My Little Snowflake


I keep watching my little skowflake float through the air...


The human are like snowflakes.

There no are two equals. Each is singular and unique.

But human existence can be as ephemeral as a snowflake.

If you extend your hand it will melt the moment it touches your fingers and will become just water without any trace of the uniqueness that it had until then.

The people who live around us can just desappear in an instant and become just memories in the thoughts of those who are still floating without touching the ground.


But you can't float forever.


When you least expect it a gust of wind can cause small snowflakes to get lost and melt on contact with any surface.


I keep watching my little snowflake float through the air and I try to protect it from the wind so as not to take it away, but I know that a some moment it will stop floating and will touch the ground getting lost forever.

I will keep in my memory every detail of his short existence. Of how his beauty was able to brighten my life even for a short time.


I will keep remembering untill the day I touch the ground.


All snowflakes will melt someday however beautifull they once were.




English is my second language, I apologize for any mistakes.


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