Ch 12 [Part Ⅱ]





















Jisung ah can you at least not be like this


Its not like that hyung. I never once missed any text or calls from her. Also she isnt like this before.


Chill out Jisung. Im sure she wont forget you.


Its been almost a week. She can possibly forget me and have a new guy friend.


I doubt she is like that.


What do you mean hyung.


She just recovered from her hospitalisation she could possibly want some rest and not be bothered by anyone.


I can argree with Renjun.


What do you mean that Rami isnt joining us this year.


Mark you do know how Rami is. Also she has a boyfriend now. We cant possinly force her right.


So what she could just waste her youth like that. Why does things just repel on us.


Nothing repels. People change we have to accept it Mark.


Whats going on here.


I dont even know. I was not with them yesterday while they were planning something



It must be the food party that Jinsu nuna planned.


Still cant you just begged or something. It wont be fun if she isnt there.


Mark you and your feelings need to be parted away this time. I dont care whats your history or chemistry with her but have to know that she has Hendery with her. If you arent happy and keep whining about this you are welcome to get lost from my party that im holding.




I meant what i say. Now i have to go. I got party to plan on.


Jinsu... yah Kim Jinsu. Aish jinjja.


Mark you really got to let those feelings go man. It aint worth keeping it.


Shut it Lucas.




Well Jisung i suggest you to not be like Mark if some things happened to you


Why are you saying that to me. Hold up you think that Chulhee will do that too.


Im not saying anything just try not to do that in the future. It might hurt you and your friendship.


Damn i like this drama alot.


Oh Lucas hyung. We dont have time for drama. Come on lets cheer Mark hyung up.





No this cant be.


You really at games


How can you... in just one day...


Well im a fast learner mister. So a deal is a deal right.


No no no wait lets do one more game. Please just one more.


No you said its one game and its a deal.


But just how... you didnt cheat didnt you.


How can i. You are the one who teach me this game.


Oh my....


Wow i finally win. Thanks for the deal.


I cant believe it... i lost to a girl....


Well you need to practice more. Let me get paper and pen. Its a contract between us


No i really lost to a girl....


You chuckled and went to his study table to get paper and pen so you could write something like a contract. Once you get to his study table, searching for paper and pen. You saw something familiar in between his books. You pulled it out and saw your family picture. Your eyes went wide when you saw the picture belongs to you was with him all the time. Your hands were shiveribg and didnt expext him to have it. You turn around and saw Sungchan were standing right infront of you. His show pokerface and sigh knowing that he knows who you are.


Sungchan... i can explain....


I know who you are.... My mom told me everything i should know.


When did you....


The day you fainted. After Jisung brought you to the infirmary.... I kinda slammed the locker door hard till the picture fell off...


You didnt know till...


Till Rami nuna told me and my mom speak to me.... Im sorry that you had to gothrough every hard times. I dont wanna believe it at first. Up till i saw how worried Yang ahjumma is....


I should have told you everything.... im sorry....


Chulhee ah.... I know im not at the position but i want you to trust me that i can help you feel better. Even if your father isnt here. I want to make you feel that things would go well and you can enjoy every moment.




Listen. I may be a bad or worst but after i met you for the first time. You seems like you been tjrpugh way worst then me but i dont want you to keep on like that or you will be like me. We may have the worst past but lets not drag it till the future.




At least your mom is in the safe hands and you are living well. So please. Let me be someone that you can feel happy with.


You put the picture on the table and look at him. You gave a weak smile and placs your hands on his cheek. Cupping his fave while looking at him. He hold your hand with a smile and looks at you with sincerity. You could see how sincere he was througout. You were scared at first that you thought he would treat you differently. But it was different from your expectation.


Then be one. Just promise me that you wont leave my side when i need you the most okay.


I wont. I promise that.


He pulled your hands away from his face, held your hands and chuckled.


Im sorry that i didnt tell you about my identity


Well im not mad at that. At least i get to spent time with you more now.


Still you cant tell this to Jisung. He is my bestfriend but i dont want him to worry.


Why are you hiding things from him. Like shouldnt beat friends know everything.


He is different he gets to clingy and demanding hut he is one loyal mouse i know. I just dont want to rely on him much after all that 10 years he have been helping me. I feel like i burden him


Then tell him. He should know your true feelings.


I dont want to ruin the friendship at the same time Sungchan. It feels so wrong but at the same time its to prevent us from getting hurt.




Guys there you are. Come on Yang ahjumma has prepared food for us. All of us are there except for you both.


When would you learn how to knock.


When will you learn how to be at the dining area on time. Besides now both of you know everything lets just cut the chase. Hurry im hungry


We will be there.


Hurry up or i wont leave the food for you both.


Aish jinjja.


Sungchan please. Not to tell everything to Jisung. I will tell him myself when time come. Please


Fine. In return you cant hide anything from me. You must tell me if you are sick, being disturb, need help or even when you are stressed out. You have to tell me everything. No walls between us. Is that understood.


Yes sir now can we please go now before your brother in law drag us out.


Brother in law...


Hendery oppa. He is always here for dinner every single day.


Aish jinjja.

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that look quite interesting