I am here for you (DAYEON)




Somewhere in Korea, there’s this club where a certain pale girl was forced to go to. She hates everything that is in there. Loud remix music with a DJ hyping up the crowd. Blinding lights which hurt her eyes. People who are dancing wildly and out of control. Some are already grinding and eating each other’s face which makes the girl very uncomfortable. And the smell of alcoholic beverages that causes her to be nauseous.


She’s not there to party but rather to look for Nayeon. It was 1 AM when she got a call from the bartender saying that her friend is very drunk and need someone to bring her home. It was a good thing that Dahyun already knows some of the staff since Nayeon was a regular customer and Dahyun was always there to bring her home and pay for all the expenses.


As she was squirming her eyes out to look for her friend, she is getting the attentions as well. But in a bad way. She felt like she was being judge by the people who passes by. Since she came there hurriedly and did not think of changing her clothes.


What does a girl with specs wearing a hoodie and a checkered pants doing in a club?


A loud voice caught Dahyun’s attention, she recognized it immediately and swam through the crowds to get towards to that sound.


“You fuc***g as**ole!!!” A tall girl pushed hard the drunk bunny girl but it seems that the older girl is enjoying it and a smirk is still plastered on her face. While the opponent is looking more annoyed, nose is already flaring.


“What? Is it my fault that I am more beautiful than you? It was your boyfriend who kissed me and not the other way around. Tell that to him and not to me” Nayeon sat down again from the nearby stool and sip from her glass.


Dahyun is mentally face palming herself at the scene. And quite heartbroken from what she just heard.


“What the--- Are you mocking her, you !?” The taller girl’s friend said and raised her palm on the air.




A loud slap echoed to the room but neither Nayeon or the taller girl was hurt. It was Dahyun who received the slap as she makes her way in front of Nayeon to protect her, making her glasses to fall off from the impact.


Nayeon is still sipping through her drink, unbothered. As if she knows this will happen, as if Dahyun was not hurt, as if she is not the cause of this.


It happened all in a blink but feels that everything is in slow-mo for Dahyun.


Dahyun picked up her eye-glasses and bowed down to the 2 people, “Sorry for whatever my friend here has caused”. She paid Nayeon’s bill at the bartender and held Nayeon’s wrist gently.


“Let’s go unnie” Dahyun said softly. Nayeon nodded and gulped her drink in one shot before standing up and letting Dahyun drag her out like the usual. Dahyun wraps Nayeon’s arm around her own shoulder to help her balance as they walked.


“Hey!! That’s it!? How—”


The taller girl tried to hold them off but Dahyun cut her off with a very sharp glare and serious face which caused fear up to the girls’ core while saying “I did apologize already didn’t I?”


“Y--- Yeah, whatever” As the two friends walk on the other direction, to continue to party.


Dahyun aided Nayeon to get to the car safely. Nayeon is on the passenger seat with her hands on her jaw, looking blankly at the window.


Dahyun sigh deeply before starting the engine.


“Are you okay unnie?” Dahyun asked as she caress Nayeon’s backhand. Nayeon just took her hand from Dahyun’s and do not bother to respond at the question.


A minute later, as they got closer at the street of the older girl, she finally spoke. “Can you not drop me off at my house as of the moment?”


“Sure unnie. Where do you want to go?”


Nayeon stared at Dahyun with no emotion, as if this is not the Nayeon that Dahyun knows. The Nayeon who smiles with no reason, laugh at everything, talks about random things. But Dahyun understand. Nayeon is hurt and all she needs to do is to be with her until she feels better. Concern was visible at her face.





With cans of beers, chocolate drink and foods from the convenient store. Dahyun had helped Nayeon into the nearby park so they can talk. Since it was past midnight, no one is there except them.


“Dahyun, Am I not lovable?”


“No unnie! I mean, you deserve love!” Dahyun suddenly answered, without any hesitation but was taken aback when Nayeon frowns at her.


“Did you just say that because you are my friend, Dahyun?” Nayeon asked her, looking at the stars above.


“No, I said that because you are Nayeon”


‘The one I love since we were young’


Nayeon finally looks at Dahyun. If only there is a mic under Dahyun’s heart, then people would know how her heart shatters as she sees the older girl crying in front of her.


Dahyun reached her hand to Nayeon’s cheek to wipe the tear-stained. “Unnie, the right one will come to you soon.”


“Come? Then, what? They will leave me again!?” Nayeon scoffs


“Unnie, there will be that person who will stay. Just look around”


“No, Dahyun! No one will ever stay! No one dared to stay!”


Dahyun embraced the girl who is crying louder than earlier. Dahyun doesn’t get it. Why would anyone want to leave Nayeon when they already have the best girlfriend anyone could wish for? Or at least the one who she wished for.


“Don’t cry unnie. I am here. I will stay with you. Why not date me instead?” Dahyun whispered in Nayeon’s ear, with all her remaining courage left.


“Dahyun. I get it that you pity me, but I don’t want to date you.” Nayeon pulled away from the shattered-heart girl.


“I don’t pity you unnie. I like you. No! I love you!”


“I want to go home. Let’s go” With no emotions, Nayeon throw away all the foods and cans they consumed and go to Dahyun’s car. While, Dahyun’s tear is trying not to drop. Dahyun silently drove Nayeon at her house, no one dared to speak until the end.


As soon as Dahyun got home, her knees fall down and her eyes started to pour out all the tears she tried to hold back. Dahyun clenched her hand on her chest, from the pain of the rejection of the woman who she loved for so long. But Dahyun knows, at the morning, when they see each other at school, it is only her again who will remember everything.


The next few days, Dahyun continued to do what she usually does. Bring happiness to Nayeon.


“Dubs, can you just please let her go already? You’re hurt!” Chaeyoung looked at her with a very serious concern. As Dahyun’s best friend, Chaeyoung knows everything.


“If you were in my shoes, will you let Mina go that easily?”


Chaeyoung stayed silent. Unsure of what she will say next. She knew the answer, of course, she won’t. Love is really that painful.


“See? Let me be. She’ll see me soon”


“You’ve gave up so much Dahyun.” Chaeyoung patted her friend’s back.


“And I’m still willing to give everything I have left.” Dahyun gave her friend a small smile before proceeding to her next class. Chaeyoung would like to slap her friend, this is too much for her to witness from the beginning up to this point.


At first, Chaeyoung was glad when Dahyun had met Nayeon. The bunny teeth girl gave Dahyun another reason to live. Since, Dahyun had to live alone because she lost her parents, she never really talked to anyone, so Chaeyoung was really happy to see Dahyun getting all-smiley like the sunshine when Nayeon came.


Not until Chaeyoung saw how Dahyun gave up her only chance on the piano recital for Nayeon on their freshmen year, only to find out that it was for a stupid college man that Nayeon decided to date.


She saw how Dahyun decided to look for Nayeon back then when the older girl didn’t show up for weeks. Nayeon was just staying at her new girlfriend’s apartment. Dahyun got sick but no one took care of her, except Chaeyoung herself.


Chaeyoung saw Dahyun took the blame of what Nayeon and her new boyfriend’s vandalism at school which caused Dahyun’s scholarship to be void. So, Dahyun had to work extra hard for her daily expenses.


When Chaeyoung saw how Dahyun cried because she missed an exam because she had taken care of drunk Nayeon.


But what get into Chaeyoung’s nerve is that, Nayeon did absolutely nothing. She just let Dahyun get hurt because of her.


“I wish you’ll see my friend Nayeon or at least let Dahyun see what’s for her”


“Nayeon unnie. You are getting drunk again!” Dahyun scolded the emotionless girl which seems to be unbothered by it.


They are at the usual bar again. The bartender called Dahyun a little bit earlier since Nayeon seems to be in a bad mood when she came, he was scared Nayeon would cause trouble.


“Who is it this time? Aren’t you tired? Let’s go!” Dahyun tried to hold Nayeon’s wrist but she was strong enough to remove it again.


“If you are tired then let me do what I want! Just go Dahyun! I rejected you, right? Isn’t that enough for you?”


Dahyun was shock. “You remember that?”


“I was drunk Dahyun, but I don’t have any amnesia.”


“So, you let me do this though you knew I was hurting?”


“I didn’t ask you Dahyun.”


“Do you know how cruel this is Nayeon Unnie!? I love you but still why!?” Dahyun said loudly and the cracks on her voice is audible.


“Go home kid.” Nayeon turned around and started to dance in the dance floor with some stranger.


Dahyun goes home, feeling numb from the pain. Her knees didn’t fall like the usual. The tears seem to be dried up. But her body felt heavy. Dahyun is tired from everything.


Dahyun was about to sleep when she received a phone call. It was from the bartender. She listens carefully at every word the bartender is saying.


After the call, Dahyun immediately called the hospital where Nayeon was brought to get some information as well as to relay a message.


“Yeah, the bills are in my tab. I’ll give you my payment later. Wait for me”


Dahyun took her car keys to drive in the direction of the place where Nayeon is. Dahyun closes her eyes, “This will be the last time that I’ll help you unnie. Then, I’ll let you go. I’m getting tired.” A tear fell off her eyes.


Nayeon wake up, light headed. Nobody was around. She thought Dahyun is there to take care of her. She thought, she heard Dahyun during her unconsciousness phase, might be her imagination. But who is she anyways to ask something like that? She had hurt the girl more than a few. She’s aware and her heart is also breaking.


She was discharge after a month. No bills were given to her, which caused Nayeon to question. But it might have been the person who caused this. She doesn’t know, she didn’t even bother to ask.


She continued her life, but there’s no sign or glimpse of Dahyun yet. “Did Dahyun left me too?” Well, she blames herself for this one. But it’s okay, maybe, at least she won’t see the girl cry for her anymore.


“Dad. I can’t anymore. Please!” Nayeon pleaded but her dad is persistent.


“You’ll date him! He is from a rich family! You have too!”


Nayeon cried herself again. Not again. Another man will have to take her again, use her then leave her like a trash. She can’t take this anymore but she has too or else her dad might force her younger sister to do so. At this time, she wishes that she had Dahyun to hug her and tell her that she’s there for her.


Nayeon went again to the bar, only to see Chaeyoung and Mina at one of the stools. Talking to their close bartender.


“Hey” Nayeon greeted the them, smiling. But Chaeyoung glared at her. Mina calmly hold her girlfriend back.


“Thank you, sir. We’ll go now” Mina then bowed to the staff and to Nayeon, and drags Chaeyoung out of the club.


Nayeon is very curious so she gathered her strength to follow the two at the parking lot. She won’t bother but she needs to make sure that Dahyun is fine.


“Chaeyoung! Wait!!” Nayeon yelled


“What the hell do you want Im!!?” Chaeyoung wanted to grab the older girl’s neck but Mina is still holding her hand, stopping her to do something violent.


“I know you’re mad at me b---”


“Then don’t talk to me!” The couple turned around but Nayeon quickly grabs Chaeyoung


“I just wanted to know if Dahyun is doing well”


“What? Since when did you started to care about her?”


“Believe it or not, I do care”


I just can’t show it.


“Well.” Chaeyoung removes Mina’s hold from her and Mina just let her, maybe they needed to do this at some point. The moment it was removed, Chaeyoung’s fist landed on Nayeon’s fluffy cheeks. It causes the girl to fall down


“What the hell!!?” Nayeon said while touching her jaw, it hurts so much.


“Dahyun is fine. She’s resting from the cruelty of this world” Chaeyoung sobs.


Nayeon is confused. “What do you mean?”


“How come you do not know anything? Aren’t you really grateful at the people around you?”


“I can’t---”


Chaeyoung grabbed Nayeon’s collar and lift her up “You lost a lot of blood Nayeon! And you still don’t know who the donor is!!?”


Mina comes forward and held the crying Chaeyoung into her arms. “We need to go Nayeon”, before guiding themselves to the car.


Nayeon only knows one person who had the same rare blood type as her, except for her family, so she quickly grabs her keys and drove back to the hospital where she was cured.


“Tell me! Who the hell the donor is!?”


“Miss, Calm down. Wait, I’ll check it in our system”


Nayeon walks back and forth, waiting for the nurse to come back


“Miss Im, here’s her profile as well as the message she sent before the surgery”


Nayeon took it in and revealed a picture with her name: Kim Dahyun. The one who is missing from her life for months now.


Nayeon was a little bit impatient that day, thinking how low can she go by dating an older guy with time, very old to her age. She was devasted, then, there’s Dahyun who she just rejected again because she can’t let anyone like Dahyun who deserves the world be with someone who is broken like her.


The old man kept on putting her arms on Nayeon’s arms, she is getting uncomfortable. As the two walked together, they saw the older guy’s wife.


“You stupid ! How dare you ruin our marriage!!?” The woman screamed but Nayeon ignored her, leaving the two couple to talk. She’s out there, it’s not like, she likes it. She’d rather go elope with Dahyun right now than to live like this if you ask her, but of course, she can’t leave her sister behind.


Nayeon wants to go back into the bar, wishing she’d see Dahyun again. But a flashing light, ended those thoughts. She was hit by the old woman’s car.


Nayeon lost a lot of blood and needed a transfusion but the hospital can’t find a right donor for AB Negative. Not until, Dahyun present herself. The nurse explains to her that, she might die since Nayeon needed a lot, but Dahyun is willing to risk it all for the last time. And it was really the last time.


Nayeon cried, not minding the people at the hospital. Reading the small note from Dahyun, “Unnie, I am here for you, Always”

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I just found your oneshot compilation. I love all the stories. Thank you for writing these wonderful stories :)
Empressofquietwind #2
Chapter 5: Why?:(
Chapter 5: i cry :(
1521 streak #4
Chapter 7: Awiiit. Yy u do dis to meee
Saida-201 #5
Chapter 6: Wth is this. Its all heartbreaking
Aitsuki07 #6
Chapter 7: A sequel please. I know it might be angsty, but I wanna know the ending
Kim_dahyun23 #7
Chapter 7: still hoping for Mihyun endgame for this chapter
kookie0716 #8
Lazytofu #9
Chapter 7: Rooting for a saida/dahmo endgame for this chapter huhuhu
Kim_dahyun23 #10
Chapter 4: I thought mihyun is the endgame.