Ch 24





















So you are finally with him. Here is your change maam.


Yeah. Im like he is way better to be with. Besides that day was my butterfly day. Ice americano for Suri. Also Jisung gave him a green light


Well im glad that they are now staying mutual. One chocolate latte with 2 shots of espresso and two vanilla latte. Yet things arent in their way anymore did you tell Jisung that you are finally with Sungchan.


Comming right up. Yeah. I told him and he looks happy.


He is happy because you already at your right happiness. Oh less foam for the vanilla latte.


Oh... well im gonna meet Jisung tomorrow. Sungchan oppa will be there too.


Oh yeah tomorrow is the day right. And why is Sungchan being there when its not related about him.


Well you know jealous and protective he is whenever im meeting Jisung alone. He gets jealous at little things too. Thats kinda weird but im trying to get used to it.


That fella is sure protective over you huh. Well he is Jung Sungchan after all. Im sorry on his behalf.


Yeah... he is what he is unnie. Yo Jimmy can you send this to the table where maam Taejung is.


Sure Hee.


Thanks. So unnie whats your plan for today


I have dinner with Hendery oppa. You wanna join us. Im sure Sungchan is with him right now.


Oh well i dont mind. Besides Sungchan oppa has been dying to meet his friends since yesterday. He is glad that his grounded time is up.


Well mom is glad that he changed alot. She is more glad that you are with her son. Does your mom knows about this.


Im guessing she does. Well i will meet her in two days time. She will be back home by then.


Chulhee ah. Dont you want to buy a house for your mom. Like living in a stable roof and not in that basement.


I have that thoughts but im not sure if its the time for me to buy yet.


Well just take your time. Im sure you will find the right house. Also you can ask my mom for help. She would gladly help you.


I will. Oh you have calls.


Its Hendery oppa cover for me for awhile. This call would be taking your time.


Dont worry i can handle the counter.


Thanks girl.





Damn you gotta believe me that i'm finally with her


We know but how.


How. You guys asking me how. Are you hyungs kidding me.


Well they are sure is joking around with you


Yah tell them. They wont believe me.


Well they are finally together. Congrats.


Wow. Never thought both groups could sit down in one place


Its rare but we can get used to it.


Here is the chicken. And i cant believe that this place is turning into a crash place


Sorry man others are just not available.


Damn.. oh Sungchan congrats man. Chulhee is sure one of a kind.


Indeed she is. Just remember our deal. You break it im gonna beat you up.


Well i wont break those deal man.


So when is the three of you gonna have your ladies.


When the time is fine. Where is Hendery


Outside talking with his girl. He said that he is bringing my sister to dinner.


You aint gonna bring my bestfriend anywhere today.


I do plan somehwere but i dont know where.


You better feed her well. She gets angsty whenever she ends her work.


Wow thats new to hear. Sungchan you are on your own today


Damn... Oh Hendery hyung .


Oh join me for dinner later. Rami ask you to join so Chulhee wont be bored with the food you always feed her.


What. What type of food you feed her.


Home food the most. We always have instant noodle if she is busy.


Yah you didnt even feed any healthy foods for her.


Its mostly restaurants food. Besides she is the one who ordered it.


Aigoo... just dont give her octopus or anything related.


Why is that so


She hates that stuff and might get rashes. Just stay out of the seafood side as much as you can. One thing for sure she loves crab but dont feed her too much. That girl is a beast of she saw crab dishes. So just feed her meat or any chicken. She be full in not time. Lastly just make sure theres side dishes every time. She loves her side dishes exceptional for Octopus or squid. So you get it


Did he just rap the whole menu for Chulhee


I didnt know she hates seafood.


She doesnt hate that she just dont like it as much as other type of food. Just remember what i said. You will be fine.


I will take note of that....







So you guys planned to go Busan anytime soon.


Well it was planned by Jinsu but Ryui cant tag along because she have to help out her mom. So it might postponed or just canceled last minutes.


Wow girls are sure like a glue


Hyung we can relate to that sometimes.


Yah thats because YangYang always plans the sudden trip. Also this time you are with Chulhee. Im sure you wont have time for us.


Can i uno reverse that to you hyung.


Babe your brother is mocking me.


Stop it guys. So Chulhee. What are you planning to do during the summer time


Aint we having the sports summer event thingy


Oh yeah... how can we forget about that. But the school have to taste your mom cooking. Its gonna be a bomb.


Wont that reveal who her mom is.


Well my mom will sure cover that


Unnie can i ask a favour.


Sure what is it.


Can you tell your mom that i will sponsor the food for the Summer sports.


What are you trying to say.


Bubz you know you dont have to right.


Aniya. I wanna show how my own family can still support even if it uses my own money.


You mean the money that is left for you. Damn...


Babe didnt you forget. She is in rank 2 for a reason. Her dads family is super rich and humble. That is why her father left more for her than her mom.


Oh... wow. How will she be managing that.


I want to do it without any reliance. Just one event and I will work hard again to gain back the money.




It will be fine. Its the thing that has been bugging me. Please oppa. Help me with it.


Alright. I will talk to my mom.


Thanks bubz.


So thats how Sungchan easily melted infront of his girl. Damn.


Dont you dare ask me to do that to you mister.


Babe... just why.


So other than that what are you planning.


Did she just ignore my words


Hyung you just need to get used to that


Oh gawd....


Well i dont have any plans. I might want to spend my time with my mom. She have been working hard since day 1.


You know Chulhee. Your mom is the sweetest mother i ever known.


Oh man i could agree with that. Im so happy with her sometimes.


Aww you bonded well with her then. Im glad.


Well Chulhee. Your mom is the longest housekeeper we ever had. Bonus we have you to hang out with.


So previous housekeeper didnt last long. How does that happened.


Long shot. Sungchan chase them away.


Bubz i can explain on that. Its not like what you thought.


Save that for later. Well lets just enjoy dinner then head home. I have to go somewhere tomorrow.


Oh shoot i forget about that. You want any of us to come along.


No its fine. Im going with Sungchan oppa and Jisung.


Wait i thought we are only meeting Jisung.


Well theres more than that oppa. Oh look our food hs arrive


Well time to dig in


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that look quite interesting