A Secret Party

He rereads the letter again, promising it’s the real will. “Okay.” He mumbles to himself and quickly keep it inside his coat’s pocket. Once he heard the door sound, he quickly prepares himself, looking presentable.

“Oh, Myungho. My favorite worker.” The thin man, wearing long coat, shaking his hand with the president of BSK. It’s a manner and a respect to his president, although he’s the vice president of the company.

“Yes, Sir.”


The two sits closely on the couch while Mr. President taking out again his fake will. As a person who has been fully supported and adored the staff as well as the one who has been look up to the owner. Myungho will go with whatever plan his employer has, including betraying the company.

Betray? That’s quite strong word but honestly, he wouldn’t betray his company, more to supporting his employer. His upper man who has been supporting throughout the year he’s been working at BSK. “Find the real will as quick as you can.” They had the agreement and the thin male will never back away.


Upon hearing the door sound open, they quickly act as if nothing happened. Surprisingly, both of them didn’t expect this man to come quite early for such gathering, knowing how busy he could be. “Oh, vice chairman.”

Myungho bows while Mr. President shakes hand with the vice chairman as the respectful man allows himself. “You’re quite early, Seungcheol chairman.”

Vice chairman, or his full name is Choi Seungcheol sits in the middle. “Never been late in my life, Seokmin.”



Later, one by one starts coming in, employees, unknown people, even family. Somehow, they didn’t expect the chairman will invite as many as thirteen acquaintances in this secret mansion. A reporter makes quite a commotion when vice chairman doesn’t recognize him. “Are you sure you work for BSK? I’ve never seen a reporter like you.”

“Of course, you wouldn’t as I had a secret task from the chairman. But you can rely on as I’ve been for some times working with the chairman. Secretly.”

Seungcheol finds that odd as how he doesn’t know the existence of this reporter when he’s actually a shareholder to this company. He believes chairman Park has many secrets, unexposed.


Once everyone gathers and settle down, a sudden familiar voice, seemingly to be chairman Park giving instructions before the game begin.

“Thank you for coming.” A small chuckle can be heard from the speaker.

“There’s only one way to escape the game or this party or whatever you want to call. But the rule is simple, find someone who killed me. The culprit is among you and a special reward will be given to the true winner.”

With no more explanation, Chairman Park commence the game by leaving them hanging. A game where Chairman Park is considered dead. Why would he do that?

“Okay, what does this mean?” Kwon Soonyoung, reporter from ‘One Step Ahead Media’ starts. As a person who’s been working in the industry for a long time, he finds this gathering is amusing. ‘If chairman Park planned, pretty sure it’s nerve wrecking.’ He thought and starts his job.

He made everyone introduce themselves, including the bosses and himself.


“This is going to be fun.” He mutters, with a slight smirk.


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