Ch 20





















So you are finally in the middle with him.


Well mom. Jisung is my bestfriend who have been with me the longest.


Yet he chose suspension


Mom. He chose thag because its the right thing for both of them. At least for now they dont have to face each other till their suspension is done.


Well dear. I hope both of you get tonhang out real soon.


I hope for that too. So how is your day ever since Mother Jung son stays at home.


He is so dearly to me. Its like he just need someone to listen him out.


I see. So now you are fine with me having a deal with him.


Arent you having it with him anyways. Hang it properly. It will dry faster rather than stacking them.


Oh... wells. So did Mother Jung knows too.


In this house. Theres no such thing as secret. Mistress knows every single step.




So when are you going to accept the faith.


What faith...


That faith. The one who is walking towards you.


Wait what....


You look at where your mom is talking about. You saw Sungchan in his comfy clothes were walking towards you. You turn back to your mok who is smiling at you. She gave you the rest of the buckets that is full of laundry and left you. Since you know that she has to start preping the lunch. After she left, Sungchan were standing near you. Looking at you as if he wants answers from you. You didnt react much but just continue to hang the rest of the clothes that needs to be hang.


Bubz its been three days and you arent going to even talk to me.


Cant you see i have duties. Also its not im ignoring you. I still talk to you no matter how busy i am.




Can i just finish what i started. Or you could just talk to me while im doing this.


Fine... let me help you with it


Its fine. I can do it my-


I said im helping so dont stop me now carry on.


You sigh and let him do it so you wont be hearing him nagging on when will you be finishing your work.


You are one unbelieveable guy


Indeed i am. So tell me what happened three days ago.


A good closure and maintaining life.


So nothing that i should know.


You really want to know it or you just hoping for different answer.


Well since you are here might as we-


Jisung told me everything. Every single thing. He even confessed to me





No i never accept it. He said something that somehow shocked me. But we end up stay as best friend. Its better that way.


Woah. That is too much for me to render but as long as you and Jisung are just bestfriend. Im glad.


Really. You are.


Well i cant let my contract girlfriend to be upset just because of her bestfriend right. Besides i juat want you to be happy with everything.


Are you happy Sungchan ssi.




Im asking again. Jung Sungchan. Are you happy with everything.


Im happy. I really am. Because i know that you will aways be there for me no matter what status we are in.


Thats all i wanna hear from you.




Well mom is preparing lunch for you. I have to head to work after lunch. Is there anythibg else i have to declare before i leave you whining of why you didnt bring you along.


Just one thing.


State it away mister.


Well after this deal ends. What are we....


You stop what you are doing and form a weak smile. You were left to just hang the blankets but you put it in the basket and look at him. Hisbface shows something else which makes you be in more mixed feeings. He took a step closer to you and grab your hand to hold it while looking at you.


Sungchan.... i cant answer that now. You have to wait. Can you do that for me.


But if we end up not being together. Will you still be my bubz.


Ofcourse. Our friendship wont be gone. As long as we dont distant ourself from each other. It should be fine.


What if my feelings for you is still strong.


That is another answer that you have to wait.


Then i will wait. For you i will.


Tell me are you this sweet when you were with your ex.




I see. You are shy at times. I wonder if it change if we really happend to be together.




Now help me. Your blanket is so big and i cant hang it alone.


Oh bubz. In return you have to eat lunch with me.


Well im fine with that.


Finally a lunch with bubz.


Aigoo. Hurry we dont have much time here.




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that look quite interesting