
DAMN YOU (Spare Guy)

Seoul, March 2011

The two boys who were only three years apart stared at the two gravestones in front of them. Eomma and appa, they will never come back because an accident has taken them forever.

The soil is still new and a little wet, only the-hyung who looks strong holding his dongsaeng's shoulder has not stopped crying. - How will the next life go while they still need them both?

The only relatives willing to accept them were a husband and wife who slowly pulled the two boys home. He took him to the house left by the parents of the two children who had just been abandoned.

Even the relatives who called as their - uncle and aunt brought their belongings as well. The two boy who were immature and didn't understand anything, just sat on the floor watching their uncle and aunt put their things inside home.

Uncle : only us you can be relied on. Nobody wants to accept you.

Those words weren't harsh at all, their uncle told that politely and subtly, like an old man telling the real condition of they two. But it pierced the eldest's feelings.

At night, the-hyung who woke up accidentally heard another painful thing.

Aunt : You can't say like that. They are still sons of my sister, that's my nephew too.

His wife told while arranging their clothes into the cupboard in the room that used to be occupied by his parents.

Uncle : they also have to understand our situation. We are poor and it is impossible to take care of them. How do we pay for these kids when our children also still need money.

Aunt: we'll think about it later.



Day by day nothing is different. Until his dongsaeng asked his hyung.

"Wonwoo hyung, why are you silent?"

Wonwoo: nothing, Jaemin. I am alright.

Wonwoo his brother's head while covering the noise that was increasingly only discussing money and money. His heart was slowly gnawed with hatred.

In the past, when their parents were still alive, his ears never heard the word hardship. Especially about the complicated life in making money.

But the days have changed, the conversation about money continues to be heard by Wonwoo's ears. That's because he had to share his house with his uncle and aunt.

Was it so difficult to accommodate him with his-dongsaeng, even though the lawyer still visited them and gave them envelopes. Wonwoo's eyes were not blind to see that. But Wonwoo chose to remain silent and didn't want to talk, because he was only considered a child.



His aunt came into the room when Wonwoo put his books in.

Aunt: Wonwoo -ya. Please forgive aunty?

The woman who was younger than her mother made a pleading face for her nephew to understand. Wonwoo didn't answer anything and his cold face just ignored his aunt's words.

Aunt: I don't know how else to say this? But please understand our condition.

They - Uncle and his aunt decided to stop school for Jaemin and Wonwoo because their son will finish high school soon. Yes, aunt and uncle's two sons are just about to enter college but they are busy with all the preparations and need a lot of money, including their tutoring.

Wonwoo was very upset. Who's himself in the eyes of his uncle and auntwhy should he be sacrificed for their family?

Wonwoo didn't understand anything about how much wealth his parents left, but he was the one who had overheard that his parents left something for him and Jaemin. But why do they keep arguing about finances!

Wonwoo who couldn't stand it, finally carried his bag and ignored his aunt. He ran out of the room and sat down to put on his shoes, for him he preferred being outside the house than being in the same place where his aunt and uncle were.

Since that Wonwoo realized if how well the people around him, only looked at money above relatives / blood ties.

Uncle and aunt did take care of them and were never rude, but they still put their son first - not him and Jaemin who had no one.

They are too selfish, using their parent's money. Sold their own house to move their son's school after a few days moving to Seoul.

Wonwoo walked alone to see his school he was going to completely abandon. He doesn't like to cry when he's sad, because he doesn't want to look weak.

His hand was held by someone who didn't want him to leave.

Wonwoo: let me go, Vernon!

His sharp eyes instructed the boy-before to leave him, but that one didn't listen him at all, instead gripping his hand tightly.

Vernon: Where?

Vernon's presence earned a bad attitude from Wonwoo. But he was such a stubborn, also did't want to lose to take revenge even-more-coldly and forced Wonwoo to stay there with him.

Wonwoo: why do you care!

Vernon: I'll prove what I said to you.

Vernon pulled him harshly , took Wonwoo to meet his father.

Vernon asked his father to let Wonwoo go to school with his younger brother. It was that easy for Vernon to get permission, because he was the only child by the family who owned the school foundation.

Vernon was still holding Wonwoo's hand after. The boy had been pulled since earlier observed it's hand which his-classmate kept dragging.

Wonwoo: you keep holding my hand, aren't you done proving it already?

Vernon turned at, looking into those eyes again with seriousness.

Vernon: I won't let it go if you choose to leave me.

Wonwoo: You really like me?

Wonwoo's words at that time became the beginning of confidence in himself.

Wonwoo can't work since he's too young. But he could do something for himself and his brother's benefit as well.


Jaemin was someone Wonwoo constantly guided in many ways. Also his experience about the newfound of confidence. Because Wonwoo was sure, his dongsaeng was not much different with him, getting attention from the outside world.

Wonwoo: why don't you want the candy?

Jaemin: he's noisy and always asking - what I want? What do you like? - so Annoying, huh!

Wonwoo: what's his name?

Jaemin: Hyunjin.

Wonwoo: what do you want to eat?

Wonwoo asked when they were about to pass through the school gate.

Jaemin: Huh?

Wonwoo: just answer.

Jaemin: lazy, don't want to eat.

Wonwoo: you really!

But a few seconds later, "HYUNJIN!"

Jaemin grumbled because the hyung called his friend who was already a few meters in front of him. And said he was tired of carrying his own bag.

Ended up they going home with Hyunjin.

Jaemin mindly got mad but he could only glance at Wonwoo hyung. How could he possibly scold his brother?

The boy in front of Jaemin didn't complain at all. He occasionally looked back as if guarding Jaemin while carrying two bags that were quite heavy on his body.

Wonwoo beside Jaemin whispered something. Jaemin's eyebrows raised slightly at his hyung's words. What are the advantages of a Hyunjin?

Wonwoo: you can try.

Jaemin: Hyunjin.

Hyunjin: Yes, Jaemin?

Jaemin : Can you treat me to lunch tomorrow?

Hyunjin smiled widely.

Hyunjin : sure - You want to eat in the school cafeteria, right?

Jaemin nodded.

Wonwoo got two thumbs up from his brother, when jaemin turned behind Hyunjin's back who was walking ignoring his tiredness because he was too happy that Jaemin had accepted him.

Jaemin always believes what his hyung says. He nodded when he received lessons and advice from Wonwoo. For example like,

Wonwoo: You don't like him, but he give you benefits right?


Wonwoo: no need to date!


Wonwoo: forced you like what? - Then you refuseddid you?


Wonwoo: good..

Wonwoo: You really just need to approach them. Let them get closer, and then do as I taught you.


Wonwoo: you got it all from one person ?

Jaemin: no, some of them gave me this. I like so I carry.

Wonwoo: accept them as friends and don't get too close. Until you are sure which one will be the last till end.

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