I Like You

Just Desserts
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1 month later:




“What do you mean it was a mistake?” I look at Jayce incredulously.

“Just what I said it was a mistake, we work together, and this could get really messy really quickly.” She replied.

“And besides, I didn’t come here for romance I came here to work.”

“I leave in a few months anyway and I am not a casual dating type of gal.” She says everything in a rush.

I scoff.

“What is this nonsense? I never said you were.”

I run my fingers through my hair frustrated.

Ever since that night we kissed she has avoided me like I have a contagious disease!

I never thought I would fall for someone so quickly never in a million years especially not her.

Just ninety days ago she was my sworn enemy.

But I have developed real feelings for her and I for one want to see where this can go.

Granted it is not an ideal situation to begin dating but I care about her and her son.

I just want her.

“Look I say quietly I know this is isn’t ideal because of our work situation and you being my direct supervisor doesn’t help but I don’t care.”

I have liked her for months and if I am being honest with myself I liked her from day once when she pranced in here wearing that y white pantsuit with her copper and honey colored ringlets spiraling out all over her head.

She is a stunner.


“I can’t pretend I don’t have feelings for you Jayce especially after kissing you.”

Her eyes widen in surprise.

“Joseph!” She hisses.

She looks around to see if anyone heard me.

“Keep your voice down! We are at work, what if someone hears you?

I roll my eyes and step closer to her.

“Sorry not sorry and sure didn’t seem to mind being at work when I kissed you in the dry goods pantry last week.” I smirk.

She scoffs prettily folding her arms across her chest.

“First of all, you snuck up on me catching me completely off guard you cannot keep attacking my face every time we are alone.”

I waggle my eyebrows and she kiss her teeth.

“Ok ok I am sorry but you’re just so adorable I can’t help it.”

I say pulling her close to me.

She rolls her eyes her lips twitching trying to suppress a smile.

“I know this seems sudden, but I like you and I want to see you more outside of work.”

“Is that too much to ask?”

She pulls out of my grip sighing.

“Look how about this? I take you on a date a real proper date where I pick you up, we got out to dinner, ice cream, a movie, dancing or maybe both.”

“Then I drop you at your door and see you inside after a long kiss.” I grin and she smirks.

“And after I woo, wine and dine you and you still feel the same way I will back off and respect your wishes.”

“It will be hard, but I’ll do it.”

She is chewing her bottom lip contemplating.

“It’s not like I don’t find you attractive Joseph it’s quite the opposite actually.”

“You’re too attractive I mean your Korean drama good looking.”

She looks at me warily and I smile my megawatt million-dollar crest smile.

She scoffs again “See you are perfect!” “I am a single mother of a special needs child, I am a foreigner in another country, a black woman foreigner and all those are negatives stacked against me here in Korea.”

“Plus, I am not a skinny chick, not by any means.”

I look at her from head to toe admiring how her black work pants hug her curves lovingly.

I must put my hands behind my back not to grab her and throw her over my shoulder and proclaim,

“Me man, you woman you belong to me.” And grunt like a caveman.

“You have a great figure you are shaped like a woman is supposed to be shaped.”

“No man in his right mind wants a bag of bones and looks like a boy when she is turned sideways.”

She chuckled and covers .

“And besides, I am American remember?’

“But you grew up in Seoul, so it doesn’t count.”

She turns walking into the dining room area I follow behind her.

“True but I have spent every summer since I was 6 in Oakland with my Uncle and his family.”

“Oakland really? She looks at me like she is solved out some huge mystery.

“No wonder.” She says and chuckles.

“No wonder what?” I ask

“No wonder you can appreciate a fuller figured woman.”

I grin wolfishly.

“I expected you’d like these bean pole flat chested super pale models out here in Seoul, but I guess not.” She chuckles again and its music to my ears.

She is f

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Linalinnius #1
Chapter 8: This chapter pulled at my heartstrings, and I didn't know I had that.