Chapter 2

Dystopian Nightmare

Taeyong couldn't help but burst into laughter at the sight a woman wearing a mask while driving alone in a black SUV with the windows up. It wasn't the first time he saw drivers on the road alone in their cars wearing masks.

"What are you laughing at?" Seungwan asked.

"I'm laughing at a woman wearing a mask alone in her car with windows rolled up," Taeyong answered between his laughter. "This is hilarious. Isn't the idea of wearing a mask to protect others from the boogieman virus? I guess they're trying to protect the car from getting sick."

"I feel like I'm in a nightmare when I go out all I see is, people wearing masks, even in their car or walking alone in the bush." The tone of her voice sounded sad. "Those people are the ones the government loves."

"I swear, if the government told them to put on their face they would. They think that they are smart, good people doing right thing, while others who don't comply are ignorants, selfish and irresponsible in their eyes. In my eyes, they are brainwashed zombies. The new normal is the new insanity, and there's nothing normal about it." Taeyong turned his bike left; then whistled a tune, ignoring the contemptuous stares they received from brainwashed zombies in the street.

About an hour later, they arrived at Eunji's restaurant. Eunji, who was standing at the entrance door, flashed a smile as she waved a greeting at them. A sweet smile broke over his features. Man, just seeing her made him happy. She looked, as usual, gorgeous, wearing an oversized white shirt with open top buttons, black baggy trousers, bare feet and of course no makeup. After Seungwan jumping off the bike, Taeyong hopped off and knocked the kickstand down. His smile still gracing his face, he walked towards her. Seungwan followed him, one step behind.

"Free hug." Eunji stretched out her arms. His smile bordered on gleeful as he hugged her. He closed his eyes, enjoying the warm, fuzzy feeling that spread inside him.

"Is she your girlfriend?" she whispered. "What's her name?"

"No, she isn't. I just met her today. Her name is Son Seungwan. She is awake," Taeyong whispered back before they both pulled away from the hug. He turned to face Seungwan and put his hand on Eunji's shoulder as he introduced, "Seungwan, this is my friend, Jung Eunji."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." Seungwan bowed lightly to her.

"Nice to meet you too. Come on, free hug here." Eunji opened her arms, smiling.

A slow smile came to Seungwan's face as she stepped closer to her, and they hugged each other. "The warm fuzzy feeling of a hug is the loveliest thing... I-I'm so grateful for being able to feel this feeling again…" Seungwan trailed off as her voice cracked with emotion.

"It's so sad that human touch is now being demonized. Florence Nightingale, best known as the founder of modern nursing, was a firm believer in fresh air and sunshine and good nutrition, empathy and human touch for healing. If the patient felt 'well-cared for,' they would recover more quickly. In those days it was the best trained nurses that were responsible for the freshness of the wards and comfort of the patients and they spent more time holding the patient's hand than they did composing copious notes." Eunji rubbed her back, comforting her. "Close contact with another human such as the holding of hands is one way to channel energy in order to fuel the blood flow. It could be imagined that many diseased persons would have some kind of blood flow problem to some degree. Hence, besides psychological comfort, the nurse's holding a patient's hand has very real physiological benefits. Nowadays, the patients are isolated, cut off from family and friends plus all the doctors and nurses in hazmat suits emphasize how deathly sick they are. This brings great psychological damage to the patients. They may give up and die."

"We are now under medical tyranny." Taeyong wrapped his arms around their shoulders.

After a moment, Seungwan broke the hug. "You know people around me stop hugging each other because they do not want to be ill with C19—" She wiped tear stains under her eyes with her fingers. "I have family and friends that I can't even talk to anymore. They think I'm brainwashed by conspiracy theorists. Sad."

Taeyong stood still, feeling a weight in the pit of his stomach. What Seungwan just said brings back the memory of when I avoided Jaehyun. He might have felt so sad being ignored and avoided by someone whom he considered a best friend. Whenever he started talking about the sun is not what we've been told in school, I would always go somewhere else to avoid him. He sounded like a conspiracy nut. I even stopped visiting his house. I used to go to his house to play guitar and…

His thoughts were broken by Eunji snapping her fingers in front of his face. "What's wrong?"

"I was thinking about Jaehyun." Taeyong smiled faintly. "I miss him."

Eunji said nothing, but simply nodded, as if understanding. Her gaze returned to Seungwan. "I'm trying to be scared of the corona, but it's really difficult to live in fear when you can think for yourself, isn't it?" She gave Seungwan's arm a light squeeze. "I lost dozens of friends. It's actually a good cleaning, the few who stick, those are the true ones, don't you agree?"

Seungwan nodded. "I realized that society is only your friend until you don't agree."

"That's a sad fact of life." Eunji took a deep breath and released a sigh. "I've invited some young people here. I'm sure they will be here soon. Come on, come in."

Seungwan bent over and took off her shoes. "You own this restaurant? You don't do business today?" she stated as they stepped inside the restaurant.

Chairs and tables were stacked up against the wall to the left side. There were a tripod projector screen sitting securely on its stand before the restaurant counter and a projector sitting on top of the round coffee table in front of the screen. A laptop was on the floor connected to the projector.

"Yes, I'm the owner of this restaurant. I don't do business on the weekends even before this PCR pandemic started. I don't spend my life chasing after money and material possessions. My restaurant is open from Monday through Friday, 10 am to 4 pm. I only provide raw meat dishes, no artificial seasonings and sugar. All meat is sourced directly from my grandfather's farm. He raises grass-fed cattle, goats, and chickens. They are all free from growth hormones, antibiotics, and vaccines. The main reason I opened this restaurant is because I wanted people to eat real food not junk food," Eunji explained once they had settled down on the floor.

"You don't use artificial seasonings and sugar, have your consumers ever complained about the taste?" Seungwan asked, a note of curiosity creeping into her voice.

"No, they've never complained," Eunji replied. "How about you, Seungwan? What do you do?"

"I used to work as a GIS analyst at a GIS consulting firm. In the firm I used to work, they checked our temperature, and we were not allowed in if we didn't wear masks. I lost my job because I refused to wear a mask. I chose health over money. Breathing is so essential to our health. Face masks disrupt our natural breathing process. Remember the time when slaves were mandated to wear the masks?" Seungwan let out a long sigh, and then smiled widely. "I'm now free. I no longer own a cell phone. If you own a cell phone, your every move is tracked anyway, any new phones now have location options you can't turn off and they will always be able to tell where you are by the location of the cell towers your device is connected to wireless and is sending and receiving data from. I spend my time growing my own food, making the things I need, and doing things I love. Eating my own food brings satisfaction to my heart and soul."

"In Babylon the slaves had masks over their faces as a humiliation. People should look into history. I, too, grow my own food in my backyard. I truly thank Eunji's father for teaching me how to make homemade natural liquid fertilizer using leaf mold. I work here, all I ever see is family's staring at their phones in silence never talking to each other like zombies"—I chose to work here in her restaurant because I wanted to get more and more, closer to her. I like her, and she knows it. I accidentally confessed my feelings to her when I was in my last year of high school, all thanks to Jaehyun and his partner for teasing me so relentlessly. It has been five years since then, and she still enjoys her own company. She is now 29 years old, six years older than me. Occasionally, she encourages me to date someone, which annoys me to be honest—"I didn't go to college. I used my time to learn about the natural things that are demonized like the sun, cholesterol, carbon dioxide, microbes. It is weird how similar to the cholesterol hypothesis is the carbon dioxide hypothesis. Alarmists want to get rid of both and yet both are essential to health body and planet respectively. The whole Anthropogenic Global Warming theory is based on the idea that 'greenhouse gases' in the atmosphere receive heat energy from the earth's surface. So this heat transfer inevitably makes the surface a little bit colder, and these gases a little bit warmer. And now some magic is supposed to happen. Half of the heat energy received by these gases is sent back to the surface and supposedly warms the surface to a level higher than before the surface lost energy to the gases in the first place. I really don't understand how educated people are supposed to believe this."

"I think not going to college was the best decision you've ever made. You have no college debt to repay. Our education system is dumping our questioning skills. We're prepared and trained in schools and colleges to be a corporate slave," Seungwan remarked. "If you take a look at their simple model of the greenhouse effect, you will notice they are violating an essential law: the law of conservation of energy. They start their reasoning with an amount of energy of 1σT⁴ and they end with an amount of energy of 2σT⁴. They created energy from nothing. But to be a climate scientist with credentials, you must believe in the greenhouse effect. You must. If you don't have credentials, you must up to those that do otherwise they won't take you seriously. If you don't agree, you will be ridiculed. Always follow the money. You know the fun part is scientists have been trying for years to get carbon dioxide to warm and do something useful. Instead, they have discovered that carbon dioxide is a great refrigerant. First off, carbon dioxide sitting idly will always be emitting at -80°C, thus constantly depleting the internal energy of the system. And then it has relatively mild conditions that can allow it to undergo liquification and gasification in a refrigeration cycle. Imagine what a cheap, nontoxic, and environmentally friendly carbon dioxide would be; we can simply stop using all the DuPont CFCs and HFCs. So-called climate change, aka global warming, aka global cooling, aka whatever bumper-sticker phrase sticks in the consciousness of the masses, is a political movement relying heavily on belief. The climate is in constant change."

"The fraud and hysteria of 'global warming' has invidious intentions against low-income individuals and seniors on fixed incomes. The costs of increased government fraud from the climate scam will be disastrous to the lower income populations. With 'global warming' as the popular wisdom, countries can shift the blame for wildlife extinction away from their own handiwork i.e. deforestation. They say it is not the destruction of breeding habitat and woodlands that have decimated certain species particularly favorite songbirds; it is the long-term effect of 'global warming'. Welcome to the big-time business of blaming 'global warming' for everything from mega droughts to wildfires, floods, extreme rainfalls, 'infectious' diseases and so on—" Eunji closed her eyes for a few seconds. "This propaganda posing as science has infected our entire world. If people don't wish to eat meat, that's their prerogative. Don't make it about 'saving the planet'. There is absolutely zero evidence that pasture grazing meat production is detrimental to the planet in any way. In fact the impact of grazing cattle and wild herbivores is not only beneficial but also essential. If people are truly worried about climate warming or whatever, why don't they start living as people did in the pre-industrial age including getting off the net and using electronic devices that they are so hyper-addicted to. These all use plenty of energy. 'Green energy' isn't as clean as the people behind those industries would have us believe. Nothing is ever mentioned about the pollution that is created mining and making the batteries and the recycling of the batteries and then the recycling of the 'green energy' replacements like solar panels and windmills. Electric vehicles are not only expensive but also harmful to our health. They emit extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields. These frequencies are unfamiliar to our bodies and are perceived as dangerous…"

The sounds of people talking outside interrupted her. Eunji rose to her feet and walked over to the door. She welcomed a bunch of young people wearing masks in. One by one they took off their shoes, then entered the restaurant. Taeyong silently counted: seventeen! There were a total of 17 people sitting on the floor, facing the projector screen. Eunji closed the door, walked over to the projector and turned it on before sitting down on the floor in front of the laptop. Taeyong moved to sit beside her.

"You can take off your masks if you want," Eunji began. They exchanged looks before nodding and pulling the masks down under their chins. Only two people, woman and man, seemingly a couple kept their masks on properly.

"First off, thank you for coming here. Let me introduce myself. My name is Jung Eunji. I am simply a regular woman who has thankfully awakened from the illusions presented by the media. As you can see on the screen, my topic is the truth about the process of virus isolation. Without further ado, let's get started. The establishment definition of a virus refers to it as, 'a minute particle that is capable of replication but only within living cells.' All viruses have a basic structure described by the definition: 'each consists of a core of nucleic acid DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein shell.' The existence of viruses is proved by isolating them. If a scientist has the skill to pluck a virus out of a patient or cell culture, to have it in his hand so to speak, there can be no argument the virus exists. In the field of virology, the terms isolation and isolate do not mean what many people think." She displayed a slide filled with the definition of isolation and isolate.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary:

  • Isolation • "The action of isolating; the fact or condition of being isolated or standing alone; separation from other things or persons; solitariness."

According to

  • Isolate • Chemistry, Bacteriology. to obtain (a substance or microorganism) in an uncombined or pure state.

"Isolation represents the notion of 'being separate, not connected to other things', from the Latin insulates meaning 'made into an island'. The Oxford English Dictionary defines isolation as separation from other things or persons. Using this definition, we would expect that isolation of a virus would mean that it has been separated from other biological material and we are left with just the object of interest. With regards to Chemistry and Bacteriology, isolate means to obtain a substance or microorganism in an uncombined or pure state. The virologists' version of the definition is incorrect and causing the problem. I'm going to quote Vincent Racaniello, Earth's virology Professor, the author of Principle of Virology 4th Edition to illustrate the problem—" Eunji displayed another slide filled with Vincent R. Racaniello's words. "In his podcast 'Virus isolates, variants, strains, what are they', Racaniello tells us, 'Many people are thinking about viruses and so they're using terms they may not be familiar with like 'isolate', 'variant', and 'strain'.' He points out how most of the times in the field of virology, doctors and scientists simply parrot the terms that those who influence them are using which may or may not have any consistency. He states, 'Unfortunately, there is no universally accepted definitions for the terms 'strain', 'variant', and 'isolate' in the virology community and most virologists simply copy the usage of terms from others.' This is the big problem. Scientific language must be precise. Prof David Baltimore, the 1975 Nobel Prize recipient for work in virology, gets confused when asked what is the difference between isolation and purification? Let's watch how he answers the question."

Eunji played a short clip of The Emperor's New Virus Documentary. The clip showed Prof David Baltimore struggle to answer the question of what is the difference between isolation and purification: "Well you isolate a virus…" and then got angry. "Didn't Gallo do it? I don't want to be your textbook...this is all textbook stuff you're asking me...I've got better things to do."

When the clip stopped, a man in the audience blurted out, "I can't believe it! A Nobel Prize winner cannot answer that simple question straight away. He is so butthurt!"

"It's painful to watch. It's obvious explaining virus isolation is not within his comfort zone," a woman chimed in, shaking her head. "Textbook stuff, huh? Yet apparently missed by Baltimore."

"The confusion comes from the incorrect use of the word isolation. Wherever one looks for the virus, one always finds a suffix with it, like 'virus isolate,' 'virus culture,' 'virus lysate,' and so on, which are soups, mixtures or gunks," Eunji continued. "Many scientists simply do not question the 'isolation' process. They will go into denial if a thought arises questioning the conventional narrative out of fear of retribution…The scum at the top certainly know though. Let's take a look at a paper claiming isolation of covid-19 virus from our country."

Eunji displayed a web page containing a paper entitled 'Identification of Coronavirus Isolated from a Patient in Korea with COVID-19' by Kim Jeongmin et al. She scrolled down the page and stopped at Virus isolation.

3. Virus isolation

The virus was isolated from nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal samples from putative COVID-19 patients. Oropharyngeal samples were diluted with viral transfer medium containing nasopharyngeal swabs and antibiotics (Nystadin, penicillin-streptomycin 1:1 dilution) at 1:4 ratio and incubated for 1 hour at 4°C, before being inoculated onto Vero cells. Inoculated Vero cells were cultured at 37°C, 5% CO2 in 1× Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) supplemented with 2% fetal bovine serum and penicillin-streptomycin. Virus replication and isolation were confirmed through cytopathic effects, gene detection, and electron microscopy. Viral culture of SARS-CoV-2 was conducted in a biosafety Level-3 facility according to laboratory biosafety guidelines of Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

"Here, there is the usual monkey business, CPE 'isolation'. They took nasal and throat specimens and mixed it with antibiotics, then inoculated the sample onto Vero cells and added fetal bovine serum, more antibiotic. And then they looked for the Cytopathic Effects, abbreviated as CPE to occur i.e. the death of cells and called that 'isolation', a term which retrovirologist Robin Weiss calls jargon and imprecise. They are implying that someone spits in a cup, and if you mix it with a cell culture, hey presto, we've isolated a virus. That doesn't sound like isolation at all. Isolation should mean the virus has been separated out from all surrounding material. First off, Vero cells are foreign cells from the kidneys of monkeys and a source of contamination. These Vero cells are kept in a minimal growth medium, which provides incomplete nutrition to the cells. Fetal bovine serum is a source of foreign genetic material and extracellular vesicles, abbreviated as EVs. The specific antibiotics used, penicillin-streptomycin and nystadin, are toxic to the kidneys, and they are using kidney cells in this experiment. The cells are poisoned and starved of nutrients, yet they want us to believe that the virus is the cell-killer, not chemicals. Starvation alone could cause the cells to die. There is no evidence that the virus is actually in the soup—" Eunji scrolled down the page and stopped at Figure 1.    

"Figure 1 clearly says 'cytopathic effect' in the caption." She alternately pointed the mouse cursor to the image A and image B. "Proof of replication cannot be obtained by looking at static images of dead material." She then continued scrolling down the page and stopped at Figure 2.

Eunji traced the dots with the mouse cursor, saying, "Figure 2 shows 'Vero cells infected with SARS-CoV-2', which clearly means that the virus isn't isolated, which in turn means that there is no proof of what these little dots really are. In order to call these dots SARS-CoV-2 with any certainty, the particles would have had to be isolated, purified, imaged with an electron microscopic to verify that all that can be seen is particles of the same size and shape, and precisely biochemically characterized. Next, Koch's or River's postulates should have been used to prove the pathogenicity. None of this was done. This paper is a fraud. They're dealing with a dirty culture that contains genetic material from many sources like monkey cells, human cells, bovine fetus, bacteria, and so on without any mention of purification! I quote Nobel laureate Françoise Barré-Sinoussi as saying you have to purify the virus from all this mess. It's impossible to tell if RNA in this dirty cell culture is of cellular or 'viral' origin—" She paused for a few seconds.

She then displayed another web page containing a paper entitled 'The Role of Extracellular Vesicles as Allies of HIV, HCV and SARS Viruses' by Flavia Giannessi et al. She dragged the cursor over the text. A highlighted box appeared over the selected text.

Nowadays, it is an almost impossible mission to separate EVs and viruses by means of canonical vesicle isolation methods, such as differential ultracentrifugation, because they are frequently co-pelleted due to their similar dimension.

She took a deep breath before continuing, "As you can see in this paper, Giannessi, admits that nowadays, it is an almost impossible mission to separate EVs and viruses by means of canonical vesicle isolation methods, such as differential ultracentrifugation, because they are frequently co-pelleted due to their similar dimension. So how do you isolate one specific 'virus' from this huge blend of billions of indistinguishable particles? Well, you do not, it's impossible. Therefore, the claim of genetic sequencing of 'the virus' is absurd. You cannot sequence something you don't have."

From the floor beside her, Eunji took a bottle of water and sipped it gently. She placed the bottle back on the floor and added, "This whole thing started with just one case. Wuhan man got tested. The result came back as the start of PCR a meaningless tests 'positive'. I ask you how could it as the PCR test hadn't been developed and the new 'novel' virus had not even been isolated? Molecular tests require knowledge about the potential agent to determine the correct test. Purification is the only way to validate tests once they are developed. Again, I quote Françoise Barré-Sinoussi as saying if you use a preparation with a virus which is not purified, of course you will detect antibody to everything not only against to the virus but also against all the proteins that are produced in the supernatant. PCR tests, which actually aren't tests for anything, cannot be used as a confirmation of the existence of 'a new virus', just because it can show 'positive' or 'negative' results. Dr. Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR, has warned, 'PCR is just a process that is used to make a whole lot of something out of something. It doesn't tell you that you are sick, and it doesn't tell you that the thing that you ended up with really was going to hurt you or anything like that.' This explains the 'asymptomatic' cases. By changing the degree of amplification i.e. the number of cycles, you can change the percentage of positives you get from PCR. Almost every country in the world is using PCR and they all have different protocols regarding the number of cycles used. This is one reason why there are wild variations of the numbers of positives from country to country. In 2007, the New York Times published an article reporting the story of an epic failure of the PCR."

Eunji displayed an article entitled 'Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn't' by Gina Kolata, The New York Times, January 22, 2007.

"We have had pseudo-epidemics before. One of the events unfolded in Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in April 2006. Dr. Brooke Herndon, an internist at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center developed a non-stop cough for several weeks. Because relentless coughing can be a symptom of pertussis or whooping cough, Dr. Kathryn Kirkland, an infectious disease specialist, speculated that it could be the start of an epidemic. Things seemed to turn bad when more and more healthcare workers started coughing. The hospital took drastic action: a thousand employees were furloughed from work, and a rapid test kit was rolled out. The test found 142 'infected' workers. Thousands of people were given antibiotics and a vaccine was also rolled out. Hmm, vaccine!" Eunji nodded. "By the end of the year, they found out that the whole thing was a false alarm. Not a single case of whooping cough was confirmed with the definitive test, growing the bacterium, Bordetella pertussis, in the laboratory. Medical journalist Gina Kolata explains what happened in her 2007 New York Times piece. At Dartmouth, when the first suspect pertussis cases emerged and the PCR test showed pertussis, doctors believed it. The results seem completely consistent with the patients' symptoms. Now, as they look back on the episode, epidemiologists and infectious disease specialists say the problem was that they placed too much faith in a quick and highly sensitive molecular test that led them astray. Epidemiologist Dr. Trish Perl said the test is a problem and may cause more pseudo-epidemics. Why the test is blamed when the inventor of the PCR Dr. Mullis warned many times the PCR is a process, not a diagnostic test? It doesn't matter how many or few cycles you run it, it is not a diagnostic test. It's fraudulent to use it. And now the exact same tests are being used for so-called covid-19. The WHO has told countries to 'test, test, test,' ignoring Gina Kolata's warnings on the wrong use of tests and paradigmatic faith in tests. What we are facing today is not a virus pandemic but PCR pandemic."

"Pasteur admitted, at the end of his life, that he was wrong about germ theory and that what truly matters when it comes to disease is the terrain. Pasteur left his lab notebooks to his family. Only recently did someone take the trouble to read them. In his notes, Pasteur admitted that he falsified his 'experiments'. A total fraud and 'modern medicine' is based on it," Taeyong chimed in. "Robert Koch couldn't even fulfill his own postulates for allegedly disease-causing bacteria. Dr. Max von Pettenkofer demonstrated the fallacy of the claim that specific bacteria cause specific diseases. He asked Koch for a flask of broth b with cholera bacteria and drank it down in full view of a class of his students. Dr Pettenkofer failed to succumb to the disease. In 1866, Florence Nightingale wrote, 'See what harm the German pathologists have done us. There are no specific diseases; there are specific disease conditions. It is that which is bringing the profession to grief, and will in time work a great reform—to wit, to make them make the public care for its own health and not rely on doctrine. It is a great thing for weak minds—the doctrine of contagion.'"

Eunji displayed a web page containing a paper entitled 'Experiments to Determine Mode of Spread of Influenza' by Milton J. Rosenau.

"There is no contagion. Efforts by doctors working for the U.S. Public Health Service to prove the contagious nature of the 1918 Spanish Flu resulted in resounding and repeated failure. They tried to infect one hundred volunteers who had no history of influenza with influenza. They put secretions from the mouth, nose and throat from influenza patients into the nose, throat and eyes of volunteers. They injected blood from sick patients into volunteers. They collected influenza patients' mucous membranes with swabs and filtered them to exclude larger microbes like bacteria. They then injected the filtrate into the volunteers. Trying to simulate what happens naturally when people are exposed to flu victims, they brought the volunteers to meet influenza patients. They had volunteers shake hands with sick patients, talk to them, faces close together, for five minutes, then had the patient breathe out as hard as he could while the volunteer, about two inches away, was breathing in, then had the patient cough directly into the face of the volunteer, five times. None of healthy volunteers in any of these experiments got sick," Eunji explained. "The Spanish Flu hit heaviest in areas where a large portion of the population was vaccinated, and those who were prescribed high doses of Aspirin all died. In 1941, researchers reported in the scientific journal Archives of Pediatrics that human poliomyelitis has not been shown conclusively to be a contagious disease. All the original polio epidemics were the result of ingesting pesticides. The first scientifically-recorded polio epidemic was in Sweden in 1890 when arsenic pesticides like Paris Green became popular. In 1951, Dr. Ralph Scobey and Dr. Mortind Biskind testified in front of the U.S Congress that the paralysis around the country known as polio was being caused by industrial poisons and that a virus theory was purposely fabricated by the chemical industry and the government to deflect litigation away from both parties. Both Polio and the Spanish Flu were not contagious and not caused by an 'infectious' particle called virus."

A silence enveloped the room. Some of the audience had their heads ducked down as if trying to digest new information. Others had their eyes on the projector screen, seemingly silently reading the paper. Two masked people kept staring at Eunji and Taeyong.

"Okay, I understand," a man sitting near the door spoke up, breaking the silence. "The virologists' proof of virus existence is the death of cells in the soup in a petri dish. My question is: have they run control experiments i.e. observing what happens to the same cells without the alleged virus material?"

"That's an excellent question." Eunji smiled then sighed. "They have never run control experiments without the alleged virus material because if they do, their fraud will be exposed. German virologist and molecular biologist Dr. Stefan Lanka has pointed out that virologists hit a crisis in the 1950s when their attempts to directly extract presumed viruses from diseased individuals failed, additionally control experiments of that era revealed that cells decomposed and released the same proteins regardless of whether they were 'infected' by viruses or not. During the measles trial, Dr. Lanka performed the control experiment for the monkey business Cytopathic Effects 'isolation', and showed that the CPE can occur without the alleged virus material. The CPE method was established in 1954 by Nobel laureate John Franklin Enders for all claimed 'viruses' and was deemed false both legally and scientifically in 2016 during the second measles trial with Dr. Lanka. So no claimed 'virus' has ever been isolated. You know electron microscopy for examining the phenomena within cellular biological material is a fool's errand. The requirements for electron microscopy kill the cells. When they are looking at 'viruses', they are looking at particles of lifeless, degraded protein—disintegrated peptides from cellular death. As Dr. Lanka points out, 'when cells die, they are broken down into submicroscopic particles, some of which virologists arbitrarily label viruses.' Virologists never see so-called spike proteins before they torture cells."

"No one has ever observed 'the virus' entering the living organism on its own, just think about it. Electron microscopes look at dead material only. They cannot look at anything alive, that dead materials are also basically artefacts. As Dr. Harold Hillman says, 'Electron microscopists have ignored the dictates of solid geometry and most of the apparent structures they have detected are artefacts of their preparation procedures. They select their illustrations, rather than show typical ones. They prefer the results from metal deposits over those from unfixed living cells,'" Taeyong added. "Dr. Hillman exposed many flaws that arise from the use of that particular piece of technology for the study of 'viruses'."

"Scientists say they keep finding new mutations of SARS-CoV-2. How can they find mutations of a virus that hasn't been isolated? What are they looking at?" a woman sitting beside Seungwan, asked. Her eyes narrowed; confusion tugged across her brow.

Eunji opened but before she could utter a word, Seungwan spoke, "They're looking at a computer screen. 'A molecular tool', which is nothing but a computer program, is used to do the Next Generation Sequencing. No surprise it can construct an artificial genome, which does not exist in any organism or microorganism. The image of a virus which appears as a ball with spikes and has many colors that mainstream media like to show you is CGI."

With a smile on her face, Eunji displayed a web page containing a paper entitled 'In Silico based Whole Genome Phylogenetic Analysis of Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)' by Raghunath Satpathy.

She cleared and began speaking, "No isolation equal no discovery of a virus. Since viruses are fictional, virologists have to invent a make believe full genome in a computer, which they call an in Silico genome, like this paper 'in Silico based whole genome phylogenetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2'. In Silico means in a computer simulation or in virtual reality, completely made up or simply imaginary. The same thing as the unicorns and fantasy creatures you can find in many computer game worlds. Virologists took the genetic snot soup sample from a sick person in Wuhan hospital with a typical pneumonia. They built an in Silico covid-19 virus genome in their computer using the BLAST tool, mixing the previously in Silico made imaginary sequences of SARS Wuhan-Hu-1 and Bat Coronavirus RaTG13. And then they told the computer to rearrange that sick person's genetics snot soup sample until it matched the new SARS-CoV-2 sequence their computer made up. Since no two people on earth have the same exact genetic fragments floating around in their snot, every time you tell the computer to rearrange someone's snot into the made up in Silico covid-19 genome template, the computer will have to do it slightly differently than the original Wuhan person, making errors and having to fill in the blanks along the way. And they call this virus mutations, showing us brainwashed imbeciles wearing hazmat suits to protect them from an in Silico computer glitch—variations or mutated strains. And scare you into taking endless injections each year to protect you from the newest deadly make believe in Silico mutation."

There were gasps and murmurs of anger from the audience, their anger mixed with disbelief.

"Damn it! All the jabs and restrictions are based on a computer model—" a man sitting behind Seungwan scratched his head angrily. "I hate wearing a mask. I feel like I'm suffocating in it. I have to wear this stupid ing thing at work, or else I'll lose my job. When do we get to go back to normal life?"

In a deadly serious tone, Eunji countered, "When you take it back. No one is gonna give it to you. Tell everyone you know to stop testing. If we stop testing, there won't be any 'cases' to hold us hostage."

"Nobel prize winner Luc Montagnier said back in March 2020 that the virus must be from a lab since it looks like it has been modified, and he was ridiculed. What is your opinion on his claim, Miss Eunji?" the woman beside Seungwan asked again.

Eunji shifted her gaze to her and replied, "He deserved to be ridiculed. He is a real fraud. In the Emperor's New Virus Documentary, Montagnier admitted he didn't purify the virus. He got a Nobel Prize for committing fraud. If you're able to connect the dots, all roads of the covid-19 lead to an epiphany: 'There is no virus floating around in the air waiting to infect the public. We are all being duped and led to our enslavement.' You know when there's a new 'outbreak of a new virus', there's almost always a theory about 'a new virus was created in a lab' attached to it, as some sort of a back-up plan to convince most people with a lie about there's a new virus out there, when there isn't any. However, if we talk about the word 'virus' in the context of its original meaning which is from the Latin for a 'poison' or 'noxious substance,' then yes, a new virus was created in a lab. The vaccine is the virus. The swelling, the redness, the itching at the injection site are all the reactions of the body being poisoned."

"That makes sense. A friend of mine had his first covid shot. He said he had massive headaches later that afternoon, threw up that night. Continued to have headaches, flu like symptoms for several weeks," the woman responded. "I'm lucky I haven't taken the covid shot yet. I will never take that shot. I've been in my home where two people took the flu shot and they both got the flu. And I refused to get the flu shot and never got it. So I'm great with the Body I was given."

"The entire 'virus' story makes no sense. The 'facts' change to fit the failure of the story to explain observations," a man sitting behind the woman chimed in. "It is non-living, except when they need it to be alive so they can 'kill it' to put in an injection for your protection, of course. It requires a host to reproduce. Except when that doesn't fit the narrative, then it does magical things, such as measure six-foot distances. Somehow, this 'virus' can also reproduce itself by the gazillions without a host and land on every surface on the planet, lurking about, in hiding, waiting to locate a human not wearing a face mask to 'infect'. I wear a mask to go along. I feel like a fool wearing it anyway."

"Just admit you're afraid of our government as I am. I wear a mask because I'm afraid of our government," another man blurted out, earning a nod of agreement from some audience.

"If there is no virus, why are people dying? What is the cause of all the sick people across the globe filling all of our hospitals, surely all the doctors and nurses in these hospitals would speak out if this was all a lie?" the masked woman finally spoke up.

"This is what the masses seem to forget, or never realized in the first place. People die. Lots of people die, every day. For all kinds of reasons. The only difference is that now it is being reported in the media 24/7, when it never was before. Everyone who died of 'covid-19' was treated for it. Not a single person who has died of 'covid-19' received no medical treatment. Let that sink in for a minute—" Eunji let out a loud sigh. "Whenever we get sick, we need to investigate all factors in our life: what we eat, drink, put on our skin, pharmaceutical drugs we take, EMF radiation/environmental toxins we are exposed to, and the way we respond to stress. Many substances classified as hazardous are present in everyday products as regular ingredients, like, for example, preservatives in washing and cleaning agents, fragrances in personal care products, or heavy metals in electronic appliances. Don't just jump to the lazy conclusion of a brainwashed doctor, who has studied lies in medical school, or a corrupt doctor, who knows about the lies but is too greedy to let go of the opportunity to extract money from you that you are infected with an 'infectious' particle called virus. Allopathic doctors are trained at medical schools that are funded by Big Pharma. They are skilled in causing iatrogenic diseases. If you have a runny nose, they prescribe a drug designed to dry up your nose. Never mind that a runny nose is the body's way of washing out something that doesn't belong there. When you have a cough, you reach for a cough suppressant, never once thinking that maybe the cough was your body's way of trying to clear harmful substances out of your lungs. The original meaning of 'virus' is a poison or a noxious substance, so when you have a viral illness, you have been poisoned and your body is cleaning itself out."

Seungwan looked at the masked woman sharply, saying, "You cannot attribute deaths to covid-19 since its allegedly disease-causing virus hasn't been isolated. Miss Eunji has explained why it is impossible to isolate it. SARS-CoV-2 only exists in a computer simulation unconnected with the real world. Toxic chemicals and drugs do not need any computer modeling or guesswork. It can be isolated and we know they exist and can harm and kill cells."

Links to the videos and papers mentioned in this chapter:
'Virus isolates, variants, strains, what are they', Vincent R. Racaniello.
'The Emperor's New Virus Documentary,' featuring Dr. Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos, Dr. David Baltimore, Dr. Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Dr. Robin Weiss, Dr. Luc Montagnier.
'Identification of Coronavirus Isolated from a Patient in Korea with COVID-19' by Kim J.M et al.
'The Role of Extracellular Vesicles as Allies of HIV, HCV and SARS Viruses' by Flavia Giannessi et al.
'Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn't' by Gina Kolata.
'Experiments to Determine Mode of Spread of Influenza' by Milton J. Rosenau.
'In Silico based Whole Genome Phylogenetic Analysis of Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)' by Raghunath Satpathy.
CPE - Control Experiment without the alleged virus material, Dr. Stefan Lanka.
The causers of the corona crisis are clearly identified, Dr. Stefan Lanka.
Cell Biology at the Beginning of the 21st Century is in Dire Straits, Dr. Harold Hillman.
Miss Florence Nightingale and the Doctors, Sir Zachary Cope.

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Just because you are offended does not mean you are right. In many if not most cases, if you are offended it is likely because the truth was stated and you are in denial.


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i didn’t read most of your “story” since i don’t care for it, but do you honestly think people will read this when it is barely legible? Ideas and your “truth” aside, almost every paragraph is 900 words long and filled with jargon. This is just rambling. Not to mention, no one is sitting around to read a 20000 word chapter that is a regurgitated cacophony of research papers. If you’re going to present research, at least do it competently. It’s embarrassing that you think you’re enlightened but can’t even format a story to something digestible. 99% of aff readers are not researchers.
Chapter 1: I have to say the author is on the brave side to be putting this fic out there for bid hoping more people will read and comment. Of course the majority of comments are negative, which is to be expected. Too bad. The author has put a lot of research into this.
It is not for people who are political at all. If you believe how the majority of the world has been acting since 2020 do not read, save your blood vessels from popping. However, someone went to effort to write something they felt strongly about, is it the correct platform? Maybe...Maybe not but it's here. If you don't like it don't be an unkind person and say unkind things just skip on by to something you like.
31 streak #3
Chapter 10: Congratulations on the bid
Chapter 1: You write good. Seriously I like your writing style and the grammar is all good but like @pandapurin said maybe this isn't a platform for you. This is asianfanfics and for you to write something as serious as this and offensive to some is totally not cool. I respect your view on the matter tho and everyone is free to be opiniated. But yeah try to write on other platforms, more suitable one for your topics because this is asianfanfics where people write imaginative stuff of their favorite kpop idols, nothing offensive, nothing heavy and trigger warning will be marked for any triggering topics (like death, suicide, rated content).

Idk find other platform before you get tons of hate comment and possibly reports for this. Fighting! Again this is just a kpop fanfics website ^^
Chapter 8: I had a good laugh. This ain’t the platform for you tho, maybe you should write for the Epoch times.
arwaisanidiot #6
Chapter 7: lol wtf is this?
Chapter 2: Is this fanfic just you being an anti masker, getting ostracized/ called out for it and then writing a whole fanfic to comfort yourself
Chapter 1: AFF really needs to at least vet through fanfics before allowing them to take the home page, else we get this kind of weird garbage - idk are antimaskers finding new ways to spread the rhetoric through nct fanfiction
Number2elf #9
Chapter 2: Lmao tf is this? A fanfic about being an antimasker?