

It had been awhile since mina had gone shopping, and stepping into the mall she had never been in before, she felt completely lost and tiny. There were so many stores and people, she had never seen anything like it.

She walked through the first floor for a while, only window shopping until she saw somewhere she wanted to go.

She ended up going into a large department store, finding a few cute clearance items. If she was going to spend his money, it ought to be well spent. She did spend a little bit more money than intended on a cute mini donut maker machine. She was sure he wouldn't mind, and even if he did mind, she was going to repay him anyway.

After a few more stores, picking up a few more things, she left the mall to go to the grocery store. She was thinking a nice juicy hamburger and some fresh french fries. She also bought the things needed to make some doughnuts. By the time she was finished, it was well past seven and she felt guilty.

"How'd you get home?" She asked, shocked to find him watching TV. She was going to drop everything off and call him to be sure he needed picked up."A good friend brought me home," his smile broadened when he saw all the bags she had. "Show me what all you bought and then we can go start dinner together, love."

She showed him everything she had, saving the donut maker for last. It was her favorite, and when she pulled it out of the bag she was practically bouncing in her seat, overcome with joy.

He loved the look on her face. He wished that look was permanent, just raw utter joy.

She settled down after a moment, her smile not fading, "Hamburgers okay for dinner?"


"It was incredible!" She exclaimed, using wide, excited arm motions, "I had never been a place so big! They had stores for anybody, for everybody. One guy was selling little ice cream dots that look so good." You would've expected this joy to be because of an amusement park, or somewhere out of state, but mina was this excited about the local mall.

"Did you buy some?" he asked her, loving how excited she was.

She blushed, "I-I wanted to try them with you," she whispered, looking down at her last fry.

"This weekend then. We shall go to the mall to get this ice cream."

He just wanted to take her in his arms and kissher senseless, to let her have whatever the hell she wanted and to make sure she would never be in the place she was when he met her.

"Will you go out with me?" he blurted out, covering his mouth quickly and feeling his cheeks heat up. He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, "I mean only if you want to. I'm not making you or anything, I just-" he coughed awkwardly.

The smile never faded from her face, "If this table weren't here I'd tackle you for being so cute. I'd love to go out with you," she chuckled.

"I swear one of these days I'm going to make you play football, or pay the medical bills for my broken back."

She scoffed,"I don't weigh that much. It would be the chair's fault just as well as mine."

He rolled his eyes, his girl was just the right amount of crazy to keep him sane.

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Chapter 12: They're beautiful when they together
bore_d1020 #2
Chapter 3: Wow!! That’s so funny but very brave of Mina kissing a stranger.
bore_d1020 #3
Chapter 2: Very generous of Momo. Surprised Momo actually wrote down his address for Mina to be able to find him.
bore_d1020 #4
Chapter 1: This is interesting although a little confusing with the sudden name change here n there.
Chapter 11: Yes yes be together not leave each other
Chapter 10: Okay... So uwu~
Chapter 9: Can I have another Hirai please?
Chapter 8: So warm~ 💙💙💙
Chapter 7: Awww~ 💙💙
My heart 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 6: My heart is warm and warmer~ 💙💙
Thank you for the update authornim 💙 💙