Ch 03 [Part Ⅱ]



















Really you got a new house keeper.


Yeah. She had a daughter but i dont care that much


Usually this type of person has a beautiful looking one.


You are saying that im not pretty at all.


Babe you are more than that. No one is more pretty than you.


Knock it off guys dont make me puke here.


Someone is jealous.


Well look there who steal my baby Rami away


My sister is not yours Hendery hyung.


Yah she will be. She is just playing hard to get with me.


More like rejected for so many times


I wonder why both of you girls are here and not with them


We have our lines and we respect each other choice. Besides our boys are here. Jinsu unnie are just crackheads in that group. While Rami...


She just hate Hendery oppa. Thats the main reason.


Wow what a clear statement.


Might as well i befriend with the part time worker that Rami took in few weeks ago


Part time. Hyung you never told us that theres new pray in that cafe.


The thing is you guys never ask. I know her schedules very well.


Well share with us the new target.


Nah. She is quite not my taste to target on. I heard that she working multiple part time so that she can clear all debt. Damn that cafe is sure not secret safe.


Why did you have fun without us.


Yeah man we could like get new target for Sungchan. He needs one for now.


Im good with the things i have hyungs. Im just tired of the sturdents in need. They are so ridiculous.


Oh they sure are.


My mom is having the new housekeeper to cook dinner tonight.


Im sorry dude i have to go somewhere with my brother after school.


Im hanging out with my baby. Sorry man.


Well im not even allowed to to your house. Whats good.


You all are one freaking urghhh.


Someone is in his period oh my gawd.


Shut it. I dont want to listen to any of you. Im done. See you tomorrow.


Aigoo this kid....





~> what do you mean you moved house.


>> well sadly my mom become a house keeper and i have more part time job including the cafe. Oh yeah i was transfered to a new school


~> new school. So you arent at AE highschool anymore.


>> i guess not. I had to move because of my mom.


~> Hee you should have told me earlier so i can help you


>> its okay Jisung. Oh i have to go. Meet you real soon.


Yah yah. Aish this brat.


Jisung ah whats up.


Well uhh... oh Rami nuna is joning us. Thats rare.


Well nice way of changing the topic little one. I'm here so i wont be feeling pissed off by that idiot over there. Also i have the same class as Renjun later


Yah why are you looking so pissed off.


You see. This friend of mine told me that she moved house. Just because she has to stay with mom since her mom became a housekeeper.


You mean that Chulhee girl that you always talk about.


Yeah. Well she was never poor till her father and her grandpa passed away. Nowher mother is working for the richest to have stable finance.


Damn she must be living a hard life


Yeah. But she cut me off by not telling me everything.


Thats kinda sad doesnt it.


Yeah it does. Nuna why are you frowning.


Chulhee.... Chulhee... AH YANG CHULHEE.


Omo how do you know her.


Oh my gawd. That sweet girl. She is the one that works as a part time in my cafe.


She work there how can she not tell me.


Jisung ah. When she says that she doesmt want to burden you. She really means what she say.


But she makes me worried.


Well we can help you with any girls problem.


Nah she doesnt have any friends in school. Even if her new school. I just hope that she will survive in her new school.


Dont worry about her. Well lets say you can nag at her after school.


After school. Dont you have dinner to go to.


Thats on the night. After noon is my time. So why not all of us go to my cafe. She is working there till my dinner time. So what do you think.


Sometimes I wonder how awesome you are more than your brother.


Hyung thats amazing i can finally meet her after two weeks.


Two weeks of not meeting her. Thats . I meet her all the time.


Wah thats not fair at all.


Well you guys are free to come. She is covering my shift for today.


Nuna lets meet her. Hyung please. Im dying to meet her.


Well you loyal mouse. Whatever you say Jisung.


Well Jisung is always loyal to his friends.


Well then after school it is then....







Here is your order sir.


Thank you.


You have been working for hours without any break. Other workers have ended their shift leaving you alone working hours before the cage close. As you are wiping the tables and clean some since you are also doing the dishwashing. You heard the doorbell rang you look towards the door and saw someone you never expect to see on that day. You smile as Jisung ran towards you and hug you tightly while Rami just chukled along with other 4 people. Jisung let go of the hug and check on you since you look super tired.


Yah is everything okay. You arent hurt right. You look so pale.


Im fine Jisung. You are embarassing yourself infront of your friends.


Dont worry about them. Oh i heard that you know Rami nuna so well.


I just work here for few weeks. But i feel like i'm quite close with her.


I'm honoured well take a rest. I will let the others take over till dinner time.


Its okay unnie. I can still work with you.


You work for so long. You need a rest or I will force you to take off days.


Alright. Come on guys I will lead you to the other side of the cafe.


You lead them to the other side where there's not much customers. All of them settled down and Rami came back with drinks. You sat between Rami and Jisung, you felt awkward as you never met the others before. Jisung saw your expression and held your hands giving it a slight squeeze so you will be calm.


So Jisung introduce your friends to Chulhee.


Oh okay Hee. The long looking cat is Lucas hyung, beside him is Mark hyung and that cute looking one not as cute as me is Renjun hyung and last but not least the fox looking is Jinsu nuna. She is friends with Mark and Lucas hyung.


How can you rap when she doesnt catch a thing.


Oh dont fool yourself. She catch all raps she ever could.


Really you can. How awesome it can be.


Of course i can. Its just this guy dont want to drag the intro.


Well not forget to mention that he always talks about how worried he is


Park Jisung.


Im sorry. I didnt meant to. You are always in my head when you cut me off.


How can he be so sweet yet you guys are just best friends.


Nuna she is the only friend that I treasure. Besides, I'm her only friend in the neighbourhood.


Jisung i moved out of that neighbourhood. So does you.


Oh yeah.... Yah you never told me where you moved to.


Somewhere near the richest i guest. Its a big neighbourhood which i dont have time to explore.


How can you afford to go there.


I... i... uhm....


Dont force yourself. We wont want to make you uncomfortable.


Yeah. Lets be friends so we wont have to listen to Jisung talking about you all day.


Jisung dont make it a habit... Sure i guess its fine to make new friends.


Great. Now you guys enjoy your drinks. I have to head home. Theres new ahjumma that is cooking dinner for my family


See you soon i guess.....

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that look quite interesting