Blend Loona


Hyejoo is desperate for a job. She's had the dream of studying abroad since she was a child. However, with such a lethargic and intimidating look to her eyes, she finds it hard to find any work at all...until a certain blonde foreigner crosses paths with her.

"Can I have your number?"


This is essentially the anime "Blend S," but replacing the original characters (and adding some more) with the Loona members. The other day, I saw an amazing video that blended the anime opening and Loona MVs together, so go check out the video!

eajnve's Blend Loona Video

Couples I plan to have: Hyewon mainly, with some 2jin, LipSoul, and Chuuves. May be subject to change, all depends on how I modify the story!

So to my fellow Orbits who also happen to be weebs, or even just slightly dabble in anime, this one is for you!



Hyejoo has been unlucky with so many of her job interviews due to her intimidating aura. Right as things seem like they are set in stone and good to go, she smiles, and the darkness within her eyes highlights an expression more sinister. Despite these odds, an interesting opportunity presents itself for Hyejoo, and out of desperation and gratitude, she accepts.

What antics will befall Hyejoo as she spends more and more time with her new friends?


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Chapter 1: smile~ sweet~ sister~ sadistic~ suprise~ service~.