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“You sure you don’t need anything?” Namjoon asks, head poking through the doorway. Yoongi waves him off.

“I’m all good, but thanks,” he says, swaying slightly in the desk chair. Namjoon throws him a thumbs up before he disappears again – Yoongi can track his movement through their small apartment, up until the front door slams shut.

Yoongi was fully planning on spending the day cooped up in their little home studio, working on a new project he’d started a few days ago. He could get good work done today – Namjoon will be gone for most of it, shopping first and then a dinner with friends later, so it really was the perfect time to start work.

This is all past tense for Yoongi, because the gods have a vengeance on his soul and really don’t like to see Yoongi doing well ever.

He’d fallen asleep at the computer last night, had to drag himself back to bed when the sun started to rise through the windows with a pain in his neck and his left arm numb. He’d fallen asleep on the desk looking through Jimin’s blog like some kind of stalker (he’s fully come to terms with this now, almost wears it with pride), and so it's only logical that the first page he’s confronted with when he wakes the PC back up is that same pink aesthetic.

Yoongi’s a er, and so he hits refresh even though the chances of there being any posts is exactly 0.0%. The chair creaks unsteadily as he swings around, waiting for the page to load. Just one look, and then he’ll start working.

One look is all he needs, because the gods really do hate him. A new post, just thirty-three minutes ago holy .



Yoongi refuses to jump to conclusions. Rainbow pins, rainbow heart-shaped pins do not mean – maybe Jimin is just a really great ally? Rainbow heart-shaped emojis are just fun, gay colours does not mean gay.

And besides, there are probably thousands of different pride celebrations going on across the world right now, even though it isn’t a particularly important day or week or month in LGBTQ+ history and there’s no real reason for any other countries or cities or organisations to be hosting events with rainbow colours and motifs. No, Yoongi decides, completely unrelated.




Yoongi can’t get any work done – he’s long since abandoned his own music to work on yet another bland commission piece, but even that’s not going well.

He tries, he really does. He tries to avoid Jimin’s blog, tries to keep himself from reopening that page and refreshing until something happens. And yet...

Yoongi slips, lets himself close the sound production software and jumps straight back into his unhealthy obsession with another stranger’s life. It doesn’t even surprise him when the page reloads to show yet another new post.

Yoongi likes to consider himself a rational man. He’s good at remaining level-headed, keeps his cool when people say or do things out of the ordinary expectation. Namjoon picks on him for it, a lot, but Yoongi quite likes his approach to the world.

When the new post contains a selfie of Jimin with another man, huddled in close to fill the frame with Jimin’s arm across the other man’s shoulders, Yoongi struggles not to react. His breath catches in his throat and his mind reels – and he supposes it might be okay to be jealous, if this were under any other circumstances.

However, Yoongi is not jealous because he knows for a fact that the other stranger in the photo is hopelessly crushing on someone else entirely – Namjoon always fills Yoongi in on the latest gossip, and when it’s not Kim Seokjin then it’s....

Kim mothering Taehyung.






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1122 streak #1
Chapter 11: It's really good! The ending was cute ^^
1122 streak #2
Chapter 8: I'm hoping yoongi will soon find the courage to message jimin ^^
1122 streak #3
Chapter 5: This story is really fun to read ^^