
We're brothers, right?

"You what?!" Lu Han said (more like shouted)

"Geez, stop with the shouts will you? My ear drums are still ringing!" Lu Han rolled his eyes,

"Stop exaggerating."

"Well why don't you stop overreacting then" Kai replied, imitating his best friend's voice, but obviously it came out funny because of his usual deep voice.

"I'm not! It's just... why did you joined the dance rehersals with Se Hun and his friends!"

"Lu Hannie~ this boy here has talents, and I need to show my talents too" Lu Han let out a sigh and lifted his hands in the air; a sign for defeat.

"You know what? Forget it." Kai smiled and wrapped his arm around Lu Han's shoulder.

"Now, that's my Lu Hannie."




"You what?!" Se Hun snarled. 

"Easy man, easy" Yixing tried to calm the raging younger.

"Why him? I thought it was just us two entering the talent show, not with a third wheel; Jong- whatever his name is"

"Well you saw Jong-In. He is so good and with him, we can win that damn prize!" punching in the air enthusiastically , Yixing stated  . "and third wheel? seriously Se Hun?" the younger scoffed and rolled his eyes.

" I thought we were doing Angel, but now the new dude has arrived, are we going to change it?" the younger said calmly this time, taking a bite of his tuna wrapped sandwich. After all, Yixing was the choreographer. Yixing shrugged his shoulders and continued to eat his lunch.




  "I'm home!" Lu Han called out, shutting the door behind him. Taking his shoes off and putting it in a neat pile, he headed to the kitchen, expecting to see his beloved mother.

"Welcome back Lu Hannie." his mother greeted, as she continued to wash the dirty dishes. "Se Hun didn't came along?"

"He has dance practice today" his mother nodded her head understandingly. 

"Then Lu Han, go to your room and freshen up, okay." with an "okay" the brunette exited the kitchen and approached towards his room.





"Start from the beginning" Yixing commanded.  The three males were practicing quarter of the new routine for the past thirty minutes. Se Hun caught up the moves, but he was still uncomfortable and awkward with it, whereas Kai seemed to have catch up the moves and with every flawless move, his gaze would be so powerful and fierce; he seemed to born to dance. That was one thing Se Hun admired and was envious of Kai.



"Well done guys!" Yixing chirped, patting the youngers' back. After waving them goodbye, Se Hun walked through the usual alleyway.

The sky had gone dark; a sign that it was going to rain soon.



When Se Hun finally arrived his house, he was welcomed by a great aroma. Untying his shoes and placing them to the side, Se Hun ran a hand through his drenched hair "I'm home" he called out, as he followed the lovely aroma. 

Soon he was in front of the closed door of the kitchen. Opening the door, his excitement dropped down as it wasn't the person that he was expecting. It was Lu Han not his mother.

Without turning around, Lu Han greeted the younger. " Se Hun-ah, umma is taking a shower, go and freshen up so you could eat- Omo! Se Hun, you're soaking wet!" Lu Han said, approaching the younger and placing the back of his hand on the younger's forehead. "It doesn't seem hot, but don't take a chance okay." and just with that, Lu Han pulled Se Hun by his arm. "Stay here." Lu Han commanded, as he dashed towards the corridor and disappeared, leaving a confused Se Hun.

He sighed and sat down on the floor.

When finally Lu Han came back, Se Hun looked up from his sitting position.

"If you don't mind" Lu Han said before putting the towel on the younger's head and started to create a friction. 

Rubbing gently, Lu Han smiled as he noticed that Se Hun didn't mind.




"So... How was practice?" The brunette asked, his gaze fixed outside the window. Kai shrugged his shoulders and leaned back of the seat, replying an

"It was okay." Their conversation soon ended when Mr.Jung-their history teacher- arrived. After 5 minutes or so, the teacher started to blabber about the Korean war.

"So class, to find more information, we are going to the library, from there we can find many reliable sources and facts, so stand up and head to the library." As Mr. Jung gave the students some instructions, Lu Han was still gazing out the window, admiring the beauty of nature.  He didn't seem to have noticed his best friend calling out his name  repeatedly or Mr. Jung coming to his desk and smacking Lu Han on the back of his head.


Snapping back to reality, he frowned at the contact and looked up with a pissed off face, but softened and smiled when he saw the culprit. "Did I missed anything?" ever so sweetly he asked, which made the whole class roar in laughter.





"Why me?" he mumbled to himself, as he carried about 4 heavy text books and on top of it, about 10 neat pile of exercise books, all carried by the skinny human called Lu Han.

Kai just went off with a random girl, leaving him alone and the book he was carrying made him walk in a slow pace. The way to library seemed so far! Sighing or cursing under his breath, he finally made through the hall way, now remaining was the stairs, then the narrow corridor and soon, his destination.

He took some careful steps on his way down (honestly, 2 steps at a time in a hurry). From the movement, the pile of books started to wobble. He stopped for a second to regain the composure and then he carried on downstairs.

"Seriously?! He did that to her?!" an unknown voice was audible. Two boys, who Lu Han reckoned were gossiping. Lu Han rolled his eyes when he heard another boy saying something about "If I were you, I would have beat him up" 

'All nonsense' Lu Han thought, but when thinking too much, somethings are meant to happen; accidents are bound to happen.

Lu Han skipped too much of a step when his head was elsewhere, resulting him to loose his balance. The pile of books going foreword and soon his eyes widened when he felt his own body imitate what the books did. 

'Landing on books are never fun' he thought, as he opened his eyes slowly. He winced when he tried to move his right hand. "Oh hell." he winced again when he tried to move his hand again.


"Will you get off me." Lu Han blinked for a few seconds, but was snapped back to reality when he felt a force push him off the books.

"Omo, are you two okay?!" the two boys from before rushed down the stairs. Lu Han was utterly confused.


"Yeah w-we are fine." the oh-so familiar voice. Lu Han looked to his side, only to find his brother, wincing when he tried to get up on his feet. 

The boys helped Lu Han up and then Se Hun up (which was quite a difficult task), as the younger male held onto the railings for support and his left foot, lightly touching the floor.

Lu Han looked down to see the books in a messy position and most of all, his eyes widened when he saw his precious object. His glasses had shattered down from the impact.

"S-Se Hun, are you alright?!" a voice came from below the stairs and soon another male was visible. Yixing.




"Lu Han, don't worry. You just have a sprain on your right hand, it will be okay after a week" the nurse reassured Lu Han, while dressing the bandage on Lu Han's hand. "You can go now."  Lu Han nodded. He looked to his side, only to see an annoyed Se Hun and his friend smiling and ruffling the younger's hair.

"I'll be leaving then." he said before bowing and exiting the room. Oh how badly he wanted to stay there.




Staying after school for finishing the task given by Mr. Jung, he sighed in relief when he finished the work and smiled proudly. Taking his bag, Lu Han walked out.




"I'm home." he called out, to no one.  'Umma is at work and probably Se Hun has dance rehearsals' he thought.

When untying his shoe and placing them on a neat pile, he noticed another pair of shoes. It was no other than Se Hun's, that's for sure.

Slowly walking up towards his room, he stopped in front of his door and eyed the other door; Se Hun's room.



Gulping the lump of saliva, Lu Han knocked on the door. "Se Hun-ah" he called, but there was no reply. "Se Hun-ah, can I come in?" he asked, yet again, there was no reply. "I'm coming in neh." and with that, he opened the door cautiously and the darkness invaded the light.

With an attempt to see the younger, Lu Han squinted his eyes. He could only see a big lump on the bed. "Se Hun?" with every step, he called out Se Hun's name, until he extended his hand to place on the mountain of blankets, he heard a soft reply.


"Don't touch me" the voice was merely audible, but Lu Han could hear the hoarseness in the younger's voice. Se Hun was crying.

"S-Se Hun, are you a-alright?" he asked carefully, trying to break the shell.

"A-Alright?" The younger's voice crooked . "Alright? After all, I-I've been told not to d-dance!" he shouted. Lu Han flinched because of the sudden outburst.

"W-Who told you that?" Lu Han asked carefully, backing away a little bit. Then he heard a chuckle from the younger, which was for sarcasm he assumed.

"Oh, let me think... The d-doctor!" he exploded again, but Lu Han remained clueless. "It's all your fault." there was a pause.

"W-What's wrong Se Hu-"

"It's all your fault!" Lu Han furrowed his brows and stopped backing away. "because of you... All because of you!" 

"Se Hun..." his voice trailed off as he slowly sat down on the edge of the bed. "Calm down, okay." the older advised, slowly whispering those words again and again.  He heard a light sob come out of the younger's mouth. Obviously knowing it was Se Hun who he was dealing with, he didn't do anything, after all, Se Hun does not want Lu Han to see him in a state like this. "You know Se Hun, my real mother used to teach me to sing. She would always sing a song whenever I couldn't sleep, whenever I was afraid, whenever I was happy and whenever I was... crying." Se Hun didn't said anything, so Lu Han carried on. "There was this song that I always told my mother to sing it for me, do you want to listen to it?" there was again the silence, so Lu Han took it as a yes.


  "Don’t wait anymore please
Take my heart instead
Yes, it is good as it is sharp
Even the moon closed its eyes this night

If I were a different man
And if I had a passage in a comedy
I would set fire to all the changed wounds that you and he made

Baby don’t cry, tonight
After the darkness has lifted
Baby don’t cry, tonight
It’ll be like nothing ever happened
You will never become a bubble,
In the end you don’t have to know
So baby don’t cry, cry
For my love will protect you.

"Do you like it?" Lu Han smiled when he heard a light snore and the pattern of chest heaving up and down. Lu Han stood up and pulled the mountains of blanket up until the younger's chest only.

Because of the dark, it was really hard to see the peaceful sleeping feature of Se Hun, but at least he could imagine it. 

Leaning down, Lu Han planted a soft kiss on both of Se Hun's closed eyelids. Lu Han then trailed his thumb over the wet liquid that was surfing through the soft skin. "For now, Se Hun is alright, that is the only thing that matters." he mumbled to himself, as he smiled bitterly.



"Why did you l-leave me?! P-Please come back. I-I promise I won't be bad, I-I will do a-anything! Please t-take me!"




A/N- I updated!! Well this chapter has more of a fluffy part... But the next chapter might not be that much of a HunHan :( I think it might solely focus on Se Hun or Lu Han only. Another bad news guys! I can't update my story next week because of my Physics, French and English language exam... I wanna die because of the pressure man!

Oh! And like I always say: Please Comment and Subscribe!

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Chapter 24 will come out soon.


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rracchel #1
Chapter 25: I hope they will be together ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
rracchel #2
Chapter 6: damm it. just sleep together and marry him Sehun this is too much fluff moment. i can't bare with this cuteness anymore.
Chapter 5: So wht happen to Luhan? im chogidead. did someone put something in his water?
Chapter 3: i got nose bleeding
Chapter 2: too cutee aren't they ?
Chapter 1: first chapter and i love it already.
ilyyandyy #8
Chapter 25: im sobbin this was so cute thank you for this fic
Chapter 25: dont leave the story please plase update im begging you the story is becoming more interesting now
please updateee