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Park Seojun




She looked herself at the mirror and saw the mark on her collarbone. She gulped while shook her head.

"You can do it, Leanna! It had been few thousand years, he probably move on and you are dead to everyone in that realm," she muttered. She then looked at her necklace that always kept her safe and hid her from those unwanted people.


"Momma!" a small little boy rushed inside her room making her quickly fixed her blouse and tied her hair in pony tail.

She smiled as she saw her son who was happily entering her bed room.

"Yes, dear?" she asked as she picked up her five years old son.

"Taeyong uncle is here," said Seojun and smiled at his mother.


Leanna's eyes widen, but then she walked out from her room with her son in hand.

"Leanna," greet Taeyong and Leanna nod as she took a seat.

"It's funny to see you here, oppa," 

"I know, but something came up," he said and he sound in rush.


Leanna's raised her eyebrow.


"I think they knew you're still alive," said Taeyong and Leanna felt her world stopped for a moment.

"You mean?"

"Your father and him asked everyone to look for you. They even went to Green Demon Clan just to check if your soul are there," said Taeyong and Leanna sigh.


"My mother?"

"She's currently trying to make everything looks normal,"

"And we are talking about the Demons men here. My father isn't a normal immortal Demon, plus my brothers... It wouldn't be easy for her to do everything all alone,"

"I know, that's why I'm here,"

"But, it had been what, six thousand years in the immortal realm. Why would they ask people to look for me?" asked Leanna and Taeyong shook his head.

"That, I don't know, Anna. I'm afraid it had something to do with the current incident," 


"Something happened?"

Taeyong nod his head and said, "Vampires Rogues were seen around the Demon realm,"

"Vampire Rogues, hold on for a second. Shouldn't they be lock down in West side of the Demon Realm?"

"That's why they doing a full research to look for you,"

"They're suspecting that I am the one who cause it?" asked Leanna disbelief.



"Wow, so they're putting me in the suspect list when I should be 'dead' right now?"

"We will find a way, okay?"

There were a long pause between them. Taeyong watched her silently. He knew, she was hurting but remained calm.


"I guess I need to find new place. I couldn't let them know my son's existance," she said and looked into Taeyong's eyes.

"Don't worry, we will find you a place," 

She nod.


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