Of Scottish Twitter insults and chicken soup

Leave the light on (for me)

After that incident it's Jeongguk's turn to avoid Taehyung it seems. Or maybe not, not really, maybe it's true what Namjoon says and he is actually sick. But Kim Taehyung wouldn't be Kim Taehyung if he wouldn't take Jeongguk's absence personal and feel insulted. For a little drama in his daily life and all that.

So the natural consequence of Jeongguk daring to not be here at work is that Taehyung starts to hunt him down. Kind of.

At first it's just a funny thought, a joke for him to laugh about. But then a meeting happens, and ing Baek happens and yeah. No. There is only so much of stupidity Taehyung can handle in a day.

Sadly what Jimin said the other day about his nonexistent stamina is not completely false - Taehyung wouldn't go as far to admit that it's true because it's not, thank you very much - which means he can't just get on the ground and do some hundred push-ups like a certain someone who is not here today. He needs other ways to let off steam.

So. Nothing beats a good ranting. Or a squabble. Anything where he can make use of his sharp tongue. Which he can't do, not the way he's used to. Sure, Minjae and Baekhyun are great buddies but there is only one person who will listen to him ranting about Baek and endorse him only to add fuel to the fire and run his mouth about the despised co-worker with Taehyung together. And that person is not. Present. Today.

What gives him the final push to get active is not the meeting itself but Baek ambushing him in the break room. Trying to make a bad joke about spicy food once again which is not only distasteful but also very uncreative and really, does this guy possess only one brain cell and needs to share it with the other baby boomers of the company or what? Making the same joke again and again gets old after the third time.

"Oh, if that's not little Kim. I was just about to get myself some Buldak for lunch, should I bring a serving for you too? Hm?"

What Taehyung wants to call him is a buttplug face, a cockwomble, an incompressible trumpet, an ignorant muppet and whatever other beautiful insults exist on the Scottish side of Twitter. However, he, different to Baek, does have some class.

So Taehyung settles for, "I couldn't possibly ask you to go out of your way like that for a little underling like me, dear Baek-ssi. Have a splendid day, I hope everyone who enters your room leaves the door slightly ajar so you have to get up and close it on your own~"

"You little brat, you think you are so funny, huh? Spouting stuff like that," Baek sneers, farce dropped at last.

Taehyung gives him a tight-lipped smile.

"I know I am. The same can't be said about you though. Now if you'll excuse me, some of us have actual work to do."

He leaves the scene, not minding the fuming old man and gets back to his office. After twenty minutes he deems it safe to get out and approach the front desk. To ask Baekhyun where he can find one of the 97-liners and set his plan in motion of making Jeongguk pay for not being here.

Taehyung makes a point ignoring Baekhyun's strange look at his odd question and just leaves him with a cheery 'Thank you', following the instructions he got. First hallway on the right, third door on the left. The little plate next to the door says "Kim - sales department; Kim - sales department" which is super unhelpful. Taehyung has the fleeting thought that maybe Baek is not completely wrong about too many Kims being here. On the other hand, in most cases it's not like any of them chose to have this name. Also Baek being right about anything ever is a big No-Go.

With a final deep breath - get your together, man, it's not like you're meeting The ParentsTM  - he knocks and waits for a confirming "Come in" before pushing the handle and entering the office.

Two young men are looking at him, both with dark hair. One clad in all black and oh no, is that a 97-liner thing? Please no. But luckily the other one, the one with sharper lines, looking less soft in the face than 'black is the new orange 2.0' is sporting a white t-shirt with some slogan. Maybe there is hope for the 97-liners if it comes to fashion. Maybe.

Black is the new orange 2.0 clears his throat. "Uhm, can we help you with something?"

Oh. Right.

Taehyung flushes right to the roots of his hair.

"Yeah, I well I hope you can. Sorry, wait, that was rude. Uhm." He bows with a light chuckle. "Kim Taehyung, nice to meet you."

He gets back up to see a quick exchange of looks between the two other Kims. Not knowing what to make of it, Taehyung soldiers on, "I was told you are friends with Jeongguk and was hoping that maybe you could give me his number? There are a few things I need to discuss with him about a shared project and the deadline is tomorrow, so... yeah..."

Another silent exchange between the others. It's totally not awkward. They seem to come to an agreement though, blackie nodding at sharp-angles-guy and sharp-angles-guy sighing before plucking his phone out of a pocket.

"Alright, I'll write it down for you, just give me a second."

He scribbles the number on a post-it and hands it to Taehyung who bows and thanks him. The other shrugs it off.

"Don't mention it," sharp-angles-guy says. "I'm Mingyu, by the way. Kim Mingyu. Nice to finally meet you"

He stretches out a hand and Taehyung is quick to shake it. And it finally clicks, he remembers Jeongguk adressing the man with the name Mingyu during their boat race. Then the other one has to be Yugyeom, probably.

Yugyeom, who is currently losing it, shaking in his chair and snickering while mimicking the other. 

"Oh look at me, 'I'm Mingu, by the way. Name is Bond, James Bond.' Dude."

"Will you just shut up you little ," Mingyu hisses over the desk before turning back to Taehyung with an apologetic look. "That's Yugyeom, don't mind him please. He is a pest."

Yugyeom huffs and crosses his arms. "Excuse you, I'm a delight to be around." He grins up to Taehyung.

Taehyung grins right back.

He doesn't know yet about that Mingyu guy but Yugyeom and him, oh he bets the two of them could have lots of fun. And it seems the younger is thinking the exact same thing for his grin grows just that bit wider. Yugyeom makes no move to offer a hand like Mingyu did so Taehyung bows at him.


Yugyeom cackles and turns back to his room mate. "Mingles, we are absolutely keeping him," he declares.

Mingyu throws an eraser at him. "Yah, stop calling me that!"

"Make me, ahjussi~"

"You little er, you are so dead..."

Taehyung decides it's a good time to leave and, with a few mumbled 'Thank you's and 'Goodbye's, slinks out of the room.

On the way back to his office he folds and unfolds the little post-it, already having memorized the phone number written on it. He doesn't waste energy worrying about what will happen once Yugyeom and Mingyu realize there is no deadline and no shared project he has to talk about. The truth is later but the salt is now.

He passes the break room and spots Baek sitting at the table. Immediately the older gives him the stink eye and just like that it all bubbles back up to the surface. Taehyung fastens his steps to make it into his office without sneering something at the other.

Back in his office he gets out his own phone and saves Jeongguk's number under 'Do not answer'. Which might be ironic for he is about to call him. To Taehyung it makes complete sense though.

There are five rings before Jeongguk picks up.

"Jeon," it croaks through the phone and oh wow okay maybe he really is sick.

Taeyhung still feels salty though. Foregoing a greeting, he claims, "I hate you so much for leaving me here with these idiots."

There is a long silence before-

"Taehyung?!" It sounds incredulous, the way Jeongguk says it before launching into a coughing fit. Like he would've never picture for Taehyung to call him, ever.

"Yes, Taehyung, me, congratulations. I was stuck in a three-hour long meeting with Baek as main presenter, suffering all on my own, ."

Another long break.

".......wait... what?"

Taehyung sighs. Starts to feel a little sympathetic. "You really are in no shape to think straight, huh?"

"...I-I'm gay though..."

"Huh." Taehyung blinks. That's not what he expected. But also like, "Wait what."




"Are you, wait, are you high on painkillers or something?"

"I'm not high, I'm straight," Jeongguk slurs, voice breaking every now and then. "No wait I'm not..."

Taehyung rubs a hand over his face, suddenly feeling heavy all over. "So, what is it? Cold?"

"No, I'm warm. So much."

"No I mean is that what you have? Do you have a cold?"

"...Oh. I mean... I guess?"

"Okay. Adress." Taehyung opens a new post-it on his desktop.

"Huh? What? Whose? For what?"

"Your adress, ."

"...Oh. Wait why?" 

The last word is accompanied by a proper coughing fit, loud enough that Taehyung can picture how Jeongguk is shaking by the force of it.

"Stop asking unnecessary questions. Give me your adress and then go back to bed. I will swing by later."

And Jeongguk for once seems too weak to argue. Obediently he tells Taehyung what the latter wants to know and then ends the call. 

The beeping sound of the ended call still in his ear Taehyung already deals again, calling an old friend. It takes only two rings for the phone to get picked up.

"Heyyy, my favourite hyung whom I admire and love deeply-"

"Why don't you ever just get to the point, Taehyung-ah," Seokjin laments but with no malice.

Taehyung grins. 

"I was going to. Hello to you too, nice speaking with you."

Seokjin grunts.

"Hyung, you couldn't possibly prepare one of your infamous chicken soups against cold for me to pick up after work, could you?"

There is a little pause of the older probably looking around in his kitchen, assessing the situation.

"I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you, you are the best!"

"Yah, no promises though, Taehyung-ah! No promises, do you hear?"


"Kim Taehyung!"


Taehyung only ends work early so none of Jeongguk's neighbors can call the police on him. For existing in their vincinity after ten pm and disturbing the local peace or something, who knows. Not because he wants to check up on his co-worker sooner rather than later. Yep. No.

He fetches the homemade chicken soup from Seokjin on his way here, parking his Acura at the back of the little restaurant and knocking on the door that leads directly in the kitchen. Only for his old friend to open the door with a sour expression and handing him a warm food container.

"Give a dude some proper warning beforehand net time, will ya?"

"Of course," Taehyung nods, then thinks better of it and salutes. "Will do. Thank you hyung, I owe you!"

"Honestly, this kid," Seokjin mutters and shakes his head while watching how Taehyung is on a run already.


The traffic is horrible as always to that hour. Taehyung may or may not pass a few red lights but can you blame him? Homemade chicken soup is only good as long as it's still hot.

He finds Jeongguk's adress easily, the house numbers written in huge scale on the building's facade. It's at least ten stories high and as long as it's tall. Somewhere in this chunk Jeongguk is probably coughing his lungs out right now.

Finding a parking spot for his car is a nightmare but Taehyung manages somehow. For a brief moment he gets a light case of The Nerves because what if there is a portier and they start asking questions about his intentions or something? But Taehyung remembers himself this part of the city is not exactly upper-class so it's very unlikely for a portier to be there. His steps turn steadier again.

Taehyung ends up being right. All he has to do is pressing the doorbell button next to the little name tag that reads 'Jeon, J.' and wait for Jeongguk to let him in.

Jeongguk's flat turns out to be on the second-highest level, much to Taehyung's dislike. What is it with the people around him renting appartments so high up? Why can't he have normal friends who value the feeling of safety just as much as him? Wait. What? Friends? Jeongguk is not a friend. Backtrack, backtrack, backtrack. Abort mission.

Taehyung's determination falters and his knocks against Jeongguk's door turn out weak, even in his own ears. And Jeongguk must agree for he does not open. There is no sound to be heard from behind the wood.Taking a deep breath, Taehyung knocks again. Louder. This time there is some cursing and shuffling going on, then the door cracks open.

A wall of sticky, used-up air hits Taehyung and he scrunches his nose.

Through the little crack Jeongguk looks up at him owlishly, eyes glassy and puffy.

"Oh," the younger croaks. "You actually came."

"What, of course I came, what did you think," Taehyung scoffs. Maybe coming off a bit too harsh for Jeongguk flinches away and looks down at his feet. His grandma always told him he needs to work on his empathy balance, Taehyung even as little boy always showing either too much empathy for someone or none at all. He reels, tries to salvage the situation, lifting up the container he bought.

"So, could you let me in so I can get dinner ready, please?"

Voice meek, a lot smaller than mere moments before.

Jeongguk nods and shrinks away, disappearing in his flat and leaving Taehyung to fend for himself. To enter, close the door, get out of his shoes and find the kitchen. Taehyung does find a soup bowl and fills it to the brim with the steaming hot beverage, bits and pieces of everything healthy floating in the clear broth. Only belatedly does he realize that putting so much soup in the bowl was not the smartest idea considering he is the one who has to run around with that thing and try to find Jeongguk now. Without spilling anything.

Here goes nothing.

He barely succeeds, only coming close to letting it slip and crash on the ground once but managing to catch himself last minute, spilling a few drops of broth on his fingers, hissing at the hot sting.

Jeongguk is on his couch, an old thing in what could've been some kind of maroon at one point. He is sluggishly bundled up in a fuzzy blanket, fabric half slipping off his shoulders already, body frame swimming in a black hoodie too big.

Taehyung puts the soup on the couch table and goes back to fetch cutlery. Jeongguk watching his every move through swollen eyes.

Just when Jeongguk is about to dig in, he falters. 

"Aren't you going to eat too?"

Taehyung shakes his head. Lost his appetite on the way up here. 

"Nah, I already ate," he lies easily.

Jeongguk squints at him but says nothing and starts on the soup at last. After the first few spoonfuls he makes an appreciate sound and then starts digging in, wolfing down the soup and all the chunks of vegetables and meat swimming in it.

Taehyung busies himself looking around and taking in the living room, giving Jeongguk the privacy  of eating without being watched.

Something he noticed right upon entering the flat is that they both have a quite different style if it comes to interior design. Sure, both Jeongguk and Taehyung seem to favor modern furniture, clear-cut lines and light colours. But where Taehyung himself prefers what Jimin always calls a cold look, wardrobe and closets made of shiny white surfaces and hiding away everything that's stored in there, walls white too, couch table a designer piece made of a big glass panel and kitchen a combination of white and light grey stone applications - Jeongguk's flat does look more warm. Homey. There are some wooden shelves here and there, less closet doors that could cover up what's behind. Most shelves are open to watch inside and on the floor there is a worn, cream-coloured rug. It looks a lot more like a person is actually living here.

Jimin would like Jeongguk's home more than Taehyung's, he thinks. Which is okay, really. He is aware his lifestyle must look cold and sanitary to some people were it not for the few large-scale copies of Impressionist paintings he's got hanging on his walls. But that's okay, he himself is comfy in his own home. 

There is some slurping noise next to him and Taehyung turns around in time to see Jeongguk putting down the empty bowl drained to the last drop, tongue darting out to away fatty remnants.

"S was good," the younger admits with a nod.

A corner of Taehyung's mouth pulls up, something warm bubbling inside him. "Yeah? You feeling better?"

"Well I am full now that's for sure."

Taehyung hums. "Cool."




"So time for bed it is."

At that, Jeongguk looks outright scandalized. Mouth falling open in a silent gasp, brows drawing together and glinting eyes looking up at Taehyung as if he'd just denied him of a lifetime of sweets. Taehyung crosses his arms and stares right back, one eyebrow raised, challenging.

"What the ," it breaks out of the younger at last. "What the- seriously, what the ?! It's not even that late. And I'm not sick. I don't need to go to bed already."

"Oh? If you're not sick then why didn't you go to work today, hm?"

"I-I..err..." Jeongguk splutters, arms flailing at his sides. He quickly looks away but Taehyung catches the hint of pink dusting over his cheeks. "I-I mean I'm sick yes but not sick enough to go to bed early like a little kid."

But Taehyung did not finish work early and come here to get fed some bull. And if there is one thing to know about Kim Taehyung then it's that eventually he will always get his way. He's got the determination and thick skull to not rest until things are the way he wants them to be. Making someone like him budge and give up sure does require more than a whiney co-worker who wants to play brat.

So he just gets up and grabs the empty bowl then straightens up to his full height. Each movement slow and a statement in itself. 

"Listen here, Jeon Jeongguk. I am going to rinse this stuff now. When I get back I expect you to be in the bathroom to get ready for bed and I expect your phone to lie on this couch table here. Are we clear?"

Jeongguk is outright pouting now. Sulking like a little child, really. Not deigning him with an answer.

So Taehyung repeats himself even if he doesn't like to do such a thing. Voice a little more stern.

"Are we clear, Jeongguk?"

The younger grumbles something, still looking away. It's good enough for Taehyung who nods to himself and then heads to the kitchen to do as he said.

There is no Jeongguk in sight once he comes back to the living room but sure enough he can hear water running. Taehyung smiles to himself, glad the younger didn't make it more complicated. He walks around the room a bit more while waiting for Jeongguk to get back, taking a closer look on the DVD shelf and only then noticing half of them are not DVDs at all but games. 

He doesn't know how long he's crouching down inspecting the shelf but it's apparently long enough for his lower back to twinge. There is the sound of a door creaking open and he gets back up, one arm going back and fist knocking against the area where it hurts.

Jeongguk, bit of toothpaste sticking to the corner of his chin, gives him a weird look.

"What're you doing?"

Taehyung blinks. "Huh?"

"The- just now. You were like, you know." Jeongguk turns around and mimicks the way how Taehyung knocked at his back, casting a look over his shoulder to gauge the olders reaction.

Oh, Taehyung thinks.

"Oh," he says.

He didn't even realize he's been doing it again. He shrugs, tries to explain in the most simplified way, "It hurts."

"So you punch yourself to make it hurt even  more?"

Jeongguk sounds sceptical and Taehyung can't really argue with it. If you put it like that it does seem pretty stupid. Not that he would admit it out loud, least of all to Jeongguk. So he just purses his lips, then shakes his head and laughs it off.

"Nah, it's just a habit I guess."

Jeongguk rolls his eyes and pads over to where the older is standing. Rounds him like a piece of furniture until he's facing Taehyung's back.

"Come here you big baby."

"Yah, how dare you, I'm still your hyung, I'll have ou know that your lack of respect for me as your elder is profousely lack- aish! Ouch ouch ouch!"

He tries to pull away as hot pain shoots through him where Jeogguk digs his thumbs right into the area between shoulders and neck. But the younger's grip on him is like iron, Jeongguk obviously on a mission what with the way he starts to knead Taehyung.

"Ow ow, will you like stop it alread- ahh, right there! No no no that did not mean you should press harder there, are you ing-"

"Stop complaining princess-"


"-you're stiff like a board, no wonder your back hurts. Do you ever do some sports or at least some stretching after a whole day of slouching over your pc?"

"I don't need no stretching, I'm a healthy young man thank you very much," Taehyung manages to bite out in between pained grunts. "Besides, if as we already established it's my back that's hurting then aren't you working on the wrong part of my body?"

"It's all connected, idiot," Jeongguk snides back. "And I have to start somewhere now don't I?"

"No you absolutely don't, I was doing just fine without you torturing me."

"Gosh, will you ever stop complaining, I'm just giving you a free massage, how about some gratefulness instead huh?"

Taehyung huffs. "I brought you some soup so we're even if it comes to that. Besides, I never asked for a massage."

"Well I didn't ask for soup either yet here we are."

"Ungrateful brat."


"Can you at least be more creative with your insults?"

"What, do you want me to call you a witless gremlin instead?"

"Well, maybe, you."

Through all of their bickering Jeongguk manages to maneuver the resisting Taehyung back to the couch and make him lay down on his stomach, barely taking a seat on the older's thighs and continuing his ministration on Taehyung's back. After a while he does get back up and scuttles off, Taehyung shouting after him "I hope you don't come back, I can't feel my shoulders anymore, you ".

He gets disappointed as the unfamiliar weight settles back on his thighs. Moments later a faint sweet scents floods his nose and Jeongguk pulls up his shirt unannounced. Shivers littering his suddelny exposed skin.

"Yah, what do you think you're-"

Warm wet palms come to rest on his back.


That' when it clicks. 

"Wait, do you just casually have massage oil here?"

"Yeah? Better be safe than sorry."

Then Jeongguk gets back to kneading Taehyung, pulling at his skin, twisting the flesh and molding him in any shape he likes. And Taehyung hates to admit it, he really does but Jeongguk is good. Boi does he know what he's doing. Hands steady and strong. Taehyung easily turns to putty beneath him.

After a little longer he accepts his fate and lets the younger do as he likes, eyes falling shut and appreciative hums falling from his mouth every now and then. He could get used to this. It's calm, just the occassional night noise interrupting. Some sirens going off, plane taking off in the distance, cars honking on the street below.

Taehyung notices Jeongguk doesn't sniffle, thinks it must be that stage of the cold where only the throat is raw and aching. Probably the clogged nose will come tomorrow. There is some twinge of sympathy for the younger because Taehyung knows how much having a proper cold . He secretly hopes that's not what Jeongguk is coming down with, that he maybe just had an off day.

Jeongguk's hands move lower and Taehyung drifts off again. Enjoys the feeling of the younger's hands on him.


His eyes snap open and he jerks.


What the  Kim Taehyung. Didn't we already establish that Jeongguk is a brat and nothing but a brat? That he is just annoying most of the time, bearable at best?

Taehyung's mind is reeling as it switches memories like a car switching lanes on the highway. Flickering from sweat-drenched Jeongguk in the Canadian to quiet and content Jeongguk eating dinner in the deserted office with him, to Jeongguk laying out his plan to wrap up Baek's car in clear foil, to the stunned look he had upon Taehyung's arrival earlier. To the way he hid his smile when Taehyung complained at Minjae on the bus. To him shooting off when Taehyung teased that the younger would love him.

He feels like he is onto something here, something big but- no. That's absolutely impossible. No way Jimin could ever be right. However, the seed of doubt is already planted. What if, what if, what if...? Taehyung needs to be sure. Make it clear the two of them are on the same page.

It almost feels like defiling the the silence between them but Taehyung has to know.

"You know," he clears his throat, tries again, "You know it was just a joke and I don't think you really love me right? Because obviously you don't. Right?"

There is a pause, Jeongguk's fingers digging even deeper into his skin. Taehyung waits, thinking the younger is concentrating too much to answer on the spot.

Eventually the pressure lessens and Jeongguk does reply.


It sounds distant, strained. Maybe Taehyung didn't give him enough credit for the massage thing if he sounds like that while being at it, obviously concentrating hard and trying to do well. He hums, rolls the reply over in his head and deems it the only right and plausible answer to his question.

Satisfied, he says: "I knew it. Knew Jiminie was talking bull."

Jeongguk doesn't ask who 'Jiminie' is or what all of this is about. He just keeps quiet for a long time until finally muttering an almost-not-there "Sure."

Taehyung hums again. He is so gonna rub this under Jimin's nose the next time they talk. 

They fall back into silence again until it hits Taehyung.


He shoots up, throwing off Jeongguk who falls off him and tumbles to the floor with a curse, landing wetched between couch and couch table.

"Ouch, what the hell?!"

"You are sick," Taehyung cries out. "You are sick and supposed to rest, why are you massaging me?! This is not right. This needs to stop and you have to go to bed right about now."

Jeongguk is rolling his eyes at him. Again. "Chill dude, I was just about done anyway. Also what's the problem with helping out each other? I'm sick and you cared for me, you're all tensed up so I give you a massage. No biggie."

Taehyung squints at him. 

"Anyway," he declares, "you better go to bed right now and get some sleep. You need to rest up."

Jeongguk is staring at him and only then does Taehyung realize his shirt is still all bunched up. He quickly pulls it back down and smooths a hand over the fabric to straighten it out.

Jeongguk shakes his head and then his eyes are back up at Taehyungs face. "Why are you so adamant about me going to bed early anyway?"

"Because I have a peculiar interest of you getting back to work as soon as possible," he says while helping up the younger and ushering Jeongguk to the only door he's yet to see getting opened. "I can't possibly suffer through more days than necessary with Baek thinking he is king while being all on my own."

He stops in front of the door, gives Jeongguk the room to decide whether or not he wants Taehyung to see the most private area of his home.

The younger huffs a laugh and pushes down the handle, slipping into his room. 

"Alright, mom."

There is a snappy retort on the tip of his tongue but Jeongguk halts in the small sliver visible, covering up most of what's to see of the room, eyebrow quirked up.

"You gonna stay and watch me change and crawl into bed too or what?"

"I," Taehyung splutters, "I think that's not, that's probably not necessary. I think you got it from here on. Yeah."

Jeongguk grins at him and it only looks a little bit empty.


"Okay, cool," Taehyung nods. Takes it as his cue to leave. "See you soon?"

"Yeah, probably." Jeongguk shrugs. "Get home safe."

"Yeah, you too." Taehyung says. Halts, facepalms, groans. 

Jeongguk giggles.

"That's not even what I-whatever, you know what I mean."


"Yah, don't make me embarass myself even more."

"I would never dare, hyung," Jeongguk sing-songs.



There is no sting in it this time, both sounding more fond than anything. Taehyung huffs and with one last assertive glance at the younger turns around to see himself out. Pulling the door shut and only while descending the flight of stairs wondering what the happened between them just now.

Well. All he knows is that Jimin probably owes him ten bucks. Even if they never set a bet. But he was wrong and Taehyung was right so it's Jimin's turn to pay up. He grins.


Later that night the last thought before he falls asleep is not how he was right about Jeongguk obviously not loving him or something equally silly. Instead, he thinks that he really hopes Jeongguk will be back at work tomorrow.


Me: okay my notes say the next point is vkook making a disgusting-food-contest so that's what will happen in this chap 

Also me: okay so Taehyung got something like a non-verbal love declaration last chapter which was not planned so OBVIOUSLY now he is going to be oblivious about it and also how about Jeongguk calls in sick and Taehyung visits him to bicker at him but for doing so he has to meet some of Jeongguk's friend and also how about bringing Seokjin into the picture which was never planned and how about making Jeongguk give Taehyung a massage and-

Me: See that's why you never get done with your stories.

Me: But what can I do if this stuff just keeps happening on its own?!?


...Soooo yeah this update took me a while. Sorry about that guys ^^;

A big part of my furniture arrived this week so I'm constantly at putting together things. Also, boss had it that we start working full-time again this week which means I have considerably less freetime now. Even less so with all the 'getting my flat ready to move in at some point' going on after work. And schoolbook sale is starting again which means lots of work, lots of loading and unloading transporters with boxes filled to the brim with school books. (For those of you who don't know, I am a book seller) So you probably can imagine that after working 8 hours, lifting like 450kg of books to prepare them for getting send off, going to my flat and putting together chairs and getting back home to have dinner with my fam I am absolutely beat and don't have it in me to write a lot anymore. Honestly the past days all I could manage were like 200 words in one evening. 

So yeah I am aware that updates are being slow but it's honestly not because I'm lazy. I'm just either super busy or exhausted or both. Hope you guys understand if updates will take me longer for now ^^;

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Chapter 39: GYAHHH IT'S DONE
This was super fun to read, and it tied so well together! I was waiting for his parent to show up and Tae flipping her off metaphorically
I'll miss these idiots (。・ω・。)
Chapter 21: Bahahahaha looks like Tae’s gonna have to try harder if he wants anything to happen🤣🤣how is jk so clueless?!😂😂poor taetae
Chapter 20: THE LAST PART!! HOT DANG!!😳 also love him in so much!! I WANNA KNOW BOUT NAMJIN!! HOW?? WHEN?!? WHT?!! WHEN?!
Chapter 19: Oh god!! PLEASE!! COMMUNICATION IS KEY!! TALK THINGS OUT WHILE STILL IN THE MOMENT!! Don’t leave things feeling unsettled!! It’s hurts my heart to see them like this!!😩
Chapter 16: I was really waiting for a kiss scene cuz of all the things tht I thought we’re leading up to it! THE DAMN TENSION U CREATED IN THE LAST CHAPTER!! I’m a whole 🤡 Damn u got me there, once again, amazing chapter, can’t wait for the next chapter.
Chapter 14: Omg I need more, this story is so addictive; dk the right word🙄 but omg I can’t wait for the next chapter!!
Moody_moon #7
Chapter 9: I am absolutely 💖💖💖LOVING THIS💖💖💖 I have never read a story that I want to take note while reading. The dialog is😂👏💖💕💥everything. The comeback, insults, name calling are soooooooo hilarious 😂 I'm laughing just as hard as Jimin. I can't wait for the next update. All the best in setting up your new place.
_oppaya_ #8
Chapter 8: Wwwwwwoooowwwwwww so niceu
Been a long time since i read a good ff
Updateeeeeee pleaseeeee~