
What is love?

When Jeongyeon arrived at the hospital Sana was trying to wash the blood off her hands and was startled when the bathroom door slammed against the wall.

'Tell me what the happened or I swear I won't answer for myself' Jeongyeon was so angry that Sana feared she would hit her, not that she didn't deserve it given the mess she made.

'I was distracted, she was talking with some people and I thought she was safe' her voice trembled 'I've been a real fool and I don't know how to tell you what I'm feeling now. Dahyun is out of danger, the doctor said she will wake up early and the surgery to remove the bullet went well, there was no problem'

Sana had tears in her eyes and she looked so fragile that Jeongyeon didn't feel like treating her badly and held her in a hug, letting her let off steam.

'I'm relieved to know she is safe now, I was so scared' her tone was calm and as she spoke she Sana's hair 'now we have to wait for her to wake up and we'll stay with her until she has recovered both physically and mentally'

Sana released the embrace and looked at Jeongyeon as she sniffed 'I can't Jeong, I won't be here'



Dahyun opened her eyes again the next afternoon, blinking many times to get used to the light coming from the half-closed curtains of her hospital room. 

She tried to sit up, but an excruciating pang just below her chest made her gasp and her eyes wet with tears. She remembered the event from the night before and the way it ended: she was lying on the floor and Sana was pressing her hands on the wound so as not to bleed too much. At the thought of Sana Dahyun panicked, was she okay? Was she injured too?

'You finally woke up, I think I lost ten years of life because of the fright you made me take' Jeongyeon sat up in bed and gently brushed a lock of hair from Dahyun's forehead 'how do you feel? Does it hurt so much?' she looked at her with concern.

Dahyun closed her eyes and took a deep breath 'I've never felt such pain, I don't know how to explain it to you, I just know that I can't wait for it to pass' she opened her eyes 'now it doesn't matter, where is Sana? She's fine? I remember she was crying'

Jeongyeon's shoulders stiffened and her eyes saddened 'she isn't here, but I can assure you she isn't hurt' she gave her a folded sheet 'she sends this to you, I leave the room until you finish reading it' she kissed her head and walked out as promised, knowing that Dahyun wouldn't want anyone around as she read the contents of the letter.

As soon as she was left alone, Dahyun began reading the letter.


"Dear Dahyun,

I already know that this letter will hurt your feelings, but I need to tell you what's on my mind or I'll explode. I failed, I wasn't capable to protect you from that crazy guy and his gun, even though Jeong had spent a lot of her time to teach me how to be a good bodyguard.

I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most, 'cause I was too distracted by a stupid fountain in the middle of the room. You trusted me, Jeongyeon trusted me too, but I don't deserve your trust, I'm the worst.

You almost died, that shot you so near your heart. I spent an entire night washing my hands in order to clean the blood, your blood.

I was excited to spend a night with you in a party, even I was here for work, and maybe it would have been better if your best friend was there, instead of me. I ruined everything. 

I don't want to hurt you more than I've done, but I have to go or I'll ruin you.

I'm pathetic, I can't even write an entire phrase, I'm sorry for this too.

Those months with you were the best of my life, you gave me a good job and the most important thing to me: love. I love you Dahyun. I love your straight face. I love your precious smile that appears only with me and Jeongyeon. I love to sleep with you and cuddle. I love to see you with your glasses, because I know I'm the only one allowed to. I love to argue with you, you're so cute with your red cheeks and your finger pointed at me like a weapon. I love both your personalities: the y and serious Ceo and the cute girl with ridiculous pajamas.

I can't believe I'm the one saying this, but it's over, our relationship is over. I'll disappear from your life, I won't be there when you wake up. It's better that way, you deserve the best and I'm very bad, both as a girlfriend and as a bodyguard.

Thank you for everything, you taught me to love and to live for real, I'm so grateful and I am so damn in love, but you know, love can't adjust everything, love isn't perfect and it showed last night.

I think I said everything I wanted to say to you, but I don't know, my mind isn't working well now.

I know you will recover soon and that you will continue to do great things because you are the strongest person I have ever met. 

Thank you again, for everything. 

- Sana"


When she finished reading Dahyun did something that hadn't happened to her in a long time: she cried. Her sobs made her wound pain, but she couldn't calm down and stop the tears. She covered her face with her hands 'you promised not to abandon me, please come back' her voice trembled and the words came out chocked 'tell me it's a joke or a bad dream' 

Jeongyeon re-entered the room and rushed to hug her best friend, receiving a desperate squeeze 'let it out until you feel better, it's just us here' she her hair. 

'She wrote that she loves me, yet she is not here now. What did I do wrong to deserve this? I couldn't even reveal my feelings to her and she did it through a stupid piece of paper' she was trembling in the arms of the one person who had never left her 'I love her too Jeong, I fell in love' 

They were both crying now 'you have done nothing wrong, an unbearable situation has arisen for her and she has made a decision that not even I can understand' Jeongyeon wiped the tears from Dahyun's face. 

'Love should be the most beautiful thing in the world, but I would love to stop feeling all this stupid feelings' Dahyun added when she finished crying 'she broke my heart, I wish the bullet did it instead of her' 

'Don't you dare say that again, am I clear? You'll get over it, I'll be there with you. Don't say these things anymore, I risked losing you last night and I would never be able to take it' 

Dahyun closed her eyes and squeezed again the only person she could trust 'forgive me, I won't say it again' 



Dahyun stayed in the hospital, against her will, for a week and the doctor recommended that she avoid exertion for at least a month and get checked out every week. Jeongyeon took matters into her own hands and took care of taking her friend home and buying the painkillers she needed. She did the shopping and made sure not to leave her alone more than necessary: she had even started sleeping in one of the guest rooms and brought Dahyun what she needed to work from home. 

What happened at the event was one of the most talked about topics of the moment and every time Dahyun saw news about it, her expression became a grimace of pain. Since reading Sana's letter and bursting into desperate tears, she hadn't shed a single tear and had become the cold, detached person everyone knew. 

Sana had never looked for her, even with a simple message, and that caused her more pain than anything else. She had allowed her to get under her skin and Dahyun just wanted to stop having those beautiful but painful feelings 'love is so toxic' she stated before taking yet another sip of wine 'it takes you among the stars and then makes you fall suddenly to the ground' 

'You drank enough for today' Jeongyeon took the glass from her and drank the contents before taking it to the kitchen and putting it in the sink. Her cell phone vibrated and she answered the call after closing the kitchen door 'hello?' 

'How is she today?' Sana's voice had lost all trace of cheerfulness 'is she recovering?' 

Jeongyeon let out a sigh 'her wound is fine, but she is drunk and it happens almost everyday after she finishes work. It takes her time to recover. How are you? Sorry for spending little time at home' Jeongyeon was exhausted and she had dark circles around her eyes. 

'I started eating and exercising again, physically I'm fine, I really mean it, but I can't sleep properly because I have that horrible scene in my mind. I miss you Jeong, but I'm very calm knowing it's you with Dahyun. Can I hear her voice? Hide the phone' 

'Okay, wait' Jeongyeon left the kitchen and went to sit next to Dahyun on the couch, placing her mobile screen facing down on the coffee table 'is the idiot here feeling better?' she said jokingly. 

Dahyun glared at her 'I am much smarter than you, try to say something like that again and I'll fire you, Yoo Jeongyeon' her tone was slightly playful and it was enough to make Sana smile and end the call. 




The month of absolute rest went by with ups and downs, but what mattered was that Dahyun had recovered and returned to work again. Everyone in the company was calmer now that the boss was back: they all knew she wouldn't let anyone outclass. 

Dahyun was back to being the person she was before meeting Sana: always serious and detached, but still kind and polite to everyone. 

The backlog was a lot and Dahyun was happy to throw in it so she didn't even have time to think, considering that just being in the office made her think of Sana 'okay, focus, you can do it'

Whenever she took a break, her thoughts were only for the girl she loved: she remembered the times they were hugged on the black couch, their chats, the coffees Sana had dropped on her and every little thing they'd shared in that office. She missed her smile, her laugh. She missed everything about that goofy 'look how you reduced me, I don't know whether to laugh or cry' Dahyun had a bitter smile on her lips. 

At that moment Jeongyeon entered with a sealed envelope 'this just came, it's for you' she placed it on the desk and looked at her best friend. 

Dahyun opened the envelope and she read the contents of the short letter she had received aloud 'Dear Dahyun, I formally invite you to dinner this evening in my restaurant. We have a lot to talk about, my daughter' she raised her eyebrows and then her hands started shaking. 

'Your father? Hell, this is a surprise. Do you want to accept the invitation?' 

Dahyun nodded and signed the restaurant address on her phone notes 'will you come with me, right?' 

Jeongyeon gave her a proud smile 'of course, trust is good, not trust is better' 



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zlnzx_ #1
Chapter 19: Rereading This Again And Yeahh I Love Mohyo So Much!!!
Thanks Again For Writing This Fic<3
Minyeon-ah #2
Chapter 51: Once again i read your story and i love it 😁
Jamess #3
Chapter 51: jyeah saida michaeng 😁👍👍…hahaha momo you in the wrong timing buddy 🤣🤣
Jamess #4
Chapter 51: jyeah saida michaeng 😁👍👍…hahaha momo you in the wrong timing buddy 🤣🤣
Jamess #5
Chapter 49: i’ve read all…owh now it comes to end but it really good story…i like it 😁👍👍👍
Chapter 49: Yay! 😍
Chapter 49: I'm soooo excited to see Saida's proposal!
Jamess #8
Chapter 43: come on saida 😏😏
Chapter 43: Awww cant wait for SaiDa Fam 😍
Jamess #10
Chapter 40: finally 2yeon 😄👍👍