
I Was Afraid


I walked away and left Soojin at the coffee shop. She was calling me but I ignored her.

But I heard her right, didn't I? She said babies. Wait, don't tell me-

Ugh! What to do now? I got her pregnant. I'm only 20 and she's only 19. I just graduated from college before we went to Japan and Soojin was supposed to graduate next year but she stopped going to school when she found out she's pregnant. That's why some of her friends were contacting me and asking why Soojin isn't going to school anymore.

When I arrived at home, I received a message from Seungcheol.

What the did you just do, Yoon Jeonghan?! I swear I'm going to punch your face when I see you.

I sighed and didn't reply to his message. I was about to put my phone back inside my pocket when I received another message from Seungcheol.

Oh by the way, I know you don't care but my sister is carry twins. Yeah, ING TWINS.

"Holy . I heard it right." I cursed and put my phone back to my pocket before I went straight to my bedroom and locked myself in.

I flopped my body on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

I don't know what to. I want to hide. I want to kill myself. We're just bestfriends but I got her pregnant. We do both love each other but why can't I help her? Why can't I be with her?

I just let the tears roll down on my cheek. I didn't mind wiping them. I honestly want to hug and comfort Soojin now but where am I? Why I can't face her?

I can't just let Soojin raise the babies alone. She'll suffer that much. But I can't make a move. I'm such a coward. Am I that afraid that I won't be a good father?

How will I tell this to my parents? I'm sure I'll be dead.


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