Summer Breeze Mini-Contest [WINNERS ANNOUNCED]

This contest is now officially closed for good and ready to announce a winner. I was very happy with the turnout and the abundance of stories to judge, so thank you all for caring as much as you did. You're awesome! I hope you guys are doing well and staying safe, with this colder weather and viruses coming back. I will be announcing the winners, so please read this and pick up your prizes within two days. Thank you so much! 


In First Place, we have...

So Why , written by rumourhasit12

This story was so fun to read, and it brought back feels for the Narnia series I read as a kid, while still being a great story and original plot, in its own right. You guys should check it out, if you haven't already. 


In Second Place we have...

Cruel Magic , written by -Tigress-

This story had such a nice fantasy feel to it and I highly enjoyed the world that was built here. The intrigue from the unanswered questions that will lead into the connected story, The Seal of Light, was nicely done, while still giving a wrapped up ending in this story. You really should check it out. 


In Third Place we have...

Under The Rain , written by moncherri

This story had a somewhat sad vibe to it, and I loved how the lead character was written and the interactions between herself and Jaehyun. It had a softness to it that I really enjoyed, especially reading it in cold weather. I definitely recommend this story to you all. 


Thank you all so very much again, and don't forget to pick up your prizes, so I can start advertising your stories! Have a wonderful Fall! 

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Chapter 21: AHHHHHHH thank you for your feedback :((((

but yes congrats to the winners and awesome job to the authors who participated hihi -throws confetti-

thank you DGNA_Forever nim for hosting this ♥
Chapter 21: Woohoo, congrats to the winners!!! And thanks for holding this mini ♡
Chapter 21: woot woot, congrats to the winner!!
also happy that this was a great turnout!
hope to participate in another one in the future~ lol
and great job to everyone that participated!!!
Chapter 21: Thank you so much for loving my story.... congratulation to the winner. It was a very fun experience to participant in this contest. May we meet in different contest again....😄😘
Chapter 20: somehow i missed the update on this, but good luck in judging and have a lot of fun reading!!
can't wait for the results and glad to know this one had a good turn out!!
IM SO SORRY I MEANT TO FINISH THAT OTHER ONE OMG the deadline snuck up on me. I'm so sorry
Username: Moncherri
story title: Under the rain
Story link:
Group: NCT
Prompt#: 36
Genre: Teenage love/ First love/ romance
Chapter 3: AHHHHHH I'm trying my best to finish it huhu but hyg!!

Username: rumourhasit12
Story Title: So Why
Story Link:
Group: ATEEZ
Prompt#: 3
Genre: Fantasy / Magical Realism