Chapter Two

Asymptotes & Ellipses
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I pushed back my bangs before I wore my cap as I walked towards my bedside table. I pocketed my keys, phone, and wallet before I headed out of my bedroom and to the front door. I wore my shoes then headed out of my apartment. I walked to Yongsun’s apartment and knocked on her door.

When Yongsun told me that she and Eric broke off their engagement, I went back to waking up early in the morning to walk her and Yongkeey out of the apartment building. Apparently, she noticed that we weren’t seeing much of each other since she told me about the engagement. I made an excuse that I was really busy with work and thankfully, she accepted it. I thought she wouldn’t notice it but she did.

Hyejin and Byul noticed things going back to how it was before we knew the engagement as well. They already know that Yongsun and Eric broke up because I told them about it. They were also aware that I never made a move towards Yongsun. I could never make myself confess to her. And besides, their breakup was still new. Still, they do not approve of how I’m not making a move to move past Yongsun as well.

These past few days though, Yongsun told me that she was having a hard time waking up early in the morning. She even decided to just simply walk Yongkeey out instead of jogging early in the morning. I volunteered to wake her up by knocking on her door to make sure that she would be able to walk Yongkeey out.

I knocked on her door again and smiled when I heard Yongkeey barking on the other side of the door. I laughed softly when I heard her running towards the front door, getting closer to me now. Then Yongkeey barked excitedly again before I could hear her nails right behind the front door already.

“Yongkeey…” I whispered and laughed again when she barked louder.

I smiled wider when I heard Yongsun’s faint voice coming towards the door now. I took a step back when I heard her opening the door before it was pulled open.

Yongkeey rushed out of the apartment and jumped on me, causing me to take a few steps backwards when she pushed me back. Then she ran around me, making me dizzy by how fast and energetic she was already.

“Yongkeey” Yongsun whispered in a scolding tone.

I crouched down while Yongkeey stood up and leaned her front paws on my knees. I petted her head and scratched her ears while I rubbed my other hand on her back.

“Have you thought of getting your own dog, Wheein? You are good with animals” Yongsun asked. She moved to us and crouched down as well to attach Yongkeey’s leash on her collar. Then she rubbed Yongkeey’s body as she said, “She seemed to love you more than her owner”

I chuckled and looked at Yongsun only to avert my gaze right away and went back to staring at Yongkeey. She was looking at me intently with a small smile on her face. It made me realize how close we are to each other as well.

I shook my head before I said, “I don’t think I’m good at taking care of animals. I could even barely take care of myself”

“But your café seemed to be running pretty well. You’re taking good care of it”

I chuckled at her and shook my head again. “Business is run by numbers, Yongsun. Animals aren’t, especially people. We’re complicated”

She stared at me intently while she tilted her head to the side, seemingly thinking something from what I said. “Is that the reason why you don’t like to talk much?”

I looked down at Yongkeey when her gaze intimidated me. “Probably. Socializing… I find it difficult as well. I can’t understand how people could talk for hours and have the confidence to talk to people they don’t know”

“You seemed to be good at it when you’re talking to me”

I gulped hard while she chuckled when she saw me blushing. “Well… You’ve been… I don’t know… I guess I’ve grown comfortable around you already” I stuttered and gulped hard once again when she laughed louder.

“You’re cute, Wheein. I’m glad you’re comfortable around me. I’m comfortable around you as well”

She handed me Yongkeey’s leash and I quickly accepted it before she stood up. She groaned and seemed to be losing balance when she was completely upright already. I hurriedly held her arms while she closed her eyes tightly and held a hand to her head. I nervously scanned my eyes over her face, thinking that something must be wrong.

“Are you okay? What’s wrong, Yongsun?” I worriedly asked her. I held onto Yongkeey’s leash and glanced at Yongkeey when she wanted to start walking already. “Yongkeey… Stay” I whispered gently while she followed obediently. I turned my attention back to Yongsun again and asked her, “What’s wrong?”

She gently shook her head before she whispered, “I’m fine. I just got dizzy.” She breathed deeply before she slowly opened her eyes and looked at me. “I’m fine, Wheein. Don’t worry”

“Are you sure?” I asked, slightly pouting at her while she just smiled and nodded at me. I let go of her arms and nodded back. “Just tell me if you’re feeling sick so I can help you”

She smiled wider as she said, “You’re always helping me even when you don’t have to”

“I wanted to…”

“I know. I’ll make it up to you sometime, Wheein. I promise”

I bent my head low and stared at Yongkeey who’s waiting patiently at us. “You don’t have to…” I mumbled to myself while Yongsun chuckled softly in front of me.

Her soft laughs were cut short when she suddenly gagged while she quickly covered and held a hand to her stomach. “Whee… I…” she stuttered before she rushed back to her apartment.

Yongkeey started to whimper when she saw her owner looking so distressed. We followed Yongsun inside her apartment and released Yongkeey once we got inside. I closed the door behind me and hurriedly kicked off my shoes before I ran to where I saw Yongkeey went.

I could hear Yongsun gagging again as she vomited, making me frown and furrow my eyebrows from worry. I found Yongkeey outside of her bathroom, whimpering and moving restlessly while Yongsun continued to vomit. I found her bending over her toilet as she leaned both of her hands on the toilet’s tank.

I ran to her kitchen, grabbed a glass, and filled it up with lukewarm water. Then I headed back to the bathroom. She was already flushing down her vomit when I reached her while I handed her some tissue.

“Thank you” she mumbled, grabbing the tissue from me before she groaned loudly.

I pouted at her and raised the glass of water in between us while she wiped her lips and chin. She crumpled the tissue then threw it in the trash bin before she grabbed the glass of water from me.

“Thank you” she mumbled again before she took small sips of the water.

“What’s wrong? Something must be wrong. You got dizzy and now you just vomited. Have you been feeling sick lately?” I nervously mumbled while she shook her head and continued taking sips of the water.

I grabbed the glass from her and led her back to her living room. I sat her down on the couch before I sat beside her and placed the glass on the table in front of us. “What do you mean?” I asked her.

“I’m fine, Wheein” she sighed heavily as she leaned back and closed her eyes.

“Was that the first time you vomited?”

“Yeah… I’m just probably tired from work”

“Shouldn’t you take the day off if you’re not feeling well? I’ll accompany you if you want to see the doctor just to make sure that you’re really feeling okay” I whispered softly, cautious that she might find me annoying for suggesting a lot of things.

She breathed deeply before she glanced at me again. She offered me a small smile before she tipped her chin in a small nod. “I’m fine, Wheein. Don’t worry too much”

I pouted at her while she just smiled at me. I sighed heavily before I stood up and grabbed Yongkeey’s leash. “Let me walk Yongkeey out. You should probably go to sleep so you can rest more.” I picked up her puppy, who’s drastically grown bigger now and headed to her front door.

“Thank you,” Yongsun whispered behind me.

“No problem” I said to Yongsun as I wore my shoes again. I turned around and grabbed one of Yongkeey’s front paw. I waved it towards Yongsun as I whispered, “Wave goodbye to Mommy”

I smiled at Yongkeey before I glanced at Yongsun. My smile faltered a little bit when I saw Yongsun suddenly looked nervous. The nervousness was gone right away as she smiled at Yongkeey and waved back at us. My eyebrows twitched but I didn’t bother asking her again what was wrong. I don’t want to annoy her with my worry.

“I’ll see you later, Wheein. Yongkeey, be good to Wheein,” Yongsun said before she laid down on her couch and propped her head with the cushion.

“I’ll see you later too. I’ll take care of her” I said before I turned around and walked out of her apartment.

I put Yongkeey down on the floor before I closed the door behind me. Yongkeey’s excitement was back once again. She wagged her tail eagerly as she jumped and walked ahead of me. I have to grip her leash with both of my hands to make sure I wouldn’t let go of her.

The whole time I was walking Yongkeey, I was thinking of what I said wrong for Yongsun to look so nervous. I don’t know if she was trying to brush off something when she instantly smiled at Yongkeey. I don’t know if I offended her earlier either. And I don’t know why she suddenly looked nervous and if it has something to do with what I did or what I said.

Was she even nervous or was she surprised?


“Why do people get dizzy and then they get nauseous that they vomit?” I asked the two of my employees the moment I arrived in the café.

They got here earlier than me because it took me so long to bring Yongkeey back to the apartment. She still wanted to run and play around and I didn’t have the heart to say no to her. Yongsun even called me, worried why we were taking a long time. She only laughed when I told her why and told me not to let Yongkeey fool me into playing more. I had to shower again because I was covered in sweat from being dragged by Yongkeey.

Yongsun seemed fine when I brought Yongkeey back to her apartment. I really had this urge to ask her again if she was really feeling fine but I relented. She thanked me while I headed to my apartment to take a second shower before I headed to the café.

I went inside my office first and placed all my things. Then I headed back to the bar and fixed myself my usual iced Americano.

“You’re not drinking coffee today?” Byul asked beside me while preparing an order.

“I am. This one’s mine,” I said to her. I bent down and scooped some ice before I placed ice inside my cup. I lifted my cup and took a sip of my coffee, closing my eyes when the scent of coffee slowly woke me up.

“You’re not making one for Yongsun?”

“She told me not to earlier. She said she wanted something else but she still didn’t know what it was.” I took a sip again before I moved near the kitchen so I won’t be blocking Byul’s way. There were still a few customers coming in so only Byul and Hyejin were working by the bar while I watched them. “Answer my question” I said to them.

“What was it again?” Hyejin asked.

“Why do people get dizzy that’ll result in vomiting?”

“Hangover” Byul answered right away.

I don’t think Yongsun drinks. I think I invited her one time but she declined right away. I’ve seen bottles of wine in her apartment though, but they were light drinks. I don’t think the hangover was the cause of her dizziness earlier.

“Vertigo,” Hyejin said, making me furrow my eyebrows as I pouted behind her.

“What’s that?”

“Hangover?” Byul asked. I glared at her while she chuckled at me as she continued working.

“I know what a hangover is. Experienced one every time you asked me out to drink. I meant vertigo. What’s that?”

Hyejin shrugged as she said, “When you got dizzy and you wanted to vomit”

I pouted at her again as I mumbled, “That’s not helpful at all”

“From eating something bad?” Byul suggested while I hummed and nodded at her.

That could be a possibility of vomiting, but I don’t think it would cause someone to be dizzy. They might poop a lot too if they ate something bad. Yongsun didn’t release stuff from down below. Stuff exited out of .

“Motion sickness?” Hyejin suggested while I hummed and nodded again.

Then I lightly shook my head as I leaned on the doorframe and stared at the floor while drinking my coffee. I don’t think it was because of that either. Yongsun just came from her apartment. She wasn’t riding anything at that time. The dizziness was triggered when she stood up. It was not even a sudden movement.

“I think you’re referring to the symptoms of someone who’s pregnant”

I coughed hard when that suddenly made me choke on my coffee. I looked up and saw that it came from a customer Hyejin was currently serving. I coughed hard and took a small sip from my coffee to clear my throat while I softly patted my chest.

Hyejin and Byul whipped their heads to me as they both asked, “Are you pregnant?”

“What?!” I exclaimed as I continued to cough. “No!” I said, shaking my head at them. I coughed hard before I breathed deeply. “You know I’m not” I whined as I pouted at them while they both sighed in relief.

Is Yongsun pregnant?

“Is Yongsun pregnant?” Hyejin suddenly whispered, voicing out the question in my head as well.

“What?!” I exclaimed, my eyes widening at her as I shook my head again.

Hyejin narrowed her eyes at me while I continued to shake my head as I frowned at her. “Is she?” she whispered.

“I don’t know. I don’t think so” I nervously mumbled and motioned for her to look away. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“The only reason why you’re asking us this is if it involves you or her. We know you’re not, so this must be about her.” She sighed and shook her head at me before she faced the incoming customer. “Also, I could hear your thoughts”

I went back to sipping my coffee while I frowned at Hyejin. Is Yongsun pregnant? Was that why she got dizzy and vomited earlier this morning? If she is, who’s the father? I know she hasn’t been dating anyone or meeting someone after her engagement with Eric got broken. I don’t think she’d recklessly have with anyone as well.

Wait… Mommy…

I called her Mommy on behalf of Yongkeey. It was just an innocent gesture but it made her really nervous. Maybe she’s thinking that she is pregnant. Maybe that was the reason why she suddenly felt nervous. She thought she was pregnant and if she thought about it, then that could be a possible reason why she got dizzy and why she was vomiting this morning.

Is Yongsun pregnant?

“Wheein…” Byul suddenly called out.

I released my bite on my straw, unconsciously doing it while I was thinking and looked up to Byul. She tipped her head towards the entrance of the café. I glanced to my side and saw Yongsun coming in. I pushed myself off the doorframe and walked to the cash register while Hyejin took a step aside to make room for me.

Yongsun smiled at me while waving her hand as she walked towards the bar. I smiled back and placed my coffee down before I waved at her as well.

“Good morning” she said before she eyed our menu posted on the wall behind me.

“Good morning. What do you want to drink?”

“I… Uhmm…” she mumbled, eyebrows furrowing as she continued to scan her eyes on our menu. “You don’t serve mint chocolate drinks, do you?”

My eyebrows furrowed as well but from confusion. I slowly shook my head as I tentatively whispered, “No… Before we do, but not everyone appreciates mint chocolate.” I turned to my two employees and narrowed my eyes at them. Byul snickered while Hyejin scoffed at me. I turned to Yongsun again as I asked, “Why? Have you always wanted to drink it?”

“I don’t know… I just… want to try them…” she whispered, chewing the inside of her cheek as she continued to think again.

“If you want, I’ll serve mint chocolate tomorrow so you can have them.” I smiled proudly when she smiled so wide at me, her dimples in full display. “How about your usual iced Americano for today then I’ll make you mint chocolate drink tomorrow?”

She nodded at me, her smile still on display. “That would be wonderful. Thank you, Wheein”

“No problem, Yongsun”

I keyed in her order while Byul started making her drink. Yongsun paid for her order before Byul handed me Yongsun’s order. I grabbed the drink from Byul then passed it to Yongsun.

“Thank you for walking Yongkeey this morning. I’m sorry she tired you out” Yongsun whispered.

I smiled at her as I shook my head. “That was nothing. I had fun playing with her as well”

She smiled at me as she raised her drink. “Thank you again for this one, Wheein.” She started walking out of the café as she waved her hand at me. “I’ll see you later”

I waved back at her and said, “I’ll see you later too”

When Yongsun was gone, I dropped my hand and picked up my drink again. I turned around to head back to my office since customers seemed to be fewer this morning than on our previous days.

“Ah!” I yelped, almost dropping my cup when I was surprised to see Hyejin standing right behind me.

She glared at me as she crossed her arms in front of her. I quickly took a step to the side and headed to my office. Before I could even close the door, she blocked it with her hand and opened the door wide. I went to sit on my chair right away and hide behind my computer while Hyejin closed the door and sat on the couch.

“We’re not serving mint chocolate drinks”

“We are,” I said, pouting at her as I placed my cup on my table.

“Not everyone likes mint chocolate” she argued.

I pointed a finger at her as I haughtily smirked and said, “But there are people who likes it”

She rolled her eyes as she leaned back on the couch. “Only you and Yongsun likes it”

I pouted at her again and said, “There are other people who likes it too”

“You agreed when Byul and I told you that mint chocolate is not getting enough buyers. That’s why we took it down on our menu. You agreed.” She sighed heavily as she whispered, “You’re only doing this for Yongsun”

“I’m not!” I sheepishly sunk on my seat when she glared at me before I nodded and mumbled, “I am”

She scoffed again before she breathed deeply. “So she’s dizzy and has been vomiting. Now, she’s craving something she never even tasted before.” She stared at me intently before she said, “She’s clearly pregnant”

“That’s something we have no idea of”

I slightly jumped on my seat when she clapped her hand so loudly.

“You really were talking about her when you asked us this morning” she said, proud of herself that she caught me.

I couldn’t deny it anymore so I just faced my computer and turned it on. While waiting, I picked up my cup and took a sip of my coffee again. If Yongsun is pregnant, who’s the father? Does she know who the father of her child is? How will she handle it? Does she need help?

“No,” Hyejin suddenly said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

“What?” I asked, confused by her.

“No, you are not getting involved with this. No, you are not helping her”

“I never even mentioned anything related about it” I whined as I pouted at her.

“I could hear your thoughts even when you’re not saying it out loud.” She tipped her chin towards me and said, “Now, you’re thinking that I’m just fooling you around”

My eyes widened while my mouth hung open. She laughed at me while I closed my mouth and pouted at her. I brought my straw to my lips and took a sip of my coffee while Hyejin was taking the time of her life to laugh at me.

I faced my computer and opened my work while her laughs slowly died down. I heard her breathe deeply before the room suddenly went silent.

“Wheein” she whispered after a few moments, her voice sounded serious now.

I placed my cup on the table and turned towards her, knowing that this is one of her serious talks again. “Hyejin” I whispered back.

“Loving her from afar is something unacceptable for me and you know that. But if you get involved with her pregnancy, that’s completely unacceptable. Don’t do that. Don’t do that to yourself”

“But what if she needs help?”

“Helping her and getting involved are different. I didn’t say you turn a blind eye on her when she needs help” she said while I just pouted at

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3 parts, 10 chapters each part, and an Epilogue!

- RedSparrow


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wheesun1721 #1
in a “do i have to be a man for you to fall in love with me” situation so im back here reading this again :”)
AshFB_08 #2
Chapter 35: I finished this overnight!!! I love it very much! Kudos to the writter! 👏🥹
Chapter 12: Well that was heavy… If I were Whee i would date Irene, coz Irene… 😂 , well.. im only on chapter 10, still have many many chapters to go. I dont usually comment. But this is very well written i can feel the heaviness of the scene, im so sad for wheein rn,
Yonsunnie319 #4
Chapter 26: I am quite late to the redpsarrow wheesun fics party but I've been reading for about a yr now -- and this one mygosh. I am not done yet but I didn't sleep last night reading this -- I got cold sweats, tears, and shook when wheein left I felt it so hard, my heart still aches at the scene.

This has been amazing and I've read some of your other works too (WWL twice and I am considering going for round 3) hehe!

Redsparrow-nim are you still here? I and I am sure many others are hoping for more. The feels are insane!! I hope for more but I don't want to impose but waw!!!
Ichig02101 #5
Chapter 35: Just finished this masterpiece...i job well done authornim 👍👏👏
One of my fav story of wheesun. Hope to see ur next creation authornim ☺️
Knightlym #6
Chapter 35: I just finished reading this story for the second time. I think it’s one of my best reads in my life, it’s was so well written. You can really feel the love they have for each other, their doubts, their pains. I also never cried that much reading a story, I was so moved by Wheein’s genuine love. I loved so much Wheein, Yong, little Pinneaple Man and Yongkeey. Thank you so much for this story and for the fillers !
Chapter 35: This is one of the most beautiful story that I've read, I feel it all with them, have been a while since I feel this conect with some fic like I was with this one. Thank you so much for this story, I'm gonna miss this messy and cute family, hope see more of them in your new fic. 💙🤍
Ni_Suttinee #8
Chapter 35: Good, thanks
moncoup7012 #9
third time reading 😭 still my fave wheesun au
Chapter 35: This is absolutely my best read of all my life time. I couldn’t think of anything else. It’s just WOW! I truly felt genuine sorrow at the end of the first part, got frustrated at part II and ended my reading with overwhelmingly blissful. You really impressed me with how good you are at this. Thank you very much. I’m a fan now.