Chapter 11

Call Me Adina

TW: Stalking



Chris immediately sat up in the bed as whoever was at the door was still pounding on it. Adina's heart was pounding inside her chest. "It's gotta be him," Adina whispered, "Should I call the police?" Chris nodded as she reached for her phone. 

The air was tense as Adina quickly whispered to the operator in Korean what was happening and where it was happening. Chris quickly grabbed his shirt and threw it on making sure his or Adina's figures weren't seen through any of the windows. 

"The police are on their way here." 

"Good. Let's just stay out of sight and keep our voices low until they get here." Adina nodded as she joined him against the wall. Chris pulled her between his legs with her back against his chest and wrapped his arms around her. He could feel her shaking in his arms and jump every time the pounding on the door started up again. 

Finally, the pounding stopped and they heard footsteps running down the stairs. The operator on the phone came back on the line informing them that the officers were at the apartment building. 

"Mam, the officers are going knock on your door." 

"Ok thank you," Adina responded.  

Adina and Chris got up and nervously opened the door to two officers. Adina let out a sigh of relief at the sight of them. 

"Is everything alright?" One of the officers asked. 

"Someone was banging on my door up until you guys showed up." 

"Any idea of who I could be?" 

"I think it was my ex-boyfriend Preston. I know he's in the country and has tried to make contact with me at least once."

"Does he present a danger to you?" 

"I have a U.S. restraining order against him." Her statement made them raise their eyebrows. 

"There's not much we can do since they left before we got here and we can't confirm who it is." 

"Of course," Adina grumbled.

After the officers left Adina and Chris sat in the bed exhausted but wide awake at the same time. "Ugh, I can't call out tomorrow." Adina laid her head onto the pillow. It wouldn't be the first time she went to work on little to no sleep. Chris threw his shirt off and pulled Adina's back to his chest. His hand found hers's and his thumb began tracing circles on her skin. 

"Don't push yourself. Let the staff know what's going on. There are people at that school that care about you and will be good allies." Chris's words were quiet and calming to Adina. 

"You're gonna hate me for asking this."

"What is it?" He asked with a chuckled that reverberated through her body. 

"Can you either just keep talking or sing? Your voice is really soothing."

"I would be happy to." 

Chris began singing quietly slowly changing to humming as Adina's breathing slowed and deepened as she fell back to sleep. He smiled as he watched her shoulder rise and fall with her breathing. 

"Sweet Dreams Adina Bean," he whispered before kissing the bare skin on her shoulder. After a yawn, he settled down and let sleep take over. 

A few hours later, Adina was awake and putting her make-up on in the bathroom singing the song she fell asleep to. Chris's voice was still in her mind even as he was just stirring and checking his messages. She was still exhausted from the lack of sleep but knew she would have to just power through the day. 

"I ordered some breakfast," Chris's voice came from just behind her making her jump a little, "Should be here in about ten minutes." 

"You didn't have to. I was about to make something for us." 

Chris stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her temple, "Nah, save your energy for work."

"You're sweet. You coming over for dinner after you're done at the studio?" 

"Yeah, I got dance rehearsals all day until about seven tonight.  Then, I'll come over for dinner." He rocked them both side to side smiling in the mirror. 

Later, after breakfast, Chris walked her to the taxi and waved her off before heading to the studio. All but Han was in the practice room when he got there. 

"Han is on his way?" Chris asked dropping his bag by the other duffle bag. 

"Yeah, he woke up late but he should be here any minute now. Just texted me saying he's walking in the door," Felix responded. "How's Adina?" 

"About as good as anyone would be with a crazy stalker following them." Chris didn't feel the need to tell them that they had to call the police earlier this morning. Chris tried to concentrate on rehearsal as much as possible without showing how exhausted he was or that his mind was somewhere else. 

Adina was going through cups of coffee like a madwoman struggling to stay awake. She was thankful she had scheduled a test today giving her some time to to wake up before actually teaching. She hadn't noticed anyone following her this morning but she had taken a different route and method of transportation. The thought had crossed her mind of moving but that hadn't stopped him before. 

The day went on without a hitch for both of them. Adina had some time before Chris would be done with dance so she headed to the nearest market to pick up supplies for dinner. When she walked in there was no one in there except for the cashier and another employee stocking the shelves. Adina thought about making fried chicken since she hadn't made it in forever. She mentally went through what she had at the apartment as she went down the isles. It wasn't until she was in the back of the store grabbing chicken she heard the door open. 

Adina didn't think anything about it until she heard the footsteps stop behind her. 

'Don't turn around. Don't turn around. Just walk away,' She thought to herself as she picked up the package of chicken legs and wings and began to walk away. A firm hand grabbed onto her arm and stopped her in her tracks. When she turned to look who it was her heart dropped at the sight of Preston. His creepy smile made go dry with fear. 

"Adina!" He calmly greeted her, "It's been too long." 

"Not long enough," Adina stated as she jerked her arm away from him, "You do realize that you're not supposed to be within 2,000 feet of me right?" 

"It's a little hard to enforce that in a different country." His wicked smile caused her stomach to churn. 

"But still, stay away from me. I still want nothing to do with you." Adina walked away and pulled her phone out texting Chris where she was and that Preston was here. She could feel his eyes on her as she was checking out. 

Chris: I'm not too far from that store. Just walk in the opposite direction from your apartment. I can see the storefront now.

Adina thought it may not have been the best idea but she didn't want to make a scene in the store so she quickly left the store and headed in the direction that Chris had told her to go. Tears started to stream down her face stinging in the cold night air as she saw Chris's figure quickly walking towards her. Without hesitation, she buried her face into the crook of his neck and held onto him tightly. 

Chris took the shaking woman into his arms and glared at the blond man, he presumed to be Preston, who had followed her out of the store. He grew very protective as the man approached them. "Who the hell do you think you are?" Chris growled.

"I'm Preston. Her boyfriend."  

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Chapter 18: not me blushing 🙈🙈🙈 also ENTIRELY NOT shocked that the spicy picture was ami’s idea 💀🤣🤣
Chapter 17: the (“We've written so many songs about dating and falling in love..."

"You thought you would be more prepared for it?" Felix finished Chris' thought.)

IM blushing omg that’s so good 😭🙈🫶🏼😩
Chapter 16: I got surprised you updated!!! Thank you for this short chapter!!!
Chapter 15: Oh nooooo, what happens to them now???
Chapter 13: They're both so cute being concerned about the gifts to get one another!
Chapter 12: oooo O.o
Chapter 12: Omg, I'm so glad we have Chris 'cause that would be terrifying dealing with a stalker ex alone. I hope Adina has an amazing holiday though since it'll be her and Chris' first together 😍😍
Chapter 11: boyfriend, my
Chapter 10: Omg, I just binged this story today and I'm obsessed! I cannot wait to see what happens!!
Chapter 10: so you just gon leave me hanging like that???? ahahha