home and was on the way to her flower shop, a place she cherished very much.

As a green witch, she specialized in the natural magic of herbs and flowers, and thus she felt right at home in her shop where she kept a plethora of plants. While she was fond of her magic, Yoonhee much rather wanted to be a regular human. She longed for a mundane life without dangers, without knowing about the supernatural beings that roamed the earth.

Nowadays, witches and wizards were hard to find. They had been persecuted for centuries, killed mercilessly by people who had feared their powers. Not many had survived the brutal witch hunts of the Middle Ages and those who had come out alive had fled from Europe to other continents. Sadly, no matter where they went, they always encountered new dangers. While witch hunts laid the distant past and humans had forgotten about their existence, threats to their lives had not disappeared. Now, it was vampire clans they needed to be afraid of.

Yoonhee’s own parents had been murdered by such a vampire clan because they had refused to work for them. Her mother and father hadn’t wanted to use their magic for something bad and paid with their lives, leaving Yoonhee behind. She had to endure their loss while fleeing from the vicious clan that had set its sights on her as well. She had only been 19 at the time, barely an adult, and she had quickly learned to maintain a low profile. Even now that she was 24 years old, her fear of being found was alive.

Yoonhee had not forgiven the vampires for murdering her family—and she hated them with every fiber of her being. At least, that was what she liked to tell herself.

The truth was that she was terrified of these beings. They were strong, insanely fast, and could hunt people down for miles with their superior sense of smell. If a vampire chased you down, it was nearly impossible to escape. Whenever she spotted one of them wandering the streets of Seoul, she turned around and walked the other way, praying that her charms and protection spells would be enough to fool them. Vampires could sense the magic of witches, so she needed to use her charms at all times. She never left her home without them and so far, they had not let her down, hiding her magic successfully.

Therefore, Yoonhee wasn’t all too concerned when she sensed the looming presence of a vampire nearby as she navigated through the crowd of humans in Gangnam. She simply changed directions and swerved to the left, entering a different shopping street. As she moved on, she took a glimpse at her phone, checking her most recent chat with her friend Chaewon, a young werewolf who had recently found her soulmate. Her endless daydreaming about him was amusing to Yoonhee. They acted like newlyweds. The last time she had met them, they had held hands nonstop.

She envied them.

They shared a beautiful bond. Mark and Chaewon trusted each other blindly. Yoonhee herself had never had a relationship like theirs. Her boyfriend, Sooyoung, was not the sweet type of person. He hardly showed affection and hand-holding was something he generally didn’t do. Not even when she wanted to.

Yoonhee put her phone back into her purse and walked past several shop windows, absentmindedly glancing at the advertised products. Since it was Sunday afternoon, these shops and her flower shop were closed. Regardless of this, she was on the way to tend to her flowers because she needed to make sure they were fine.  

Yoonhee hummed a quiet tone, dodging people as she moved towards her destination. However, while she walked, she took note of something peculiar.

The presence of the vampire she had sensed two streets ago hadn’t disappeared. It was still there, seemingly following her and getting closer. At this rate, it couldn’t be a coincidence anymore. She had taken a few turns and there was no way this vampire would coincidentally follow the same route. Yoonhee reminded herself not to panic and checked the inside of her purse for her paper charms—they were all there, so how was it possible for this vampire to pursue her? Her scent was no different than that of a human as long she had her charms, so she didn’t stand out in the crowd.

Picking up her pace, she disappeared into the next alleyway that was less crowded. This allowed her to move faster. She took another turn at the next corner and the one after. Her hand clutched the string of her purse, becoming sweaty with nervousness. The frantic beats of her heart were like a call to a vampire, but despite knowing this, she was unable to calm herself. She was terrified of these bloodthirsty beings after years of running and hiding from them. They were the cause of her nightmares and insomnia. Her legs hurt from running, yet she didn’t think of stopping even though it was useless to try to outrun a vampire.

Now she even heard the vampire’s footsteps following her, copying her movements. They walked at a normal pace, proving that they were not in a hurry and fully aware she couldn’t get away. Terror clouded her senses. Yoonhee rounded another corner and her flower shop came into view. Its old wooden door wouldn’t keep a vampire out, and neither would the large shop windows. Frustration, fear, and anger mixed deep within her. She hated living like this, hiding away from the world and always having to adapt in order to survive.

“Wait!” a male voice called, deep and alluring as a vampire’s voice should be. A shiver ran down her spine and she slowed to a stop, opting to face her doom instead of dragging the inevitable out. She turned, laying eyes on her relentless pursuer. He didn’t look the way she had expected. His hair was black and his unruly fringe hung over his eyes. Their iris was vibrant blue with a red hue that made her very uneasy. This ruby color could signify many things, but most often, it was a telltale sign of bloodthirst. His pale skin was common for a vampire too.

The leather jacket he wore hugged his form like it had been made for him, and a silver piercing drew her eyes to his lush bottom lip where a ring gleamed in the sunlight. She could see him turning heads with his attractive looks, but beauty in the supernatural world almost always meant danger, so she wasn’t swayed by his appearance. If anything, she was more intimidated now that she had seen him.

“What do you want?” she asked, putting up a strong and unbothered façade while she was panicking on the inside. Instinctively, she clutched her purse with her protective charms and clung to it like it was her lifeline. They couldn’t save her from him, but their presence gave her strength regardless.

“I need to talk to you,” he answered as if it was the most natural thing in the world. His gaze was inquiring, curiously taking in her appearance, her neatly combed black hair and the flowery summer dress she wore.


He came closer. “I think you know why.”

She gulped. He wanted her blood. Her pulse raced and no matter how calm she looked on the outside, she knew he heard the fast beats of her heart.

“You have the wrong idea,” he said as his lips curved down. “I’m not here to hurt you, I just want to talk. My name is Baekhyun.”

She didn’t answer, feeling like a rabbit sitting in front of a snake. What he wanted to achieve with small talk was unfathomable to her. Couldn’t he just get it over with? If she had to die, she wanted it to be quick. It was cruel to make her wait for her end by drawing it out. But vampires were famous for their ruthlessness, so it did not surprise Yoonhee. Her silence prompted him to raise his eyebrow.

“Will you tell me your name? You are a witch, aren’t you?” he continued.

Her eyes widened in realization—and suddenly she understood what was going on. This man hadn’t been following her because he wanted to drink her blood… he was after her magic.

“How did you know?” she lashed out and narrowed her eyes, her despair getting the best of her. “Why did my spell not work on you? It should be impossible for you to sense my magic!”

The past five years of hiding were all for nothing since her true identity had been revealed by one of her enemies. All the measures she had taken to remain hidden and safe were meaningless. It was devastating. Undoubtedly, he would do something terrible to her once she told him that she refused to work for him and his clan. Maybe she would share her parents’ sad fate.

“I was about to tell you,” he answered, and when he took another step forward, she clenched her hands to fists. Her heart was about to jump out of her chest, drumming with unadulterated terror. “You’re very special to me. I’ve been looking for you for many years. Charms and spells can’t hide your presence from me.”

“W-Why not?” she asked, voice cracking. Her terror mounted with every word he spoke, but the worst was yet to come.

“Because you’re my soulmate.”

Her world stopped turning. Indescribable shock crept into her and only a few seconds later, she decided that this had to be a mistake. A leech couldn’t be her soulmate. Fate couldn’t be that cruel to her. These monsters had already taken her parents away forever, and now they would take her too?

“This is a joke, right? You’re joking,” she said, laughing hysterically. “V-Very funny. Now tell me the truth!”

“It is the truth. Your scent is different from that of other people. There’s no mistaking it,” he answered, and obviously, he had expected a different reaction from her. She was close to a panic attack, shaking like a leaf, and she looked like he had proclaimed her death sentence.  

“No,” she whispered. “It can’t be.” Through the glossiness of her eyes, his form blurred. She blinked a few times, holding in the tears that threatened to fall. Sheer desperation choked her and stole her breath.

“I wouldn’t lie about something so important,” he insisted, his tone taking on an edge that she did not like. He was angry with her, annoyed at her strange behavior towards him. Clearly, he had expected her to fall in love with him at first sight or something equally ridiculous. But Yoonhee wasn’t capable of loving a bloodthirsty monster.

“You vampires are leeches. You live off other beings, you terrorize them and murder them for no other reason than to sate your thirst,” she burst out.

“I did not choose to be born a vampire,” he growled.

“And I didn’t choose to be your soulmate. Go look for someone else to feed off.”

A hint of hurt flickered through his eyes, but it was gone so soon, she hardly saw it. He glared daggers at her. “Do you really think I would go away after I finally found my soulmate? It’s been centuries. I waited for an eternity to meet you!”

“So what?” she replied, sensing a change in his aura as his anger rose. Her instincts screamed at her to run. She didn’t want to be close to an enraged vampire. Already, she got a glimpse of his elongated fangs. They were sharper than a knife. He could rip her t

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Spellbound is now completed. 🌼🌺🌻 Thanks for your support throughout the time I worked on this story. Your kind comments were a huge motivation for me. 🥰


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699 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 12: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Pink Rose

Seeing her use her magic and bloom the flowers is quite a sight. There is nothing more beautiful than that! 🥰 But, I can imagine that using a lot of magic, especially when it's something new in question, can be exhausting, but at least it was a peaceful and relaxing nap. 🥰 But now, it was time for lunch and Baekhyun was there to remind her of it. 😉👌 Isn't he just caring?! 🥰😉😍 Oh, yes he is! 😉👌👍 Moving on, Minseok never misses an opportunity to tease Baekhyun about his cooking skills, and Baekhyun's grumbling - PRICELESS! 🤣😂 Love it! 🤣😂

Aw, they worked as a team and the kitchen was saved. *chuckles* 🤣😂 As for the conversation, it was deep. Even though Baekhyun didn't wish to talk about that certain thing, it's still good to know more about his parents and that they are different from others. 👍👌 Also, they are willing to accept her. *smiles* As for Yonhee's parents - sadly, we'll never know, but I am sure they would be happy as long as she is happy. 😊 But going back to Baekhyun, curiosity is killing me! 👀

The third scene was emotional and it brought tears to my eyes. 😭 Visiting the grave is not easy, not at all. 😭 I am glad that Baekhyun went with her, not only for safety reasons, but also because at times like these, everyone needs someone to be there with them and Yoonhee is no different. 👏👌 Also, Baekhyun's words to them are heartwarming! 🥰 He's a keeper. 🥰😉👌👏

Ah, those out-of-the-blue dates are the best! 🥰 I must say, I just adore Baekhyun and his comments! *chuckles* True, they can be cheesy and cringe, but hey, who cares?! Hehe. 🥰😍 At least, he managed to put a smile on her face, and that is what matters the most! 🥰😍

Ah, the final scene was just as amusing. *chuckles* The shower part though! 😅😂🤣 Okay, so Yoonhee being surprised is normal, but still, I loved it! 😂😅👌👏😉

Ah, I love the jokes! 🤣😂 Thank you for another lovely chapter! 💗🌹

The picture! 😍🥰

699 streak #2
Chapter 11: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Aconite

Haha. The boys and their games. It cracked me up but I love their happy spirits and cute bickering and fighting over who will win. 😅🤣😂 That is surely one thing that will never change about boys. 🤣😂😅 But things only got better from that point on when she called her friend and updated her on things! *chuckles* Did I expect to see no jokes or teasing? Of course not! Friends love doing it! Hehe. 👌😎😜 But jokes aside, it's good to see that Yoonhee is feeling more comfortable and that she is away from that idiot. >.< For now, it's a calm sea and I love it! 👌😉

The following scene was a bit more tense, but at the same time, it was something that was bound to happen. 👀 As much as they are friendly and nice, there is another side to vampires, and for some, it's easy to control it, for others, it is not and Sehun was surely one of them. 👀 Thankfully, she wasn't alone and the reactions of others were quick, but, understandably, Yoonhee felt scared, like before. 👀😖😫 But in the end, things turned out well and Baekhyun managed to calm her down, heck, they even played the piano. *smiles* Aww. 😉👌🥰 Also, in the end, Sehun apologized and promised that it wouldn't happen again. 👌👏

Sooyoung is up to now good! UGH! >.< His is in action again. -_-

I loved the chapter and look forward to meeting the others and seeing how things go from there! Thank you! 💗🌹

699 streak #3
Chapter 10: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Red Tulip

Ah, the shop is all new and clean. ^^ The boys did a fantastic job with the shop, now all it needs are the flowers and a few decorations, but as Baekhyun said, she will do a tremendous job! Heck, she even knows what flowers should go where! (Hopefully, that idiot won't destroy it again!)

The following scene was funny, relaxing, and cute! *chuckles* 😉👌 Going shopping with Baekhyun is quite fun. Hehe. I swear the part with the bra cracked me up. 🤣😂 And the way she suddenly got shy and her comments, I promise - it's all just priceless! But it was also fun and relaxing for a change. ^^ But at the same time, Baekhyun learned (noticed) that she tends to apologize for things that she shouldn't... and again, Sooyoung is mentioned. >.< *sighs* 😫😡 I swear, I get so angry when his name is mentioned. -_- But as Baekhyun said, she shouldn't do it. There is no need for it.

OMO! 👀 The third scene was quite tense with that vampire in question, but thankfully Baekhyun was there and the problem was solved... at the same time, here we have Baekhyun who feels bad for not finding her earlier and saving her family. He is also right about Sooyoung - that idiot doesn't deserve her. >.<

Ah, that encounter or shall I say meeting with Chanyeol was quite amusing and I just love the vibe! There's a bit of everything, comedy, bickering, and friendship. The part with 'saving his from hunters' - cracked me up! 😂🤣 Like, I could easily imagine it! XD

Aww, the last scene was so sweet as well. She is aware that he needs to survive and she is willing to once again allow him to drink. Yup, she is starting to like it! 😉👌 They are a sweet couple!

The picture at the end! 😍🥰

I loved the chapter and the bra part cracked me up! *chuckles* Thank you for another great chapter! 🌹💗

699 streak #4
Chapter 9: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Begonia

*sighs* The poor girl and her nightmares. First, it's the vampire and then it's Sooyoung. Neither one is pleasant and it's no wonder she woke up screaming! -_- Thankfully, Baekhyun was there to soothe her and calm her down, but I can also understand Baekhyun's point of view. 👀 First, he would love to know who the vampire in question was and also he wants to have a little 'chat' with Sooyoung and make him pay. 👌👍 The latter deserves nothing better! 😡 As for the vampire clan that is after her... it gives off an eerie vibe. 😣👀 I am also curious to know who it was... but something tells me that I will find out soon! >.< On a positive note, Baekhyun stayed by her side. 😉🥰 As always, he is such a sweetheart and I love the nickname he gave her! 😍🥰

I just love how Baekhyun checks up on her. 😍 Of course, I can understand her point of view as well! True, the clan accepted her, but at the same time, she couldn't help but worry. So, it's no wonder she doesn't want to explore the place or mingle with others. 👀 The fear sometimes gets the best of us. 👀 But I am sure that in time it will get better. 😉 Anyway, Baekhyun managed to get her to go outside and in the end, it was useful and a good idea. ^^ *smiles* Not only did she help the roses bloom, and learn more about others, but she also met Kyungsoo, and, by all means, he is kind and friendly. ^^ Although the last part of this scene cracked me up - 'We don't sleep in coffins' and 'Too much information... Shut up.' - something along those lines! 😅🤣😂 I just love the comedy! 🤣😂👌👍

OMG! I was amused with the third scene as well. *chuckles* She met another member - Minseok, and the latter made sure to tell her that Baekhyun was not good at cooking, describing what had happened the last time he tried to cook. 🤣😂 Ah, oh well. Not everyone is perfect at everything, right? 😉 All in all, loved it! Going back to a more serious note, I do agree with Baekhyun, that Sooyoung NEEDS TO PAY for everything he has done! >.<

Thank you for another great chapter! 😍 I am looking forward to seeing what happens next! 🌹💗

P.S. - I am sorry for being sometimes late with my reading, but it's been hectic with the new dog in my house, so I am juggling between work and taking care of him to the point that my free time has decreased. 😅 Plus my other three pets also need attention. 😅 I mean, I love them, they are my kids, but yeah, it can be a struggle at times. 😅

699 streak #5
Chapter 8: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Blue Iris

Baekhyun was sent to her life at the right moment, because honestly, even if she didn't break up with him because of her soulmate, it would have been something else. After all, Sooyoung has nothing nice to say to her. >.< In his eyes, she is not beautiful, she is not good enough, she is not worthy, etc. 😒😫😖 So, either way, that relationship was bound to fail eventually, but I believe that in that case, it would be even worse, and since he demolished her flower shop - her only peace of heaven - it would be hard to find a place to stay (I mean sure, her friend would help her, but still, she would have to look for another solution), but now with Baekhyun here, she's safe. 😍🥰 But simultaneously, seeing her in such a state is sad. 😭 But I am glad that she told Baekhyun the truth about what happened and I am sure that Baekhyun wouldn't let him have his way and he would pay the price!

Ah, maybe she will get back into her piano lessons, or maybe Baekhyun could help her because in most cases vampires have a long history of playing the piano and being good at it! 😏😉 (Me and my theories, I might or might not be right, but yeah. 😉😅) Anyway, moving on, there is a new character in town! *grins* Junmyeon's soulmate seems nice and it's crystal clear they accepted Yonhee. True, she might not be a vampire, but who cares, right? Heck, the two will spend some time together as well! ^^ *smiles* I am glad that Yonhee finally opened her eyes and saw the truth about Sooyoung. It's time for her to start a new chapter in her life! 😉😏👌👍 Do I believe that things are going to be easy? Oh, no. Far from that, after all, Sooyoung will make sure to cause hell. >.<

Sooyoung. -_- Is there even anything left to say about that idiot? I think not. -_- I live for the day to see his end! >.< He deserves nothing better and who the heck gives him the right to be angry?! -_- He might be powerful magic-wise, but I believe the vampires will put a stop to him! >.< The war is on! But on a side note, it's sweet of Baekhyun to go and clean up the mess. 🥰😍

In the end, Baekhyun knew how to make Yoonhee smile again! 🥰😍 He is a such sweetheart! 🥰😍

Another chapter that I loved, including the new character! I am looking forward to seeing what happens next and as for Yonhee's development, it's going great! 👌💗🌹

699 streak #6
Chapter 7: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Chrysanthemum

Ah, Baekhyun does care about her and he wants nothing but the best for her! 😍🥰 Starting from food to sleep and rest is essential for her, but I love how she feels more relaxed around him. 🥰😍 Is she stubborn? Oh, yes. But does it work with him? Oh, no. 👌😉👍 He got his way, and she got some rest while he was by her side! 😍🥰

Haha. The first part of the scene cracked me up. *chuckles* With the food all. He does sound a bit overprotective, but I love it! It goes to show that not all vampires are bad, especially not his clan and this is surely a new beginning for her! And him! 😍🥰 Being around Baekhyun, she is starting to radiate a more positive vibe and I like it! 👍👌 But that vibe soon disappeared as they approached her home. >.< 😫 Even Baekhyun hates it! Baek, go inside and show him who's boss! 😣 But of course, out of respect for her, he drove off... but something tells me that he should have stuck around... 👀

And I was right! *hisses* He should have stayed because Sooyoung has crossed every possible freaking line! 👀😣😫 Physical abuse... seriously? Insults? Seriously? Targetting her weakness? Seriously? What kind of man are you? >.< YOU ARE NO MAN! A MAN NEVER RAISES HIS HAND ON A WOMAN, NO MATTER WHAT! 😠😡

Yes, it can be scary. Yes, he is scary, but it's time to dump Sooyoung! *hisses* The faster, the better! 😠😡😫😣👀

The last scene was nerve-wracking, there is no doubt about it. >.< But finally, she managed to put her foot down and end things with him, but of course, it meant she needed to leave - but it's better to do that than live with a person like Sooyoung. >.< True, at least she has her flower shop, but it turns out that Baekhyun saves the day and she will be under his wing and protection 👍👌😉 - and I have to say she will need protection because I know that Sooyoung will make sure to make her life a living hell!

Yeah, there was some angst, and yes, I hate Sooyoung as well! >.<
But either way, I loved the chapter! 💗🌹 Thank you! 💗🌹
Have a great weekend! 👌

699 streak #7
Chapter 5: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Freesia

I agree with her friend! She does need to end things with Sooyoung! That man does not deserve her! >.< He's been getting on my nerves since the very first chapter and from this scene it is evident that she is scared of him and what he might do! Like what the hell! -_- 😫👀 He is abusive in every possible way and the faster she escapes, the better it will be! 😫👀 Yes, it can be hard to escape such relationships, but she needs to do it! 👀😫

Yonhee has a lot to think about and it's no wonder. She is aware that her friend was right about every single word and deep down she knows what she has to do! At the same time, it's obvious that her heart aches for Baekhyun and she worries, so Junmyeon's visit hits the right spot! 👀👌 Of course, it's only normal for her to be reluctant at first, after all, he is a vampire, but a friendly one, so all is good. I am glad that Junmyeon was able to explain the situation to her and that in the end, she went with him. After all, if her blood can save him, so let it be. 😉👌👍 Besides, who wouldn't allow Baekhyun to bite, right? *chuckles* 😉😍 On a side note, she learned a bit more about the clan, when it was founded, when Baekhyun joined, also that Junmyeon has a soulmate, and that they were all vampires, except for her. 👍👌

Ah, and they arrived at their destination. Junmyeon was kind enough to give her directions and it was time to save him! 😍 Of course, at first, he told her to leave and it only goes to show that he doesn't want to hurt her or make her do anything against her will, but this time, it was her choice as she understood that only she can save him at this point. 👍👌 True, he was surprised by her choice, but the day was saved, now all she has to do is rest, and once she wakes up eat something and recover. 👍👌

The last scene was sweet and a move in their relationship! 😍🥰 They both care for each other and one could see it from afar! 😍🥰 I am glad that she accepted the situation the way it was and that she admitted that he was special! 😍🥰

The pictures give the Vampire Baekhyun vibe! 😉👌

Haha. Junmyeon did an amazing job! I loved the chapter and look forward to seeing how things go from here! Thank you! 🌹💗

699 streak #8
Chapter 4: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Camellia

Before I comment on anything else, inviting Baekhyun to the flat to pick her up instead of meeting somewhere else is a bold and brave move! 👀 I mean, sure Sooyoung is out drinking... but still. Obviously, their relationship is not that great and the latter could come home all of a sudden, so I place my hat down for the move that was made! 👀 Now, regarding her and her thoughts, what she is doing is morally wrong, but at the same time, there is no love between her and Sooyung and things like this happen! Now, Baekhyun, his eyes are different from before... and his vibe as well... 👀 Hmm. I can't help but wonder what is wrong in terms of their small conversation as first - Yes, I agree, she needs to end things with Sooyoung. It is also something that her friends told her as well. 😉👌

*sighs in relief* They didn't stay in the flat, instead, Baekhyun is taking her somewhere. 😉👌 During their ride, their conversation was quite interesting and I just love how Baekhyun can read through her and also sense her heart rate! 😉👌 True, she is tense, but at the same time, it's understandable because she is fighting the demons inside of her and debating whether the choice she made was right or wrong, especially because of what happened to her parents. 😣 Also, in those situations, it's understandable to miss her parents and wonder what they would tell her. *sighs* As for Baekhyun and his flirting and comments, it's adorable! 🥰😍 And I agree with him, she shouldn't lower herself. 👌😉 She is beautiful.

Aw, Baekhyun made all the preparations and he knew exactly what her style was! 😍🥰Despite the warnings that she is getting, things are working well between the two, and heck, they are even getting along. I can sense that she is a bit more relaxed than before and the two talked about themselves and what they like doing! Baekhyun is surely taken away by her and he is not even ashamed to admit it! 😉👌😍🥰 One could say that their night was wonderful, but the last part of the scene when he told her how long he had been searching for her, made me chuckle! Cute! 😅🥰😍👌😉

Well... this scene broke my heart. Things were going well, and then suddenly things changed! 😭😥 Of course, her fear got the best of her and it also triggered Baekhyun's reaction. (My personal opinion is that he hasn't given up on her, even though it seems like that - but we'll see. After all, breaking the soulmate bond 😉) Of course, by the time she realized what had happened and she wanted to make things right, he was out of sight. 😭

The final scene was no better! 😭😥 I hate Sooyoung and the insults he gave her are awful! 😭😥 The relationship is not healthy and she doesn't deserve it! Heck, no woman deserves it! 😭😥😫 From a lovely night to an awful night! 😭😥😫

I can only guess what is up with him! 👀 I loved the chapter! Thank you! 💗🌹

699 streak #9
Chapter 3: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Sunflower

*sighs* Those nightmares are making her go through hell, there is no doubt about that. 😭😞 They are painful and they have a way of coming back. The poor girl. 😭😞 As for Sooyoung... >.< He has no understanding for her and it's freaking annoying. 😒 But it also makes me wonder why he acts like that... it was mentioned that he doesn't allow her to express her feelings if she does, he snaps - and here's a theory (I might be wrong, but here I go):

1. What if that vampire is somehow related to Sooyoung? 👀

2. What is Sooyoung hiding? 👀

3. Is there more to him and his behavior toward her? 👀

Now, as for her thoughts going back to Baekhyun and how he would react if she cried, I am sure that he wouldn't think she was ugly, nor would he snap at her like that. 😉

I liked the whole concept of how she used her magic and made the herbal tea. 🥰 But of course, is her day complete without Byun Baekhyun? Of course, not! *chuckles* 😏😅 Aw, the latter brought her sunflowers, yes, it's a unique choice because roses are mostly given to women, but this bouquet of sunflowers makes it unique and I love it! 🥰😍 In the process he also learned what flowers she likes, but only that, he also learned about her parents! Compared to before, she is calmer, and even when she bled a bit, he showed self-control, which only goes to show that he is different from other vampires! 😉😏👌 Of course, as always, he's persistent about that date, and just as I thought that she would refuse, they had a magical touch and the picture was crystal clear! 😍🥰 In the end, it was a yes! 👌😏😉

Ah, in the end, she met up with her friends and she had so many questions about soulmates! *chuckles* All in all, the conversation was interesting but I do agree with her friend. It's time to end things with Sooyoung, but something tells me that it won't be easy! 👀

And once again, the picture matches! Love it! 😉👌

It was amazing! 😏😉👌 Thank you for another amazing chapter! 💗🌹

699 streak #10
Chapter 2: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Dandelion

The chapter started interestingly, showing her nightmare and the events four years ago! 👀😣 It's quite sad and not fair. >.< If one says no, it's a no, but sadly, that vampire in question doesn't take no for an answer. *sighs* >.< Am I surprised that it haunts her? No, not one bit, after all, who wouldn't be haunted by it! 👀 Lucikly, she managed to escape, yes, but the fact that the vampire who killed her parents is still out there somewhere, looking for her, would send chills down anyone's spine. 😣 As for the fact that she doesn't like talking about her nightmares - is also okay. Weakness or not, everyone is different. As for Sooyung... the first chapter is still stuck in my mind and whether he helped her or not... the vibe coming from him is strange (in terms of relationship, there is no perfect one), but yeah. *sighs* I will have to wait and learn more about them and their relationship, so for now, I'll ignore the red flag from the previous chapter. 👀 As for her being worried that Baekhyun might tell others is also understandable - after all, fear is always greater! 👀

Ah, am I surprised that Baekhyun came to her flower shop? Nope. *chuckles* I was kind of expecting it, after all, she is his soulmate and even if he wants to stay away, it's impossible and he has no problem admitting it to her! 😉 Their conversation that I call it 'push and pull' - is funny. 😂 She tries to push him away, but the more she does it, the more she attracts him! 😉 His reactions and answers to her are priceless as well! 😅 Ah, they also had a customer and afterward, they had a conversation about dandelions but he was still persistent about giving him a chance. 😉 In the end, he got the information about the vampire that bit her, and for sure, if he knew his name, that wouldn't be a nice meeting! 😉 Those blue eyes though! 🥰😍

Ah, the last scene was surely tense because of Sooyoung. His attitude is bad, really bad. *sigh* >.< I sense a violent side too and that grip confirmed it all! 👀😫 For now, she managed to escape, but dang it... things are heating up... 👀

I just love how the picture at the end matches the whole concept of the chapter! 😍💗

Yes, yes, he is stubborn! 😅 As for Yoonhee and Sooyung and their relationship... I don't like it. 👀😫

Thank you for another great chapter! 💗🌹 I am looking forward to seeing what happens next! 👌👍😉
