Bitter Taste
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          Should I attend class? I don't know, after that big blow up scene back at the gym, I didn't feel like going to class at all. It'll just make me see those annoying faces that I couldn't punch. It'll be too embarrassing if I go back now, they'll wonder what had happened to me, but I think they wouldn't care. 

          No one actually does. What should I do? Just stare at nothing while waiting for the class to end? I don't think so. If only I can just make it through the gates and go home. But I think it's impossible. The gate has a camera, I would certainly get caught in the act. But it wouldn't hurt going back right? I mean, I don't really care on what they think of me, I always don't.

          Taking a huge heave of sigh, I stood up and made my way back to the building where my class is probably having their Home Economics by now. . I forgot that I was still in my gym clothes, I better go change. 

          I went inside the girl's rest room and immediately locked myself in one of the cubicle and started changing. After I was done, I fixed my hair while looking at the mirror. After I was satisfied, I left the restroom. I walked calmly as possible towards our Cooking classroom. Once I was outside, I heard laughter and utensils falling.

          The moment I stepped inside, the room became dead silent. Then I saw the weirdest thing; yet so normal. The whole class was covered in flour and so was the unfamiliar figure seated at the front side of the classroom. 

          Was I destroying their happy time? Probably I was. I looked at our new teacher before turning around to leave the room with a low click of the door of the classroom, waiting for them to finish. I wouldn't want to sit on my seat full of flour. And I most likely wouldn't want staying in a classroom where everyone in the room are having fun while I wasn't. It's not that I'm jealous over their happiness, it's just a bothersome to me.

          While I was waiting, the door opened as the teacher came out, already cleaned up except his clothes which was still covered in flour; they surely were having fun. He was holding the attendance sheet and saw a T mark on my name. 

Tardy, no . 

          "You must be Ms. Yoo Haemin. Hello, my name is Min Yoongi but just call me Mr. Min." He smiled while extending his hand towards me. As always, I would just stare at it without making any movement. And as expected, he would look at me with confusion, which he did.

          It was getting awkward when he knew I wasn't going to shake his hand any moment, so he retrieved them back to his side as he rubbed the back of his neck after. This is the first time for me seeing a teacher getting awkward because of me. 

          "Well, it's nice meeting you Ms. Yoo. I'll be your cooking teacher from now on." He smiled again. Still, I didn't give any response and he was now giving me the look. I bet he thinks I'm disrespecting him or something. But who can blame me?

          To show that I still had a bit of respect in me, I bowed at him then walked away to only I know where, not bothering if cooking class wasn't over yet. But I was certainly positive that we weren't going to start any lessons today, so why waste my time in there anyway. Home Economic was the last class on my schedule and I was quite happy that I only had 10 more minutes before the final bell would ring. 

And when it did, I hailed in praise.



          Right when the school bell rang as it sets a signal that classes had already ended, I told my current students to not forget about their assignment. Then I too, packed my things ready to leave. I sent sound waves through my mind telling the others that we should meet up at the gate for us to go home. 

          Yeah I know, you might wonder why I said sound waves when it theoretically sounds so poetic and cheesy. It's because we're not really ordinary as you guys might think we are. You guys might think we're aliens, but we're not that too. We're actually—

           "Yah! Hyung, let's go together!" A voice interrupted me and found that Jungkook was already at the door with Jimin. "I'll be right there." I told them as I hurriedly packed my things inside my bag. 

           "Alright, let's go." I told them as we made our way to the gates where we saw the others there patiently waiting. We smiled at each other before we made our way to our own respective vehicles that was parked outside the gates. And I was lucky enough to drive a car, in courtesy by my own mother.

          I had clearly remembered that we had issues to discuss back at home. Unfortunately, there was a legitimate reason as to why we were sent here. Of course the reason about us wanting to teach kids for the better good was all just a massive façade. Teaching numbers and formulas wasn't my biggest main mission in my life nor was it a factor that I want to continue on pursuing.

          But of course, all of us were sent here for the better good. Not for ourselves but our people, we're doing this for the betterment of our society and the danger that lies ahead of our world.

And what's the actual catch? I'm actually not talking about Earth.



          I had finally arrived at my house for how many minutes of walking. I decided to not take a taxi or the bus today, I wanted to walk. I couldn't rely on public transportation all the time. I had to walk once in a while, and to add on the fact that fees were getting high nowadays and my parent's bank account probably wouldn't hold on much longer if I continued to depend on it.

          Once I stepped inside, the silent-weary sound greeted me. It was always like this, everything was always like this in my day to base life. It wouldn't be much of a surprise if my type of environment came off like this. The last time when this house was alive was when my parents were still breathing. I can still remember my father would watch soccer games on TV and my mother would sing songs while she was cooking in the kitchen. At least there was a sound. But now, nothing can be heard. Everything was dead, no one has been singing in the kitchen and no one has ever the TV ever since dad went away with mom.

I sighed.

          I walked my way to my room, placing my bag on the floor, and letting my body fall on top of my bed. I'm tired, I wasn't tired physically, but I was tired emotionally. I'm tired of everything. Ending everything would probably be the only solution that I could think of to get out of my life's misery, yet it would be selfish for me to just end my life like that. Many people would love to live again and I'm just here wanting to end mine. I couldn't do that, my parents wouldn't like it.

          I was about to close my eyes because I needed to sleep for a while for the fact that today was another hectic day at school, but then I heard the sound of cars and motorcycles outside. I tried closing them again, but then the noise became loud and that was it. I marched my way to my balcony to see who it was making a fuss outside. 

          Once I saw the source, I felt nothing but irritation overcome my body. Can't they realize that they weren't the only ones living in this neighborhood? Such a nuisance. I didn't get to see their faces since they were still wearing their helmets and some of them were still inside their cars; but I'm not interested on seeing their faces too.

          I was about to go back inside until a familiar voice called out, making me stop on my tracks. "Ms. Yoo?" He called, his tone slightly going up in an octave, it's as if he sounded quite confused and rather on the verge of settling confirmation that it was indeed me that he was looking at. I didn't bother to turn around since I already knew who it was by the sound of his voice. I can sense it through his awkward tone. It was an easy guess that it was him,

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