Ch 29


































So so so. Is it up or down.


More down it looks nicer i guess.


You sure. I see not much difference


Well it looks better with that thing that Yangyang is holding.


I agree with Hanbi choice.


Okay so we move down is it good.


Its perfect. Thanks guys. Here is all of your drinks.


You really had to call us when you have your boy to help you out.


Guys. He is busy with Sungchan. Besides i cant do much since i cant carry heavy stuff.


Even if it so. Where did you get this painting from.


A friend that is in a campus where her brother owns one.


Ahh that campus. I heard that it is famous for its Arts and Design.


It sure does. The art deprtment decides to gave me this painting as a gift.


A friend gave you this as a gift.


Her boyfriend wanted to give it since i kinda help her during a huge event.


Wow when is that.


Quite long. Its when you guys are busy. Well this is like a thankyou sign i dont know when i would meet them again.


Since when you love to make new friends.


Yeah its rare to see you making new friends.


Really this is how your boys treat other girls


They are just curious. Well the painting is sure nice


It is. It is actually has a wonderfull meaning.


I dont see any at all



Same goes to me


Yah. Its the boat sailing while snow fall.


That means something. Really.


Babe every painting has each of its own meaning. You dont understand because you never study one.


Back up my friend. You wont know what will happened next.


Whatever it is. Is this the last thing. Because my back hurts badly.


Someone getting old.


Oh dont mention it. Few days ago he spent almost the whole day in bed.


Hey. Bed is the most comfy space. Dont you deny what i said.


Well guys back to main point. What are we suppose to do.


Yeah we canceled our trips for this.


Well i thought of planning to throw a party.


Did you just said party. Like the fun way party


Yeah. Like its a party for Mark and Lucas also a party for Chulhee.


Whats with Chulhee included.


Yeah. Its like you know something but we dont.


Really you both dont know any s at all.


Not only them. We dont get the point at all.


Wow. This is new. Chulhee didnt tell you guys anything about her.


Nothing much. We dont really ask much about her background.


Yeah. She is just pure soul an... YAH IS IT HER BIRTHDAY



thats too loud...


Yep my ear is broken.


Guys. Chill. Yes its her birthday. Also its the day before Mark and Lucas leave for the programme that the school give.


The one where Sungchan fight for Ryui and Chullhee. That programme.


Hold up. They already know.


Yeah. Yesterday Jinsu told me and the boys. You guys should seen their expression. Its really funny.


Wow so two main celebration to plan on.


Im sure it will be fun


But this party is just between us. No outsiders.


Oh i will sure that therr will be no outsiders.


Sealed that mouth or you are out.


Yes maam.


So whats your initial plan.


Okay so it start.......





Thanks guys for today



You really have to make us carry this heavy stuff.


Bubz what are you gonna do with all this beans. Like theres so many of them.


Well im making desserts. For all of us stop asking me why. I talked to you every night on the phone.


Wow someone forgets his girl words.


Well i thought this beans is for the cafe.


Its okay bubz. You are spending the whole day with me today.


Wait wait wait. You are letting me go for real


Yeah you make a deal to come here with Rami unnie to do pick out the bad beans with us the day after today… which is tomorrow


Wait us you mean...


Bubz. Jisung, Jeno oppa and Ryui.


Woah thats a weird combination.


Yeah. You and Rami unnie are invited with force. See you tomorrow.


Wow what a nice invitation. See ya. Good luck Sungchan.


Hendery left. Sungchan plop himself at your sofa. You chuckled and went to take juice box since thats the only water you have. You went towards him and sat beside him.


Bubz you are full of surprises at times.


And you still love me for that. Here drink up. We still need to go meet Jinsu and Renjun for grocerries


Again going out. Bubz.


Babe. You will starve to death if we didnt get stuff for the kitchen. You dont want that dont you.


Wait you are saying that im staying with you


Yeah. Mom said that you cant be alone for a week plus Rami unnie will be at Hendery oppa house. So why not have you here so you wont nag at me for like hours.


Bubz thats mean


Unless i call Jisu-


Im staying with you and thats the end.


Aigoo this guy.


I love you bubz.


Love you too now get your up and help me move the things before Jinsu unnie called us. We are riding her car for the first time.


Im gonna die.


Yes you are if you arent getting work done or you will sleep at the freaking balcony and not in the room.


Wait bubz what


You heard me you giant. Im not repeating this.


Fine fine....


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that look quite interesting