The Last Dream

Heimwee - Epilogue


The rain won’t stop even though Sooyoung is no longer seen, even her remains have been buried.  The only thing left on Jungkook is confusion, fears, anger, frustration about why he needs to lose her through the most absurd way possible.


"You can live with us until you graduate school."


Three of his family members have said this thing to him for one whole day. He doesn't know how to respond with this, he wanted to say yes but he knows they didn't mean what they said at all, he wanted to say no but he's afraid of living alone.


Not until he eavesdropped on his family members talked about sending him abroad with some money and letting him survive on his own. Their excuses were always about money, about how his parents left nothing after they died. He came to a conclusion that no one wanted him, so he ran away. He can only think of one place left to ask for help. 


He arrived at a huge mansion, he doesn't remember why he ended up here but he knows that this is the only place where he could find shelter.


"You can not come in, sir."


He was confused as to why people whose face is hidden with a black curtain, are blocking his way when he feels the need to enter this place no matter what.


"Mr. Jeon, you can not come in."


He gets even more confused as to why these people know about his name, he stares at his own reflection from a window, and someone he sees is a grown up man. 


Not him who just lost his sister, not him who was afraid of living alone, but someone with a nice suit and expensive shoes. Totally not someone who was helpless.


Then why is he here if he doesn't need any shelter anymore? Why he forced his way into this place, why he doesn't want to leave..




"Is he here?"


Yeri feels so happy to hear from Nana that her guest is here. Her parents promised her a friend to take her out of this prison. She never felt happy living here after Seokjin died.


"He's outside."


She doesn't bother to change her white silk pajamas into a proper outfit before running away to find her way out from this hell. 


She saw someone in front of the gate, wearing all black. She walks closer to see him better and she knows that man. A man with no name.


She remembers her fears everytime he sees him, she ran away from him countless times, he was the one who tried to hurt her. 


Her brain is telling her to run, it keeps showing her a piece of pictures when he tries to kill her. But when she finally sees him, her eyes meet with his, her feet just won't stop from coming closer. She doesn't want to run like before.


He asked for her hands when she finally stood in front of him. She stares at it and it was an easy choice to make, as easy as when she decided to run from him before. She holds his hand tight. The same hands which she remembers trying to hurt her.






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yui_7150 #1
Chapter 15: so good...
yui_7150 #2
Chapter 14: aaa...cant wait for next update
KarlaHill #3
Chapter 11: oh woooow. as i reading heimwee since few years back, i actually think that JK's conclusion of his own feelings is not really transparent like others characters, even YR's parents is even more open about it. I am glad you make this one for him.
zeeee99 #4
Omg, I'm glad i found this!
yui_7150 #5
Chapter 8: thank you for updating. their situation is quite complicated but hopefully they can work on it
Chapter 5: so good:)))
KarlaHill #7
Wish you listed back all of ur stories tho. I love rereading it!!