Chapter (5)

My Only Hope (MOH)
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"I know, but I have a plan. They're money-conscious, we shall use that to our advantage." Jongin suggested with a smirk playing on his lips.


"You're right. But with what approach?" 


"It's simple. When you visit Tina tomorrow, make sure her mother is also present. 10 minutes later I will start calling you, but do not pick, just cut the call each time I call, but I will keep calling. Then bring up the issue about getting a well-trained, good, and trusted maid, and make it clear that you're willing to pay any amount to get a good maid that will manage all the work in your mansion. After making it pretty serious, then you can now pick my call and I will take it up from there, just play along, okay?" Jongin winked at his friend and the billionaire chuckled.


"So smart. Let's just hope they fall for it."


"They will, just trust me. But make sure you still act very mean and coldly towards Byeol, that's the only way you can convince them." Jongin tapped Baekhyun on the back with an assuring smile.




Baekhyun went to Tina's house the following morning, and Byeol was the one that opened the door, but she quickly bowed in respect and greeted him.


"Good morning Sir." 


Baekhyun stared at her for a while. He wanted to ask her if her head was still hurting, but he recalled what Jongin said and he ignored her greetings and walked into the living room. He was convinced by the excitement he saw in both mother and daughter's eyes when he ignored Byeol. He knows that will surely give in to his game if he keeps it on.


"Good morning sweetheart, good morning Aunt." Baekhyun greeted, but Tina was quick to hug him as usual.


He had breakfast with his mother and daughter, and when he was done eating, his phone began to ring in his pocket, and he knew that it was time for the plan.


He reached for his phone and sighed just as planned before cutting the call. He glanced at the women, and he noticed they were staring at him, then he relaxed on his seat with a frown on his face.


"I need a well-trained and trusted maid. Someone that can do everything from cleaning to washing, to cooking. I need someone that can do everything when I'm not around. I'm willing to pay any amount of money to anyone that can recommend a good, hard-working trained maid to me." Baekhyun explained while looking so serious as always.


"You're right. From what I heard, you will be so busy with the company here, and it's only fair for you to come back to a clean and well-arranged home and also with nice well-prepared food waiting on your table. Can you wait a little longer till the end of this month, I will get you a well-trained maid who can do everything." Shi-ah suggested and Baekhyun sighed.


"I'm afraid I can't wait till the end of this month. However, thank you for your care, but I've already asked a close friend to look into it, and he has been calling me all morning. I wanted to verify if you could help me out with it, but it seems impossible at the moment. Thank you for your time and care." Baekhyun said in a soft tone and his phone began to ring again.


"Excuse me, please." He picked up his phone from the table and answered the call.


"Hello, good morning. Of course, I saw your missed calls. So tell me, why did you call? Have you seen any?" Baekhyun asked while looking at the women's faces to read their expressions, and it was working like crazy.


They looked so tense, and Shi-ah was already muttering to her daughter while looking at Byeol who was busy with her daily chores. And he continued, but this time around he decided to call a huge amount of money.


"Look Jin, I'm in desperate need of a maid, my mansion is a complete mess. Tell her madam that I'm willing to pay any amount of money. Please tell her to come with one of her best maids today and I will transfer three million to her account when she arrives. Alright, I will be home soon." Baekhyun ended the call and got up. 


"I have to go now. Thanks for today, I will come around when I'm less busy." He hugged Tina and turned around to leave, but both women couldn't bear to lose such a huge amount of money just for a maid, whereas they can easily sell Byeol to Baekhyun as a maid.


"Wait!" The women shouted and Baekhyun halted his movement and faced them. 


"What's wrong?"


"Well, I was thinking about your safety. What if the maid you're about to buy from her madam is a spy? I mean everyone knows that you're a wealthy and famous man, it will be very dangerous to let a stranger into your mansion, more so live with you." Shi-ah said with Tina nodding in agreement.


"I know, but as I said, I'm in desperate need of a maid, so I don't have a choice."


"I understand and that's why we've decided to give Byeol to you to be your maid. She doesn't like us, so it would do her good if she stays with you and we can be free from the lies she tells people about us. What do you say?" Shi-ah asked and Baekhyun knew that it was done, but then he still has to make it look like he's not interested.


"Byeol? No. I know you care about my safety, but I can't let Byeol leave with me. She almost ruined my life and besides, her sight irritates me, so I'm sorry, I can't." 


"I know my love, but I know her, she's nice at heart and she can't hurt a fly. Let her be your maid, I promise you won't regret it." Tina said and Baekhyun sighed. He looked at Byeol and he saw how scared she was.


"If you say so, then it's fine. However, I need a maid to start working starting from today, so ask her to get her belongings, I will wait here and transfer the money."


"Of course." Shi-ah turned around to look at Byeol and she smiled. The thought of getting such a huge amount of money from selling Byeol as a maid made her extremely happy.


"What are you still waiting for? Didn't you hear what your new master just said? Get out of my sight and get your belongings immediately."


"Yes ma'am." Byeol looked at Baekhyun again before running off to her small storeroom. 


She quickly gathered the little stuff she had and rushed back to the living room. She stood beside Baekhyun and bowed her bandage head which wasn't a good idea. 


Baekhyun quickly sent the money into Shi-ah's account and stood up. He looked at Tina and her mother and he bowed.


"Thank you for everything, I shall take my leave now." He looked at Byeol and her little bag, and he wondered the kind of pain and suffering she has been through.


"Come with me." He said and Byeol quickly obeyed him, and they both left the apartment.


When they got to the car, he got into the car, but Byeol was still standing outside with her head still bowed.


"Get into the car, we don't have all day." 


"Yes Sir." Byeol did as she was told but she dared not look Byeol in the eye, not now that she knows the whole truth about what happened in the past. 


"Are we driving home, boss?" The driver asked and Baekhyun hummed in response.




Throughout the long ride back home, Baekhyun kept on hearing Byeol tummy grumbling, and he knew that she hadn't eaten. He couldn't believe that Tina and her mother would be so evil and heartless.


He looked at Byeol, and he noticed that she was fascinated by the beautiful sight along the road. He began to wonder what happened to her that she became so naive. The Byeol he once knew was so bright and full of life. She was the only girl that had a passion for basketball, but now she's more like a shadow of her past as if the Byeol he knew never existed. 


He looked at her body and he discovered how boney she had become. He folded his fist in anger and hoped Tina would have a better explanation as to why Byeol became boney while living with them.


"Have you had breakfast?" He asked and Byeol looked away from the window to look at him, but she flinched when her eyes met with his, and she quickly lowered her eyes.


"No Sir, I haven't."


"Chul stops at Royal Star eatery, and goes to Mina, she will attend to you."


"Yes, boss."


When they arrived at the eatery, Chul did as he was told, before continuing with the trip.


Getting home, Baekhyun took the bag from the car and made his way into his mansion and Byeol followed him behind. She was scared of what Baekhyun was going to do to her, judging from the hatred he has for her.


When they made it to the living room, Baekhyun sat on his favorite couch while Byeol stood

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The last chapter of "My Only Hope" is out. Thanks for reading❤😊


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Chapter 35: I finished this!! I'm happy for all of them I didn't even expect yura to be her real sister but it's good that they found her and that they all are happy.
It was a great story. I had fun reading it thanks for such amazing work author-nim!! ✨💙
Chapter 3: God those both mother and daughter are horrible how can someone dk something like that to anyone.😡
Damn I really hate that evil woman how can she act like byeol is her maid 😠 I didn't knew it was based on soulmate concept 😊 but I'm happy and excited for baekhyun and byeol's meeting.
Chapter 9: Finally he knows!!!
Chapter 8: What the hell-
Chapter 7: Byeol is not reacting to Baek's touch has to do something with soul mate thing.
Chapter 6: I wonder what will happen next now that Baek knows the truth
Chapter 5: Finally Byeol is in safer hands.
Chapter 3: I hope Baekhyun will be able to speak to Byeol.
Chapter 1: Already excited!!!