
Sands Of Time
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"Get it out, get it out!!" Mark yelled.

Jaemin threw the Dynamite to Tara and she squealed in fright. She went to throw it back to him but was pushed out of the way by the man who had invaded their plan; he was now fighting Jaemin. Tara sat up and tossed the Dynamite to Henry, who quivered loudly and passed it to Mark. Mark flicked it back to him, and Henry just handed it right back to him.

"Stop giving it to me!" Mark shouted.

"I will when you stop giving it to me!!" Henry exclaimed in reply.

"Give it to me!" Jaemin snapped and suddenly snatched the Dynamite from him.

He grabbed the neck-lining of the robe that the man was wearing and stuffed the Dynamite down the top of it. The man screamed and dropped his sword so he could desperately try to take it out. However, Jaemin had other plans. He grabbed him by the shoulders and rammed him back towards the door, and pushed him straight out the door so that he landed on the chained connection.

Jaemin smiled down at him and gave a tiny salute, "Thanks."

The man looked up from his chest and at Jaemin with a look of defeat and fear in his eyes. Jaemin slammed the door shut and wrapped his arms over Tara to bring her down to the ground for protection just as a thundering boom pounded against the door and blew it from its hinges so that it flew down the isle of the carriage, straight over the heads of Henry and Mark, followed by an arm of roaring, yellow fire.

Tara tensed up under Jaemin's arms and whimpered into the ground at the feel of the flames at the back of her body. It was over in a second, and the sound of bits of wood and the feel of feather-light bits of ash landing on her legs announced that it was safe to get up. Tara turned her head and found her nose nearly touching Jaemin's. His eyes looked so different up close.

Tara cleared shyly and Jaemin remained watching her with his arms around her. She looked down from his eyes and at the open buttons of his shirt that allowed her to see the top of his chest, which really didn't help her blush at all.

"My bloody god!" Henry cried out breathlessly, "Wow!!"

Tara and Jaemin both smiled lightly at the sound of his dramatic voice and Jaemin slowly slid his arms away from Tara's body. They both slowly sat up on their knees and Tara looked straight ahead and out of the huge hole that had been blown into the end of the carriage. The edges of it were still sizzling red, and black smears spread out to the other walls. The wind was blowing into the carriage and would have been chilly if it wasn't for the heat of the walls, which transformed it into a warm temperature. Tara saw the other carriage in the distance as a black speck sitting on the tracks. She smiled lightly.

"Did I really say that you couldn't be bad if you tried?" Jaemin asked whilst staring out at the horizon with her.

Tara smirked lightly and looked over at him with a cockily raised eyebrow, "Having seconds thoughts?"

Jaemin smirked back at her, "Maybe."

"What... is... wrong with you people??" Mark heaved loudly.

Tara and Jaemin climbed up onto their feet and looked around to see him leaning back against a chair, looking very shaken. Tara pulled her lips in and glanced over at Jaemin with amusement.

"I don't know about you, but I would very much like to stay raw!" He groaned.

"Well, you are." Jaemin said.

Henry poked his head up from behind a nearby chair that was as black as charcoal and looked around nervously. He looked just like Mark; scruffy up hair, as pale as a ghost and glistening eyes. He looked as though he had just died and come back to life again.

Tara took out the red box from down her top and held it up in her hand, "And we still have this."

At seeing this, Henry and Jaemin smiled. Tara bit her bottom lip happily and looked back and forth from the three of them. Jaemin looked back at the huge hole in the carriage and narrowed his eyes sorely.

"We should get back to our compartment. The guards are going to be down here soon." He announced.

Tara stopped biting her lip and her eyes were drained of joy. She looked round at the huge hole and sighed heavily.

"Now I feel guilty." She muttered.

Jaemin glanced at her and smirked, shaking his head, "Second thoughts? Nah."

Tara snapped her eyes onto him and narrowed them in annoyance. He winked teasingly and walked past her to head back up the train to their compartment. Tara turned to watch him and tilted her head to the side in thought. She just couldn't understand him. One minute he was a pig, then he was a gentleman, and then... he just went back to being a pig again, the next. And men thought women were complicated! 

Tara shook her head with a sigh and clenched her fist around the red box again. She stepped over a chunk of smoking, black wood and began to follow Jaemin up the isle. Henry slipped out from the seat and stood up to trail behind, leaving Mark left.

But he didn't move.

"Oh no..." Everyone heard him wheeze.

They all stopped walking and looked round at him.

Jaemin raised an eyebrow and eyed him warily.

"Mark?" He called him.

Mark jumped and turned around to face them all with a look of new worry across his pale face, "Huh- what??"

Tara raised an eyebrow a

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Chapter 1: Wow! I'm just amazed by this story...its so action-packed and interesting...I can't wait for more!