
When Blood Meets Silver

“I... need a shower so bad,” Heejin said, dropping her tired, aching body to the couch.

“I think we all do,” Hyejoo said.

“Good job, everyone. You all did amazing for the first day,” Hyunjin said. “Jinsol is coming over for dinner, and she’s bringing food. Go ahead and take your showers before she’s here.”

“I’ll go first!” Heejin, Hyejoo, and Chaewon said at the exact same time, then exchanged looks.

“It’s okay, you can go.” Hyejoo urged Chaewon forward.

“No, you go.”

“No, really, go first.”


“Let’s just go instead.” Heejin grabbed Hyunjin’s hand.

Hyunjin was too surprised by her actions, so she let herself be dragged by Heejin, and without any other words, Heejin turned to the bathroom on that floor. Since the others didn’t oppose, Hyunjin went upstairs and took her deserved shower. When she went back downstairs, Heejin was already there.

“Go ahead, the two of you.” Hyunjin walked over to the living room. “But hurry, Jinsol must be arriving, and there’s two more to go.”

“Why don’t you just shower together?” Heejin asked. “You do that all the time.”

Chaewon and Hyejoo’s eyes widened.

“Me and Jungeun do that as well.” Jiwoo shrugged.

“I-Is it okay?” Hyejoo asked.

“Sure, it’s much faster like that. Also, a tip, the tub upstairs is bigger.”

Chaewon and Hyejoo glanced at each other and took off in a run upstairs, leaving a trail of giggles in the air. And without anything to add, Jungeun and Jiwoo occupied the other bathroom, leaving Heejin and Hyunjin alone, since Yeojin had already gone home as well.

“I forgive you for not trying the move on me today, but you will try it tomorrow,” Hyunjin said, sitting next to Heejin on the big couch.

“Alright, I promise I will try. But on one condition.”

Hyunjin irked an eyebrow. “Oh? And what is it?”

“Your piano isn’t just for decoration, is it?”


“I want to hear you play it.”

Hyunjin blinked. “You want me to play the piano for you?”


If that was what she wanted, it was actually a pretty easy request. Hyunjin stood up and moved to sit by the piano. She lifted the fall board and looked down at the keys. Positioning her fingers on the correct keys, she closed her eyes and let them play a song she knew too well – Debussy's Clair de Lune.

Words could not describe how much Hyunjin loved that masterpiece. She had played it so many times, she could play it all with her eyes closed. It was something she would always be proud of, and could show it to Heejin with her chest filled with pride and joy.

Five minutes later, she turned around to find Heejin sitting at the edge of the couch, lips a thin line and eyes somehow gleaming at her. Diana and Selene were both on Hyunjin’s armchair, also staring at her.

Hyunjin didn’t know if she was waiting for Heejin to say something, but she held her gaze with no words to say.

“S-Sorry, I...” Heejin finally talked. “I just wasn’t expecting it.”

“Was it good?”

“Good? Next to you, I’m a complete noob.”

“You? You play the piano as well? I thought you played the guitar.”

“Oh, yeah, I do. I used to play the piano, back at home. But after... my parents died and I moved in with the Silver Blades, I never played it anymore.”

Hyunjin stood up. “Let me listen to it.”

“Oh, no, it’s been a while. I’m super rusty-”

Hyunjin grabbed her hands and pulled her up, guiding her to the bench and pushing her down. “Doesn’t matter. I played for you, it’s only fair you play for me.”

“Fine, but don’t expect much, really.”

Hyunjin sat where Heejin was sitting previously. She observed as Heejin looked down, hovering her fingers near the keys, as if trying to remember where to start. Lowering her fingers, she pressed down the keys, and Hyunjin recognized it the same second. Rusty, as Heejin had said, a wrong chord here or there, but it was unmistakably...

“Moonlight Sonata, the first movement,” Hyunjin said when she was done.

“My mom always played it for me when I was younger, and then I asked her to teach me. It was the first song I learned and the one I practiced the most, so it’s still very present in my mind.”

“I had no idea you even knew that song.”

Heejin smiled, and Hyunjin could imagine how past memories flooded her mind.

“You know,” Hyunjin said. “I played that whole song in the night we met. After our... unusual first encounter, I came home, and I couldn’t stop thinking about why in the moon you didn’t report me to Chaewon and Hyejoo.”

Heejin’s lips came apart. “I also couldn’t stop thinking about why you didn’t attack me. It was the first time in my whole life a vampire did not try and straight up kill me. And not just that... you saved me.”

“It’s part of my job.” Hyunjin shrugged. “Even if it means saving an ungrateful ."

“Yah!” Heejin stood up and took a step closer, towering over the still sitting Hyunjin.

“The only way you will ever be taller than me.” Hyunjin smirked, looking up at her.

Heejin launched at her with gritted teeth. Laughing, Hyunjin protected herself with her arms over her head. “Help, I’m being attacked by a terrifying slayer!”

“Weren’t you the one saying you would never lose to me?” Heejin gripped on her arms and pushed Hyunjin down, and instead of fighting back, Hyunjin kept laughing and let her body fall until it hit the couch, but Heejin didn’t let go of her arms.

So when Hyunjin’s eyes met Heejin’s, their faces barely an inch away and Heejin’s body on top of hers, Hyunjin stopped laughing.

“Was I really an ungrateful ?” Heejin’s tone suddenly became serious, and Hyunjin wondered how her voice could become any deeper.

And Hyunjin had heard it, the question. But in that moment, she couldn’t come up to answer anything. Not when Heejin looked so effortlessly pretty it was almost unfair. And she was right there, so close, and she smelled so good, and her heart was beating so fast, and her deep tone still rang in Hyunjin’s ears--

Someone cleared their throat. “Are we... interrupting something?” Hyejoo asked, as Heejin and Hyunjin rushed to get on their feet.

“N-No, nothing at all, what would you be interrupting?” Hyunjin said, trying to sound as casual as she could.

Jungeun facepalmed, shaking her head, and Jiwoo visibly contained a laugh.

“Where’s Jinsol? I’m hungry,” Chaewon whined.

“She’s arriving, actually. And she brings chicken,” Hyejoo said.

Chaewon looked up at her, big eyes shining at her. “Wow, Hyejoo, you’re amazing.”

“I’ve been practicing.” Hyejoo gave her a confident smile.

“You started today, for ’s sake!” Heejin said.

“And Hyunjin said I’m great! I activated my eyes at first try!”

“You’re all great, but we’re all hungry, right?” Hyunjin moved to the door, opening just in time as Jinsol was about to ring the bell.

“Hey, everyone!” Jinsol greeted before planting a kiss on Hyunjin’s cheek, and then hugged her and whispered near her ear. “Why are you so red and your face so hot?”

“Just showered,” Hyunjin answered almost automatically, and Jinsol squinted at her as she pulled away.

“It’s summer, your showers are only lukewarm. What did Heejin do or say?”

“Let’s eat, everyone.” Hyunjin blatantly ignored her and stole the bags in her hands, moving to the kitchen with everyone following.

They settled themselves, as always, Heejin, Chaewon, and Jinsol being the ones sitting at the table as they had real food to eat. Hyunjin wondered if she should get a bigger table and more chairs for everyone to have their meals together.

“I have news,” Jinsol said, catching everyone’s attention. “I talked with Yerim today, asked her if she wanted to come and meet you guys, and be with her friends.”

“Why isn’t she here, then? She would never say no to that!” Chaewon pouted.

“She was really happy and excited, but she said it was better if she didn’t come. She has her localization chip, and if they found out she was coming here, she would get in trouble.”

“It makes sense,” Heejin said. “She’s smart.”

“Yes, she is,” Jinsol said, her voice suddenly softer. Hyunjin laughed, and Jinsol cleared . “Having someone inside the Silver Blades to feed us info is extremely valuable. Just like what she told me today.”

“What did she say?” Hyejoo asked.

“She knows Vivi’s decision about you three.”

Chaewon gasped, her hand grasping on Hyejoo’s, who kept her face expressionless.

“Three? Me too?” Heejin asked.

“Yes. I think you already knew you three are banned from the Silver Blades, but Vivi’s direct order is no slayer is allowed to attack either of you three, unless you cause any trouble, which you won’t. She said it’s the least they could do to repay your valuable service and honor the time you served with them.”

The girls widened their eyes.

“They… let me go like just like that?” Hyejoo asked.

“Yerim said there were some slayers who were fine with it, but some tried to oppose. But Vivi is the leader, right? And those were her orders.”

“Do you know… what was my sister’s opinion?”

“She sided with Vivi.”

Hyejoo clenched her jaw, her hand gripping back on Chaewon’s.

“Are you okay?” Chaewon asked.

“Yeah. At least she doesn’t think I should just die.” Hyejoo forced a smile.

Heejin stared down at the barely touched chicken drum on her plate, and even though Hyunjin had no idea what was going through her head, the sight hurt.

“I think this is good news!” Jiwoo said. “Now you know what you would hear that day, and you know they won’t try and kill you.”

“Yeah, I guess it’s the best outcome we could ever hope for,” Heejin said. “And with Yerim on our side, we will have reliable info we can use in our favor and they won’t possibly know because Jinsol is just a coworker.”

“Just a coworker…” Hyunjin mumbled, trying her hardest not to burst out in loud laughs.

Jinsol glared at her, her eyes shooting invisible laser beams at her.

“What? Did I say something wrong?” Heejin asked.

“No, you’re absolutely right!” Jinsol waved her hands. “I’ll make sure to keep you guys updated when she has news. And now let’s eat.”

And as they did so, they filled Jinsol in on how the day and the training sessions went.

“So, Hyunjin said she’ll get me a gun!” Chaewon said, after telling her how well she did with it.

Jinsol dropped her chin, and slowly, her head turned to Hyunjin. “Oh, do tell me, Hyunjin, how do you intend on getting her a gun?”

“I won’t. You will.”

Jinsol closed her eyes, sighing. “Alright, I’ll see what I can do. But you should have asked me first!”

“But Chaewon was so happy, how could I say no to her?”

“She was the one telling me to try it...” Chaewon told Jinsol, hiding with her hand.

“You’re so lucky I love you, Hyunjin.” Jinsol shook her head.

“Love you too.”

Jinsol froze. Her chin could reach the floor. “You... you said it back.”

Hyunjin frowned, as all eyes were on her, some amused expressions, and Heejin’s unreadable one. “Yeah, I did. Is that so weird?”

“Guys, you don’t understand. This girl here, she does not, I repeat, she does NOT show love--”

“You’re painting me like I don’t have feelings!”

“You do, you just don’t show them! Oh, I’m so emotional right now.”

Hyunjin rolled her eyes, turning to the sink as she had finished her bottle already. “Someone please get her an Oscar.”

And while the others laughed, Heejin didn’t.

“Alright, everyone, time for me to go, and for you to sleep. You must be exhausted and tomorrow Hyunjin will kick your asses again.” Jinsol stood up.

“She wished!” Jiwoo said, standing up as well with Jungeun.

“Oh, is that a challenge?” Hyunjin smirked.

“Please, don’t underestimate her,” Jungeun said, her voice hiding a certain pain.

“A fight between the two oldest? Yes, please,” Hyejoo said.

Jiwoo took a step closer to Hyunjin and extended her hand. Hyunjin stared at it for a couple seconds before she got on her feet and clasped their hands together.

“We have a deal, then,” Jiwoo said, still shaking her hand enthusiastically.

“Can’t wait.”

“Great! Sleep well, everyone.” Jinsol waved goodbye.

“Have a good night!” Jiwoo did the same, just with the triple of the energy, and Jungeun mumbled a bye as they left with Jinsol.

They should go to sleep, indeed. But, as the memories from the past night invaded Hyunjin’s mind again, she froze instead, eyes fixed on Diana and Selene chasing their little ball together.

But why was she giving it so much thought? If it was such a trivial thing, she should just be straightforward.

“Wanna go sleep in my bed?” Hyunjin turned to Heejin.

Heejin was caught off guard by how her eyes went huge for a second. She opened , but no sound came. Hyejoo and Chaewon had their eyes on her, and a hint of a teasing smile on their lips.

“I-If you don’t mind,” Heejin finally answered.

“Let’s go, then.” Hyunjin stood up, walking towards the stairs, stopping to kiss her cats’ heads and whisper them a ‘good night, babies’.

“Sleep well, you two,” Chaewon said, and Hyejoo just smirked beside her.

“You guys too,” Heejin said, following Hyunjin upstairs.

They entered Hyunjin’s room in silence, and the first thing Hyunjin did was take off her tank top and throw it to the chair, so she could be in her comfy sports bra. When she heard a loud thump, she turned to find Heejin with big eyes at her and lips apart.

“Sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?” Hyunjin asked.

“N-No! Not at all,” Heejin babbled, her eyes drifting everywhere but Hyunjin.

“This is the first thing I always do when I go to bed, and yesterday I was already like this when you came. You can get in bed, I’ll stay by the window for a bit.”

Hyunjin opened the window and leaned on the frame with her elbows, staring up at the sky. She tried to focus on it as much as she could, so she could ignore how loud she could hear Heejin's heart beating, and how she was approaching her instead of getting in bed.

“It’s beautiful,” Heejin muttered.

Hyunjin turned her head to look at her, and yes, she agreed. Beautiful, indeed.

“The sky here looks so different. I barely even paid any attention when I was in the city, but here, you can see everything so much better.”

“We’re far enough from the city so that all the lights don’t erase the beauty of the night sky. One of the reasons why I love it here.”

It was another warm summer night, but still, Hyunjin could feel heat coming from Heejin.

“You okay?” Hyunjin asked.

“Yeah, why?”

“Your heart rate is a little speedy. Did we overdo training today?”

Heejin’s nostrils flared, and a set of punches came at Hyunjin’s arm. “Stop listening to my heart!”

“I can’t just shut my ears down!”

“Don’t mention it, then.” Heejin turned around and walked to the bed.

Hyunjin just observed as she laid down under the sheets and turned her back at Hyunjin. She chuckled, and after closing the window, she laid down, arms under her head and eyes at the ceiling.

“Good night,” Hyunjin whispered.

“You didn’t answer my question.”

“Hm? What question?”

The sound of the bed creaking made Hyunjin turn her neck, and Heejin was now facing her. “Was I really an ungrateful ?”

Hyunjin turned to the side, facing Heejin. “Yeah, you were. But not anymore. It was just a joke, I didn’t want you to dwell on that. I’m sorry.”

“It’s because it’s true. If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t think about it.”

“But it doesn’t matter. You gave me something that I honestly never thought I would get from you.”

Heejin frowned, and as she did, a strand of hair fell on her face. Hyunjin’s hand moved on its own to push the piece of hair behind Heejin’s ear.

“Your trust,” Hyunjin said, too lazy to retract her hand, leaving it resting on Heejin’s neck.

There it was again – the hardest thump of Heejin’s heart. During the whole day, where they fought and trained, it never beat like that. But Heejin did ask her not to mention it, so she wouldn’t.

“Was it so important to you whether I trusted you or not?”

“I tried it not to be, but for some reason, yes, it was important. Every time Jinsol mentioned it, I would dismiss it, saying I didn’t care. But she was right, just like she’s right every time she calls me a tsundere, or says that I don’t show emotions. It’s very cliché, but it’s true that ever since my brother died, I tried to shut my emotions down.” Hyunjin chuckled to herself. “Even Yuta told me I’m softer, and he asked me to thank whoever I met, so, thank you.”

Heejin held her gaze, her face unreadable once more. “You should be thanking Jinsol, then.”

“True, but you too.”

“Why me?”

“I don’t know, but I think I have indeed become softer ever since I met you.”

“You certainly weren’t soft when I met you.”

Hyunjin laughed. “I was badass.”

“Rude is the correct word.”

“Ungrateful .” Hyunjin clicked her tongue, and Heejin pouted. “I’m joking.”

“Do you like Jinsol?”

“What kind of question is that? Of course I do.”

“No, I mean... do you love her?”

Hyunjin irked an eyebrow. “Yeah. She’s a person I never asked for, but that I didn’t know I needed so much,” she said, and she felt mean for saying it like that on purpose to study Heejin’s reaction. And the way she avoided her eyes and gulped somehow hurt. “But I love her like a best friend. Nothing more, so, don’t worry.”

Their eyes met, and the silence won.

Don’t worry? What in the moon?!

Hyunjin tried to keep her face blank.

“W-Why would I worry?” Heejin asked with a nervous chuckle.

Hyunjin tried to speak, but a weird, cracked sound came out instead. She cleared and tried again. “I mean, because she obviously has a certain someone in her sights. You might be worried that I got hurt or something, but that’s not the case at all. That’s what I’m saying.”

The hand that still was on Heejin’s neck moved away as Hyunjin rolled on her back and went back at ceiling staring.

“Aren’t you tired? It was a long day,” Hyunjin said.

“Yeah, we should sleep. I have a move to perform on you tomorrow, I need to be at my best.”

“Exactly, and I won’t accept any failures.”

“I won’t fail.”

Hyunjin smiled. “Good. Sleep well, Heejin.”

“You too.”

Hyunjin closed her eyes, but then, remembered how Heejin’s body felt closer to hers. She was right there, next to her. It would be a shame if she didn’t at least try.

“I know you didn’t have any bad dreams now, but you can come closer if you want to.”

And without a word, Heejin raised Hyunjin’s arm so she could rest her head on her shoulder, and her arm rested on her bare stomach, the contact sending chills along Hyunjin’s skin.

It was just like the previous night. A feeling so different, so unique. A weird calm washing over Hyunjin, like nothing bad would ever happen to them if they just stayed like that.


A/N: Which one of them is the most obvious, I wonder

Oh... the next chapter... :)))

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Heejinie #1
Heejinie #2
Chapter 40: I fcking love the fighting scene gosh authornim you’re amazing
Heejinie #3
Chapter 22: Daaaamn they’re so hot 🥵
Heejinie #4
Chapter 21: This chapter is so funny HAHAHAHAHAHA
Heejinie #5
Heejinie #6
Chapter 17: Heejin is mad to hyunjin kskksksksksks
Heejinie #7
Chapter 15: OMG 2jin
Heejinie #8
Chapter 13: WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW 2jin fluff moment im living because of this 😭
Heejinie #9
Chapter 11: HYUNJIN IS IN LOVE 😻
Heejinie #10
Chapter 10: Sksksksk this is so good i can’t stop reading this chapter omg my 2jin heart 😭