The son no one knew existed

Joseon, 1915

Hanseong was excited when it was announced that the king and queen were expecting their first child. Hanseong consisted of a lot of poor people, but they were convinced that this prince or princess would be their hope of a new and better life. The king wasn't treating the people in Joseon well and he didn't even care if they would starve to death or if they would get killed, he rather wanted to swim in money than ever taking care of his people.

But with this announcement, the king also attracted attention of creatures Joseon never would've thought about. Humans weren't really their favorite specie, but they had to accept that the world wasn't theirs yet. Their day would come and they started to follow the king and the queen on a certain distance to see what their plans were. They knew for sure... this child wasn't going to be born human.

The queen didn't appear in public as much as the king did as she entered one semester after another and although the people in Hanseong were thrilled, they were also worried about the health of the queen. The people were scared that the queen wasn't able to go through this pregnancy like they were hoping for and that she would die at some point, but the queen carried on and showed how strong she was physically and mentally.

Everyday, lots of people came towards the gates to express how delighted they were with this news and they also brought some food for the unborn child. But that food that they brought with them never really made it to the other side of the gates, because it was thrown away when the people weren't looking. The king had given the orders to the guards not to accept anything from the people, since they were considered to be ''low lives'' and they didn't deserve any attention from the king.

At one night, the creatures had managed to made their way inside the palace already by creating a Portal for transportation from A to B and they had made a plan for making the unborn child theirs and they would kidnap the child once it was born. For them, it wasn't right that a child like this would be born in luxury. The king and the queen didn't deserve this child and they wanted to see the vulnerable side of the royal couple once they would realise that their child was gone. No matter how many kids they would get after this one, their firstborn was the only child they were interested in. 

The queen was at the end of the 8th month of her pregnancy when she went into labour. The king wasn't allowed to be next to his wife, but he promised her that he would wait for her in the hallway and it broke his heart when he heard his wife in pain during a moment he would've loved to witness. But the king knew that his wife was strong and that she was surrounded by many maids that would take good care of her. The king's right hand stood next to the king to keep him company and also shared with the king how bad he felt for the king for not being able to support the king, while standing next to the queen to keep her company. But it was a rule that wouldn't be broken.

It took hours before the king heard a baby cry and he was over the moon to know that his child was born. Both he and the queen had decided that they didn't want to know about the gender of this child, though they hoped for the baby to be a boy. It was a tradition for a boy to be born first, since he had to be named as the crown prince. Even in the royal family, women were treated like dirt and princesses didn't get away with any mistakes they made compared to the princes.

One of the maids came out of the room and said to the king that he was allowed to watch his newborn baby... a son, while she congratulated the king. The king smiled and bowed as he thanked her, before entering the room and continued to smile when he saw his wife with their son in her arms. He was over the moon to have a son and he was looking forward to raise his son together with his wife. Although the way the boy would be raised in a very strict manner, the king would do the best he could to raise him well.

When the news was announced by the guards to the people in Hanseong, the people were out of their mind. The prince was finally born and the people couldn't wait to see the prince with their own eyes, though they did respect the wishes of the king to keep his son out of the spotlight for the first few days. His wife needed to recover well and he wouldn't let her leave the bedroom until she was fully recovered.

When the king had his son in his arms, he felt the same emotion as when he saw his son for the first time. He was proud of his son already and he couldn't wait to introduce the crown prince to the kingdom, the king truly felt like the most powerful man in the world and his son made him realise all too well that he still had some human emotions inside him while he acted very cold towards the people. He had never cared about the people and also didn't care whoever was against him as a king, because he would always be protected by a team that would keep an eye on him 24/7.

Although he felt like no one could come close to him and hurt him, he failed to believe that until this very moment. The creatures that had made their way inside a long while ago had never left the palace and they now saw their chance to steal the newborn prince. They all knew too well that this boy wasn't human and they didn't want the king to know what the prince truly was. At the first night, the little boy was asleep and the creatures slowly made their way inside his room. They could tell that the boy had a lot of hair already, something that wasn't seen before on many babies that they have kidnapped. A bright smile appeared on their faces the closer they came towards the newborn prince. 

Without any more seconds to waste, one of creatures took the newborn from his crib without actually using his hands to take the baby out of the crib... it used magic to lift up the boy out of his crib. To finish it, they applied something on the mouth of the newborn baby to prevent the baby from making any sounds as they made their way outside. The same creature, who used magic, then wrapped his arms around the baby and the small group of creatures left the palace by stepping through a Portal that was created. When the Portal disappeared behind them, they stood in front of a small house that belonged to a couple who weren't able to get children on their own. Although these creatures looked like evil creatures, they acted like a myth called Iljimae would act... stealing from the rich to give it to the poor. And that is what they did do with an innocent life... they stole it from the king and they are giving it to the poor so that the poor can take care of it.

But what most people didn't know, was that this child wasn't even human. This child was from their specie and he would be a threat to the king and the queen when the two would face their firstborn son one day..

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Chapter 3: Lovely update. So beautiful and mysterious . Loved it.
Is jaeyoung really plotting something?????
Do update soon. Thanks for update.
Chapter 1: Such a beautiful prologue loved it a lot
Update soon when ever you get some free time
I will wait till July for an update. Take care, stay safe.