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im looking for friends. like actual friends because lmaoo 


i'm bored and all i do is work so i'm looking for friends lmaoo some stuff about me

I'm 20y/o and all my hobbies are pretty much art related. i like to write and draw and mess around with music nothing too big. I crack a lot of jokes and refer to way too many memes. god im bad at talking to myself. I will say its easy being my friend cause i talk to everyone like i've known you for years yknow?

I play a few games all pc nothing too exciting. I do play genshin, ive seen a lot of yall advertising for that. I play minecraft and stardew valley. i spend majority of my free time on tiktok or those games so yeah! 

i enjoy making people laugh and socializing when its not required of my job. I'm down to join any servers y'all might have on discord or any groupchats or im perfectly fine with you havin me to yourself 


that being said lets be friends, i'm not this formal though i promise. just pm me the platform you frequent most and we can chit chat over there :D


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